RE: World Jews call on Europe to fight anti-Semitism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread cube321


I will read that too. thanks!

btw, Benny is probably the most hate man in Zionist circles.

> In a message dated 4/23/2002 8:03:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > . I would also recommend 'Jewish History, Jewish 
> > Religion, the Weight of three thousand years', by Israel Shahak. It 
> > provides a whole new perspective on Zionism (ie., diverges somewhat from 
> > 
> > Said or Chomsky's position on the mid east). 
> > 
> I've read it. Let me add Benny Morris, Righteous Victims and The Birth 
> of the 
> Palestinian Refugee Problem. You'll learn about all the myths we've been 
> fed.
> Cynthia


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Rewarding Evil Ally: Morocco-US 'Free Trade' Deal Pushed By Bush [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Times of India
April 24, 2002

[As U.S. and French military client state, the
monarchy of Morocco, begins its thirtieth year of
illegal, brutal occupation of Western Sahara.
See the POLISARIO press release below.]

Bush pushes US-Morocco free trade deal 

-US President George W. Bush welcomed Morocco's King
Mohammed VI to the White House on Tuesday with a
pledge that he will seek to bind the two "war on
terrorism" allies in a free trade deal.

WASHINGTON: US President George W. Bush welcomed
Morocco's King Mohammed VI to the White House on
Tuesday with a pledge that he will seek to bind the
two "war on terrorism" allies in a free trade deal.

"Today, I've informed His Majesty that our government
will work to enact a free trade agreement with
Morocco," the president told reporters as the two
leaders met in the White House Oval Office.

"It's in our nation's interest that we do so. His
Majesty believes it's in his nation's interest that we
have a free trade agreement as well," said the US
president, who described Morocco as "a great friend of
the United States."

The United States currently has free trade agreements
in effect with only a short list of countries
including Canada, Mexico, Israel and Jordan -- the
lone Arab state to enjoy that status.

"We are honoured with the relations we have enjoyed so
far with the United States, but I think it's time that
we have to shift the gear to go in a higher speed,"
said the monarch, who spoke through an interpreter.

But Bush's efforts could be hampered by the US
Senate's refusal thus far to grant him sweeping "trade
promotion authority," which would prevent the
lawmakers from offering amendments to any trade accord
and bind them to an up-or-down vote.

"The Senate needs to act, and it needs to act now,"
said the president.

Bush -- who has repeatedly taken official Arab media
to talks in recent weeks for allegedly fanning the
flames of the Middle East conflict -- also urged Arab
leaders to step up efforts to bring peace to the

"The Arab world has responsibilities, and we will work
with them to delineate those responsibilities and to
encourage them to accept those responsibilities," he
said with the monarch at his side.

The US leader is likely to repeat that message when he
welcomes Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz to
his beloved Texas ranch for a brief visit set to focus
on ways to end fighting between Israel and the

For his part, the Moroccan leader praised US Secretary
of State Colin Powell's recent visit to the Middle
East -- even though he gave the diplomat a frosty
reception when they met April 8, at the start of the
nine-day trip.

"We can begin to see the results" of the initiative,
the king said, perhaps referring to Israel's
withdrawal from key West Bank towns, adding he hoped
Powell had "recovered by now from the trauma he had"
at their April 8 meeting.

At that meeting, the king pointedly wore a badge
depicting Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock -- built on
territory claimed by both the Palestinians and
Israelis -- and asked why Powell was not beginning his
trip in Jerusalem.

That question, posed at a photo opportunity, was
widely interpreted as an indication of Arab anger over
Powell's itinerary -- which did not have him arriving
in Jerusalem until four days later and was seen as
giving tacit US support to Israel's military
operations in the West Bank.

While the Moroccan monarch has traditionally been seen
as a staunch US ally in promoting Washington's
regional policies, he has chosen to adopt stronger
language in support of the Palestinians in recent
meetings with US officials.

Most notably, the king has repeated his "total
support" for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat -- still
surrounded by the Israeli army in his West Bank
headquarters -- on a number of occasions. 



   Western Sahara (POLISARIO) - Mission for UK &
19 Hormead Road, London
W9 3NG - T/F: 020 89 64 52 11

Western Sahara is a political issue, it is not an
economic one 
Only the Moroccan settlers make the most of the
investments in the Sahrawi occupied territories

Western Sahara cannot be compared to Corsica,
Catalonia or Bavaria

Following the last visit of the king of Morocco to the
Sahrawi occupied territories, the Moroccan government
has launched an all-out offensive of disinformation
whose objective is to distort reality and delude
international public opinion by reducing the Western
Sahara conflict to a simple economic issue.

Indeed, the creation of the Moroccan Economic
Development Agency in the occupied territories of
Western Sahara is just an attempt to try and convince
the international community to reconsider the rejected
option of aut

Bush Pushes Bulgaria Into NATO Straitjacket [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Times Of India
April 24, 2002

Bush urges Bulgaria to fight for Nato accession 

WASHINGTON: US President George W. Bush urged Bulgaria
on Tuesday to redouble its efforts to be admitted to
Nato during the alliance's November summit, visiting
Bulgarian Prime Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg said.

"The president encouraged us to keep on working very
hard to the very last minute, shall we say, until
Prague and I think that's what will have to do,"
Saxe-Coburg said after meeting with Bush at the White

Bulgaria is among nine ex-communist countries hoping
to be invited to join Nato at that landmark summit in
Prague, the agenda of which has been radically
revamped by the geopolitical changes over the last
seven months.

The Nato summit in Prague will consider extending
invitations to nine candidates: Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania,
Albania and Macedonia.

According to diplomats the most likely five to get the
green light are the three Baltic states plus Slovakia
and Slovenia.

But the prospects of relatively impoverished Bulgaria
and Romania being invited to join have been boosted by
the geopolitical changes since September 11, notably
due to their strategic location and Russia's changed
relationship with the West. Moscow has long opposed
Nato's expansion eastwards.

Romania has also launched an all-out push to win Nato

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Judas Djindjic Promises Blair More Deportations For Blood Money [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Djindjic promises Hague transfer of war crime suspects

April 24, 2002

LONDON: Serbia's Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic has
said that most of the Yugoslavs and Bosnian Serbs
indicted by the UN war crimes tribunal would be
transferred to The Hague court within two or three
weeks, and some within days.

Djindjic was in London for talks with British Prime
Minister Tony Blair, who welcomed the Serbian prime
minister's announcement as "a sign of progress",
according to Downing Street.

Washington, however, said Belgrade needed to do more
and hinted that millions of dollars in aid to
Yugoslavia would remain frozen until it did so.

The Serbian prime minister said: "Some of them (the
indicted people) will come and be in The Hague in two
or three days.

"I think that in two or three weeks, most of the
people on this list of about 20 people will be in The
Hague," he added.

Djindjic, however, said it was proving very difficult
to find one of the key suspects, former Bosnian Serb
army commander Ratko Mladic.

"We have some problems, but we are doing our best. We
have to be realistic and not provoke new crises and
new injustice and new war crime in trying to deal with
old crimes," he said.

Djindjic also cautioned against moves to recognise the
Serbian province of Kosovo as an independent state,
which he said could lead to the return to power of
ultra-nationalist forces in Belgrade.  

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Georgia Threatens Abkhazia; Britain To Train Georgian 'Anti-Terrorist' Forces [W

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
23 April 2002


In his traditional Monday radio broadcast on 22 April,
Eduard Shevardnadze warned the Abkhaz leadership not
to launch a new offensive in the Kodori Gorge with the
objective of killing or driving out the district's
predominantly Svan population, Russian agencies and
Caucasus Press reported. He said a new full-fledged
conflict would result in the end of the current CIS
peacekeeping operation. Shevardnadze also said that
there are no longer any Georgian army troops in
Kodori, only an unspecified number of border guards.
He appealed to the Abkhaz leadership to resume peace
talks. Abkhaz Prime Minister Anri Djergenia said in
Moscow on 19 April that Sukhum will not resume
negotiations with Georgia until all Georgian forces
are withdrawn from Kodori. On 23 April, Shevardnadze
telephoned Djergenia to discuss the situation in
Kodori, Caucasus Press reported, quoting the
presidential press service. The two men agreed to take
all measures necessary to prevent a new escalation of


Agreement has been reached during the ongoing visit to
London by Georgian Interior Minister Koba
Narchemashvili that an unspecified number of British
instructors will train members of the Georgian
Interior Ministry's antiterrorist squad, Caucasus
Press reported on 22 April. It is not clear when
training will commence. 

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Belarus: "It's Time for OSCE to Leave"; World Bank Too [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


"It's Time for OSCE to Leave," Belarus President Says

MINSK, Apr 23, 2002 -- (dpa) Belarus President
Alexander Lukashenko defied Western critics on Tuesday
by saying the Organization for Security and
Cooperation (OSCE) should leave the country. 

In an annual speech in parliament, Lukashenko said the
OSCE had requested its Minsk office remain open in
order to observe the presidential elections. 

Now that the elections were over, the OSCE should end
its mission, the president said. But he left the date
of the OSCE's departure open. 

Lukashenko was re-elected last year with a large

Only three European diplomats currently work in the
OSCE's Minsk office along with a skeleton crew of
support personnel. Belarussian visa officials two
weeks ago denied entrance to a French diplomat
assigned to the office. 

Lukashenko said he would consider reviewing his
decision to close down the OSCE office if the OSCE
"changed all its staff and its policy towards

Lukashenko also criticized the World Bank saying it
too should cease operations in Belarus "because we do
not need their assistance". 

The World Bank's activities in Belarus are limited to
programs aimed at reducing levels of tuberculosis and

Lukashenko also warned other Western non-governmental
organizations in Belarus that they would be expelled
if they "meddled in Belarussian internal affairs".

(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur 

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Bulgaria: NATO-Mandated Military Costs To Drain Treasury [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff

April 24, 2002

Modernization of Bulgarian Army would require about
BGN 1.5 billion 

[According to USAID figues, the Gross Domestic Product
of Bulgaria for the year of 1999 was 10.6 US dollars.
The Bulgarian currency, BGN, is equal to roughly half
a US dollar.
The estimated per capita income in Bulgaria for the
year 1999 was US $1,510.
According to World Bank figures, Bulgaria ranks number
60 in world per capita income, but its current ruling
elite sends military forces to Kosovo and as far
afield as Afghanistan, and sees as its chief objective
to join NATO, with the massive outlay of scarce public
funds required to upgrade its military equipment to
insure so-called NATO interoperability.]

Modernization of Bulgarian Army would require about
BGN 1.5 billion 

Modernization of Bulgarian Army would require about
BGN 1.5 billion by 2007, according to calculations,
Deputy Minister of Defense Georgy Paskov said to
journalists today. The Director of Armament Policy
Department to the Ministry of Defense Col. Kiril
Stoychev said that the modernization plan would be
adopted in a couple of days. Paskov inaugurated the
international seminar on Operative Technical Aspects
of Standardization today. Among Bulgarian factories
producing arms according to the standards of NATO are
Terem, Arsenal - Kazanlak, and Arkus - Lyaskovets.


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2002-04-24 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Celebrations of KPA anniversary held
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- An oratorical meeting of agricultural
workers was held at the Central Youth Hall yesterday to celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. Speakers said it is the
revolutionary will of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people to
carry to completion with arms the Korean revolution that started with arms
at any cost. They referred to the spirit of attaching great importance to
the army prevailing throughout the society under the guidance of the great
brilliant commander and the people's desire and emotion in the era of the
army-based leadership.
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the WPK, and others.
    A meeting of schoolchildren in Pyongyang with DPRK heroes was held in
front of the monument to victory in the Fatherland Liberation War on the
same occasion that day.
    DPRK heroes called on the schoolchildren to devotedly safeguard leader
Kim Jong Il just as the first and second generations of the revolution held
President Kim Il Sung in high esteem with loyalty in the period of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and the Korean war.
    Students evinced their firm pledge to prepare themselves as a genuine
juvenile guard and youth vanguard creditably defending socialism of Korean
style with undisputed worship of Kim Jong Il.

Compensation for crimes related to "comfort women for army" called for
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of Women's
Organizations strongly demanded the Japanese government admit its legal
responsibility for the crimes related to the "comfort women for the army",
punish those responsible for them and compensate for them at the 58th
meeting of the un commission on human rights on April 18, Seoul-based Yonhap
News reported. Recalling that in a report titled "sexual slavery for the
Japanese army" submitted to the un commission on human rights in 1998 the
organization charged that the Japanese government had a legal responsibility
for the crimes and an obligation for compensating for them, it accused the
government of still refusing to bear the responsibility for the crimes.
    It asked the UN commission on human rights to render cooperation in the
efforts to make the Japanese government admit its legal responsibility for
the crimes, punish those responsible for them and compensate for them.

Anti-U.S. action called for
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the national
alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification reportedly
released an appeal on Friday on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the
April 19 Popular Uprising. The appeal said that the uprising which was a
resistance of justice against injustice marked a great event that shook the
U.S. colonial rule and gave momentum to the movement for independent
    The June 15 joint declaration is a historic one which replaced the
history of confrontation and division by one of unity and reunification and
it, therefore, reflects the desire of the April 19 resistance fighters, it
noted, adding that the youth and students in the north, south and overseas
would set the period from April 19 to May 18 as a period of a movement for
peace against the U.S. and war with a view to implementing the June 15 joint
declaration and rise up in an anti-U.S. campaign, carrying forward the
spirit of the resistance fighters.
    It called on units at all levels and youth and students' organizations
under the headquarters to wage various forms of practical struggle against
the U.S. and undertake an anti-U.S. action across South Korea on May 18.

