Fwd: Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread petokraka78


[This email contains three stories relating to the current situation in Moldova. The overlap should make many things clear. For the past few months far-right parties in Moldova have been protesting the "Russification" of Moldova by the current popularly elected Communist government. The Communists have sidelined IMF and WB structural adjustment programs and have moved away from collaboration with NATO. Since then the West has backed the radical anti-semitic CDPP's protests. In this email: (1) Moldovans stage overnight anti-Communist protest (for Western spin by Reuters), (2) Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova (condemning Western support for the anti-semitic and fascist CDPP), and (3) International Conference in Bucharest on the occasion of the EBRD Annual Meeting (for the business interests backing Moldova's neo-fascists)]

Moldovans stage overnight anti-Communist protest
By Dmitry Chubashenko
CHISINAU, April 1 (Reuters) - About 3,000 Moldovans camped overnight into Monday outside government headquarters to demand the resignation of the ruling Communists amid tension over the disappearance of an opposition deputy. 

Protesters, angered by what they say are government attempts to drag their former Soviet republic back into the sphere of its imperial master, Russia, erected tents on Chisinau's central square and vowed to keep up round-the-clock rallies. 

More than 50,000 Moldovans had massed in Chisinau on Sunday to demand the Communists resign and call early elections in the country of four million wedged between Ukraine and Romania. 

The ranks of the protesters began to swell again on Monday as schoolchildren, dodging classes, joined the campers. 

The protests have been initiated by the nationalist opposition, which wants the Communists banned from government. 

Protesters took to the streets in Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries, in January when the government announced plans for schoolchildren to learn Russian alongside Moldovan, the national language which is identical to Romanian. 

The demonstrations dwindled after the government scrapped the plan, but the disappearance of opposition deputy Vlad Cubreacov, a driving force behind the rallies, on March 21 has given new life to the protests. 

The opposition nationalist pro-Romanian Christian Democratic People's Party says Cubreacov vanished after a driver dropped him off outside his home. The police have found no trace of him. 

Communists hold 71 seats in the 101-seat parliament and took 50 per cent of the vote in elections a year ago, thanks to a strong power base in rural areas. But they are facing growing discontent over their failure to improve living standards. 

More than 80 percent of Moldovans live below the poverty line of one dollar a day. Emigration, legal and illegal, is at a record high. 

"We came here to win. We will stay on this square until the Communists resign," Yurie Rosca, leader of the Christian Democratic People's Party, told the crowd on Sunday. Banners read: "Down with the Communists" and "Stop Russification." 

President Vladimir Voronin says the nationalists are waging a smear campaign against his party. 

Many protesters vented their anger over what they said were government plans to drag Moldova away from its close links with Romania. Much of present-day Moldova once belonged to Romania and contacts across the border were severely restricted in communist times. 

05:38 04-01-02

In a message dated 01/04/02 05:42:00 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova 
Date:01/04/02 05:42:00 Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet 


Original sender: IUMA Moldova [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova

Appeal from Non-governmental Organisations of the Republic of
Moldova to the World Society

Today, with stability and interethnic reconciliation in the Republic
of Moldova under threat, we, representatives of non-governmental
organisations, those who share values of democratic society, are
compelled to appeal to all people of good will, to all those who
advocate principles of national minorities protection and who condemn
any manifestation of xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Over half a century
has already passed since the end of the World War II, however, we
regret being forced to witness manifestations of national intolerance
and utmost anti-Semitism propagated and actively supported by some
political movements in our country, and namely by the Christian
Democratic People's Party led by Yuri Rosca.

We are sure that those who underestimate these events, and especially
it concerns politicians, do not care for the future of our state, for
our youth. We consider it an atrocious crime, and the leaders of the
country, as well as powerful international organisations must give


2002-04-01 Thread petokraka78


[Note the census is not being carried out in Montenegro and Kosovo, seing as within ten years these definately won't be united in a common state with Serbia. This is a further disgusting indication of what Yugoslav authorities think of the states sovereignty over its WHOLE territory. Backing down to the anti-democratic Djukanovic regime and the collaborationist and secessionist KLA and LDK elites has been a hallmark of the Belgrade authorities.]

Yugoslavia Conducts Census
.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Officials began conducting the first census Monday since the former Yugoslavia began to break up a decade ago in a series of wars that brought major demographic changes to the region. 

Some 40,000 census takers fanned across Serbia, the larger of two remaining Yugoslav republics, to gather statistics on the size, economic strength and ethnic and religious composition of the population. 

Officials planned to survey an area where some 7.5 million people lived in 1991, according to the country's last census. 

The government of Yugoslavia's smaller republic, Montenegro, has said it would carry out a separate census at a later date. Montenegro's population was last recorded at slightly more than 600,000. 

Serbia's southern province of Kosovo, under NATO and U.N. control since 1999, will be excluded from the survey. 

Until an uprising in 1998 by Kosovo's pro-independence ethnic Albanians, the province's population was about 2 million. Some 10,000 people were believed killed in the war and about 800,000 ethnic Albanians were at one point forced out of their homes by government forces loyal to former President Slobodan Milosevic. 

When NATO air strikes in 1999 forced Milosevic's troops out of the province, more than 200,000 Kosovo Serbs fled to Serbia. 

The number of displaced people, including Serb refugees who fled to Serbia from neighboring Bosnia and Croatia, is also to be established by the census. The refugee population is believed at more than 500,000, while at least 200,000 Serbians are believed to have migrated abroad, fleeing poverty and the wars of the 1990s. 

Normally carried out every 10 years, the census planned for 2001 was postponed by the current leadership, which ousted Milosevic in Oct. 2000. Leaders said they wanted to give priority to stabilizing the country, which is still struggling after a decade of wars and international sanctions. 

The census is scheduled to be completed April 15. Preliminary results are expected to be released in May, with final processing of the data due by the end of the year. 

