* Berkeley to D.C. peace walk now en route * [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Steve Wagner


This is from The Oakland Tribune,
page Local-1, Monday, 1-21-02:

by Kristin Bender,
Staff Writer

Trek:  They hope they will inspire people

BERKELEY - The Porter twins' plan to walk across the country for peace
started when the women pulled matching fortunes from their after-dinner
cookies at a Chinese restaurant last year.  

  The Berkeley women's fortunes - "You can take on and accomplish
anything you try" - said all they needed to know.  

  "I looked at mine first and then she looked at hers and then we
looked at them together," said Lisa Porter, 37.

  "That was it, we knew at that point that we would be doing the walk
together, we knew it was a sign."

  Today - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - the sisters and a handful of
East Bay friends will leave Civic Center Park in Berkeley on a journey
that should see them walk 3,500 miles to Lafayette Park in Washington

  They hope to arrive there Sept. 11, 2002.

  Many sets of twins have claimed to think simultaneous thoughts, feel
the same pain and possess the ability to finish each other's sentences.

  Lisa and Angela Porter are no different.  Shortly after the Sept. 11,
terorist attacks, both women said they hatched independent plans to
walk across the nation spreading a message of peace.

  But it wasn't until they mentioned their ideas during a telephone
call that the walk, now deemed Peace-by-Peace, was set in motion. 
Shortly afterwards, they found the paper fortunes in their cookies
during a dinner with friends.

  After months of planning, drawing up itineraries and buying maps and
rain gear for the trek, the Porters are decidedly clear about the goals
for their peace mission.

  "This is not a peace march.  (The word) 'march' is war language,"
said Lisa Porter, who quit her job as a counselor at Rock La Fleche
Community Day Center, an Oakland continuation school, to do the walk. 
"We are hoping people will be inspired to look inside themselves, to
look at their lives and ask themselves a deeper question about what is

  The women were inspired not only by recent world events but also by a
silver-haired woman who called herself Peace Pilgrim.  Between 1953 and
1981, the Peace Pilgrim (Mildred Norman) walked more than 25,000 miles
and criss-crossed the United States six times in the name of peace.

  The Berkeley women's journey will be documented by a videographer,
and updates will be available on their Web.site: 

  They are also inviting anyone who is inspired to join them for a day,
a week, a month or for the entire journey.

  The women, who plan to walk 10 to 20 miles a day, have done some
training walks to prepare for the journey, which is scheduled to begin
10 a.m. today for Los Angeles.

  From Southern California, they will head to Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Tennessee and North Carolina.

  The journey will pass through parts of the country that are
remarkably different from liberal, peace-conscious Berkeley.

  "If the paradigm is going to shift, it's important that people with
opposing views (talk) and find some common ground," Lisa Porter said. 
"I'm banking on the fact that our common ground is our shared

  The group hopes to arrive in the nation's capital one year to the day
after the Sept. 11 terror strikes on America, which deeply moved the

  "We were devastated about what that act (of terrorism) said about the
state of humanity," Lisa Porter said.  "I sat a little paralyzed for a
couple of days, feeling an incredible amount of grief even though I
hadn't lost anyone."

  Like many who wrote checks to charities, donated blood and held
vigils, the Porters wanted to do something.

  Armed with a few thousand dollars raised at local benefits, they hope
checks will continue to roll in while they're walking.  They think
they'll need about $20,000 to support six walkers who plan to make all
or some part of the journey.

  But much of the expenses will be covered by in-kind donations.

  Churches, peace centers, private citizens and campgrounds will
provide lodging, food and moral support for the sisters and their

  A childhood friend, Padraig McRauiri, will drive a truck, pulling a
camper with bathroom and kitchen.  He will also cook breakfasts, and
offer encouragement and carry gear, water and those all-important,
lucky cookie fortunes.  

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Meet at the collonade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., every 
Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Jiang criticizes U.S. double standards in antiterror war [WWW.STOPNATO.OR...

2002-01-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/23/2002 4:59:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jiang criticizes U.S. double standards in antiterror war

MSNBC reported that China was demanding the release of Chinese al-Queda members. Does anyone know about this?

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Suicide rate Gulf War Vets UK [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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- Original Message -
From: nicholasd108 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 2:27 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Fwd: Suicide rate Gulf War Vets UK