"Youth vanguard" artillery pieces presented
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- Youth across the country provided 20
"youth vanguard" artillery pieces through a vigorous do-good-thing movement
intended to contribute to strengthening the DPRK's revolutionary armed
forces as invincible ones on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
heroic Korean People's Army. A ceremony of presenting them to the people's
army was held in Pyongyang yesterday.
    A presentation paper was conveyed to an officer concerned of the
people's army unit.
    It was emphasized at the ceremony that the youth and the young soldiers
should always maintain a strained and mobilized posture and wipe out the
aggressors to the last one if they dare provoke a war of aggression against
the DPRK. 
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the Workers' Party of Korea, KPA general Ryo Chun Sok, officials of the
youth league, youth and students in the city and servicemen of the

Long Arm of the Law [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)

Long Arm of the Law 
 [ TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2002  2:32:16 AM ] 

Editorial: Times of India

The news that relatives of the three British citizens killed in the 
anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat last month are going to move the 
British courts for justice is at once an indictment of the Indian 
judicial system and a warning to politicians that `national 
sovereignty' cannot shield them from justice if they commit crimes 
against humanity.

It is by no means certain that the British high court will admit 
such a case, although lawyers for the three families say they are 
marshalling compelling evidence.

To the extent that world opinion is growing against the Gujarat 
government and chief minister Narendra Modi - the European Union has 
reportedly condemned the carnage as apartheid, with parallels to 
1930s Germany - a British magistrate could conceivably initiate 
steps embarrassing to both the Vajpayee and Blair governments.

When a Spanish magistrate asked the British courts to extradite the 
visiting former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, the matter went 
all the way up to the Law Lords who finally upheld the legality of 
sending Pinochet to face trial in Spain.

The evidence Judge Baltazar Garzon in Spain had against Pinochet was 
not much more detailed or precise than what human rights groups have 
collected on Mr Modi and his government.

What saved the day for Pinochet was the political decision taken by 
then British home secretary Jack Straw, who vetoed the extradition 
on `health' grounds. In the Gujarat case, Britain is sure to side 
with the Vajpayee government, saving Mr Modi the trouble of checking 
into a hospital with `chest pain'.

Nevertheless, the thought that he could be questioned by 
investigators the next time he travels to Britain or Europe will 
probably weigh heavily on his mind.

Whether countries like it or not, an international legal 
architecture to deal with gross violations has begun to emerge in 
the aftermath of the mass killing of civilians by all sides in the 
Bosnian and Croatian civil wars which tore apart the former 
Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, the framework is rather ad hoc.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) 
established by the UN Security Council has proved to be politically 
biased, indicting former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic for 
causing civilian deaths, but not the commanders of NATO for 
deliberately killing civilians as part of their illegal war on 
Yugoslavia in 1999.

The new International Criminal Court (ICC) will come into being in 
July 2002 despite the objection of the US, which fears its soldiers 
and leaders might one day be indicted for war crimes and crimes 
against humanity.

India too is opposed to the ICC for largely the same reason. The 
growing assertiveness of national courts is yet another part of the 
emerging international legal framework for dealing with serious 

In India today, for example, a terrorist crime committed against an 
Indian citizen in another country is a prosecutable offence in our 
national courts. If the Vajpayee government finds the idea of a 
foreign court prosecuting Indian citizens - including BJP and VHP 
leaders - for the killings which have taken place in Gujarat 
distasteful, the best way to respond would be to ensure the guilty 
are prosecuted and punished here. The NHRC has asked for the CBI to 
probe certain massacre cases in Gujarat and for fast-track courts. 
At a minimum, the government must act on these demands.


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NATO's War Against Yugoslavia: Brains Vs. Brutality [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Jane's Defence Weekly
April 23, 2002

Competing for media control in an age of asymmetric
By Mils Hills and Rachel Holloway 

-Other sequences sought to associate NATO with Nazism.
For example, one video opened with a view of a single
fighter aircraft scudding through clouds. Then as the
camera zooms out, a larger formation is revealed -
assembled in the shape of a swastika. 

Serbian information operations (IO) carried out during
NATO's 'Operation Allied Force' were unprecedented in
their quality and sophistication, and point to the
likelihood of increased asymmetric use of information
in future conflicts. Even as bombs fell across Serbia
at the beginning of NATO's Operation Allied Force, a
Belgrade-based advertising agency called Kompani
launched a project entitled Shelter Production (SP). 

SP created a number of videos designed for television
broadcast in Serbia and beyond, and for MPEG download
anywhere on the global information infrastructure.
These videos were clever, slick, entertaining and
shocking, and appear to have been explicitly designed
to take advantage of the promise of viral movement of
material in cyberspace. Each MPEG file was usually
just small enough to be e-mailed and due to their
quality, emotive content and novelty it could be
anticipated that they would be circulated even if
consumers were opposed to their inherent message.
Because they were made in English, they were
comprehensible to second and third generation members
of the Serb diaspora in North American whose support
was sought. 

The videos used Western icons (such as the X-Files'
Fox Mulder), swiftly re-worked US satellite news, and
bespoke animatronic models. In terms of emotion, the
use of children was notable, as was an explicit
sequence featuring the preparation and injection of
heroin designed to link the Kosovo Liberation Army
(Ushtria Climitare e Kosovoes) with the production and
distribution of drugs. Other sequences sought to
associate NATO with Nazism. For example, one video
opened with a view of a single fighter aircraft
scudding through clouds. Then as the camera zooms out,
a larger formation is revealed - assembled in the
shape of a swastika. Other videos featured comic
interpretations of animated figures of US Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright and President Bill Clinton.
Many of these videos had professional music
soundtracks accompanying them. 

The material also demonstrated a high level of
interactivity and response to events. For example,
ironic e-postcards were quickly released to take
advantage of Allied discomfiture over the shooting
down of an F-117 stealth fighter, and over the
limiting effects of the Balkans climate on air

It is important to learn lessons from previous
conflicts, but events that do not occur in the
material world may be overlooked in post-conflict
analyses. Current operational emphases on Afghanistan
and related states should not blind analysts to the
kind of developments in asymmetric IO that were
witnessed during 'Allied Force'. 

Thus IO is important to effective asymmetric
warfighting. Winning the international and domestic
battle for hearts and minds in future conflicts will
require a competitive approach to holding the news
agenda and the public imagination, particularly when
campaigns involve coalitions and alliances with
diverse cultural domestic audiences. The role of
Al-Jazeera, the Persian Gulf television network, since
11 September is a case in point. 

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Frantic search for British sons lost in Gujarat riots [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


Frantic search for British sons lost in Gujarat riots 
Fears that 2,000 people, mostly Muslims, have died since unrest began 
Luke Harding in New Delhi
Wednesday April 24, 2002
The Guardian 
The mothers of British Muslim cousins who disappeared when they were caught up in the 
communal riots in Gujarat nearly two months ago said last night that they had no 
intention of leaving India until they knew what had happened to them. 
Shakheel and Sayed Dawood, who were on holiday in India, were dragged from their Jeep 
by a Hindu mob 45 miles from the state's main city, Ahmedabad. 
Their nephew, Imran, escaped but a family friend and the driver were killed. 
Ayesha and Rabia Dawood, from Batley, West Yorkshire, are camping out in their 
ancestral village, Lajpore. 
They have distributed pamphlets and contacted relief camps where those left homeless 
by the riots are sheltering, but have found no trace of the two men. 
Shakheel's father, Abdulhai, who has lived in England since 1959, told the Indian 
Express: "My son even showed the rioters his passport, telling them he wasn't an 
Indian national but they wouldn't listen. Their names on the passport damned them." 
Their disappearance is a further embarrassment to the Indian government, already much 
criticised for letting the riots continue. 
A report by the British high commission in New Delhi, leaked last week, blamed the 
continuing violence in the state on its chief minister, Narender Modi, and his 
government, and suggested that the official death toll of 855 was a gross 
underestimate. A truer figure was 2,000, mainly Muslims, it suggested. 
The Dawood families are awaiting the result of DNA tests on human remains found at the 
scene. If the men are confirmed dead, the relatives may sue the Indian government in 
the British courts. 
Gujarat continued to smoulder yesterday. Another 17 people were killed at the weekend, 
and 100 injured. 
The dead included 10 Muslims shot in the head at point-blank range by police officers, 
apparently killed in revenge for one of their colleagues who was dragged into an alley 
and stabbed to death. 
Three more people died in Ahmedabad yesterday. 
The Indian prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, has so far refused to give in to 
persistent opposition demands to sack Mr Modi, who belongs to the same Hindu 
nationalist party, the BJP. 
While secular Indians have been appalled by the destruction, Mr Modi has become a hero 
to hardliners in the BJP and its Hindu revivalist allies. 
The Gujarat state government promised yesterday that the latest police shootings would 
be investigated. The home secretary, K Nityanandam, said the inquiry would begin once 
he had learned more. 
"I need to take down full details from the officers of the concerned place," he said. 
"But preliminary reports definitely reveal that most of these victims were shot by the 
police on their heads." Few outside the BJP have much confidence in his findings. 
Since the rioting broke out after 59 Hindus were burned to death when a Muslim mob set 
fire to a train, Mr Modi's government has been accused of deliberately failing to stop 
Hindu gangs burning, stabbing and raping their Muslim neighbours. 
About 100,000 Muslims whose homes have been destroyed are living in relief camps and 
have received little or no help. 
Mr Modi has accused his critics of spreading "malicious propaganda". 
The row about the violence has paralysed the Indian parliament for more than a week. 
It has also dented India's reputation internationally. 
While Britain has maintained a diplomatic silence on the affair, and expressed only 
concern, other countries have been more damning. The Indian foreign ministry has 
responded by telling them to mind their own business. 
Since the September 11 attacks, New Delhi has argued that extremism is an Islamic 
problem which afflicts only its neighbour and rival, Pakistan: a claim that seems 
increasingly hollow given the rise of Hindu fundamentalism. 
But with the BJP in deep electoral trouble, many of its members believe that 
continuing Hindu-Muslim unrest is the best way to win back wobbling Hindu voters 
before the next general election in 2004. 
The leaked British report said that extremist Hindu groups were already planning to 
attack Gujarat's Muslim community well before the fatal assault on the train at Godhra 
on February 27. 
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002 


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Bosnia: UN Worker Fired For Exposing NATO-Mafia Prostitution Ring [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Irish Examiner

UN worker claims unfair dismissal 23 Apr 2002  

-The hearing in Southampton was told that American
Kathryn Bolkovac had complained in several e-mails
about the police and Nato troops in the country were
helping local Mafia gangs in exploiting the women. 

A United Nations worker was sacked after she
complained to her bosses that police sent into Bosnia
were forcing women into prostitution and taking
personal sex slaves, an employment tribunal heard

The hearing in Southampton was told that American
Kathryn Bolkovac had complained in several e-mails
about the police and Nato troops in the country were
helping local Mafia gangs in exploiting the women. 

The 41-year-old mother of three from Nebraska claims
she was dismissed because she tried to blow the
whistle on how her colleagues were helping in the

The men who were involved were hired and trained by a
British based company called Dyn Corp, it was alleged.
The firm was responsible for about 300 police officers
working in the Balkan country that was devastated by
civil war in the early 1990s.


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Behind Enemy Lines: American jingoism -- and a bad film [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Monday, April 22, 2002 

The party line 
Behind Enemy Lines American jingoism -- and a bad film

Toronto Sun

Thanks to outbursts of arrogance and occasional tragic
incompetence -- just ask all of Canada today -- the
polish is fading on the American military brass. 

The arrival of the gung-ho, chest-beating,
sabre-rattling, U.S. Navy action drama Behind Enemy
Lines is not going to help their cause. The movie is
being released tomorrow on VHS and DVD by 20th Century
Fox Home Entertainment. 

First of all, it's a bad movie. As the story of a Navy
pilot shot down by the Serbs during the war in Bosnia,
Behind Enemy Lines is a kill-by-cliche genre picture
in which every step, every shot, every death is
painfully predictable. 

Led by Gene Hackman as a gruff commander and Owen
Wilson as the downed pilot, the actors do their jobs
with routine efficiency -- but no heart. Then director
John Moore's insufferably pretentious camera and F/X
tricks turn it into the cinematic equivalent of a
carnival freak show. 

Worst of all, however, is the American military
swagger. In this movie, the U.S. forces act
irresponsibly, defy sensible NATO orders, threaten the
peace process and act like bullies. The movie then
rewards their behaviour. 

As a DVD, the movie is well presented in a widescreen
transfer. There are two commentaries, one from a pair
of producers, the other from Moore and editor Paul
Martin Smith, the latter one useful if you're
interested in the movie. 

Other extras are thin. The short behind-the-scenes
hype-fest is pointless. On a tech level, the
pre-visualization sequence which shows the pilot
ejections is interesting. 

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'If you don't like people, kill them': Exam question stuns Gujarat [WWW.STOPNA

2002-04-24 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


Goebbelsian psy-ops in examinations? also, hitleracharya and the holy

'If you don't like people, kill them': Exam question stuns Gujarat
New Delhi, April 23

Students in Gujarat were shocked when their knowledge of English in an
examination was tested with a passage about Nazism, a report said Tuesday.

One of the questions in the final school leaving examination asked students to
form a single sentence from a four-sentence paragraph, a newspaper reported.

"There are two solutions, one of them is the Nazi solution. If you don't like
people, kill them, segregate them. Then strut up and down. Proclaim that you
are the salt of the earth," the paragraph said.

Another question asked students to modify a sentence by removing the word "If"
from the sentence: "If you don't like people, kill them."

