Re: [ansible-project] vmware - Managing several portgroups on a cluster

2017-07-11 Thread Kai Stian Olstad

On 07. juli 2017 17:10, Drew Merryman wrote:

I have read the documentation
under and
looked at the vmware_portgroup and the vmware_dvs_portgroup modules,
however these seem to only deal with explicitly creating/removing
portgroups. Is there a way I could see the configuration of a portgroup, or
even look at an existing vSwitch?

Ansible is a configuration management tool not a reporting tool, so see 
configuration is out of Ansibles scope.

In Ansible you say how you would like your vswitches and portgroups to 
be and Ansible make the necessary changes.

To see the configuraton, use Vcenter, embeded client, esxcli or some 
other tool.

(with Ansible raw module and esxcli command you can get this information 
out of the esx)

Kai Stian Olstad

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[ansible-project] vmware - Managing several portgroups on a cluster

2017-07-10 Thread Drew Merryman
Hey all, 
I'm new to Ansible but I'm really liking it so far. However, I think what 
I'm trying to do is a bit more advanced, or perhaps Ansible isn't the right 
tool? Here is the problem:

Currently I have several datacenters with a varying amount of clusters on 
each. On the clusters are some ESXi hosts with some vSwitches. These 
vSwitches are configured with Vlans and other things. I would like to 
manage these with Ansible. The goal would ideally be to (within a single 
cluster) make sure all the vSwitches on each host are running the same 
config. I.e. vSwitch1 on someServer01 has the same configuration as 
vSwitch1 on someServer02 within someCluster. Currently some of the 
portgroups get messed up between hosts, usually some vSwitches will be 
missing a Vlan, or maybe have the right number of Vlans but use the wrong 
number scheme. I would like to designate one portgroup as the "right one" 
and merely copy this config to the other vSwitches. 

I have read the documentation 
under and 
looked at the vmware_portgroup and the vmware_dvs_portgroup modules, 
however these seem to only deal with explicitly creating/removing 
portgroups. Is there a way I could see the configuration of a portgroup, or 
even look at an existing vSwitch? 

If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be awesome. 

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