AP-NY-04-01-02 0955EST

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Israel fires on foreign peace activists [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 1 April 2002. Foreign Marchers Hurt as Israeli Troops Open

BEIT JALA -- Five foreign peace activists and a Palestinian television
cameraman were injured by shrapnel Monday when Israeli soldiers opened
fire at their feet during a march, officials and witnesses said.

Firing started when about 100 demonstrators, including Palestinians and
foreigners, marched near a church in the center of the West Bank town of
Beit Jala, carrying a sign saying We want peace not war, witnesses

The director of Beit Jala hospital, Dr. Peter Qumri, confirmed five
marchers had been wounded.

He said one woman was undergoing an operation to remove shrapnel from
her abdomen.

A Palestinian cameraman working for the Associated Press was also
wounded in the leg, colleagues said. He had been covering the march.

The Israeli army said it was checking the report.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Opinion poll gives Russia's Communists strong lead over centrists [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-01 Thread Miroslav Antic


Opinion poll gives Russia's Communists strong lead over centrists 

Moscow, 1 April: If elections to the State Duma [lower house of the
Russian parliament] were scheduled for next Sunday [7 April], the
Communist faction led by Gennadiy Zyuganov would receive a third of all
votes (34 per cent), sociologists from the All-Russia Centre for Public
Studies told Interfax today, citing a nationwide poll among 1,600
Russians conducted on 26 March.

Only respondents who are going to vote or have already made their choice
regarding a faction, bloc or movement were taken into consideration.

Every fifth respondent (21 per cent) would vote for One Russia, led by
[Emergencies Minister] Sergey Shoygu and [Moscow mayor] Yuriy Luzhkov.
Third place (8 per cent) would go to the Russian Liberal Democratic
Party led by [Duma deputy speaker] Vladimir Zhirinovskiy.

Others support the Women of Russia faction led by Alevtina Fedulova (7
per cent), Yabloko, led by Grigoriy Yavlinskiy (7 per cent), and the
Union of Right Forces led by Boris Nemtsov (6 per cent). All other
factions and movements would not be able to exceed the 5 per cent
minimum required for entering the State Duma.


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Internationals Attacked with Live Gunfire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread TOOLGT


 April 01, 2002 1645: Internationals Attacked with Live Gunfire
 Moments ago international civilians and two members of the Palestinian press were wounded by live fire in Beit Jalla.The internationals were attempting to visit the people in homes that have been taken over by the Occupation Forces. 
 Among the wounded are: 
 - British citizen: Aisa Kiysue, Kunle Ibidun, Chris Dunham
 - Australian citizen: Kate Irving (currently being examined to see if surgery will be required)
 - American citizen: Said Khulil
 Wounded have been taken to Al Huissen Hospital in Bethlehem.
 Word from the hospital staff is people were hit in the back of the head, face and one was hit in the upper thigh and knees. The Palestinians were hit in the chest. 
 Images from the Shooting: 


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2002-04-01 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known
and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the
gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the
very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he
speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their
arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can
no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

--Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C


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2002-04-01 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known
and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the
gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the
very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he
speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their
arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can
no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

--Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C


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2002-04-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Today, as every other Saturday, the members of the 
Macedonian People's Movement gather in front of the Parliament in Skopje to 
protest against the high treason and crime in the country. Last Saturday 
the members of this new movement made show gallows for the Macedonian political 
leaders in front of the Parliament, which later was removed by the police. 
Today, Mirko Hristov, Zharko Ordanovski, and other activists of 
the Movement performed for the citizens of Skopje by making a show of a trial 
such as the trials in Hague. They set a new Hanging Tree in front of the 
Parliament building. The executors of the Our Tribunal penalties are so-called 
Cleaners. Today Our Tribunal (Nashki tribunal as a pun on one of the 
Macedonian translations of the phrase Hague Tribunal, which is pronounced 
Hashki tribunal) convicted Macedonian MPs. They got one more chance to save 
themselves by setting a date for new elections. Irina Gelevska  

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2002-04-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