Students and their parents were left wondering at the implication of the
question as Gujarat has seen a frenzy of violent Hindu-Muslim clashes since

Many of those taking the exam said they were distressed by the question. One
parent, who was not named, said it was "unpardonable" that such questions were
used at a sensitive time.

"This question gave (my son) immense stress. Every day we hear stories of
someone we know being stabbed or someone's shop being looted," he said.

Gujarat Education Minister Anandi Patel said the question paper was selected at


Stop eating beef, VHP asks Muslims
New Delhi, April 24

As a precondition for peaceful co-existance with Hindus, the Viswa Hindu
Parishad (VHP) asked Muslims in the country to give up eating beef.

VHP senior vice-president Acharya Giriraj Kishore, while talking to
mediapersons after a meeting with the National Commission for Minorities, said
while there are so many other animals to eat why Muslims insist on eating cow
which is considered sacred by Hindus.

Kishore also reiterated VHP demand to hand over disputed sites at Ayodhya,
Mathura and Varanasi as a precondition for peaceful coexistence with Hindus.

"First let them do it. Then we will see, " said the VHP leader while asked
whether fulfilment of these conditions would foster Hindu-Muslim unity in the


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US Continues Blackmail, Threats Until Last Serb Is Arrested, Deported [WWW.STOPN

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


No US aid till Belgrade hands over war crime suspects 

WASHINGTON (AFP)-- The United States said on Tuesday
that Belgrade must arrest and transfer war crimes
suspects to an international tribunal 'as soon as
possible' and hinted that suspended US aid to
Yugoslavia would remain frozen until it did so. 

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said
Washington welcomed declarations from Yugoslav
officials that six suspects who have volunteered to
surrender to The Hague-tribunal would be turned over
within two weeks, but said Belgrade needed to do more.

He called for the surrender or arrest of the remaining
17 Serb war crimes suspects still at large --
including former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic
and his military commander, Ratko Mladic. 

On April 1, US Secretary of State Colin Powell
indefinitely postponed a decision on certification,
freezing US$40 million in direct US aid plus
Washington's support for multilateral loans to
Belgrade from the International Monetary Fund and
World Bank. 

Earlier on Tuesday, Serbian officials said nearly all
the 17 suspects remaining at large would be found and
sent to the court within two or three weeks. 

The justice ministry said it would on Wednesday hand
down indictments against the 17, opening the way for
their arrest and extradition -- a procedure which
could last 10 days. -- AFP


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FYROM: NATO-Backed Terrorists Attack With Rifle Fire, Grenades [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


AP, April 24, 2002
Gunmen fire on police positions in northwestern

By KONSTANTIN TESTORIDES, Associated Press Writer 

SKOPJE, Macedonia - Gunmen opened fire on police
checkpoints in the tense northern parts of Macedonia
on Tuesday as ethnic Albanian villagers blocked roads
near the country´s second largest town, Tetovo. 

Gunmen fired sniper shots early Tuesday at a
sandbagged police checkpoint near the village of
Trebos, just outside the northwestern city of Tetovo,
a government spokesman, Zoran Tanevski, said, adding
that police did not fire back. 

Another group then opened machine gun fire on a police
checkpoint near the village of Semsovo, just outside
Tetovo. Macedonian police there returned fire,
Tanevski said. 

Two grenades also exploded a few meters (yards) from a
police bunker in the northern village of Vrelo, near
Kumanovo, 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of Skopje,
Tanevski added. No police officers were injured in any
of the attacks, he said. 

"This is a matter of utmost concern," Tanevski said.
"These are the most serious incidents in months." 

Tensions remain high in Macedonia despite efforts to
implement a peace deal signed last August which ended
six months of fighting between government forces and
ethnic Albanian insurgents. 

The agreement granted greater rights to ethnic
Albanians, who account for nearly a third of
Macedonia´s population of 2 million. Under the accord,
which also granted amnesty to former rebels, members
of the ethnic Albanian insurgency calling themselves
the National Liberation Army disbanded and handed over
some 4,000 weapons to NATO last year. 

But splinter factions of rebel fighters have emerged
in recent months, saying they are dissatisfied with
the slow pace of reforms envisioned by the peace deal.

Also on Tuesday, ethnic Albanian villagers blocked the
main roads around Tetovo, preventing police units
comprised of Macedonian and ethnic Albanian officers
from patrolling 37 of 40 villages in the area,
Tanevski said. The deployment of lightly armed
ethnically mixed police patrols forms a part of the
peace deal. 

The villagers demanded the release of about a dozen
ethnic Albanian prisoners jailed last year because of
their alleged links with insurgents, said Abdulhakim
Ademi, a coordinator of the ethnic Albanian Council
for the Release of Political Prisoners. 

Ademi told The Associated Press that villagers have
blocked the roads "to show that the amnesty law is not
being implemented." He also warned that roadblocks
will remain "until we receive strong guarantees,
either by the domestic or international authorities,
that the prisoners will be released." 

Under the provisions of the peace deal, the Macedonian
government pardoned and released all ethnic Albanians
jailed during the insurgency on charges including high
treason, mutiny, armed rebellion and conspiracy
against the state. 

Macedonian authorities dismissed the council´s demands
as unacceptable. "They are demanding the release of
all ethnic Albanians from prisons, even those who have
nothing to do with the last year´s conflict, even
simple criminals," Tanevski said. 

In a joint statement issued in Skopje, representatives
of NATO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe, the European Union and the U.S. Embassy
condemned the roadblocks and insisted that "ethnically
mixed patrols must be allowed to perform their

"People should forward their demands through political
channels and roadblocks are not political channels,"
said Irena Guzelova, a media adviser to the EU
representative in Macedonia 

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Looking For NATO Bombs, Yugoslavs Find Nazi Originals [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Hunt for NATO Shells in Danube Finds World War II Ammo

NOVI SAD, Apr 23, 2002 -- (dpa) Bomb-disposal experts
checking the Danube River near the Yugoslav city of
Novi Sad for unexploded NATO ordnance found something
older instead: hundreds of rusting World War II

The 76-millimeter shells were presumably scattered
when a German ship exploded in the vicinity, said the
chief Yugoslav bomb-disposal officer, Colonel Slobodan
Jovanovic, according to the Beta news agency Tuesday.

Each unexploded shell contained between 600 and 700
grams of explosive. The danger zone was on both the
riverbank and underwater three kilometers downstream
from one of the downtown bridges downed three years
ago by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) jets.

The place is not much frequented by people, but a path
leads nearby and the ordnance could threaten children
and fishermen. Barge traffic that was formerly blocked
by the fallen bridges also passes not far away.

Grenades, detonators and shrapnel were clearly
visible. Each unexploded, rusty projectile measuring
30 centimeters in length was caked with mud and
calcification, Beta said.

Shells had been found in a zone 350 meters wide that
extended up to 100 meters out into the Danube.
Jovanovic said the affected area extended 2 kilometers
down-river. The ordnance was exposed when accumulated
mud on the shore collapsed into the water.

"Even today they are fully capable of killing,"
Jovanovic warned, appealing for funds for a clean-up

(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur 

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Re: Venezuelan Coup Leaders Flee To Miami [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/23/2002 11:07:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Venezuelan coup plotter 'in Miami'
From David Adams in Miami

I thought Dubya Dubya III said that any country that harbors terrorists must be punished!!!

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Re: World Jews call on Europe to fight anti-Semitism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/24/2002 12:26:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

btw, Benny is probably the most hate man in Zionist circles.

He and Ilan Pappe. See what happens when you tell the truth? 
I don't know what makes me more angry...all the years that I unconditionally supported the state of Israel or what they are doing now.

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SFK Celebration Meeting, Thursday 25th April 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
A reminder of this Thursdays Meeting on Korea. Please forward to all yahoogroups, ring your Comrades and get along to defend Korea from imperialist attack!  
   ( SFK, PO BOX 9135, LONDON, W3 - 6DG )
U.S. / NATO imperialists Hands Off Korea!
INVITED SPEAKER: Tadzie Tachiveye, Zimbabwe High Commission
Dermot Hudson will report back from the Celebrations he has been attending in Korea, and the special theme of the meeting will be Korean Support to Oppressed and Independant Countries.
PLUS: Video, Speeches, Music, Food and Drink.
7PM, Marchmont Centre, Marchmont Street, Near Russell square Tube.
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RIM Statement on Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

The Hope for the Middle East:
Not the Peace Process, but the Palestinian People’s Just Struggle!
The Palestinian people, though they number only a few million, have continued to be a focal point of world history as they struggle unflinchingly against the storm-troopers of the US outpost in the Middle East known as Israel. Over a year ago, Israeli hardman Ariel Sharon led a thousand armed soldiers and police into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a key symbol of the Muslim religion in East Jerusalem, which is itself viewed as the historic capital of Palestine by the Palestinians and the Arab world generally. Flaunting Israel’s control of this key Palestinian site was designed to humiliate the Palestinian people and assert Israeli unchallengeable supremacy. 
The response of the Palestinian people came immediately in the form of the "second Intifada": this region will never know peace until there is justice.
For over 50 years, the Israeli rulers, backed and armed to the hilt by the world’s most powerful imperialists, have carried out repeated military aggression and wielded their overwhelming military superiority throughout the region. They have attacked and defeated the neighbouring Arab regimes in a series of aggressive wars (1956, 1967 and 1973), and annexed more Palestinian territory to beef up the security cordon around the territory seized in 1948 upon the creation of Israel. Labour Party and Likud Party alike erected settlements throughout the occupied territories, despite the unanimous condemnation of the international community, including in UN resolutions. Internally they imprisoned tens of thousands of Palestinians over the decades; they tortured thousands, in defiance of condemnation by international human rights groups; they carried out a campaign of state-sanctioned death squad assassinations of their opponents; they bombed outposts of the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority with F16 fighter-bombers; they razed thousands of Palestinian homes, making over 40,000 homeless. They threaten anyone who defies them in the region with their vast arsenal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons built up under the protection of the US imperialists. 
This is a settler colonial state that has stopped at almost nothing to subdue its opponents. And yet they know no peace. Fifty years after setting out on their blood-soaked trail of terror and death, the US imperialists’ Zionist henchmen are no closer to squashing opposition to their rule than when they first set out. This is powerful confirmation of the truth of Mao Tsetung’s observation that wherever there is oppression there is resistance.
Faced with this reality, ten years ago US imperialist chieftains George Bush and Bill Clinton pushed hard for a peace process in the Middle East that was supposed to do for that region what the change of the guard in South Africa accomplished there. A dynamic was set in motion that promised the Palestinian people an end to their degradation and oppression. The process was agreed in Oslo, sealed on the White House lawn by the Arafat-Rabin handshake, ratified in seven meetings, recorded in innumerable documents and trumpeted to the world.
The peace process has proved to be a trap. Now the whole world is seeing that the honey-coated words of the imperialists were merely fancy cover for a means of getting Arafat and the Palestinian compradors and their henchmen to do the dirty work of suppressing the Palestinian masses themselves. Arafat’s Palestinian Authority was not even given control of the flow of water into the Occupied Territories. They were allowed just enough guns to suppress internal opposition to the Israeli occupiers, but nothing that would even remotely challenge the Israeli arsenal. The detection of a single boatload of weapons to Palestine that wouldn’t come close to equalling Israel’s daily arms imports brought howls of rage from the imperialist media.
A year ago, impatient with Arafat’s inability to rein in the Palestinian people’s resistance, the US-Israeli rulers brought in as head of state Ariel Sharon, the Butcher of Beirut who presided over the slaughter of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps at Sabra and Chatila in Lebanon in 1982. Sharon’s troops have invaded much of the territory supposedly "governed" by the Palestinian Authority, showing that all along it was but an empty shell, devoid of what the Russian revolutionary leader Lenin long ago pointed out as the crux of state power: armed forces.
The peace process had taken off at a certain juncture in world politics: the Soviet social-imperialist empire had collapsed, creating a vortex that sucked under large numbers of their puppets and client states around the world. Reactionary comprador forces that had relied on the so-called Soviet Big Brother now quavered in fear at being left to face up to the US imperialists. Arafat and important sections of the Palestinian elite likewise concluded they had no choice but to jump at the bait

Venezuela: Bush's Bay of Piglets - Duncan Campbell (Guardian) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-24 Thread Stasi