i have nothing to add to this but my silence.  Nick

Suicide rate Gulf War Vets UK

 By The Sunday Sun

 A staggering 70 per cent of British Gulf War veterans who have died
 conflict ended committed suicide.
 The startling claim is made by a respected organisation which has
 figure with growing alarm.
 Since the war with Iraq ended in 1991, a total of 537 servicemen
have passed
 away. Of these, 380 have died at their own hands, according to the
 Gulf Veterans' and Families Association, NGVFA.
 While the Ministry of Defence disputes the figures, the organisation
 their numbers are accurate.
 And they are not alone . . . the suicide rate among Falklands
veterans is
 also shocking.
 The numbers who have killed themselves since the bloody conflict
ended in
 1982 now exceeds those who died in battle.
 Thousands of soldiers in both conflicts came from the North, one of
the main
 recruiting grounds for Operation Desert Storm.
 NGVFA Chairman Shaun Rusling said: "More than two thirds of the
veterans who
 have died since the Gulf War ended have committed suicide."
 And he added: "The balance of their minds has been impaired by what
 "We are demanding that the MoD puts in place an ethical medical
 allows servicemen the proper treatment they deserve when they return
 active service."
 It was the South Atlantic Medal Association 82 which revealed 264
 veterans have taken their own lives since the end of the conflict
 255 who died during the fighting.
 North spokesman Dave Brown said: "The MOD are doing nothing for vets
 suffering from PTSD.
 "I back 100pc the NGVFA assertions that their figures are correct.
 "The fact that the MOD have said that they weren't aware of problems
 PTSD among Falkland vets is rubbish.
 "They have known about shell-shock since World War One."
 An MOD spokesman said: "The rates of Gulf War veterans committing
suicide is
 88 out of the 496 who have died since the end of the war.
 "This compares to a control group suicide rate of 84 and is not
 higher than expected."
 But Mr Rusling said NGVFA's research was more up to date and
 It claims suicide is the biggest single killer of veterans, followed
 And it insists the true figure is masked by open or misadventure
verdicts by
 coroners reluctant to record one of suicide because of the perceived
 stigma attached to it.
 Mr Rusling added: "Our figures are higher than the MOD's because
 the figures for political reasons."
 He believes that the true figure would cause the MOD severe
 hit future recruitment.
 Colonel Brian Gordon-Smith is a spokesman for veteran's mental
 Combat Stress.
 He said: "The numbers of veterans coming forward for treatment for
PTSD are
 "We have 5000 clients who have suffered psychological injury from
 "We see around 500 new clients every year because PTSD can sometimes
 decades after the event."

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Venezuela class struggle - more details [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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- Original Message -
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 1:05 AM
Subject: Venezuela class struggle - more details

AFP. 23 January 2002. Chavez opponents, supporters mass in twin marches
amid tight security.

CARACAS -- More than 200,000 supporters and detractors of Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez launched twin marches in the capital Wednesday,
amid high security.

The marches, marking the 44th anniversary of the fall of Venezuelan
dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez, were held streets apart, with a strong
police presence for the opposition group, and some 150 military police
and detectives guarding the presidential parade.

The populist Chavez, 48, wearing his habitual red beret, marched with
his supporters from the rough "23 de Enero" district toward the National
Assembly building.

Supporters professed their "love" for Chavez.

Chavez promised to do away with "immoral" giant estates of Venezuela,
which have large stretches of unused terrain and which he said had
"halted Venezuela's development."

He underlined that Venezuela's poorest people living in the shantytowns
of Caracas and other parts would soon be given their own property

His new land law, he said, would be launched with the distribution of
documents among the poor allocating property ownership.

The law, the most controversial of a package of 49 new economic policies
enacted by presidential decree November 13, tighten state control over

The move has further alienated many of the nation's middle class [read:
capitalists] who feel threatened by Chavez's policies.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Pastrana asks US to 'widen war,' citing oil [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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- Original Message -
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:13 PM
Subject: Pastrana asks US to 'widen war,' citing oil

AP. 23 January 2002. President Calls for Washington to Widen Its Role in
Colombia's Civil War, Citing Oil Ties.

BOGOTA -- President Andres Pastrana says Washington should widen its
involvement in Colombia's war to assure a continued flow of oil from
this South American country.

Colombia is the 10th-biggest supplier of oil to the United States.

But attacks by leftist guerrillas have squeezed Colombia's output to
600,000 barrels per day.

Pastrana said in an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday that
his government will ask Washington to have U.S. soldiers train Colombian
troops to protect oil pipelines, bridges and other infrastructure from
rebel attacks.

Currently, U.S. aid is restricted mainly to supporting Colombian
anti-narcotics troops.

"Today, the world is ready to unite against those who are attacking the
interests of nations - and in this case the interest is energy,"
Pastrana said.

A vice president for Occidental Petroleum, the biggest U.S. oil company
in Colombia with a 35 percent stake in the country's second-largest oil
field, applauded Pastrana's proposal.

"It's very encouraging they're looking hard at that," Lawrence Meriage
said in a telephone interview from Occidental's Los Angeles

Meriage said rebel bombings of the Cano-Limon pipeline serving the
Occidental field - which has a capacity of pumping some 115,000 barrels
per day - shut down operations 56 percent of the time last year.

In all, rebel sabotage of U.S. and Colombian oil operations prevented
the production of more than 24 million barrels of crude last year,
according to state oil company Ecopetrol. The raids also scare away
foreign investors seeking to exploit Colombia's untapped reserves.

There was no immediate comment from Washington on Pastrana's proposal.
Any broadening of the U.S. aid effort could run into opposition in
Congress, where concerns run high about getting too deeply involved in

U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson said recently that foreign investment in
Colombia can only flourish if there is an end to the 38-year-old war.