protests of the federal government and top officials of Yugoslavias military, 
Serbian authorities have made the decision to deliver associates of the 
Yugoslavian ex-president, who are accused of war crimes in Kosovo, to the Hague 
Tribunal. B-92, a Belgrade broadcasting station reports that the Serbian 
Ministry of Justice has already issued arrest warrants for Milosevics four 
close associates: ex-Vice-Premier of Yugoslavia Nikola Sainovic, ex-Foreign 
Minister Vlaiko Stojiljkovic, ex-commander of the General Staff Dragoljub 
Ojdanic, and incumbent president of Serbia Milan Milutinovic. Concerning the 
latter, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic said that Milan Milutinovic would 
not be delivered until the end of his term. The term of his office expires at 
the end of year. In accordance to the law, the incumbent president of Serbia 
enjoys immunity. Another ultimatum made by the US Congress to Serbs has 
expired on March 31. Now, as a result of Serbian governments last initiative, 
Yugoslavia is very likely to receive financial aid and Washingtons support in 
the IMF, the things so desired by Zoran Djindjic. He told journalists: The day 
of March 31 is not a judgement day. We cooperate with the USA and the European 
Union and hope to improve our cooperation. Very soon, we will do everything 
possible to raise the countrys ratings. Zoran Djindjic has already started his 
election campaign. As we know, Yugoslav President Voislav Kostunica 
strictly criticizes this kind of cooperation with Hague, when extradition 
cannot be done legally without adoption of the necessary laws by parliament (the 
Serbian government issued a resolution to allow extradition without the 
necessary laws). The president thinks thatattention should be paid to the 
opinion of Skupstine concerning the problem. At the same time, Kostunica has 
already stated his opinion about the Hague Tribunal on a Yugoslavian TV program: 
Every time I think about the Hague Tribunal and its bias procedures, I feel 
sick. Still, the president realizes the situation perfectly well and says that 
he cannot influence delivery methods that are not legally based. It is an open 
secret that the key roles in Serbia belong not to President Kostunica but to the 
prime minister. Russian specialist for Yugoslavian problems Elena Guskova said 
that the Yugoslavian federation today is a very unsteady formation, and 
Kostunicas position requires that he should compromise. Serbias complete 
dependence upon the will of the West demonstrates the restricted opportunities 
of the country. Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic performs the main role in 
Yugoslavias new democratic regime, and the political situation is not favorable 
for Kostunica today. We remember that Hague Chief Prosecutor Carla del 
Ponte visited Belgrade in September 2001 and demanded the delivery of more than 
ten people suspected of committing war crimes to the tribunal. Incumbent 
president of Serbia Milan Milutinovic was on her list as well. Moreover, the 
chief prosecutor demanded that the Serbian president be delivered to the 
tribunal even before the end of his term. Her opinion is that, when it came to 
war crimes, no immunity should be mentioned, even when it concerns the 
president. The other day, the author of this article received a letter 
from a Serbian patriot journalist. It is cold here. Winter has come back here. 
Buildings are white with snow, and Serbia with sufferings. Railwaymen are still 
on strike, and farmers have recently joined them. Forty large-scale businessmen, 
representatives of the Serbian diaspora, will hold a session at Intercontinental 
hotel. Perisic is waiting for trial. The high command (Yugoslavias Supreme 
Defense Council)did not dismiss HQ commander Pavkovic and head of the military 
secret service Tomic. Settlement of the problem was postponed. The agony of the 
authorities continues. The fixed day is coming (March 31), and the Dutch prime 
minister has presented a list of sixteen people to be immediately delivered to 
Hague and Milutinovic is in Belgrade. Djindjic is thinking about a person to 
substitute him with; the majority of people believe that Mirolub Labus (Yugoslav 
vice-premier) may become the new president of Serbia. Only criminals know their 
business very well. A Red Cross office was robbed in Belgrade, and 200,000 euro 
in cashwas stolen. Sergey Stefanov PRAVDA.Ru http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/01/27274.htmlTranslated 
by Maria Gousseva Read the original in Russian: http://pravda.ru/main/2002/04/01/39075.html 

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New Palestine Resource page available on LMNOP web-site [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Steve Wagner


The Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace web-site now has a
Palestine Resources page available at

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or http://www.webwm.com/LMNOP

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover


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2002-04-01 Thread mart-remote

"Vicki Andrada" [EMAIL PROTECTED]|Block Address |Add to Address Book


Fw: [AL-AWDA-News] Beware the martyr

Mon, 1 Apr 2002 17:02:48 -0500

- Original Message - 
From: palmer 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 3:06 AM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Beware the martyr

http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/comment/0,10551,676323,00.htmlBeware the martyrIf assassinated, Yasser Arafat really would be an 'enemy' to be reckoned withDavid Hirst in BeirutSaturday March 30, 2002The GuardianEver since he was confined to his Ramallah headquarters, Yasser Arafat - the world's most exalted political prisoner - has been making it clear that he is prepared to die for his cause. Several weeks ago he reportedly ordered his guards to resist Israeli assault "up to and including the death of the president". And now, from the windowless basement where he has taken refuge from Israeli troops already within his compound, a pistol on his desk and a mobile phone to his ear, he proclaims to the world that "the Palestinians will never kneel" and that the only form in which his historic adversary, General Ariel Sharon, will ever lay hands on him is "as the corpse of a martyr".His demise would certainly have as dire a posthumous impact as any one man's could have. For he is now, in what could be his last hours, the supreme, heroic embodiment of his people's will. At the same time, this is an Israeli assault on the whole quest for Middle East peace, both in its Palestinian and its wider Arab dimension, which he has come to embody as never before.
It comes just after the most convincing olive branch ever to come from theArab world. At their summit conference in Beirut, the Arab kings andpresidents unanimously offered that full acceptance, and integration into, the region for which Israel has been striving since it came into being.It is not, apparently, Sharon's intention to kill him, for he is doubtless aware of the drastic repercussions. He has only declared Arafat an "enemy" to be "isolated". It is not spelt out what that actually means. But ever since Sharon has been at war with Arafat - and that takes us back to the invasion of Lebanon 20 years ago - he has argued that it is Arafat and the institutions he controls, first the PLO and now the Palestinian Authority, which instigate the terror. Destroy them and you destroy the terror with them. Sharon has forever been obsessed by the idea that an alternative leadership would be properly accommodating.Arafat has doubtless done much to bring this extremity on himself. Hisleadership is wayward and erratic. He has often appeared to tolerate, or even surreptitiously encourage, the terrorism which he formally condemns. He has thereby given that other man of violence, Sharon himself, all the ammunition he needed. For Sharon, this is just a drastic but legitimate escalation of his war on terror.But this is not the principal criterion by which the two men should bejudged. For there is a world of difference between them when it comes to the supreme objective, peace, to which both officially subscribe.Throughout the steadily escalating intifada, Arafat has remainedconvincingly wedded to the historic compromise, enshrined in the Osloagreement, whereby the Palestinians would set up their state on that 22% oforiginal Palestine constituted by the West Bank and Gaza, and leave theremaining 78% to Israel. He has grown even more conciliatory, in fact,softening his position on such crucial issues as the refugees' "right of return".There is no doubt, either, that in holding to this aim he reflects the will of the bulk of his people, including those, such as the Fatah "young guard", who were chiefly behind the intifada. The Palestinian mainstream continues to say "an end to the occupation and no more". And so, through the latest summit, does the whole Arab world.Sharon, by contrast, continues to espouse a conception of peace entirely at odds with solemn commitments Israel has already entered into, not to mention the broad Arab and international consensus. He and the Israeli right have no interest in a historic compromise that detracts from their maximalist aim, which is to secure and perpetuate control over the whole "Land of Israel".
It has long been clear that he is engaged not simply in the suppression of Palestinian violence, but of the whole notion of Palestinian self-determination on any portion of Palestinian territory, of any representative Palestinian institution capable of bringing it about.Given this higher political objective, as well as the deeply personalanimosity that drives Sharon - he said again this week that he regrets not having killed his "enemy" in the past - it was inevitable that sooner or later Arafat would face the reckoning he now does. This stepped-up siege of the Palestinian leader, his possibly banishment or death - accidental or deliberate - is drastic enough, but it can only lead to the much more 

Check Euro Stars! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Andrej Tisma


The circle of stars is the well known symbol of European states, so we are
giving an illustration of the values they are representing. Click on
each star in the circle on our web site (URL below) in order to see its
equivalent in the reality.