Bush's Bay of Piglets 
If the US was the villain in the Venezuelan coup, Latin America's 
much-derided leaders were the heroes 
Duncan Campbell 
Wednesday April 24, 
Viva democracia! said the slogan 
scrawled on the bus offloading passengers near the presidential palace in 
Miraflores in Caracas this week. And so far democracy seems to be surviving in 
Venezuela, if only barely. The overthrow of the radical Hugo Chavez in a 
military coup on April 11 followed by Chavez's return to power within 48 hours 
was spectacular even by Latin American standards. 
President Bush said after Chavez's return that he hoped he had "learned the 
lesson", but the main lessons need to be learned further north in Washington 
itself. The precise part played by the US in the coup remains unclear. What is 
known is that in January Mr Bush appointed, against the advice of the senate 
foreign relations committee, a man with a shabby record of covert meddling in 
Latin American politics: Otto Reich. Reich, a Cuban-American who was once the US 
ambassador to Venezuela, is now the assistant secretary at the state department 
for the western hemisphere and as such calls the shots for the US - almost 
literally - in Latin America. 
In the Pentagon, the man with responsibility for Latin America is Rogelio 
Pardo-Maurer, who was the aide to the head of the Contras when they were waging 
their US-backed war against the elected leftwing Sandinista government in 
Nicaragua. Two of the Venezuelan military who supported the coup, General Efrain 
Vasquez and General Eddie Ramirez Poveda, are graduates of the US Army School of 
the Americas in Georgia, where many members of the Latin Ameri can military have 
been trained in how to deal with troublesome lefties. 
The tycoon who led the media onslaught that preceded the coup and whose 
television station announced it, Cuban-American Gustavo Cisneros, is an old 
fishing pal of Bush senior. 
While the US may not have been involved in the final timetable for the coup, 
it knew that one was imminent and clearly gave it a green light. While the 
world's attention was on the Middle East, the coup was greeted with speedy 
acceptance by the White House. One wonders if a Zapatista force had overthrown 
the elected Mexican President Fox whether Mr Bush would have responded by saying 
that he hoped Mr Fox had "learned his lesson". 
It was President Fox and the often derided Latin American heads of state who 
behaved like statesmen. They have little love for Chavez or his policies, but 
they recognise a military takeover when they see one. Fox swiftly condemned it 
and said he would not recognise an unelected government. The secretary general 
of the Organisation of American States, the Colombian Cesar Gaviria, did the 
This prompt action, combined with the angry pro-Chavez crowds on the street 
and the ill-advised dissolution of the national assembly and the supreme court 
by the newly installed president-for-a-day Pedro Carmona, changed wavering minds 
in the military. Chavez was returned to the palace. Only then, having realised 
their diplomatic gaffe, did the White House alter its stance. The lessons are 
plain. The leaders in Latin America know only too well what can happen if coups 
in democracies are allowed to succeed. 
Bush was warned that by allowing this old discredited crew back into power he 
would be undermining the delicate relations between the US and her southern 
neighbours. He ignored that advice under heavy pressure from the powerful Cuban 
lobby in Florida, where his brother, Jeb, is running for re-election this year. 
By doing so, he created an atmosphere whereby plotters must think they have 
carte blanche from the White House. As Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd said 
drily this week, those responsible for Latin America within the administration 
need more "adult supervision". Even the deputy secretary of state, Richard 
Armitage, who wrote to the Guardian in defence of Reich last year, admitted that 
the "formulation of the US statement wasn't what it should have been". This has 
been President Bush's Bay of Piglets. 
It would be wrong to suggest that the coup was all got up by the United 
States. Chavez, who himself tried to seize power in a coup in 1992, has made 
many mistakes and many enemies. But he still enjoys a hard core of support of at 
least a third of the country, in particular the dispossessed who voted for him. 
He appears now to be trying, maybe too late, to repair some broken bridges. 
On May Day, Chavez faces another test when a rally organised by the country's 
largest confederation of workers will be held in the capital. The good news is 
that the Latin American nations upheld the democratic position and recognised 
that it is still a chilling sight to see on television a bunch of burly men in 
uniform talking a little too closely into the microphones and announcing to the 

May Day Statement 2002 - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

Long Live Red May First!
The First of May 2002 dawns on a world that is different in many ways from what it was only a short time ago. Most importantly, there has been a leap in the world situation -- the forces of imperialism and reaction, headed by the US, and the forces of the people, although often scattered and under different kinds of leadership, are locked in combat on a world scale more sharply than at any time in recent decades.
With the declaration of its "war on terrorism", the US has gone on a rampage against the world’s people for the all but openly avowed purpose of consolidating a global American empire and enforcing what it considers a "favourable environment" in which to squeeze even greater profits out of the labour of the people in the dominated countries. Acting both through their own troops and their puppets who rule these countries, they have launched a global terror campaign to crush anything that could stand in their way.
While the US launched its aerial bombardments and ground special forces killers on Afghanistan, it also unleashed its Zionist guard dogs against the Palestinian people. Operating with American arms and money and US blessings, Israel is carrying out the bloodiest "ethnic cleansing" since the Zionist settlers first stole the land from the Palestinians.
In country after country the ruling classes are trying to stamp out every spark of the people’s resistance. But this is only one aspect of what is becoming an increasingly fierce and more globalised battle on both sides. Every act of resistance by the people to the US war machine is a source of strength for the world-wide revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations. The Palestinian people, numbering only a few million and fighting under desperate circumstances, are taking their place on the frontline of resistance to the US-led offensive, and are daring to stand up and stand fast in the most unequal combat. They have given voice and inspiration to people everywhere and become a major, unexpected and for the imperialists and their flunkies most unwelcome factor in the unfolding of world events. If the US & Co. expected their mechanised "war on terrorism" to be able to simply and smoothly roll over the people, the Palestinian people have shown otherwise.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have been in the forefront in leading the people in their struggles for liberation. The People’s War under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) has persevered for nearly 22 years, holding high the red flag of revolution and representing the hopes of the downtrodden for a world they rule and completely transform. In the Philippines, Turkey, India and elsewhere the revolutionary armed struggle is continuing and coming into more and more direct conflict with the US-led crusade. In Nepal during the last few months the People’s War launched six years ago has reached a critical juncture. On the one hand, great advances of the People’s Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) have made it possible for millions of peasants and their allies to overthrow the feudal landlords and bureaucrat capitalists in vast areas of the countryside, set up their own political power and begin to build a whole new society based on the interests of the people. On the other hand the increasingly cornered ruling class is lashing out against the masses, sending its army to kill, rape and terrorise the common people and abolishing elementary rights through a declaration of emergency. On this May First we call on all revolutionary and progressive people to step up support for the People’s War in Nepal and to condemn the State of Emergency.
People living in the imperialist countries, including the USA, are increasingly taking a strong and active stand with the peoples of the world against the parasitic imperialist ruling classes who feed on 90% of the world’s people and the proletariat of their own countries. The world-shaking movement against the war in Vietnam is a standard to live up to and surpass in an ever more tumultuous world where resolute and enlightened struggle may open up unprecedented possibilities.
In fact, the US led world-wide reactionary offensive is accelerating the awakening of masses of people across the globe to political life and calling forth its opposite: determined resistance in all its many forms, in a rising spiral of confrontation. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement supports this resistance wholeheartedly, and will strive to link up its various streams and help lead them into a single raging current that can fully and finally emancipate humanity.
Down with Imperialism! Stop the US-driven War Machine! 
Palestine Will Win!
Support the People’s War in Nepal – End the State of Emergency!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Build Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties United in RIM to Lead the Struggle!

Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
(For mor

Nepal: U.S. Considers Military Assistance for Nepal - Xinhua [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-24 Thread Stasi


U.S. Considers Military Assistance for Nepal
Xinhuanet 2002-04-24 11:09:06

WASHINGTON, April 23 (Xinhuanet) -- The Bush administration has asked
Congress for a supplemental appropriation of 20 million U.S.dollars for
military assistance for Nepal, the State Department said on Tuesday.

The Nepalese government has asked the United States and other countries
to help it overcome the rebel insurgency and deal with the pressing economic
and social needs, State Department spokesmanRichard Boucher told reporters
at a regular news briefing.

Boucher said several options are being considered for assistingNepal if
Congress appropriates the money.

"We reiterate our support for the right of Nepal to safeguard its
citizens against these guerrillas within the framework of its own
constitution," Boucher said.

Nepalese Minister of State for Home Devendra Raj Kandel said onSunday
that Nepal did not need foreign troops but its forces were desperately short
of weapons and equipment.

Nepal urgently needed more modern military hardware to fight the rebel
forces and reduce casualties of government forces, he said.



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L.A. Slide Show on `peoples War In Nepal` [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Li Onesto, author of
“DISPATCHES: Report from the People’s War in Nepal”
Sunday, April 28 at 3pm
Slide presentation by Li Onesto

In the Spring of 1999, RW reporter Li Onesto had the rare opportunity to travel in guerrilla zones in the mountains of Nepal.  Since 1996, there has been intense fighting between the Nepalese government and Maoist guerrillas. Yet there has been little news of this in the western media.  Li Onesto embarked on this journey with the aim of capturing the passion, voices and faces of the peasants involved in this revolution.  She interviewed party leaders, guerrilla soldiers, activists in mass organizations and villagers—those waging this genuine Maoist people’s war and beginning to exercise new people’s power. She is the only photojournalist allowed this kind of access and the only person with this “inside” human story of the war in Nepal.
Libros Revolucion
312 W. 8th St. (between Broadway & Hill)
Downtown L.A.
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March and Rally for Palestine [Oxford] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
A reminder to all for this Saturdays March For Palestine in Oxford, please forward to all contacts..


March and Rally for Palestine [Oxford] Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign End Israeli Occupation NOW! Justice for Palestine! March and rally in Oxford Saturday 27th April 2002 13.30pm Assemble Manzil Way, Cowley Rally with speakers in Broad Street, city centre Called by Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Oxford Stop the War Coalition and the Oxfordshire TUC For further information email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do You Yahoo!?
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PSNI blast a wake-up call -­ CIRA - Andersonstown News [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Andersonstown News 22 April 2002 PSNI blast a wake-up call -­ CIRA Dissident republican group the Continuity IRA has said the recent bomb attack on a Police Service of Northern Ireland training college was a wake up call for those who believe the war was over. The CIRA have claimed a series of bomb blasts over the past few weeks, and a spokesperson with links to the dissident republican group has warned they now "intend to step up their bombing campaign." Reacting to the recent attacks the spokesperson said: "In the past the campaign has been sporadic, developments were monitored and a strategy was put in place as to the best way to move forward. "In the coming weeks and months, I believe we will see an intensifying of that campaign, support has grown and the army are now prepared to carry on with the war." And the dissident republican warned that there were now many younger people poised and ready to carry out future attacks. "The war was always about achieving a United Ireland and that has now been abandoned by the Provisionals. Those people who struggled for that cause gave up their lives, and sacrificed everything are rightly disillusioned with the current peace process. "But support has now grown beyond that generation and young people are now throwing their lot in wanting to get involved. It is a sad reality that after all these years we are still forced to take military action to achieve our objectives." But the anti-agreement republican added that they believed most of the future attacks would be concentrated around dissident strongholds. "Nationalist areas of Belfast are controlled by the Provisionals and people are afraid to speak out even though they disagree with the peace process. "The Continuity are not going to work to anyone else agenda, they will strike when they are ready. "The CIRA have shown they are able to carry out effective military operations in the past, but I would say we haven't seen anything yet."Do You Yahoo!?
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TWO National Protests coming up in LONDON for PALESTINE! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

National Rally for Palestine in Trafalgar Square
Saturday, 18 May 2002, 12:00 Hyde Park, Speakers Corner to  Trafalgar Square

Organised by:  Palestine Solidarity Campaign

March and Rally for Palestine in London
Thursday, 13 June 2002, from 13:00: at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park (nearest tube, Marble Arch)
March from Speakers Corner to Trafalgar Square. Speakers, Jeremy Corbyn MP and others. Supported by UKIM, MCB, PRC, Da'watul Islam and other Muslim/Non-Muslim organisations.
Organised by:  Muslim Association of Britain, Please view this site for more information on transport etc.Do You Yahoo!?
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Protest Israeli Embassy London, Saturday 27th April. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Please forward details of this protest!

Protest Israeli Embassy LondonProtest from 3pm to 6pm Israeli Embassy Junction of Palace Green and Kensington High Street tube StationDo You Yahoo!?
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Kissinger demo [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Barry Stoller


Ananova. 24 April 2002. Sit-down protest over Kissinger appearance;
Kissinger admits 'mistakes were made.'

LONDON -- An anti-globalisation protest has taken place outside London's
Royal Albert Hall as thousands of business leaders arrived for a

The demonstrators were joined by a group campaigning against Henry

A huge puppet depicting Dr Kissinger was erected on the pavement outside
the venue by the Get Kissinger Group.

It plans to hold a mock trial accusing the 78-year-old of being a war
criminal because of his involvement in events in Vietnam, Laos and

Scores of protesters banged drums and chanted "war criminal" and "this
is what democracy looks like."

There was heavy security outside the conference venue but police stood
by as the protesters sat on the main road outside the Royal Albert Hall.

The theme of the conference was globalisation and had been expected to
spark protest from campaigners.

The demonstrators later ended their sit-down protest.

Henry Kissinger has responded to calls for his arrest for allegedly
aiding and abetting war crimes by admitting that mistakes were "quite
possibly" made in administrations in which he served.

As Dr Kissinger addressed the Institute of Directors' annual convention
in London, protesters staged a demonstration outside the conference

They accused him of war crimes involvement in Vietnam, Laos and

Earlier human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell made an unsuccessful
legal move to have Dr Kissinger arrested under the Geneva Convention.