Last weekend, negotiators from the government and the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, agreed to set cease-fire terms by
April 7, narrowly averting a collapse of the three-year-old peace

Despite the breakthrough, the rebels early Wednesday attacked the town
of Rosas, in western Cauca, killing four police officers, and have
dynamited electrical towers across the country.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Class division in Venezuela [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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- Original Message - 
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 1:38 PM
Subject: Class division in Venezuela

AP. 23 January 2002.  Divided Venezuela Marks Birth of Nation's
Democracy With Rival Rallies.

CARACAS -- Four decades ago, Venezuelans united to overthrow their last
military dictator. Today, they are so bitterly divided over President
Hugo Chavez that they couldn't share the same street to celebrate their
democracy anniversary.

Thousands were gathering in downtown Caracas Wednesday to march against
a government they say threatens the liberties gained on Jan. 23, 1958,
when a military-backed popular uprising ousted Gen. Marcos Perez

Blocks away, thousands more prepared for a counter-march in support of
Chavez, whom they believe is delivering the country from a corrupt
oligarchy that took over after Perez Jimenez.

The two marches were to take separate paths, but security forces were
preparing for trouble. In December, government supporters and opponents
clashed when a pro-Chavez mob tried to storm an opposition

"The country is dividing itself," warned historian Guillermo Moron.

Government supporters blame tensions on a middle class-based opposition
bent on deposing Chavez, a former army officer who led a failed coup
attempt in 1992 and was elected president in 1998.

They say Venezuela's elite resent Chavez's efforts to redistribute
wealth among the poor through land reform and other populist measures.

"The opposition wants to instigate chaos. It wants a civil war. Anything
to oust Chavez from the presidency," said Cilia Flores, a lawmaker with
the ruling Fifth Republic Movement party.

Opposition leaders argue Chavez's scathing criticism of Venezuela's
"oligarchy" has fomented class division.

It was the first time as president that Chavez marked the anniversary of
Venezuelan democracy. He previously celebrated the Feb. 4 anniversaries
of his failed military coup.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Re: "Free Market" for Captive Consumers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message -
From: Richard Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: "Free Market" for Captive Consumers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


>Of course he does [George Bush promote "Free Trade], for the same reason >we the
>promoted Free Trade in the 19th century. This might be
>an attack by Palmerston on the German Zollverein.

I forgot to mention Tony Blairs ancestors invented the




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Andean Initiative Forum [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread petokraka78


The Social Impact of Plan Colombia, the Andean Regional Initiative and the Foreign Occupation of the Military Bases in ECUADOR, EL SALVADOR, ARUBA, CURACAO, GUANTANAMO-CUBA, HONDURAS AND ARGENTINA



SATURDAY JANUARY 26TH - 6:00 pm TO 9:00 pm


ARACELLY MORENO: popular leader, head of the national teachers union (UNE), and a representative in the Ecuadorian Congress.

ARNOLDO HERNANDEZ: former mayor in the central Magdalena River Vally region (Magdalena Medio), sociologist and outstanding national leader of the Union Patriotica (UP)

SPONSORS: United Ecuadorian Association (Toronto Chapter); Latin American Solidarity Group; Coalition Against War and Racism (CAWR); and other Canadian, Ecuadorian, Colombian and Latin American community organizations.


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US Blocks Brown-led Drive for Increase in Aid [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Wednesday, January 23, 2002 in the Guardian of 

  US Blocks Brown-led Drive for 
  Increase in Aid 

  by Charlotte Denny, economics 
The US government is blocking an 
  international drive led by Britain to increase aid for the world's poorest 
  countries in the wake of last year's terrorist attacks. 

Washington is already one of the least generous donors - 
despite being the world's largest economy - devoting just 0.1% of 
national output to its international aid effort.

