Hello list,

I have a role with the following structure:

$ tree
> .
> ├── files
> │   └── powerline
> │       └── [...]
> └── tasks
>     └── main.yml

And my tasks file has, among other tasks, the following one:

- name: symlink custom config files
>   file: src=powerline dest=~/.config/powerline state=link force=yes

When I execute this task, my ~/.config/powerline becomes:

ls -l ~/.config/powerline
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 borges borges 9 Apr 20 14:45 /home/borges/.config/powerline
> -> powerline

As you can see, it doesn't resolve to the correct place (apparently it's
using a relative smylink). How can I specify `file` to use absolute paths
to role files without hardcode the entire path? Or there is another
solution to this problem?

Thank you,

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