Dr Kissinger says it will be impossible to recall every one of the
thousands of cases he dealt with every day when he was in office.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
with a photo from the demo


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Greek rescue team denied entry to Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message





  Greek rescue team denied entry to 


  By Amira Hass, Ha'aretz Correspondent 
  and agencies





  Israel is preventing a Greek team made up of 34 
  earthquake rescue experts from coming to Israel to help salvage bodies 
  from beneath the ruins in the Jenin refugee camp, Palestinian and Greek 
  sources have confirmed to Ha'aretz. Queried on the issue, a spokesperson for 
  the Foreign Ministry said, "Israel does not prevent humanitarian aid. We 
  are aware of the problem and it is being handled by the relevant 
  authorities." A plane loaded with equipment 
  has been delayed for two days at the Athens airport since the Foreign 
  Ministry informed the Greek embassy that "there is no need for such a 
  team." Greek sources told Ha'aretz that Greek diplomats had 
  told their Israeli counterparts that the question of whether the team was 
  needed or not, could only be determined on site. Palestinian officials praised the Greek initiative and have said 
  they eagerly anticipate the team's arrival. Reports of people missing are still coming in from the refugee 
  camp as well as reports of children sustaining injuries from explosive 
  devices left strewn amongst the camp's ruins. Residents of the camp are 
  now blaming the IDF bomb sappers, saying they have left the camp without 
  completing their job. Russia to send humanitarian aid to Palestinian 
  territories MOSCOW - Russia is 
  sending humanitarian aid and emergency workers to the Middle East on 
  Wednesday to assist Palestinians in the wake of Israel's military 
  operations in Palestinian territories, the Emergency Situations Ministry 
  said. A ministry spokeswoman said a group 
  of experts, along with humanitarian cargo, would fly to Amman, Jordan, 
  from Moscow on Wednesday afternoon. Deputy 
  Minister Yuri Brazhnikov said Wednesday's shipment would include 20 metric 
  tons of food, 1,000 blankets and 30 three-person tents, according to the 
  Interfax news agency. "After the situation 
  in Palestine is assessed, a mobile hospital and necessary specialists of 
  the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry are expected to be sent to the 
  region," Brazhnikov was quoted as saying. Tentatively, the ministry group 
  is to work in Jenin and other cities controlled by the Palestinian 
  Authority, he said. Brazhnikov said Russia 
  had reached an agreement with both Israel and the Palestinian Authority on the assistance. While Russia is officially a co-sponsor of the Middle East peace 
  process along with the United States, Moscow has taken a much less active 
  role in trying to broker a political solution to the 


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UN agrees to postpone fact-finding mission by a few days- Jerusalem Post [WWW.ST

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



UN agrees to 
postpone fact-finding mission by a few 
daysBy Herb Keinon 
and Nina Gilbert

In a surprise turnaround, 
Israel decided Tuesday night to "postpone" its agreement to 
cooperate with the UN fact-finding mission, with one diplomatic official saying 
Israel was afraid of being "set-up." The decision was made after 
consultations Prime Minister Ariel Sharon held in his office with Defense 
Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and representatives from the Defense Ministry and 
the Foreign Ministry who are preparing Israel's case. According to a 
senior diplomatic official, Israel received intelligence information the 
Palestinian Authority was busy setting the stage in Jenin to "cook up" evidence 
for the fact-finding committee "proving" a massacre had taken place. 
Israel, furthermore, received no assurances its representatives would be 
allowed into the camp to present their arguments. The official reason 
for the decision was that UN General-Secretary Kofi Annan had changed the 
fact-finding mission's terms of reference from strictly fact-finding to 
something more expansive. Israel is concerned, the official said, the 
committee will go beyond investigating what happened in Jenin to a wider probe 
that Israel never agreed to, and which could lead to a recommendation to Annan 
to set up an investigative committee or to dispatch of international observers. 
"The composition of the committee was done without our consultation or 
agreement," the official said. "We are a sovereign country and don't have to 
accept these types of dictates." Israel, according to this official, is 
also unhappy three of the four members of the committee are political officials, 
not military officers able to go to a battlefield and - in a detached manner - 
discern what happened. "It is better for us to suffer a few bad days of 
publicity now, rather than have to live with the consequences of a biased report 
later on," the official said. Earlier in the day, Sharon told the 
Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee he would accept the fact-finding 
committee because it was the "lesser of evils." He said the US made it clear it 
would not veto a Security Council resolution for a commission of inquiry, and 
that the fact-finding mission was preferable to such a commission. 
Foreign Ministry legal adviser Alan Baker, one of the members of the 
team, said earlier in the day that although Israel expected to be consulted 
before the committee was appointed, it did not object to the fact-finders. 
"All the members of the team are respected professionals who have a 
proven track record in the international community," Baker said. "We trust their 
objectivity and professionalism." Baker vehemently denied reports that 
one of the members of the team, former president of the International Committee 
of the Red Cross Cornelio Sommaruga, is anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. 
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote an article two years 
ago on the controversy regarding keeping Magen David Adom out of the ICRC 
because the Star of David is not a recognized symbol. Krauthammer quoted 
Sommaruga as saying, "If we're going to have the Shield of David, why would we 
not have to accept the swastika?" Baker, who was present at the time of 
the remarks, said that using this comment to allegedly show an anti-Jewish bias 
on Sommaruga's part "is a vile manipulation of something said in a different 
context." "I know the context because I was there," Baker said. "When we 
were talking about adding additional emblems in the Red Cross movement, 
Sommaruga remembered that the old historic Indian symbol of the swastika, before 
it was used by the Nazis, was proposed as a humanitarian red cross symbol. To 
take it out of context as something he said - in an anti-Semitic context - is 
vile, manipulative, and destructive." Mordechai Yedid, the Foreign 
Ministry's deputy director-general in charge of UN and international 
organizations, said Sommaruga was behind a compromise that would have allowed 
Israel to join the organization in 2000 - but that meeting was postponed after 
the current violence broke out, and has not yet been rescheduled. At the 
same time, other diplomatic officials said Israel's relations with the ICRC hit 
an all-time low when Sommaruga was its head - largely over allegations of 
torture of security prisoners. These relations improved, however, after a 
meeting Sommaruga had with then-Shin Bet head Ami Ayalon. One of the 
other members of the fact-finding committee, Sadako Ogata, the former UN high 
commissioner for refugees, received an honorary doctorate from Ben-Gurion 
University two years ago. In her speech, Ogata said: "Israel is a 
country rooted in history's worst tragedies of forced human displacement, and 
millions of refugees owe their tragic plights to the Holocaust. The Jewish 
people have behind them hundreds of years of persecution

News, 24.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 24th, 2001, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Germany's Terror Fight Yields Results

   Germany shows it's getting tougher on terror at home with a
   sweep that netted 11 suspected members of a Palestinian organization.
   Prosecutors believe they were planning attacks in Germany.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_504643_1_A,00.html

   Quake kills one and topples mosque tower in Kosovo

   An earthquake measuring 5.3 on Richter scale has jolted the Balkans.
   In the town of Gnjilane, a mosque tower toppled, killing at least one
   person. Telephone and electrical services have been disrupted
   throughout Kosovo where NATO-led peacekeepers said at least 35 people
   were injured. The tremor caused tall buildings to sway in the
   Macedonian capital Skopje. The tremor was felt as far away as the
   Bulgarian capital Sofia. It was also felt in Skopje, Belgrade and
   Montenegro. The epic centre was in northeastern Macedonia close to
   the border with Kosovo.

   UN Fact Finding Commission Could Get New Members

   The United Nations has agreed to consider appointing new members to a
   commission that is to investigate alleged atrocities by the Israeli
   army in the Jenin refugee camp. Late Tuesday, Israel threatened to
   suspend co-operation with the inquiry, complaining no military or
   counter-terrorism experts had been appointed to the panel. Early
   Wednesday, three of the four people appointed to the commission
   arrived in Geneva, Switzerland for preliminary meetings. Former
   Finnish President Marrti Ahtisaari is to lead the UN fact finding


   Israeli and Palestinian negotiators continue a second day of talks on
   Wednesday to try to resolve the three-week-old standoff between
   Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen holed up in Bethlehem's
   Church of the Nativity. At the same time just a few kilometers down
   the road, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana met with Palestinian
   President Yassar Arafat at his besieged compound in Ramallah. As yet
   there is no word from either meeting if progress is being made. Mr.
   Solana will also meet with Israeli Defense Minister Benjamin
   Ben-Elieser and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon later this evening.

   Suspected Terrorist arraigned in Germany as Dutch Police arrest 4

   Otto Schily, the German federal interior minister has warned of
   possible terror attacks in Germany. His warning came one day after
   raids in 5 states netted 11 members of the Sunni Palestinian
   al-Tawhid organization who are suspected of plotting terrorist
   activities. Most of the 11 suspects were arraigned in court on
   Wednesday. In Holland, Dutch police have arrested 4 Algerians
   suspected to be members of an Islamic militant group. Five others
   were briefly detained but have been released. The four are believed
   to be members of a splinter group of the Islamic Army. The group
   known as the Groupe Salafsite pour la Prediction et le Combat
   (GPSC)has declared a jihad or holy war against the enemies of Islam.

   UK Police Arrest 16 Paedphiles

   Scotland Yard has successfully smashed a major child pornography
   operation in the United Kingdom. 34 police forces simultaneously
   raided 75 locations throughout the UK early Tuesday. At least 16
   people have been arrested including a 15 year old, and a large amount
   of computer equipment had been seized for examination. The operation
   codenamed "Magenta" used specialized equipment to trace people who
   had entered child porn chat rooms anonymously. Detectives expect to
   make further arrests as the content of computer hard drives are

   Caspian Summit Ends Without Agreement

   The five leaders of states surrounding the Caspian Sea were unable to
   agree on how to divide the sea and its rich oil and gas reserves
   despite a year's planning and two days of talks. The 5 states have
   sharp differences on how to divide the sea, including the water
   itself and so the fishery rights and hydrocarbon reserves beneath it.
   Currently the Caspian is governed by agreements between the Soviet
   Union and Iran that date back to 1970. Observers said the meeting
   appeared to highlight rather than overcome the differences between
   Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Iran.

   Czech Parliament Retains Benes Decree

   The Czech parliament has voted almost unanimously to leave untouched
   the so-called Benes Decree used to expel three million ethnic
   Germans from the-then Czechoslovakia when World War II ended.
   Germany, and Austria, ha

Shadows of the Past [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Balkan Expressby Nebojsa 
April 18, 
Shadows of the PastDreadful Fallout of Empire's 
Balkans Policies
For over a decade, the Empire and its 
vassals have gradually imposed themselves into the lives and lands of people in 
the Balkans, almost always to those peoples' detriment. In the process, they 
have torn down many pillars of civilization, law and common decency, all in the 
name of help, human rights and humanitarianism. Whether they did so as actual masters of malice, or mere 
fools who thought they could use the power of Tolkien's metaphorical Ring for 
good, now hardly seems to matter. For all power exacts a price, and absolute power most 
of all.
The Dutch government collapsed 
this Tuesday, following the publication of a report that analyzed the role of 
Dutch troops in one of the most controversial episodes of the Bosnian War. A 
government-established commission concluded, after a five-year investigation, 
that the tragedy of Srebrenica was not so cut-and-dry as is still widely 
believed in the West. The resulting outrage compelled the government to 
resign, and on Wednesday, the Army 
Chief of Staff resigned as well.
There are many interesting things about the 7000-page report. Apparently, 
it says that there has been no evidence of 
Slobodan Milosevic's involvement with Srebrenica, corroborating what Milosevic 
has said to the Hague Inquisition. Nor does it blame Radovan Karadzic, wartime 
leader of the Bosnian Serb Republic. Another largely under-reported point was 
the activity of Bosnian Muslim troops in the supposedly demilitarized enclave. 
Judging by the outrage of defenders of Official Truth, the report could even be 
casting some unwelcome light on the accepted assertion that some 8000 Muslim 
civilians were killed in cold blood, which the Hague Inquisition has already 
declared a genocide. 

It so happens that the Dutch have been one of Empire's most eager vassals 
in the Balkans interventions, especially the NATO attack on Serbia. As General 
Michael Short told the US Congress in October 1999, they were "small dogs [who wanted to] 
have a seat at the table." Unfortunately, the bitter experience of Bosnia is 
unlikely to urge Empire's lapdogs to re-think the policy of blind 
The Bosnia Blowback
Dutch actions (or lack thereof) in Srebrenica are just the tip of 
the Bosnia iceberg, though. For years, the Serbs clamored about the substantial 
presence of Muslim radicals in Bosnia. Since they were considered demons, 
though, hardly anyone was inclined to listen – even when the said radicals tried 
to blow up the Pope (see April 11-12) in 
1997. Now, however, Bosnia's NATO occupiers are "finding" Islamic terrorists everywhere. Three former 
Muslim intelligence officials were even indicted by the new 
government over their involvement with Iranian terrorist operations in Bosnia 
during 1995/96.
Now even the most popular US military newspaper 
writes about Osama Bin Laden's ties with the Bosnian mujahedin, and the threat 
which this represents to the US military. The same article says the US turned a 
blind eye (and nothing more?) when Iran sent weapons, money and men to Bosnian 
Muslims and Croats during the war, while possible violations of the arms embargo to 
the region were discussed by none other than the infamous General Wesley K. 
Clark, the "hero" of Kosovo.
To think the Imperial air force bombed Serbian TV 
for saying much less! 
Law of Submission
Nor is Bosnia the only Imperial intervention causing major tremors 
in the fabric of world sanity. Claiming to be under 
heavy US pressure, Serbia's ruling hydra approved 
a bill last week regulating the extradition of Serbian and Yugoslav (while it still exists) 
citizens to the Hague Inquisition, 
based on its indictments for "war crimes" in Kosovo. The full text of the bill 
was published in Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti (in 
Serbian), just before it was voted into law.
There are many problems with the ICTY Cooperation Act. It is 
unconstitutional, it gives undeserved legitimacy to the Hague Inquisition, and 
it is just plain atrocious as to the degree of power it gives to the Inquisitors 
inside Serbia. Such powers most closely resemble those demanded 
by Austria-Hungary in 1914, in one of the classical examples of Imperial 
blowback*. Yet 
according to this Empire's eager servants, even 
that is not submissive enough. 
In response, the former minister of Internal Affairs shocked 
the nation by committing public 
suicide in front of the Parliament. Former Army Chief of Staff, however, 
said surrender was his "duty" 
and "legal obligation." The Djindjic regime wholeheartedly agreed, and promised 
to extradite all those currently wanted by the Inquisition before May 1. 