With less than two months to 
  go before a crucial UN summit on global poverty in Monterrey, Mexico, US 
  officials are trying to neuter the draft declaration which calls for rich 
  countries to raise the amount they spend on helping the 2.8bn people who 
  live on less than $2 a day. 
  The conference, which is strongly backed by the chancellor, Gordon 
  Brown, has been called to discuss ways of helping poor countries reduce 
  poverty, cut infant mortality and provide universal primary education. But 
  the US is seeking to delete any mention of the internationally agreed 
  development goals and of the suggestion that rich countries should meet 
  the UN target of spending 0.7% of national income on aid. 
  Washington is already one of the least generous donors - despite being 
  the world's largest economy - devoting just 0.1% of national output to its 
  international aid effort. 
  Britain and other, more generous donors, had hoped that the renewed US 
  interest in multilateral action during the war on Afghanistan would help 
  bring about a change of heart regarding aid within the Bush 
  In a speech in Washington last December, Gordon Brown called on the 
  world's richest countries to double their spending on aid as part of a 
  global "Marshall plan" for reconstructing not only Afghanistan but the 
  entire developing world. 
  Without a sharp rise in aid budgets, Mr Brown fears the world will fail 
  to meet international goals by 2015. 
  Some campaigners hoped that this signaled a willingness by western 
  governments to consider radical new measures for raising revenue such as a 
  Tobin tax on foreign exchange transactions or a global carbon tax. 
  But these have been vetoed by the US - even before the latest attempts 
  to water down the draft communiqué. 
  Aid agencies attending preparations in New York this week for the 
  Monterrey summit report that American officials have described the 0.7% 
  target as an "outdated concept", and that they are pressing for it to be 
  dropped from the final declaration. 
  The American attitude has provoked disquiet among fellow donor 
  countries and outrage among the development charities. 
  "It seems the US will only tolerate multilateralism à la carte, and 
  development, global redistribution and the interests of the poor are now 
  off the menu," said Henry Northover, a policy adviser at Cafod, the 
  Catholic aid agency. 
  Instead of discussing increased aid budgets, Washington wants the 
  conference to focus on how poor countries can improve their own economic 
  performance through further market liberalization. 
  The US treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, is skeptical about the 
  effectiveness of international aid efforts, arguing that the money donated 
  is wasted by corrupt and ineffective governments. 
  In Tokyo this week at an international conference on rebuilding 
  Afghanistan, Mr O'Neill warned that support for the interim Afghan 
  government would be withdrawn if donors discovered the money had been 
  The aid agencies say a proposed campaign to raise public awareness of 
  the targets, led by the UN development program, is opposed by the US - 
  which believes it amounts to an infringement of national sovereignty. 
  © Guardian Newspapers Limited 

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US: Public cynicism towards 911 victim funds [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Barry Stoller


Wall Street Journal. 23 January 2002. Victims fund demands spur

NEW YORK -- America opened its heart to the victims of the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, but a growing number of taxpayers aren’t happy about
opening their pocketbooks.

An ugly backlash is building as families of the people killed at the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon push for changes in the guidelines
controlling how much they can expect to receive from the federal fund.

In rallies and on radio and television talk shows last week, victims'
advocates had hoped to mobilize public support to make the fund more

Instead, they have provoked a surge of angry criticism in the media, in
comments to the fund's administrator, Kenneth R. Feinberg, and even in
personal e-mails to their homes.

"If $1.6 million isn't enough for you, then I hope you rot in hell," a
television viewer wrote Stephen Push, treasurer of Families of September
11 Inc., a national victim advocacy group, after he appeared on CNN last

"We feel your grief, really," wrote another. "I’m just wondering if we
have to feel your greed, too."

At Give Your Voice, a victims' group in New York, more than 800 e-mails
flooded in last week, all of them critical of victims, says co-founder
Michael Cartier.

And flush from a well-attended protest rally last Thursday at the New
York Armory, organizers were stunned by an editorial cartoon in the New
York Daily News Sunday depicting the World Trade Center's crater as a
money pit for victims, with a construction crane scooping up buckets
full of cash.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Bush boosts military spending [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet 
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Bush boosts military spending
US troops will see an increase in their 
US President George W Bush has announced plans for a $48bn 
increase in defence spending to fight the war on terror. 
The increase - of nearly 15% - will be the largest rise in US military 
spending in 20 years, he said in a speech to military reserve officers. 


  It may put a strain on our budget, but we will not cut 
  corners when it comes to defending our great land

  George W Bush It will include salary increases for military personnel 
as well as money to buy the latest in precision weapons, missile defences, 
unmanned vehicles and hi-tech equipment for ground troops. 
"The tools of modern warfare are effective. They are expensive. But in order 
to win this war against terror they are essential," said Mr Bush. 
"It may put a strain on our budget, but we will not cut corners when it comes 
to defending our great land." 
A White House official said the increase included $38bn for the pay rise and 
weaponry and $10bn in "war reserves". 


  The president is also boosting domestic 
  securityThe total defence budget will be $379bn. 
Mr Bush was giving details of the $2 trillion budget that he will submit to 
Congress on 4 February. 
For defence at home, the president said the budget would also call for the 
hiring of 30,000 airport security workers and an extra 300 FBI agents. 
It will also be used to strengthen local police, fire and rescue departments. 

In the wake of the anthrax attacks, there will be new equipment to improve 
mail safety and more research into bio-terror threats. 
Mr Bush said that the war on terror had started in Afghanistan but it would 
not end there. 
He spoke of the "shadowy enemy dwelling in dark corners of the earth". 
Congressional debate 
The president is expected to win the support of Congress for this defence 
budget boost, but not without debate. 
Mr Bush has already been criticised by Democrats in Congress over the 
recession and the fact that his tax and spending cuts will put the US Government 
in deficit for the first time since 1997. 


  The budget will pay for 300 new FBI agents and 
  research on 
bio-terrorRepublican Senator John Warner of Virginia, who is on the 
Senate Armed Services Committee, said he expected Congress to support the 
defence budget increase. 
"In my opinion the Congress is going to be supportive of the president," 
Senator Warner told reporters. "The people of the United States are prepared and 
ready to support an increase of this size." 
But Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, who chairs the appropriations 
sub-committee on defence, was sceptical that Congress would support the big 
increase in these tight budget times. 
"They'd be reluctant to, unless the president can justify it," he 




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US admits bombing Iraq twice this week [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 23 January 2002. US warplanes attack anti-aircraft artillery site
in southern Iraq: US military.

