Also of note: firewall6.rules doesn't exist on any of the hosts I'm running 
this playbook against, so it should be skipping the entire block, but it's 

On Thursday, 11 October 2018 14:14:15 UTC-7, Guy Knights wrote:
> I have the following tasks in a block, which I've modified to use the new 
> 'loop' structure:
> - name: process ipv6 rules if they exist
>   block:
>     - name: create all ipv6 firewall log statements from 'firewall' 
> variable
>       iptables:
>         ip_version: ipv6
>         comment: "{{ item.0.comment|default(omit) }}"
>         destination: "{{ item.0.destination|default(omit) }}"
>         destination_port: "{{ item.0.destination_port|default(omit) }}"
>         source: "{{ item.1 }}"
>         source_port: "{{ item.0.source_port|default(omit) }}"
>         protocol: "{{ item.0.protocol|default(omit) }}"
>         jump: "LOG"
>         chain: "{{ item.0.chain|default('INPUT') }}"
>         ctstate: "{{ item.0.state|default('NEW') }}"
>         in_interface: "{{ item.0.in_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         out_interface: "{{ item.0.out_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         limit: "3/minute"
>         limit_burst: 10
>         # log_prefix: "[ FIREWALL ] " # ( will be added in ansible 2.5 )
>         state: present
>       when: item.0.log is defined and item.0.log == 'yes'
>       loop: "{{ firewall6.rules|subelements('source') }}"
>       notify:
>         - save ip6tables
>     - name: apply ipv6 rules using 'firewall' variable defined in 
> inventory vars
>       iptables:
>         ip_version: ipv6
>         comment: "{{ item.0.comment|default(omit) }}"
>         destination: "{{ item.0.destination|default(omit) }}"
>         destination_port: "{{ item.0.destination_port|default(omit) }}"
>         source: "{{ item.1 }}"
>         source_port: "{{ item.0.source_port|default(omit) }}"
>         protocol: "{{ item.0.protocol|default(omit) }}"
>         jump: "{{ item.0.rule|default('ACCEPT') }}"
>         chain: "{{ item.0.chain|default('INPUT') }}"
>         ctstate: "{{ item.0.state|default(omit) }}"
>         in_interface: "{{ item.0.in_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         out_interface: "{{ item.0.out_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         state: present
>       loop: "{{ firewall6.rules|subelements('source') }}"
>       notify:
>         - save ip6tables
>   when: firewall6 is defined and firewall6.rules is defined
> When I run this I get the following error:
> TASK [firewall : create all ipv6 firewall log statements from 'firewall' 
> variable] *************************************
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "obj must be a list of dicts or 
> a nested dict"}
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "obj must be a list of dicts or 
> a nested dict"}
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "obj must be a list of dicts or 
> a nested dict"}
> I changed the first task to use 'with_subelements' as follows:
>     - name: create all ipv6 firewall log statements from 'firewall' 
> variable
>       iptables:
>         ip_version: ipv6
>         comment: "{{ item.0.comment|default(omit) }}"
>         destination: "{{ item.0.destination|default(omit) }}"
>         destination_port: "{{ item.0.destination_port|default(omit) }}"
>         source: "{{ item.1 }}"
>         source_port: "{{ item.0.source_port|default(omit) }}"
>         protocol: "{{ item.0.protocol|default(omit) }}"
>         jump: "LOG"
>         chain: "{{ item.0.chain|default('INPUT') }}"
>         ctstate: "{{ item.0.state|default('NEW') }}"
>         in_interface: "{{ item.0.in_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         out_interface: "{{ item.0.out_interface|default(omit) }}"
>         limit: "3/minute"
>         limit_burst: 10
>         # log_prefix: "[ FIREWALL ] " # ( will be added in ansible 2.5 )
>         state: present
>       when: item.0.log is defined and item.0.log == 'yes'
>       with_subelements: 
>         - "{{ firewall6.rules }}"
>         - source
>       notify:
>         - save ip6tables
> When I re-run the playbook it now skips the task, as intended:
> TASK [firewall : create all ipv6 firewall log statements from 'firewall' 
> variable] *************************************
> skipping: []
> skipping: []
> skipping: []
> Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
> Thanks,
> Guy

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