Such groveling of a nominally sovereign country before an emphatically illegal and illegitimate 
institution set up by the Empire should be deplorabl


2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


HELL'His torturers beat him mercilessly, tied 
his hands and fastened the rope to a horse pulling him around until he fainted, 
then they gathered horse urine in a pot and made him drink… In early 
July last year, on the road from Tetovo to the village of Neproshteno, a group 
of armed Albanians kidnapped a 30-year-old Macedonian from Neproshteno who was 
on his way home. He was ransomed by his father after around 20 hours of torture. 
Media reported scant information about this abduction as one case in the long 
series of kidnappings in the west of Macedonia where war was going on. Nine 
months later, the man told his story about lost moral values, about life and 
survival and the terrible ordeal he went through as prisoner of the self-styled 
fighters for human rights. “It was about 6.30 p.m. when I drove into the 
village. I was within 200 meters from my house when I noticed the road was 
blocked, as a group of around 150 armed men in uniforms with UCK insignias 
appeared all around. No sooner had I tried to turn around and drive back that a 
Lada Niva with three UCK members emerged behind me. They were probably members 
of their military police. With a gun poked in my neck they took me to the group, 
searched me and when they saw I wasn’t armed we set off for Poroj first and then 
for Drenovec 2 where their headquarters was. At gunpoint they made me phone my 
family and tell them I was in a field in the middle of a shootout and that I’d 
come back as soon as I could. They didn’t blindfold my eyes and I could 
recognize a lot of familiar faces among them. There they beat me and threatened 
me and then at around 10 p.m. we took off for the village of Germo. They talked 
all along that it was not up to them to decide what to do with me, our superiors 
will have the final say, they explained.” This is how the story of the kidnapped 
man goes. He didn’t want to reveal his identity because, as he said, he was 
protecting his family that had already gone through a lot of uncertainty, fear 
and agony. In Germo, it was like being in hell for him. They closed him 
in a stable with two horses inside, blindfolded his eyes and started questioning 
him. “My father, before he retired, worked in the police, in the drugs 
department. They asked me if Minister Boshkovski and I were relatives. One of 
them said: “I know your father, he didn’t beat me, but we’re going to beat you 
as much as police beat me.” I found out later that he was a murderer who had 
shot a man dead with a rifle. They tied me to a post with my hands at the back, 
and they also tied my neck.. I couldn’t move, otherwise I would have strangled 
myself. I didn’t know how much time had passed when a man came in and spoke. I 
realized by his voice that he was from Neproshteno, we drank coffee once 
together. He took pity on me, threw a blanket over my back and gave me a glass 
of water. The following day, many of them came. They kept kicking me and hitting 
me with hoes, sticks and other objects they found at hand. At times, they 
splashed buckets of water onto my face to make me come around and then the 
beating went on. After a while they untied me, gave me cigarette and made me 
write a biography about my family and me.” But this was not the end of 
his suffering. His torturers beat him mercilessly, tied his hands again and 
fastened the rope to a horse pulling him around until he fainted, then they 
gathered horse urine in a pot and made him drink dipping his head inside. They 
even made him eat horse droppings. “I know most of those who tortured me. I 
didn’t know until then that a man can be so tough to endure pains that not even 
animals can stand. After they had enough and got tired of their own brutality, 
they pulled me again down on my knees and tied me. I remained in that position 
until 12.30 when a man I knew entered the stable asking me what ministers I 
worked for. He knocked the stuffing out of me, spat at me and left. An hour 
later, one commander Avzi came and told me they were going to let me go. I 
didn’t believe him, but he ordered the guard to untie me, and then he stood me 
up and took me to a Lada Niva. A villager passed by. He was an elderly Albanian 
who knew my father. The only words he uttered were: “This is insane,” and he 
handed me a cigarette. I was to be turned over to others in Poroj, they told me. 
They also warned me I was not to tell anything to anybody and that if necessary 
I should turn for medical help to doctors on duty or called them in at home. 
They gave me back some of my belongings and IDs and took me to the Sutjesa 
patrol station. Another Albanian took charge of me there. He drove me to Tetovo 
where my parents had been waiting for me. It turned out that my father knew all 
along I was kidnapped and paid ransom to save my life. He refuses to talk of 
that even today,” the young man resumed his story ridden with emotions 


2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


LEADER KOFI ANAN Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon expressed his 
disappointment with the members of the UN Committee, sent to examine the 
situation in the Palestinian city of Jenin. Israeli officials were 
angered at the fact the members of the committee were selected without 
consulting Israel. The committee, they feel, consists of human rights activists, 
and no military experts who would understand the necessity of Israel's actions, 
and appreciate Israel's avoiding the use of aerial bombings in order to spare 
the lives of the innocent. "This cost us lives on many soldiers", said 
an Israeli official, who said he felt Kofi Anan had cheated the Israeli's and 
forced upon them an unwanted committee. The Israeli's were please with 
the absence of UN representative in the area, Teria Larsen. Larsen appeared on 
television in several days ago, saying he was shocked at what he saw at Jenin, 
and more than hinting he felt Israel had acted without a mandate. 
Israelis were furious with Larsen's comments. "Where was he when the 
Park Hotel in Netanya blew up and the bodies of our children were spread on the 
street?" asked Israel's minister of law, Meir Shitrit. "Not once have I heard 
Larsen say anything against the Palestinian terror, except for occasional 
general remarks. He never once pointed a finger of blame at them". How 
furious were the Israeli ministers could be seen by the prime minister's 
office's decision to refuse any contact with Larsen. Several high level Israeli 
officials are considering declaring Larsen a persona non grate - unwanted 
person. Haim Avraham, the father of a kidnapped Israeli soldier, who is 
believed to be held, or possible killed by Hizbollah forces put it best for 
Israelis: "Larsen and his organisation are clearly unobjective. They lied to my 
face when he said the UN didn't have a tape of my son being kidnapped. We know 
now they do have one! And they hid it from us. Larsen never spoke of the 
horrible thing that happened to my son. I've never heard him say a word about 
the terror we live in". The tape the UN hid from Avraham raises heavy 
suspicions of UN soldiers ignoring the Israeli soldiers distress during the 
kidnapping. Avraham's words say it best for the Israeli street, who today have 
lost pretty much all faith in the UN. Gil Eyal Israel 
Specially for PRAVDA.Ru 

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E.U. Launches New Peace Initiative [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  E.U. Launches New Peace Initiative


  By Bradley BurstonArab 
  MADRID, Apr 24, 2002 -- Foreign Ministers of the European Union and ten 
  southern Mediterranean states ended two days of talks yesterday with the 
  EU announcing plans to send another peace mission to the Middle East as 
  the Israeli barbarism in the Jenin refugee camps began to unfold. 
  Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique said the EU team including 
  European security chief Javier Solana was planning to meet Palestinian 
  leader Yasser Arafat. The team will leave for Tel Aviv this morning. 
  The mission signaled a new EU contribution to international efforts to 
  end continuing Israeli-Palestinian tensions, said Pique. 
  The team will also include special EU Middle East envoy Miguel Angel 
  Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres earlier invited the EU to send 
  another peace mission to the region, saying the team would have "the same 
  freedom of movement and action" as US Secretary of State Colin Powell. 
  An EU mission to Israel earlier this month led by Solana and including 
  Pique was refused permission to meet Arafat. 
  Meanwhile, some 600 homes were destroyed and 200 made uninhabitable 
  during the Israeli offensive on the refugee camp, according to a 
  preliminary assessment released yesterday by a group of aid agencies in 
  the area. 
  In Jerusalem,US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Affairs William 
  Burns was quoted by a US diplomat as saying yesterday the United States 
  wants Israel to withdraw from all autonomous Palestinian zones that it is 
  now occupying. 
  During a one-hour meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 
  Burns said Washington wants "an immediate (Israeli) withdrawal from all 
  the zones" now reoccupied, principally the West Bank town of Bethlehem and 
  the area around the Ramallah headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser 
  Sharon told Burns the army would withdraw at the "appropriate time" 
  after completing its task, the source said. 
  In Washington, diplomats and officials said the United States may host 
  talks with Russia, the United Nations and the European Union in Washington 
  in early May on the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. 
  The diplomats said the meeting could be on May 2. 
  In its ongoing offensive, Israeli Army arrested a local leader of the 
  Islamic Jihad along with 29 other suspected activists from across villages 
  surrounding Bethlehem. 
  The army arrested nine suspected Palestinian activists including Jamal 
  Hamamra, a leader of Islamic Jihad, in the village of Husan, west of 
  Bethlehem, witnesses said. 
  Another nine Palestinians were arrested in the village of Battir and 
  five in El Khadr, both west of Bethlehem, witnesses said. 
  The army said earlier it had arrested 26 Palestinians in the West Bank 
  overnight on suspicion of "terrorist activities", while an AFP 
  correspondent saw four more picked up. 
  Israeli forces took over the village of Wadi Salka in the southern Gaza 
  Strip early yesterday, opening fire and bulldozing a position of the 
  Palestinian national security services, the village mayor said. 
  Tanks, armored cars and army bulldozers moved more than a kilometer 
  into the Palestinian-run village in the early hours yesterday, opening 
  fire and destroying the security position, Mayor Yusef Abu Ajjin told AFP. 

  There were no immediate reports of casualties. Villagers stayed in 
  their homes, too scared to go outside, Ajjin said. 
  The Israeli Army yesterday conducted house-to-house searches in the 
  Palestinian village of Fayasel, 20 km north of Jericho on the West Bank, 
  the village mayor said. 
  The army declared the village a "closed military zone" before moving 
  The soldiers, with camouflage paint on their faces, searched for two 
  hours through the 140 houses in the village of 800 residents. 
  In Ramallah, a powerful explosion was heard in a building next door to 
  the besieged Ramallah headquarters of President Arafat yesterday, 
  officials inside the Palestinian leader's office told AFP by telephone. 
  The blast appeared to come from inside a building belonging to Arafat's 
  Force 17 presidential guard, located some 20 meters from the office where 
  Arafat is penned up with aides, security guards and international 
  activists acting as a "human shield" for the Palestinian leader. 
  In London, Amnesty International expressed concern yesterday that a UN 
  team investigating the Israeli Army's assault on the Jenin refugee camp 
  might not have

Israel Sets Conditions on UN Probe, Reflecting Sense of Jewish State in Bunker M

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Israel Sets Conditions on UN Probe, Reflecting 
  Sense of Jewish State in Bunker 


  By Bradley BurstonHa'aretz
  TEL AVIV, Apr 24, 2002 -- Whether or not the UN fact-finding commission 
  succeeds in dispelling the dense clouds of suspicion over the IDF 
  offensive in the Jenin refugee camp, it is almost certain to bolster the 
  one Israeli consensus that Ariel Sharon can count on: the sense among 
  Israelis of all stripes that the world is against them. 
  In an abrupt about-face as a host of foreign diplomats descended on the 
  embattled Holy Land, Israel told UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan that it 
  may withhold cooperation from a fact-finding panel over IDF operations in 
  Jenin, fearing that its results are doomed to be pro-Palestinian and may 
  only add to waves of world protest against the Jewish state. 
  Sharon late on Tuesday set new terms for the commission's work, saying 
  that it must also look into the terrorism that sparked the offensive, and 
  the militant organizations that used the Jenin camp as a launching pad for 
  dozens of suicide bombings. 
  Stung by Palestinian charges - echoed by foreign media and diplomats 
  over blanket denials by Israel - that its soldiers carried out summary 
  executions and massacres in battling militants in the camp, Israelis who 
  have often taken issue with Sharon's hardline policies said Wednesday that 
  it was time that the world felt compassion for the hundreds of Jews killed 
  in Palestinian terror operations. 
  "We wanted the (UN) committee to come, because we have nothing to 
  hide," said Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, chairman of Sharon's 
  increasingly uneasy coalition partner, the center-left Labor. "All the 
  facts are on the table," Ben-Eliezer said, adding that when the UN 
  delegates do arrive they must also investigate "what happened in the 
  massacre at the Dolphinarium" the seaside Tel Aviv disco where more than a 
  score of young Israelis were killed in a suicide bombing last year. 
  "We're asking tough questions, and ... we've said: Enough," Ben-Eliezer 
  continued. "In the last month alone, 137 people were slaughtered (by 
  Palestinians), and nearly 700 were wounded. Is there anyone that's 
  investigating that?" 
  Likud cabinet minister Danny Naveh, a close associate of former prime 
  minister Benjamin Netanyahu - expected to challenge Sharon for the Likud 
  mantle in elections slated for next year - said Israel should never have 
  agreed to allow the UN delegation in the first place. 
  "I very much fear that a precedent has been set that will be very 
  dangerous, very bad for Israel," Naveh said. "Israel had only one 
  alternative in the face of this possibility, and that was simply to say 
  'No, ' and to make a much greater effort to persuade the American 
  administration to veto this decision." 
  Palestinians cited the Israeli reservations over the UN commission as 
  proof that the Jewish state was engaged in a cover-up of major 
  But Israelis, inundated with reports of resurgent world anti-Semitism 
  and protests equating the IDF with the Nazi forces that wiped out European 
  Jewry in the genocide of the World War II Holocaust, had little patience 
  for the criticism, or for the fact-finding panel. 
  "From our point of view the whole thing is a set-up for Israel," said 
  Gideon Meir, a normally mild-mannered Foreign Ministry official charged 
  with Israel's public relations effort. "Everything is against Israel here. 
  What about the terror attacks?" 
  The issue has only added to the sense among Israelis that they cannot 
  expect a fair shake from the world, remarks Ha'aretz commentator Gideon 
  Samet. "If there is a sense among anti-Semites that there is am 
  international Jewish conspiracy, there's something of a parallel feeling 
  among Israelis of an international goyish conspiracy, the sense that the 
  whole world is against them." 
  The sense was compounded by such elements as statements by former Labor 
  prime minister Ehud Barak cautioning Israelis against expecting any peace 
  deals with the Palestinians in the forseeable future. According to Samet, 
  the sense of despair has tended to bolster Sharon in his demonstrated 
  predilection for defying international and White House pressure. "It has 
  become a national malaise," Samet says. 
  It was the second time this month that Ariel Sharon had tendered a 
  possible veto on hands-on international involvement in the crisis in the 
  territories, coming a few weeks after the prime minister enraged EU 
  foreign poli

Fugitive Karadzic sends his regrets [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic


Wednesday, 24 April, 2002, 15:51 GMT 16:51 UK

Fugitive Karadzic sends his regrets

Karadzic says the war crimes tribunal is illegal

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic - the UN's most wanted war
crimes suspect - has sent a letter offering his "regrets" for being
unable to attend a criminal tribunal in The Hague.