WASHINGTON -- US warplanes attacked an anti-aircraft artillery site in
southern Iraq Tuesday for the second time this week, responding to
"hostile Iraqi threats" against coalition aircraft patrolling a no-fly
zone, US military officials said.

A spokesman for the US Central Command said the aircraft used precision
guided weapons to attack the anti-aircraft artillery site near Tallil,
270 kilometers (170 miles) southeast of Baghdad.

An anti-aircraft artillery site near the same location was struck by US
warplanes on Monday, the first US air strikes in southern Iraq since
November 27.

The spokesman would not say, however, whether the strike was in response
to a buildup of Iraqi air defenses in the south or to a particularly

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Jiang criticizes U.S. double standards in antiterror war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Steve Wagner



Jiang criticizes U.S. double standards in antiterror war

Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 09:30 JST

BEIJING - Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday rejected U.S.
criticism of China's crackdown of separatists in Xinjiang province,
saying there should not be "double standards" in the war against

  Jiang named no names, but his remarks were apparently directed at
Washington, which warned China against using the war on terrorism as
an excuse for its crackdown on dissenters in Xinjiang, the western
province bordering Afghanistan. 

(Kyodo News)

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2002-01-23 Thread Miroslav Antic



Is the United Nation's police force in Bosnia turning a blind eye or,
even worse, participating in sex trafficking? It certainly seems that,
as this new scandal emerges, the corruption reaches upward into the UN
If prostitution is illegal in Bosnia, then why - in the presence of some
20,000 NATO peacekeepers and thousands of other U.N. officials,
policemen and aid workers - has sexual trafficking in the region become
an international scandal? 

One answer may be that the United Nation's police force may be turning a
blind eye or, even worse, participating in the sex trafficking itself.
It certainly seems that, as the scandal emerges, the corruption reaches
upward into the United Nations. 

Last summer, American Kathryn Bolkovac, a former Nebraska police woman,
was fired from the U.N.'s International Police Task Force. Bolkovac
claims it was because she spoke out against the United Nation's
involvement in sex trafficking. Through interviews with 85 women coerced
into sex, Bolkovac learned that U.N. officers were not only using the
women for sex but also seemed to be active in the business end - for
example, the forging of documents to transport young girls across
national borders. 

The young girls are from desperately poor nations like Romania. Many
reportedly answer ads for "legitimate" work only to be kidnapped, taken
across borders and enslaved in brothels that operate with the full
knowledge of the local authorities. 

After Bolkovac advised various U.N. officials about the sex ring, IPTF
Deputy Commissioner Mike Stiers decided that Bolkovac was
psychologically worn out. Although an extension of her contract had been
recommended prior to the e-mail, she was transferred to a suburb of
Sarajevo, then fired. Bolkovac stated, "Those responsible ... did not
want to hear about this." 

Douglas Coffman, a spokesman for the United Nations in Sarajevo, denied
the accusation, but Bolkovac is the not the first to hurl it. Stories of
U.N. corruption were already appearing in the European press. David
Lamb, a former Philadelphia policeman working as a U.N. human rights
investigator in central Bosnia, leveled even more serious charges. He
provided evidence that IPTF members were directly linked to forcing
girls into prostitution. Most prominently, he named two Romanian
officers who sold women directly to brothels. Lamb filed his findings.
He found that "the opposition of the central [U.N.] Mission Headquarters
was unbelievable." 

The Washington Post reported on what happened next. "The United Nations
quashed an investigation ... into whether U.N. police were directly
involved in the enslavement of Eastern European women in Bosnian
brothels, according to U.N. officials and internal documents." 

Another difficulty in assessing the situation is that U.N. officials do
not admit that anything is amiss. When asked about Lamb's allegations
against the Romanian officers, Jacques Klein - the U.N. secretary
general's special representative to Bosnia - declared, "I have
absolutely no evidence, no record, and I'm unaware of any internal
investigation into any alleged misconduct involving a Romanian police

A few weeks later, confidential U.N. documents revealed that Lamb had
notified several U.N. officials about the two Romanians. Moreover, after
Lamb departed, a Canadian officer, the Romanian government and an
anti-corruption unit of the United Nations investigated the case in
turn. Rosario Ioanna, the Canadian, issued a report similar to Lamb's,
complaining that local U.N. authorities tried to close down the
investigation. Yet the United Nations refuses to allow the Romanian
policemen to be interviewed. 

Subsequent U.N. investigations appear to be cosmetic. For example, an
inquiry was instigated but, according to the Post, investigators didn't
bother to contact Lamb or other whistleblowers. Not surprisingly, the
inquiry found insufficient grounds to probe further. 