Welcome to Europe!

Buducnost je Evropa!




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FW: [MSANews] [southnews] Francis Boyle on The Big Lie [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Boyle, Francis


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

-Original Message-
From: Boyle, Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:46 AM
To: Killeacle (E-mail)
Subject: [MSANews] [southnews] Francis Boyle on The Big Lie

-Original Message-
From: MSANews Service [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: [MSANews] [southnews] Francis Boyle on The Big Lie

Support MSANEWS, a project of learning
  and enlightenment
  Truth today is estranged; and those who claim
  it are unknown. -- Al-Jahiz (776-868)

  The Universe is undergoing a complete upheaval...
  Its nature is going to change so as to enable its
  creation anew. -- Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)

Source: Direct Submission
Organization: South Movement
Email: Dave Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 12:07:18 +1000
Title: [southnews] Francis Boyle on The Big Lie





Francis A. Boyle

Professor of International Law

Legal Advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organization on
Creation of the State of Palestine (1987-1989)

Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle
East Peace Negotiations (1991-1993)

Sometime Legal Advisor to the Provisional Government of the
State of Palestine

* © Copyright 2002 by Francis A. Boyle. All rights reserved.
The viewpoints expressed here are solely my own.

I am not Arab. I am not Jewish. I am not Palestinian. I am
not Israeli. I am Irish American. Our People have no
proverbial horse in this race.  What follows is to the best
of my immediate recollection:

The Big Lie

Growing up in the United States during the late 1950s and
early 1960s while strongly supporting the just struggle of
African Americans for civil rights, I was brainwashed at
school as well as by the mainstream news media and popular
culture to be just as pro-Israel as everyone else in America.
Then came the 1967 Middle East War. At that time, my
assessment of the situation was that Israel had attacked
these Arab countries first, stolen their lands, and then
driven out their respective peoples from their homes. I then
realized that everything I had been told about Israel was
The Big Lie. Israel was Goliath, not David. I resolved to
study the Middle East in more detail in order to figure out
what the Truth really was.

Of course by then I had already figured out that everything I
was being told about the Vietnam War also constituted The Big
Lie. The same was true for U.S. military intervention into
Latin America after the Johnson administration's gratuitous
invasion of the Dominican Republic. The same for the
pie-in-the-sky Camelot peddled by the Kennedy
administration after the Bay of Pigs invasion/fiasco and its
self-induced Cuban Missile Crisis that was a near-miss for
nuclear Armageddon. So I just added the Middle East to the
list of international subjects that I needed to pay more
attention to in my life.


I entered the University of Chicago as an undergraduate in
September of 1968 after having just attended the tumultuous
Chicago Democratic Convention. Because of the heavy
common-core requirements there, I could not take a course on
the Middle East until the next academic year. Then I signed
up for a course on Middle East Politics taught by Professor
Leonard Binder. To his great credit, Professor Binder was
most fair and balanced in his presentation of the Palestinian
and other Arab claims against Israel during the course of his
classroom lectures. In addition, his massive reading list
forced me to go through everything then written in English
that was favorable to the Palestinian People, as well as
reading the standard pro-Israel sources. By the end of
Professor Binder's course in the Winter of 1970, I had become
convinced of three basic propositions: (1) that the world had
inflicted a terrible injustice upon the Palestinian People in
1947-1948; (2) that there will be no peace in the Middle East
until this injustice was somehow rectified; and (3) that the
Palestinian People were entitled to an independent nation
state of their own. I have publicly maintained these
positions for the past three decades at great cost to myself.

In particular, I have been accused of being everything but a
child molester because of my public support for the
Palestinian People. I have seen every known principle of
Academic Integrity and Academic Freedom violated in order to
suppress the basic rights of the Palestinian People.  In
fact, there is no such thing as Academic Integrity and
Academic Freedom in the United States of America when it
comes to asserting the rights 

FW: Prof. Francis Boyle: Law and Disorder in the Middle East (Full-T ext) [WWW

2002-04-01 Thread Boyle, Francis


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

-Original Message-
From: Boyle, Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:36 AM
To: Killeacle (E-mail)
Subject: Prof. Francis Boyle: Law and Disorder in the Middle East
(Full-T ext)

-Original Message-
From: msanews eds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Prof. Francis Boyle: Law and Disorder in the Middle East

Support MSANEWS, a project of learning
  and enlightenment
  Truth today is estranged; and those who claim
  it are unknown. -- Al-Jahiz (776-868)

  The Universe is undergoing a complete upheaval...
  Its nature is going to change so as to enable its
  creation anew. -- Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)

Source: Americans for Middle East Understanding (AMEU)
URL: http://www.ameu.org
Type: Web Pointer; Sample
Date: 20 Jan 2002
Title: Prof. Francis Boyle: Law and Disorder in the Middle East


Americans for 
Middle East Understanding 


January 2002

Law and Disorder in the Middle East
by: Francis A. Boyle

The Participants 

The Palestinian delegation entered the negotiations in good faith in order
to negotiate an interim peace agreement with Israel that would create a
Palestinian interim self-government for a transitional five-year period.