In the letter to Kosta Cavoski, a Serbian law professor, Mr Karadzic
said he would not be answering calls for his surrender.

  Not only is this tribunal illegally established, but it is also a
source of shame for a decent part of the West, which now backs it

   "I have not had a chance to sort it out with Sylvester," said Mr
Karadzic, referring to an appeal by the leader of the Nato-led
Stabilisation Force (Sfor), US General John Sylvester.

"But if I had, I would express my regret for being unable to accept his
appeals to turn myself in to the tribunal.

"Not only is this tribunal illegally established, but it is also a
source of shame for a decent part of the West, which now backs it.

  The family and friends of al-Qaeda are not threatened, which is
nice, but my friends and family are threatened

"I would ask General Sylvester what kind of court it is, and first of
all what kind of a prosecution it is, that first arrests people and then
collects evidence.

"The family and friends of al-Qaeda are not threatened, which is nice,
but my friends and family are threatened, even though I have never in
any respect been an enemy of General Sylvester's homeland."

He added that "any Serb, regardless of his responsibility or guilt"
could find himself before The Hague court.

Mr Cavoski is chairman of the Belgrade-based group the International
Committee for the Truth about Radovan Karadzic.


The letter, which was published in the latest issue of Belgrade's
Nedeljni Telegraf, went on to accuse the Sfor and its leader of
exceeding their mandate.

Mr Karadzic then warned General Sylvester not to cross paths with him.

"According to his mandate, the gentleman general could arrest me only if
his soldiers happen to come across me during their everyday activities.

  I have made thousands of new friends, about whom my pursuers do
not know

   "For more than six years I have been doing all I can to ensure that
that meeting never takes place, and it would be better if General
Sylvester were to do the same.

"That is because I would come out of such a meeting in one way or
another. In the technical sense I would probably come out of it very
badly, but in the moral sense I would definitely be the winner."

He concluded by advising the commander not to "terrorise" wanted men.

  Perhaps they left us in Bosnia so that the whole of it can be ours
one day

"I have made thousands of new friends, about whom my pursuers do not
know," he said.

"I have more and more of them with each passing day.

"I do not have to remain in just two or three villages in the Serb
Republic because Bosnia has remained a single country, so why should I
deny myself the whole of Bosnia?

"Perhaps they left us in Bosnia so that the whole of it can be ours one


Mr Karadzic and his former army commander, Ratko Mladic, are charged
with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia based in The

  Ratko Mladic, who is accused of war crimes, is believed to be in

Both men are accused of involvement in the 1995 massacre of more than
7,000 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica.

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was extradited last year
and is now on trial for alleged atrocities carried out during wars in
Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

The letter, allegedly sent on 17 April and signed by Mr Karadzic, was
published the day after 17 war crimes indictees failed to meet a
Yugoslav Government deadline to give themselves up or face arrest and

Mr Karadzic has eluded capture in spite of Nato-led raids in
south-eastern Bosnia two months ago.

He is said to travel between eastern Bosnia and the republic of
Montenegro. Mr Mladic is believed to be in hiding in Belgrade.


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The End Of America's Prestige (by Charley Reese) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  The End Of America's 
  A friend of mine once told a 
  college class that nobody ever woke up in 476 A.D. (the date historians 
  define as the fall of the Roman Empire) and said, "Gosh, I'm in the Dark 
  His point is plain enough. 
  Transitions happen gradually, and the people who live through them never 
  realize what is happening. So it is with Americans. We are living in the 
  ruins of a once-great republic. Now an empire utterly devoid of moral 
  authority, the United States has nothing left but its military power and 
  its capacity to consume on credit.
  Where the world's great 
  leaders will come from in the future, I don't know, but they will not be 
  Americans. Look at the Republican and Democratic parties and their top 
  leaders. Mediocrity in full bloom. Weak men with ambition but no 
  principles. They are devious men, skilled at concealing their personal 
  ambition in patriotic or compassionate rhetoric, depending on which 
  constituency they are trying to bamboozle at the moment.
  I said earlier that Colin 
  Powell's trip to the Middle East would answer the question of who 
  determines American foreign policy: America's elected leaders, or Israel 
  and its powerful American lobby. The answer is Israel.
  Powell has disgraced himself. 
  He did the ritual moaning and groaning about six Israelis killed by a 
  suicide bomber but said nothing about the hundreds of innocent 
  Palestinians killed by the Israelis. As of this writing, he has not even 
  bothered to tour the devastated cities. He has not gone to Bethlehem to 
  see the gratuitous and malicious damage to the civilian infrastructure. He 
  has not gone to Jenin to smell the decomposing bodies buried under the 
  rubble. He has not uttered a single word of public criticism of Israel, 
  while Amnesty International, the United Nations Human Rights Commission 
  and even Israeli human-rights groups have leveled blistering criticism at 
  Israel's beastly policy and actions.
  Instead, he acted as Israeli 
  Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's errand boy by hopping over to Lebanon and 
  Syria to ask them to restrain Hezbollah. I wish I could have been 
  Lebanon's president long enough to tell him off.
  I would have said to Powell: 
  "Where were you and the United States when for more than 20 years Israel 
  illegally occupied Lebanese territory in open defiance of U.N. Security 
  Council resolutions? You never said one word; you never lifted one finger 
  to force the Israelis out. And now, you have the gall to demand of me that 
  I chastise Hezbollah, whose brave young men did what you should have done 
  — drove the Israelis out of Lebanon. If you cannot see the hypocrisy in 
  your visit and in your request, then I truly pity you. Good day, 
  The Syrian president should 
  have told him the same thing, for the United States has never done one 
  thing to persuade the Israelis to stop their illegal occupation of the 
  Golan Heights.
  Robert Fisk, the great 
  correspondent of The Independent in London, wrote recently: "Mr. Powell's 
  weakness, his failure of nerve, his cowardice are now likely to set off an 
  Israeli-Palestinian war even more terrible than what we have witnessed so 
  far. ... Thanks to Mr. Powell, President Bush and Mr. Sharon, America's 
  credibility has been shattered. Israel, it turns out, does indeed run U.S. 
  policy in the region. The Secretary of State sings from the Israeli 
  The repercussions of this 
  will be unpleasant for the American people. One day, God willing, the 
  American people will wake up and realize what a painful price has been 
  exacted for allowing their politicians to sell their souls to the Israeli 
  lobby. I have to give the Israeli lobby credit. They recognized the souls 
  weren't worth much and bought them on the cheap.
  We had a president once who 
  vowed to make the world safe for democracy. We now have one who is busily 
  making the world unsafe for Americans and who doesn't have a clue as to 
  how ridiculous he now appears in the eyes of the 

  Charley Reese can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED].© 2002 by King Features 
  Syndicate, Inc.

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Friendly fire tragedy has electrified the nation, but will Ottawa take notice?

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


April 24, 2002 

We're paying attention this time
Friendly fire tragedy has electrified the nation, but will Ottawa take 
WORTHINGTON -- Toronto Sun
 In a curious way, the four Canadian soldiers 
killed by "friendly fire" in Afghanistan have done more to make the country 
aware of what soldiers face than any victory would. Usually it's ho-hum 
when soldiers get killed on "peacekeeping" missions - mines, enemy fire, 
accidental shootings. An item in the news and quickly forgotten. Over 
100 such deaths since 1956. The fact 12 Canadian soldiers were hit by an 
F-16's bomb while on a night training exercise near Kandahar has electrified the 
nation, and provoked contradictory responses much of it emotional and 
nonsensical. In death, the four soldiers may help our military in a way 
they never would, had this tragic incident not happened. In no way does 
this diminish the sorrow and hurt of what happened, but it dramatizes what our 
soldiers face and has touched the soul of the country. Right now, the 
ones reflecting the greatest dignity, courage, pride and understanding, mixed 
with sorrow, are the families of the slain soldiers. They are an inspiration to 
all of us. Take the reaction of Marley Leger, the high school sweetheart 
and now the widow of Sgt. Marc Leger. "I have no anger with regard to what 
happened," she's quoted as saying. "Whether Marc died due to hostile fire, or 
friendly fire, or a car accident, it was time to go. And there's no hostility 
towards the Americans or the American pilot. None whatever." She is some 
lady. Her composure and outlook are what many aspire to, but few match. 
Meaningless but emotional polls show many want the Americans to pay 
compensation if found negligent, and the pilot of the F-16 to stand trial. 
Others think Canada should quit Afghanistan. Fewer than 50% of those 
polled view such incidents as an inevitable hazard of war - which, of course, 
they are. INQUIRY'S FOR SHOW The Canadian inquiry headed 
by retired General Maurice Baril seems mostly for show - to prove we care. 
Defence Minister Art Eggleton's assurances that there'll be no cover-up 
are unnecessary, and merely imply that in past inquiries there have been 
cover-ups. Not since WWII have the deaths of Canadian soldiers been so 
honoured. Not Korea, nor those killed in peacekeeping incidents - a fact that 
understandably bugs retired peacekeeping general, Lew MacKenzie. Some 
reaction, while well-intended, makes little sense. In the Sun, columnist Earl 
McRae pays tribute to our soldiers and adds: "Why the hell were our Canadian 
soldiers on the ground engaged in live fire practice in a zone of war and 
skittish sensibilities? Surely to God they were not there to hone their killing 
skills in this dangerous area by practising, they were there to implement what 
they'd already practised. You go to war not to practise, you go to war to fight 
the battle." Oh Earl! Soldiers are always training and honing their 
skills - and live ammunition is essential for such training. Blank ammunition is 
pretend stuff, not real battle training. Canada's WWI triumph at Vimy 
Ridge was largely due to "practising" and rehearsing the actual assault. 
INEXPERIENCE? The F-16 pilot who thought he was under 
fire when he dropped the bomb may have been inexperienced and thought tracer 
rounds ricocheting into the air meant he was under attack. Without 
drawing parallels, the first time my platoon (of Princess Pats) was in action in 
Korea from a position known as the Hook, my guys firing into the no-man's-land 
valley were convinced their ricocheting tracers was fire being returned at them. 
Artillery was called down and all night a gun battle ensued with an 
earthen dyke. At dawn I took a patrol out to investigate. Nothing. A mistake. My 
platoon thought their own tracers were enemy fire. Maybe something 
similar got the F-16 pilot jumpy. Poor guy, what he did to Canadian allies will 
haunt him the rest of his life, even though people like Marley Leger hold no 
grudge. If these first, unnecessary casualties help Canadians and our 
hypocritical government better appreciate our military, perhaps the tragedy will 
not have been in vain. 

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More Saudi lies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


• April 24, 2002 
More Saudi 

 As President Bush prepares for the visit of 
Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah, the administration must free itself from 
the platitudes and talking points ordinarily used to describe the "strength" of 
U.S.-Saudi relations. For the reality is that — aside from radical states like 
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Cuba — few regimes have done more to undermine 
American foreign-policy interests in recent years than the regime in Saudi 
Arabia. The malevolent Saudi approach to Middle East peace was on display 
Sunday, when Mr. Abdullah's foreign-policy adviser, Adel Al-Jubeir, sought to 
justify Arab terrorism and Saudi anti-Semitism on NBC television's "Meet the 
Press" with Tim Russert.  Mr. Russert peppered 
Mr. Al-Jubeir with tough questions. He reminded him that the Saudi ambassador to 
Britain recently published a poem praising Palestinian suicide bombers, writing 
that they had "died to honor My God's word." The ambassador further declared 
that the White House is "filled with darkness." Mr. Russert wanted to know 
whether the envoy had been recalled or reprimanded. Mr. Al-Jubeir merely replied 
that the ambassador, who represents a dictatorship, royal or not, that harshly 
represses dissent at home, was speaking in a "personal" capacity. Asked how he 
squared his expressed desire for "peace" with the recent Saudi telethon that 
raised $92 million for families of Palestinian "martyrs," including the families 
of suicide bombers, Mr. Al-Jubeir brazenly denied that his government supported 
suicide bombers and declared that the Saudis opposed "the killing of innocent 
lives." He declined even to say whether suicide bombers were murderers. 
"Palestinians are desperate," he said. "They're taking desperate measures." Mr. 
Al-Jubeir also indicated that he couldn't say that suicide bombings "are correct 
or not correct."  Any "desperation" the 
Palestinians feel is the result of the behavior of Arab dictatorships like Mr. 
Al-Jubeir's government in Saudi Arabia. Had they not attacked and sought to 
destroy Israel in 1948, there would never have been a Palestinian refugee 
problem. Had the Saudis been willing to use some of their petro-dollars to 
resettle Arab refugees instead of inculcating them with hatred and leaving them 
to rot in fetid refugee camps, peace with Israel would have become a reality 
long ago.  The lot of any Saudi government 
spinner has to be pretty miserable these days. No sane person could enjoy having 
to go on American television knowing he'll be peppered with nasty questions, 
such as, why were 15 of the 19 hijackers who struck the United States on 
September 11 Saudi nationals?  Here's a related 
matter Mr. Bush might want to ask Mr. Abdullah about when they get together: 
The German newspaper Die Welt has reported that Saudi Arabia 
financed the escape of 4,000 agents of Osama bin Laden from Afghanistan to 
Lebanon, and has offered $5,000 for each al Qaeda member who resettles in the 
West Bank or Gaza. Is this the latest Saudi contribution to the famous "peace 

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The International Crisis Group [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
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The International Crisis Group has 
added four former ambassadors and two members of the German parliament to its 
board of directors. Two of the diplomats, Saud 
Nasser Sabah of Kuwait and Itamar Rabinovich of Israel, are former ambassadors 
to the United States. Cheryl Carolus, a former South African ambassador to 
Britain, and Marika Fahlen, a former Swedish ambassador for humanitarian 
affairs, complete the diplomatic newcomers. The 
German lawmakers are Friedbert Pfluger, chairman of the EU Affairs Committee, 
and Uta Zapf, chairman of the Defense subcommittee on arms 
control. Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security 
adviser to President Carter, is also among the 18 new members of the board 
announced yesterday by the think tank, which has offices in Washington, Brussels 
and London.