The character revealed by the United Nations in Bosnia is particularly
significant today. The agency is pushing hard to become a global
government. In March, the U.N.'s High Level Panel of Financing
Development will meet in Mexico and endorse recommendations that are
expected to include: a World Taxing Authority, global taxes on fossil
fuel and/or on all currency exchange and U.N. supervision of all
international finance. 

As the United Nations pushes for jurisdiction over the globe, it is
important to remember how it has acted in Bosnia. The character of an
institution, no less than of an individual, is revealed through actions,
not words. It is revealed in the small behaviors. Such as the
willingness to watch or participate in the selling of young girls into
the living hell of Bosnian brothels. 

The U.S. is the most powerful force opposing the United Nations. If
America refuses to meet U.N. demands - and, as yet, the U.S. h

Lockerbie Appeal. Jamahiriya News Agency Jan 23 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread sipila


Lockerbie Appeal

Camp Zeist/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The appeal proceedings raised by the Libyan Political Hostage,Abd Albasset
al Maghrahi today began at the Camp Zeist in the Netherlands.

The appeal request was raised by the defence team dated February,7 and has
been accepted by the court.

Moreover,a number of legal experts and international as well as regional
organizations earlier have comnfirmed that the verdict issued was an illegal
one considering it as a political verdict and all evidences affirm the
innocence of this citizen regarding this case.

Following the opening of the session, the chief of the defense team of the
Libyan started to defend indicating all the evidences and facts which made
it clear that the verdict issued was out of any legal justifications.

The defense team pointed out that the verdict was unfair and facts
accompanied by evidences are to be presented and then the innocence of the
Libyan citizen the political hostage Abd Albasset al Maghrahi would be
acquitted in this case.

/Jamahiriya News Agency//
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00841 Helsinki
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Palestine: Arafat Calls For Iraqi Intervention Against Israel - INA [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-01-23 Thread Stasi


Arafat urges Saddam to stop Israeli attacks - INA. 

BAGHDAD, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser 
Arafat on Wednesday urged Iraq's President Saddam Hussein 
to intervene to prevent Israeli "aggression" against the 
Palestinian people, the Iraqi News Agency reported.

It said Palestinian Public Works Minister Azzam al-Ahmad had 
delivered a message to Saddam from Arafat calling on the Iraqi 
leader "to intervene to stop the savage and bloody Zionist 
(Israeli) aggression against the Palestinian people".

INA said the message dealt with "the serious situation in the 
Palestinian occupied territories caused by Zionist aggression 
and the blockade imposed by the Zionist authorities against 
movement of Palestinian people and officials".

Saddam said at the start of the Palestinian uprising almost 16 
months ago that Iraq was ready "to put an end to Zionism" if Arab 
rulers did not defend the Palestinians against Israel.

Saddam also ordered the formation of military units to fight with 
Palestinians against the Israelis. Government figures say nearly 
seven million Iraqis have volunteered to fight alongside the 

Baghdad opposes peace agreements signed between Israel 
and the Palestinians, as well as those signed between Israel 
and neighbouring countries.


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UK: Waite 'appalled' by treatment of prisoners [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 23 January 2002. Former British hostage Waite "appalled" by
treatment of Cuba prisoners.

LONDON -- Terry Waite, the Briton held captive by terrorists in Beirut
for five years, told a British newspaper Wednesday he was "appalled" at
the treatment of al-Qaeda suspects being held by the United States in

"I can recognise the conditions that prisoners are being kept in at the
US camp at Guantanamo Bay because I have been there," Waite, a special
envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of his capture, told
the Guardian.

He added: "Because I was kept in very similar conditions, I am appalled
at the way we, countries that call ourselves civilised, are treating
these captives. Is this justice or revenge?"

International criticism of conditions at the makeshift prison camp in
Cuba have grown since the first batch of 158 detainees now held in
Guantanamo were transferred from Afghanistan earlier this month.

Photographs at the weekend showed a group of kneeling, handcuffed
prisoners wearing dark goggles, earmuffs, mittens and bright orange

The prisoners, including three Britons, are being held at the temporary
outdoor detention facility called "Camp X-Ray", where each has a
separate cell with a concrete floor, wooden roof and chain-link walls.

Waite was kept in solitary confinement for four years between 1987 and
1991 during his five years in captivity.

He told the Guardian that he was blindfolded, chained to a wall and
beaten on the soles of his feet with cable.

"I am not soft on terrorism -- I have had too many dealings with it to
be so -- but I am passionate that we must observe standards of justice,"
he said.

"I fear that unless firm action is taken to institute just and fair
procedures, the long-term results for the US will be catastrophic."

He added: "It alarms me greatly that the prisoners' status seems to have
been determined almost exclusively by the US president and his advisers.
Their status should be determined by an independent tribunal. The US
seems to be making up the rules as it goes along."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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2002-01-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/23/2002 11:29:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The European Union could ask Israel to pay for the 
damage its forces have inflicted on Palestinian projects 
funded by EU taxpayers, according to the French 

Since they disrupted the Durban conference it's only fair. :)

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Change of Masters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal
Title: EMAIL THIS Email






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Re: "Free Market" for Captive Consumers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Richard Roper


Of course he does, for the same reason we the Brits
promoted Free Trade in the 19th century. This might be
an attack by Palmerston on the German Zollverein. 