Immediately following the ceremonial opening at Madrid on 30 October 1991,
I was instructed to draft several position papers on numerous issues that
were expected to come up during the first round of negotiations scheduled
to begin a month later in Washington, D.C. But when we got to our
headquarters at the Grand Hotel in Washington, nothing happened. At the
U.S. State Department headquarters, which served as the venue for all
tracts of the Middle East peace negotiations, the Israeli team offered no
reasonable good-faith proposals for dealing with the Palestinians.

At that time the Israeli government was headed by the Likud party under
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. Later on, Shamir admitted that his strategy
at the peace negotiations was to drag them out for the next decade. Having
been personally subjected to this process, I can assure you that Prime
Minister Shamir accomplished his objective for as long as he was in power.

Most distressing of all, however, was that the United States State
Department went along with Shamir's strategy. It soon became obvious that
U.S. officials had no intention whatsoever to pressure Israel to negotiate
in good faith. To the contrary, they usually sided with the Israeli
delegation against the Palestinian delegation in support of Shamir's
stall-strategy. Furthermore --- having done some work at the request of
the Syrian delegation to the peace negotiations --- I can certify that the
same stall-strategy was operative during the first round of the
Israeli-Syrian negotiations in Washington.

When the Likud party lost the elections in June of 1992, the Labor party
came to power under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. One of the first changes
Rabin made in the negotiations was to fire the Israeli-Syrian team and
bring in new and dynamic leadership under Professor Itimar Rabinowitz,
generally considered to be Israel's top expert on Syria. With the new
Syrian team in place, substantial progress was made during the course of
the Israeli-Syrian track to such an extent that, if Labor had won the next
round of Israeli elections, there would have been an Israeli-Syrian peace
agreement along the lines of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. This still
could happen now if Israel ever becomes willing to implement U. N.
Security Council Resolution 242 (1967), which Israel is obligated to do in
any event.

By comparison, Prime Minister Rabin kept the Likud team for negotiating
with the Palestinian delegation. This was a most inauspicious sign. Soon
thereafter, in the late summer of 1992, the Israeli team tendered a
proposal to the Palestinian delegation for an interim peace agreement that
included a draft Palestinian interim self-government.

Israel's Bantustan Proposal

Because of its importance, the head of the Palestinian delegation, Dr.
Abdel Shafi, asked me to fly to Washington to analyze the Israeli proposal
in situ for the Palestinian delegation. Part of my responsibilities was to
review all preceding peace proposals put forward by Israel with respect to
the Palestinians, going back to the original Camp David Accords, including
the Linowitz negotiations that took place thereafter under the Carter

Upon my arrival at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon 

RE: Of Robert Mugabe and the cadre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread cube321


Why the namecalling, Heather? 

Why are you wasting your time here? You going to reform us? You just 
 got appointed commisar of political recitiude? Or are you just an 
Whatever. I join my friends in hoping you fade away and soon. You add 
 nothing here but a lot of liberal bullshit. No one is commending you, no 
 is grateful for your effluvium. 


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2002-04-01 Thread Stasi


9 Victoria Road, Barnsley, South 
Yorkshire S70 2BB
www.socialist-labour-party.org.uk e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Press Release


Members of the Socialist Labour Party’s Youth Section have 
become part of the ‘human shield’ surrounding PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat’s 
headquarters in Ramallah, and are defending the rights of the Palestinian people 
from the fascist attacks of Israel’s invading and occupying forces.

SLP General Secretary Arthur Scargill said he was proud that 
British SLP Youth Section representatives including Sukant Chandan and Dan 
Glazebrook are setting an example of solidarity with the people of Palestine who 
are opposing Israeli state terrorism and occupation.

Arthur Scargill urged countries and peoples to take whatever 
action is necessary to stop the genocidal attacks by Israel. "They should demand 
an immediate withdrawal by Israel not only from Ramallah but from all 
Palestinian lands it has unlawfully occupied since 1967 in defiance of United 
Nations Resolutions," he said.
Socialist Labour Party
1 April, 2002

10.45 p.m.


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Palestine. Britons join 200 in human shield [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Palestine. Britons join 200 in human shield

From: carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Guardian: Britons join 200 in human shield

sussex delegate Osama Mutawa quoted.


Britons join 200 in human shield

Peter Beaumont in Ramallah and Martin Wainwright
Monday April 1, 2002
The Guardian

More than 200 international volunteers, including some 50 Britons, deployed
themselves in Ramallah and two refugee camps at Bethlehem last night in an
attempt to form human shields for Palestinian families.
The British contingent, ranging from a retired nurse from Kent to a group of
students from Manchester, joined Americans and Europeans dispersed among
houses close to Yasser Arafat's headquarters and Israeli army tank
formations near Bethlehem's Azar and Aida refugee camps.

Israel ordered all foreign volunteers and journalists to leave Ramallah
yesterday, as another media worker was shot and wounded while covering the
fighting in the city.

The warning came as Anthony Shadeed, an American reporter for the Boston
Globe, was wounded in the back and shoulder after being shot near the city's
main square. He said he was walking along one of the main streets with his
Palestinian fixer when he was hit from behind by a single sniper shot.
Israeli soldiers denied that he had been shot by their forces.

Israel warned that any foreigners who chose to remain in Ramallah did so at
the risk of being mistaken for Palestinian gunmen and shot.

But speaking above gunshots and the clatter of a surveillance helicopter,
Rory Macmillan, an international business lawyer from Scotland, said he was
at the Aida camp in Bethlehem to offer non-violent resistance to any attempt
by the Israelis to arrest Palestinians or threaten families.

I decided to use my Easter holidays to come out with a group to dig up
roadblocks and block tanks in the occupied territories, he said. There are
15 or more tanks close by and there's a general expectation that they'll
move in.

The soldiers don't use the streets - they move from house to house,
blasting holes in the wall to get through. We're here in the hope they'll
hold back if there's a foreign national.

In Ramallah, Osama Mutawa from Brighton said his group of human shields
asked the British consulate yesterday to evacuate them but had been told
there were no plans to do so. He said: The British public has no idea what
is going on here. We decided we should come and try and stay with families
to protect them.