And Ameerica promoted this as a policy since 1945,
it's just there were roadblocks in the way. And the
promotion of Free trade was decided as policy in 1944.

--- Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---
> [Dripping blood and dirt from every pore, bound
> and
> gagged, shackled and chained, hooded, kidnapped,
> interrogated, blasted and burned, collaterally
> damaged,
> foetally deformed, genetically altered,
> embargoed,
> starved, drugged and diseased we are cordially
> invited to come and shop at George Bush II's
> "Free Market"...
> (Bill Howard)]
> [Via Communist Internet...
> http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]
> [Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ]
> .
> .
> - Original Message -
> From: Alan Dover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: M-L list
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 7:48 AM
> Subject: [MLL] FW: LASC: Bush on Central America
> Trade
> -Original Message-
> From: Nicaragua Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 5:05 AM
> Subject: LASC: Bush on Central America Trade
> January 17, 2002
> Bush Declares Free Markets Are Essential for
> Americas
> New York Times
> WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - President Bush invited Central
> American nations
> tonight to strike a separate trade accord with the
> United States and
> cautioned Argentina against using the country's
> economic crisis as an
> excuse to backtrack on free-market reforms or return
> to an era of
> protectionism.
> Mr. Bush's speech at the headquarters here of the
> Organization of
> American States was intended, his aides said, to
> demonstrate that
> despite making counterterrorism the new focus of his
> foreign policy, he
> has not turned back on the central foreign policy
> commitment he made
> last year: A new focus on the Western Hemisphere.
> But Mr. Bush used the occasion to send a strong
> message to the new
> president of Argentina, Eduardo Duhalde, who more
> than once in the past
> two weeks has suggested that the American led
> "model" of economic
> development - particularly rapid market openings and
> deregulation -
> contributed to Argentina's economic crisis.
> Without naming Mr. Duhalde, save for a brief word of
> praise for the new
> president, Mr. Bush said that "Argentina - and
> nationals throughout our
> hemisphere - need to strengthen our commitment to
> market-based reform,
> not weaken it."
> "Shortcuts to reform only lead to more trouble," he
> said. "Half-measures
> will not halve the pain, only prolong it."
> Mr. Bush's economic and security advisers would not
> say this evening
> what "half-measures" he was referring to, but it
> seemed obvious.
> While Argentina has abandoned pegging its currency
> to the dollar, a
> policy that kept inflation in check but badly hurt
> the competitiveness
> of Argentina's products - Mr. Duhalde has created a
> two-tiered exchange
> rate that is designed to inflict pain on major banks
> and investors, not
> the public. It is unclear whether that is
> sustainable.
> He has also declared a moratorium on the repayment
> of public debt, which
> is bound to scare away any investors who did not
> flee when the country
> was sinking deeper into trouble.
> And while Mr. Duhalde has talked about the need for
> fiscal discipline,
> he has not yet said how he will deal with a huge
> budget deficit. Cutting
> government spending is likely to reignite rioting
> that has already been
> rampant through the crisis.
> The International Monetary Fund agreed today to
> delay, for one year, a
> loan repayment of $933 million, due for repayment on
> Thursday. While the
> United States voted for the delay, and touted that
> as a sign of support
> for the country, the reality was that Argentina is
> in no position to pay
> the money, and has already defaulted on other loans.
> When Mr. Bush met with Latin American leaders in
> Canada early last year,
> at one of the first big summit meetings of his
> presidency, there was
> little public questioning of the value of
> American-style economic reform
> measures. But tonight Mr. Bush felt that the
> pendulum had swung far
> enough that he had to note that "some are
> questioning the path to
> prosperity. Some wonder whether free market reforms
> are too painful to
> continue. Some question the fairness of free and
> open trade, holding out
> the false comfort of protectionism."
> But he argued that countries that "stay on the hard
> road of reform are
> rewarded," ticking off Chile's success in cutting
> poverty, and Mexico's
> recovery from the 1995 economic crisis. He noted

Re: "Free Market" for Captive Consumers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread Richard Roper


Of course he does, for the same reason we the Brits
promoted Free Trade in the 19th century. This might be
an attack by Palmerston on the German Zollverein. 

And Ameerica promoted this as a policy since 1945,
it's just there were roadblocks in the way. And the
promotion of Free trade was decided as policy in 1944.

--- Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---
> [Dripping blood and dirt from every pore, bound
> and
> gagged, shackled and chained, hooded, kidnapped,
> interrogated, blasted and burned, collaterally
> damaged,
> foetally deformed, genetically altered,
> embargoed,
> starved, drugged and diseased we are cordially
> invited to come and shop at George Bush II's
> "Free Market"...
> (Bill Howard)]
> [Via Communist Internet...
> http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]
> [Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ]
> .
> .
> - Original Message -
> From: Alan Dover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: M-L list
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 7:48 AM
> Subject: [MLL] FW: LASC: Bush on Central America
> Trade
> -Original Message-
> From: Nicaragua Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 5:05 AM
> Subject: LASC: Bush on Central America Trade
> January 17, 2002
> Bush Declares Free Markets Are Essential for
> Americas
> New York Times
> WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - President Bush invited Central
> American nations
> tonight to strike a separate trade accord with the
> United States and
> cautioned Argentina against using the country's
> economic crisis as an
> excuse to backtrack on free-market reforms or return
> to an era of
> protectionism.
> Mr. Bush's speech at the headquarters here of the
> Organization of
> American States was intended, his aides said, to
> demonstrate that
> despite making counterterrorism the new focus of his
> foreign policy, he
> has not turned back on the central foreign policy
> commitment he made
> last year: A new focus on the Western Hemisphere.
> But Mr. Bush used the occasion to send a strong
> message to the new
> president of Argentina, Eduardo Duhalde, who more
> than once in the past
> two weeks has suggested that the American led
> "model" of economic
> development - particularly rapid market openings and
> deregulation -
> contributed to Argentina's economic crisis.
> Without naming Mr. Duhalde, save for a brief word of
> praise for the new
> president, Mr. Bush said that "Argentina - and
> nationals throughout our
> hemisphere - need to strengthen our commitment to
> market-based reform,
> not weaken it."
> "Shortcuts to reform only lead to more trouble," he
> said. "Half-measures
> will not halve the pain, only prolong it."
> Mr. Bush's economic and security advisers would not
> say this evening
> what "half-measures" he was referring to, but it
> seemed obvious.
> While Argentina has abandoned pegging its currency
> to the dollar, a
> policy that kept inflation in check but badly hurt
> the competitiveness
> of Argentina's products - Mr. Duhalde has created a
> two-tiered exchange
> rate that is designed to inflict pain on major banks
> and investors, not
> the public. It is unclear whether that is
> sustainable.
> He has also declared a moratorium on the repayment
> of public debt, which
> is bound to scare away any investors who did not
> flee when the country
> was sinking deeper into trouble.
> And while Mr. Duhalde has talked about the need for
> fiscal discipline,
> he has not yet said how he will deal with a huge
> budget deficit. Cutting
> government spending is likely to reignite rioting
> that has already been
> rampant through the crisis.
> The International Monetary Fund agreed today to
> delay, for one year, a
> loan repayment of $933 million, due for repayment on
> Thursday. While the
> United States voted for the delay, and touted that
> as a sign of support
> for the country, the reality was that Argentina is
> in no position to pay
> the money, and has already defaulted on other loans.
> When Mr. Bush met with Latin American leaders in
> Canada early last year,
> at one of the first big summit meetings of his
> presidency, there was
> little public questioning of the value of
> American-style economic reform
> measures. But tonight Mr. Bush felt that the
> pendulum had swung far
> enough that he had to note that "some are
> questioning the path to
> prosperity. Some wonder whether free market reforms
> are too painful to
> continue. Some question the fairness of free and
> open trade, holding out
> the false comfort of protectionism."
> But he argued that countries that "stay on the hard
> road of reform are
> rewarded," ticking off Chile's success in cutting
> poverty, and Mexico's
> recovery from the 1995 economic crisis. He noted


2002-01-23 Thread mart


From:"Irina Malenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Reply-to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:03:46 
+Subject:Brilliant! France suggests Israel could pay reparations to EU 
!France suggests Israel could pay 

reparations to 
EU Last updated: 23-01-02, 14:03The European 
Union could ask Israel to pay for the 
damage its forces have inflicted on Palestinian 
funded by EU taxpayers, according to the French 

government.A Foreign Ministry spokesman, 
Bernard Valero, 
said the issue of compensation would be considered 

by foreign ministers of the 15-nation bloc at their 
meeting at the end of January.He said an 
approach could be made to the Israeli 
authorities very soon..The European 
Commission has estimated that 
Israeli forces have wreaked damage worth 

€14.5 million to EU-funded Palestinian projects 

in ground and air attacks conducted against the 

Palestinians.The EU is the Palestinian 
Authority's main 
financial donor.The Israeli Prime Minister, 
Ariel Sharon, has 
defended the targeting of Palestinian Authority 

buildings and facilities such as an airport and 

a seaport under 
construction as a response to 
the killing of 
Israelis by Palestinian militants.French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine 
said the 
attacks were part of a mistaken strategy to 

undermine President 
Yasser Arafat's Palestinian 
He appealed to both sides to find a political 
to the violence that has raged since the start of a 

Palestinian uprising against Israeli 
occupation.In a statement, Vedrine said the Palestinian problem 

required a political solution, which would assure 
reinforce the security of Israel. He also said the 

methodical destruction of the symbols and means of 

the Palestinian Authority by the Israeli army 
easy tactical success, but was a strategic 
(Irish Times, breaking 

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