Sarah Irving, 26, a Manchester University MA student in political economy,
who is also staying at Azar, said: You can't go anywhere at the moment,
it's too dangerous, but we are each staying with a family. There are 38
tanks at the nearest checkpoint and we can hear an Israeli Cobra helicopter

Dr Mortaza Sahibzada, another British volunteer, said that despite the
deteriorating situation, he planned to stay on at Aida until the second week
in April, when he had to get back to his work as a research fellow in
engineering at Imperial College, London.

Most of the British volunteers travelled to the Middle East with the
International Solidarity Movement, a coalition of groups concerned about the
plight of the Palestinians.


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China. People´s Daily Apr 2 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: [kominform2] China. People´s Daily Apr 2


World to Israel: Don't Harm Arafat.

World leaders sought guarantees from Israel that Yasser Arafat would not be
harmed in its new military offensive, warning Sunday that the siege of the
Palestinian leader headquarters could lead to catastrophic consequences.

World leaders sought guarantees from Israel that Yasser Arafat would not be
harmed in its new military offensive, warning Sunday that the siege of the
Palestinian leader headquarters could lead to catastrophic consequences.
From Asia to the Middle East and Europe, governments issued urgent calls for
restraint as Arafat remained trapped inside his West Bank compound and gun
battles raged outside between his Palestinian guards and Israeli troops.
Israel has said it has no intention of harming Arafat and instead aims to
isolate him as it launches a campaign against militants after a string of
Palestinian attacks.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in an address to his people Sunday
that Israel was at war and vowed to destroy a terrorist infrastructure
he said was directed by Arafat.
Arab leaders were not convinced Israel would refrain from harming the
Palestinian leader.
If Arafat is harmed, the resistance will go on because each Palestinian is
Yasser Arafat, Crown Prince Abdullah, Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler said
It is not a surprise at all for a man like Sharon, with his known past, to
attempt to harm Arafat and our brotherly Palestinian people, he said,
according to the state news agency.

Jordan, one of only two nations to have signed a peace accord with Israel,
summoned Israel's ambassador Sunday and threatened to take unspecified
measures in its ties with Israel unless the action was immediately stopped,
said Information Minister Mohammad Affash Adwan.
Morocco's King Mohammed VI telephoned Sharon on Sunday to seek a guarantee
that Arafat would not be harmed, a diplomatic official in Rabat told The
Associated Press. The king also urged Sharon to halt military operations and
respect a UN resolution passed Saturday calling on Israel to withdraw troops
from Palestinian cities. Eleven Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers have
died in fighting in the West Bank city of Ramallah since Friday.
European nations echoed demands that Israel comply with the resolution,
which also calls on both sides to cooperate with US truce efforts.
German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said Sunday the escalation of
violence risked a destabilization of the entire region and urged Israel to
guarantee Arafat is not hurt.
The Palestinian Authority must get back its capacity to act, Fischer said.
China fears disastrous consequences for the Middle East if unexpected
incidents took place to Arafat's safety, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan told
his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres, in a phone call Sunday.
In the United States, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said the Bush administration
should act to rein in Israel, saying the military action was turning world
sympathy against the United States.
It is solidifying most of the Third World against us, and that's not a good
thing, he told The Associated Press. That (anti-terror) coalition we
pulled together in September is now against us on this.

US President Bush on Saturday defended Israel's assault on Ramallah, saying
it has a right to defend itself and said Arafat should do more to stop
anti-Israeli attacks.
In the latest anti-Israeli attack, two Palestinian suicide bombers blew
themselves up Sunday, killing at least 12 people and wounding more than 40,
in separate attacks in the Israeli port city of Haifa and a Jewish West Bank
Several leaders said that Arafat had no means of halting the spiraling
violence while trapped inside his office, where phone lines and electricity
have been cut.
I do not think that Arafat is in a situation where he can manage this,
Sweden's Prime Minister Goeran Persson said in a radio interview.
French President Jacques Chirac cautioned both Israelis and Palestinians
against a policy of force and terror.
I am appalled, appalled by the chain of events and the considerable risk
that this represents for the whole region and for all its inhabitants, he
said during an interview with TV5.
Pope John Paul II turned his Easter Sunday message into a denunciation of
the bloody chain of events that have plunged the Holy Land into horror and
Summoning up his strength, a frail John Paul made a plea for peace, saying,
No one can remain silent and inactive, no political or religious leader!

Sharon Vows to Continue Tough Action Against Palestinians.

Empire's Advocates, or Nothing New Among Neo-Conservatives [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Nicholas Camerota


The International Herald Tribune 

'It takes an empire,' say several U.S. thinkers by Emily Eakin The New York Times [Monday, April 1, 2002] 

Struggling to get a handle on U.S. foreign policy? For starters, try dusting off your Livy and boning up on the Second Punic War. Or dip into a good history of 19th-century Britain, paying close attention to those dazzling military campaigns in the Middle East - the Battle of Omdurman, say, or the Second Afghan War. 

Today, America is no mere superpower or hegemon but a full-blown empire in the Roman and British sense. That, at any rate, is the consensus of some of the most notable U.S. commentators and scholars. 

"People are now coming out of the closet on the word 'empire,'" said the conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer. "The fact is no country has been as dominant culturally, economically, technologically and militarily in the history of the world since the Roman Empire." 

Americans are used to being told - typically by resentful foreigners - that they are imperialists. But lately some of the nation's own eminent thinkers are embracing the idea. More astonishing, they are using the term with approval. From the isolationist right to the imperialist-bashing left, a growing number of experts are issuing stirring paeans to American empire. 
The Weekly Standard kicked off the parade early last fall with "The Case for American Empire," by The Wall Street Journal's editorial features editor, Max Boot. Quoting the title of Patrick Buchanan's last book, "America: A Republic, not an Empire," Boot said, "This analysis is exactly backward: the Sept. 11 attack was a result of insufficient American involvement and ambition; the solution is to be more expansive in our goals and more assertive in their implementation." 

Calling for the military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, Boot cited the stabilizing effect of 19th-century British rule in the region. "Afghanistan and other troubled lands today," he wrote, "cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by self-confident Englishmen in jodphurs and pith helmets." 
Since then, the empire idea has caught on. In January, Charles Fairbanks, a foreign policy expert at Johns Hopkins University, told an audience at Michigan State University that America was "an empire in formation." Last month, a Yale University professor, Paul Kennedy - who 10 years ago was predicting America's ruin from imperial overreach - went further. 

"Nothing has ever existed like this disparity of power," Kennedy wrote in the Financial Times of London. "The Pax Britannica was run on the cheap, Britain's army was much smaller than European armies and even the Royal Navy was equal only to the next two navies - right now all the other navies in the world combined could not dent American maritime supremacy. Napoleon's France and Philip II's Spain had powerful foes and were part of a multipolar system. Charlemagne's empire was merely western European in its stretch. The Roman Empire stretched further afield, but there was another great empire in Persia and a larger one in China. There is no comparison." 
The most extended statement from the empire camp to date is "Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos" (Random House, 2001), a recent book by the journalist Robert Kaplan. 

Arguing that "times have changed less than we think," Kaplan suggests the nation's leaders turn to ancient Greek and Roman chroniclers - as well as Winston Churchill's 1899 account of the British conquest of the Sudan - for helpful hints about how to navigate today's world. He devotes a chapter to the Second Punic War ("Rome's victory in the Second Punic War, like America's in World War II, made it a universal power") and one to the cunning Emperor Tiberius. Granted, the emperor was something of a despot, writes Kaplan. Still, he "combined diplomacy with the threat of force to preserve a peace that was favorable to Rome." 
If that sounds familiar, you've got the right idea. "Our future leaders could do worse than be praised for their tenacity, their penetrating intellects and their ability to bring prosperity to distant parts of the world under America's soft imperial influence," Kaplan writes. "The more successful our foreign policy, the more leverage America will have in the world. Thus, the more likely that future historians will look back on 21st-century United States as an empire as well as a republic, however different from that of Rome and every other empire throughout history." 

Classicists may scoff at the idea that democratic America has much in common with the tyrannical Rome of Augustus or Nero. But the empire camp points out that however unlikely the comparison, America has often behaved like a conquering empire. As Kennedy put it, "From the time the first settlers arrived in Virginia from England and started moving westward, this was an imperial nation, a 

The problem with Milosevic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


The problem with Milosevic 
The problem 
with Milosevic is that he is right. Standing in the dock at his trial in 
The Hague, Milosevic correctly charged that Germany led a plot that tore Yugoslavia apart and sent it spiraling into the abyss of 
horrendous war. 
Germany did it by 
recognizing the Yugoslav province of Croatia as an independent nation, something 
it hadn't been for hundreds of years, unless you count 1941-44 when Hitler 
declared it to be a loyal and sovereign fascist state.
Less than eleven 
years ago the rest of the world was vehemently opposed to Germany's outrageous 
plot. Indeed, one after another European nation and even the United States 
warned gravely that granting independence to Croatia would lead to all-out 
civil war throughout Yugoslavia. 
But Germany's 
leaders were adamant. Kohl was chancellor in those days, head of a 
rightwing government that was riding high after defying Europe by annexing East 
Germany only a year earlier. Kohl's ministers included members of groups 
that sought to expand Germany's borders still further to include parts of Poland 
and the Czech Republic. Croatia, run by a neo-fascist named Tudjman, would be 
Germany's first outpost in eastern Europe. 
Showdown time came 
in December 1991 as Europe's leaders met to negotiate the Treaty of Maastricht 
-- the pact which would lead the way to today's European Union and single 
currency. All the nations present in Maastricht except Germany wanted only 
to hammer out the treaty. But German foreign minister Genscher resorted to 
blackmail, warning that the whole Treaty was off unless Europe guaranteed it 
would recognize Croatian independence. 
By then, Tudjman's 
troops, guided by German military and intelligence "advisers," were already 
fighting against soldiers of the Yugoslav central government. Yet it was a civil 
war -- an internal dispute -- which meant other nations could not 
intervene. Germany's demand backed by Genscher's threat would change all 
that. Only days after Europe caved in and recognized Croatia as an 
independent state, Kohl and Genscher proclaimed that the strife was now an 
international conflict, opening the door to foreign 
Interestingly, the 
Yugoslav central government, including Milosevic, had been treated as a key 
ally of the west until Germany played its new eastern front gambit. But then 
Kohl took matters a step further, demanding western support for Croatia against 
Serb dominated Yugoslavia. 
Of course, the 
predictions that recognition of Croatia would lead to all out civil war came 
true. The province of Bosnia-Herzegovina was next to go to war. Then came 
Kosovo. Germany had set an insidious domino policy into play and the 
results were deadly.
By all accounts, Milosevic was a callous, power hungry ultra-nationalist, a villain rather than 
a hero, but most of all he was an unwitting pawn in a series of aggressive 
betrayals by Germany, followed by Europe and the United 
- 19 February 2002

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U.N. orders Israeli withdrawal from West Bank [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Steve Wagner



U.N. orders Israeli withdrawal from West Bank

Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 09:30 JST

NEW YORK - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday demanded that
Israel immediately withdraw its troops from the West Bank city of
Ramallah, warning that continued occupation of Palestinian territory
would only worsen the situation.

  In a speech made to the U.N. Security Council, Annan highlighted the
importance of the council's resolution adopted Saturday ordering an
immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops from Ramallah
where the Palestinian Authority is based. 

(Kyodo News)

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US, NATO May Use Kazakh Airfields [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Rick Rozoff



Army Times

April 01, 2002
Kazakhstan may allow limited use of airfields 

Associated Press

ALMATY, Kazakhstan — Kazakhstan and the United States
are holding talks on the anti-terrorist coalition’s
possible use of an airfield in the Central Asian
nation for emergency refueling.
“We highly appreciate Kazakhstan’s constructive
approach,” U.S. Ambassador Larry Napper told The
Associated Press. “We are grateful to Kazakhstan for
its friendly, active assistance to the international
action against terror.”

Kazakh Prime Minister Kasymzhomart Tokayev disclosed
to Kazakh reporters that the country might offer a
refueling stop, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

According to the Interfax news agency, Tokayev said
that “for military purposes a reserve airfield is
necessary for emergencies, such as refueling in
emergency circumstances.”

U.S. and other forces are already deployed in the
former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
to support the anti-terrorist coalition in
Afghanistan. Military experts have also explored
possible airfields for deployment in Tajikistan, which
borders on Afghanistan.

Coalition aircraft currently have the right to fly
through Kazakh territory.

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Labour Russia, Stop NATO Picket Yugo Embassy On Milosevic Arrest Anniversary [WW

2002-04-01 Thread Rick Rozoff




MOSCOW, April 1 /from RIA Novosti's Maxim Shmakov/ -
The Left public movements Labour Russia and Stop NATO
marked today's anniversary of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic's arrest with picketing
the Yugoslav Embassy in token of solidarity with
Yugoslav Lefts. 

The scanty pickets called the Yugoslav regime to sever
partnership with the international war crime tribunal
for former Yugoslavia, and put an end to political
reprisals against Milosevic's comrades. 

Elena Gromova, Stop NATO co-president and one of the
picket organisers, came down on the Kostunica regime,
and strongly demanded government support for
Milosevic. As she alleged, the regime is hampering the
leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia as he is
trying to acquire certain archive papers he needs for
defence in court hearings. 

The pickets intend to pass a resolution to
ambassadorial officers. 

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2002-04-01 Thread Rick Rozoff



-President Bush already was pushing for the
southeastward expansion of the alliance. Even before
Sept. 11, Caspian Sea oil and gas — and planned
pipelines for deliveries of those energy sources — had
dictated a re-evaluation of Western strategic
-Romanian officials say the United States will start
using Constanta's port in June to move NATO-led
peacekeepers in and out of the Balkans. Bulgarian and
Romanian troops already serve in the peacekeeping
force in Kabul, and Romania is offering to send
mountain troops elsewhere in Afghanistan.

U.S. Eyes Romania, Bulgaria for Help 
Mon Apr 1, 8:02 AM ET 
By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer 

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - As disputes grow with its
allies about the war on terrorism, Washington has cast
its eye on ports and airfields on Europe's
southeastern periphery that could be used as bases for
U.S. military forces.

Western diplomats say the interest in Romania and
Bulgaria reflects growing American frustration with
NATO allies perceived as getting cold feet in the
campaign against terrorist groups and those who harbor

Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana says U.S.
military engineers are expected in both Romania and
Bulgaria within months to assess ports and air bases.
Romania's Defense Ministry already has ordered its own
engineers to upgrade military airfields at Fetesti and
Timisoara and the Black Sea port of Constanta, other
officials say.

Officially, much of the activity is tied to the two
countries' bids with eight other nations to join NATO
at its next round of planned expansion in November.

President Bush already was pushing for the
southeastward expansion of the alliance. Even before
Sept. 11, Caspian Sea oil and gas — and planned
pipelines for deliveries of those energy sources — had
dictated a re-evaluation of Western strategic

But privately, Western and Romanian officials at a
meeting of the 10 NATO hopefuls last week in Bucharest
agreed that U.S. interest has grown as a result of
disputes over the anti-terrorism campaign.

In many European capitals, leaders consider U.S.
complaints about Iraq as dangerous saber-rattling and
they dismiss as naive Bush's linking of Iraq, Iran and
North Korea as an axis of evil.

The tone is different in Romania and Bulgaria.

During a visit to the two countries, U.S. Gen. Joseph
Ralston, supreme commander of allied forces in Europe,
cited overwhelming political reasons for their early
entry into NATO even before being fully ready for
membership. Ralston then inspected Romania's Mihail
Kogalniceanu military base at Constanta port, base
commander Victor Luchian told The Associated Press.

Western concerns about corruption, inefficiency and
sputtering economies that led to the nations'
rejection in the first round of NATO expansion more
than two years ago are still not completely
extinguished. But even NATO allies publicly opposed to
any attack on Iraq appear ready to support
strengthening the alliance's southern flank.

Divulging the planned visits of U.S. engineers to his
country and Bulgaria, Romania's Geoana told The
Associated Press in an interview that the United
States considered Romanian military intelligence a
major asset in the fight against terror.

After Sept. 11, the Black Sea has become relevant as
a natural springboard toward regions of possible
future terrorist threats, he said.

He and others said that in preparation for NATO
membership, both Romania and Bulgaria already had
signed agreements permitting the basing of alliance
troops on their territory and allowing unrestricted
overflights of their warplanes.

Geoana said Washington had become the driving force
behind Romanian and Bulgarian membership. Now that
the Americans are moving in this direction, we will
also see far more enthusiastic support from the rest
of NATO, he said.

The two former Soviet-bloc nations hope to overcome
concerns about their economies and democratic
performance by showing their military competence and
ability to help the anti-terror campaign.

Romanian officials say the United States will start
using Constanta's port in June to move NATO-led
peacekeepers in and out of the Balkans. Bulgarian and
Romanian troops already serve in the peacekeeping
force in Kabul, and Romania is offering to send
mountain troops elsewhere in Afghanistan.

Both countries also have increased their contingents
in peacekeeping missions to the Balkans, allowing the
United States and its allies to refocus on

Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase said his
country is eager to welcome U.S. and other NATO troops
and equipment to its ports and airfields if the war on
terrorism needs them.

When we decided to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with
the alliance, we wanted to make very clear that all
our assets will be the assets of the alliance, he
told AP. We consider