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Photos from Last saturdays Massive London March for Palestine! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Images from the Anti-IsraelDemo 13th April 2002

A Field of Flags and Banners

The Official Figures for the march were around 15,000 to 30,000but I would have put the figure well above 50,000 and more like 100,000

People from all over demonstrating peacefully.

"1, 2, 3, 4 we don't want your dirty war!"


"Bush, Bush we know youdaddy was a killer too!"

Park Avenue

All generations and all nationsunite against injustice,oppression and tyranny

Protestors outside the Ritz Hotel on the way to Trafalgar Square.


How ironic, a race of people who have suffered and know what it is to be oppressed, brutalised and murdered are now inflicting the same suffering on another innocent people and rightful inhabitants of the holy lands! O Children of Israel have you not learned from history have you forgotten "Never again" have you forgotten the holocaust which you remind the whole world of?

Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn MP 

Tony Benn (ex-MP)"This is the largest number of demonstrators I have ever seen","Bush only wants peace in Palestine so that he can bomb Iraq", 

Rt. Hon. George Galloway MP"Victory to the Intifadah!""Shame on the Arab governments and the Arab leaders"

"Down down Israel, Down down USA!"

A minute's silence for the martyrs of Palestine

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Brutalized by War, A Savage Mob Turns On Its Own [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 in the lndependent/UK 


  Brutalized by War, A Savage Mob 
  Turns On Its Own 

  by Robert Fisk
The first body was hanging upside 
  down, one gray left foot tied to the electricity pylon with wire, his 
  right leg hanging at an obscene angle, his head lolling below what 
  remained of a black shirt. 
  This was Moussa Arjoub of Doura village. The second body was infinitely 
  more terrible, a butcher's carcass; again, hanging by a left leg, but this 
  time his almost naked torso was riven with stab marks and holes into which 
  Palestinian boys of 10 or 12, whooping with glee, were stubbing 
  cigarettes. This was Zuheir al-Mukhtaseb. His head was almost severed from 
  his remains, moving slightly in the wind, bearded, face still distorted 
  with terror.
  He reminded me, oddly, of that fearsome portrait of the martyrdom of 
  Saint Sebastian, all arrows and open wounds. But Zuheir al-Mukhtaseb was 
  reviled, not honored, children and middle-aged Palestinian men roaring 
  with delight when stones thumped off the collaborator's bloodied 
  "This is a lesson to all here." I turned round to find a middle-aged, 
  portly man with a big brown beard, gesturing towards another revolting bag 
  of flesh behind me. "This was Mohamed Debebsi. This is a lesson for the 
  people. Everyone should see this." As I watched, a group of young men with 
  grinning faces hurled his corpse into a rubbish truck.
  What do you do when a people go mad with joy at such savagery? At 
  first, I could not write the description of what I saw into my reporter's 
  notebook and drew sketches instead to remind me of what I was seeing. 
  "Allahu Akbar" – God is Greatest – roared that awful crowd. There were 
  girls on rooftops, young men in suits and ties staring at the corpses from 
  only 10 feet away, boys throwing stones to finish the decapitation of 
  Zuheir al-Mukhtaseb.
  And the street where this – let us call it by its name and say this 
  pornography – took place? "Sharia Salam." The Street of Peace.
  The three men had been imprisoned in the local jail – sentenced so long 
  ago that many of the crowd did not remember the date – for collaborating 
  with Israel's occupation forces. Did they guess their fate, a few hours 
  earlier when they heard the Israeli Apache helicopter firing four 
  missiles, the explosions audible in their Palestinian Authority prison 
  half a mile away? The Israelis had sent a helicopter death squad to 
  eliminate Marwan Zalum, one of the heads of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade 
  in Hebron, the four missiles (made by Lockheed Martin of Florida, 
  according to the bits I found) turning his Mitsubishi car into a 
  Zalum, who was 43 and married with a little girl called Saja, died at 
  once – to a chorus of delight from the Israeli army. He was, they said, 
  "the equivalent of an entire armed militia" – a ridiculous exaggeration – 
  and referred to suicide bombings arranged by his men and the "hundreds of 
  shooting attacks". Three times, the Israeli Army's death squad admission 
  talked of "Jewish communities" when it meant Jewish settlements built 
  illegally on Arab land. And it failed to mention that Samir abu-Rajab, a 
  friend of Zalum, was killed with him by Israel's missiles.
  No matter. By 9.30 yesterday morning, the Al-Aqsa brigades and probably 
  Hamas, and no doubt a vast rabble of Palestinian youths, decided to take 
  revenge on the Israelis by slaughtering Israel's three Palestinian 
  collaborators who sat, helpless, in the local jail. A civil engineer 
  watching the crowds told me that they were dragged to the scene of the car 
  explosion, beaten insensible by the mob and then shot by gunmen.
  So the people of the Hebron suburb of Ein Sara arrived to celebrate 
  this revolting scene. A few touched the corpses; others threw stones. It 
  was a meat shop, the kids climbing electricity pylons to pose beside this 
  butcher's work for friends with camcorders. And how they cheered when the 
  garbage truck moved through the crowds.
  After Debebsi's bloody remains were flung into the back, the lorry 
  moved to the pylon where Mukhtaseb was hanging. His head almost parted 
  from his body as it was thrown into the grey-painted vehicle, to another 
  roar of delight from the crowd. So the citizens of the nascent Palestinian 
  nation behaved yesterday in anger and fury and terrible pleasure at their 
  revenge on Israel for the killing of Zakum and abu-Rajab.
  On the way back to Jerusalem, one could well imagine the r

Re: The International Crisis Group [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Hcottin


The Imperialists are getting restless.

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Cuba's Castro Calls Mexico's Fox a Liar [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 by Reuters 

  Cuba's Castro Calls Mexico's Fox 
  a Liar 

  by Marc Frank 
HAVANA - Cuba's relations with long- 
  time ally Mexico reached a new low on Monday after President Fidel Castro 
  repeatedly called President Vicente Fox a liar, and made public a private 
  conversation between them to prove it. 
  Mexico reacted swiftly, with Fox's spokesman, Rodolfo Elizondo, 
  decrying the playing of a recording of the two presidents talking 
  confidentially as "unacceptable" but saying Mexico would maintain 
  diplomatic relations with Cuba. 
  Castro, speaking before a national TV audience, insisted Fox lied about 
  the Cuban leader's hasty departure last month from a U.N. aid summit in 
  Monterrey, Mexico. 
  Cuba said at the time that Mexico, working on behalf of the United 
  States, pressured Castro to either stay away from the summit or make 
  himself scarce before President Bush arrived. Mexican President Vicente 
  Fox and Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda both denied pressuring Castro to 
  "They were all lying left and right," Castro said. 
  The Cuban president played a tape of a private telephone conversation 
  he had with Fox on the eve of the summit, in which Fox clearly urged 
  Castro to leave the meeting early and urged him "not to attack the United 
  States or President Bush." 
  On the tape Fox asks Castro to make his presentation at the summit and 
  to return to Cuba on Thursday "so that you don't make Friday complicated 
  for me." Bush was scheduled to arrive on Friday. 
  Making public the tape was a clear break with presidential protocol. 
  Castro said the aftermath "of telling these truths could be that 
  diplomatic relations are severed." 
  But Mexico did not react that strongly. 
  "Independent of anecdotes and episodes like this one, the Mexican 
  government will continue its diplomatic relations with the republic of 
  Cuba," said Elizondo, reading a statement to reporters on Monday evening. 
  The statement criticized the lack of democracy in communist Cuba and 
  applauded Mexico's own democracy in words clearly directed at Mexico's 
  pro-Cuba opposition, which has already criticized Fox for his handling of 
  Castro's appearance at the Monterrey summit. 
  Castro said he would resign from office if the conversation proved 
  false and challenged Fox to resign if it was not. 
  "If anyone could prove that the conversation never took place ... I 
  would firmly offer my resignation," Castro said. 
  Mexico has been Cuba's firmest Latin American ally since Castro seized 
  power in a 1959 revolution. 
  But relations have cooled in recent years with Mexico's closer 
  relationship with the United States and its criticism of the human rights 
  situation in Cuba. 
  Castro apparently held off releasing the tape until Mexico's vote last 
  week at the U.N. Human Rights Commission hearings in Geneva to censure the 
  Castro termed the move a "despicable betrayal" as Fox had promised him 
  "that Mexico would never do anything against Cuba" at the U.N. forum. Cuba 
  has said that Mexico and other Latin American countries voted at the 
  behest of the U.S. government. 
  "On the contrary, Havana was the only government that put pressure on 
  Mexico regarding its vote in Geneva regarding the human rights situation 
  in Cuba," Elizondo said. 
  The motion, the first in which Latin America has taken the lead in 
  criticizing Cuba at the commission hearings, was approved by 23 votes to 
  21, with nine abstentions. 
  Cuba has been condemned by the 53-state Commission in past years but 
  most Latin American countries, including Mexico, have abstained in the 
  (additional reporting by Fiona Ortiz in Mexico City) 


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U.S.-led forces desecrate Serbian church? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Thursday, April 25, 2002

U.S.-led forces desecrate Serbian church?
Letter to Bush protests alleged violence by
peacekeeping troops

Posted: April 25, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Aleksandar Pavic

The Serbian Orthodox Church is charging the
peacekeeping force in Bosnia with violently
desecrating church property in its search for suspects
wanted by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. 

In an April 11 letter addressed to U.S. President
Bush, Gen. John B. Sylvester, commander of the SFOR
peacekeeping force in Bosnia, and Bosnian High
Commissioner Wolfgang Petritsch, the Serbian Church
protested the behavior of U.S.-led troops. 

Written by Serb Patriarch Pavle in the name of the
Holy Synod of Bishops, the letter refers to
"enormously unpleasant situations which the faithful
of the Serbian Orthodox Church experienced on Feb. 28
and March 1, 2002, when the soldiers of the SFOR
peacekeeping forces violently burst into these
villages claiming to search for [former Bosnian
political and military leader] Radovan Karadzic. They
used explosive and other objects to smash doors and
barge into houses, ambulances and even schools." 

Even though U.S. officials have express opposition to
the newly ratified International Criminal Court, there
is an urgency to round up people in Bosnia wanted for
alleged war crimes to stand trial in another
international court, the Hague Tribunal. U.S. War
Crimes Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper, on April 18,
traveled to Bosnia to inform the Serb leadership that
"there would be no economic or political progress in
Republika Srpska (the Serb part of Bosnia)" until
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic stood trial at The Hague. He
went on to say that "Republika Srpska risked falling
behind other countries for not cooperating with the
Hague Tribunal" and that its "citizens would continue
suffering while Radovan Karadzic was free." 

In addition, the U.S. administration has continued
applying economic and political pressure against
neighboring Yugoslavia, compelling it to pass an
unconstitutional law that sets the rules for
"cooperation with The Hague" and to issue arrest
warrants against alleged Hague suspects. 

The intensified search for suspects in Bosnia has
caused Karadzic to resurface from his seven-year exile
to protest the methods used in the hunt. 

The letter goes on to say that the Serbian Orthodox
Church is "shocked and appalled by the behavior of the
SFOR soldiers to innocent civilians, especially by
their violent entering the Church of the Dormition of
the Most Holy Mother of God at Celebici, with weapons,
where they scattered sacral objects in the altar and
smashed the glass within the chalice [used] for giving
the Holy Communion to priests and people. ... The
Church in which our faithful pray to God, receive the
Holy Communion, are christened and married has been
desecrated. Religious feelings of our faithful, their
human dignity and safety have been violated." The
letter concludes with an appeal that "measures be
taken so that nothing similar should ever happen

This is not the first time that the Serbian Church has
appealed to Western leaders to stop the threat to its
churches. Since the NATO-led KFOR troops came to the
Serbian province of Kosovo after the bombing of
Yugoslavia in June 1999, more than 100 Orthodox
churches have been damaged or destroyed by Albanian
Islamicists in the presence of the 50,000-plus-strong
Western military forces. 

In the April 24 edition of the Belgrade weekly
Nedeljni Telegraf, ran a letter written by Karadzic to
Kosta Cavoski, a close friend and leading Yugoslav
legal authority and Hague opponent, in which he says
that he has been "earnestly trying to avoid an
encounter with the SFOR troops for the past seven
years ... and that it would be better if Gen.
Sylvester did the same, [for] in that encounter I may
not pass very well and would probably pass very badly
in the technical sense, but I would certainly be the
winner in the moral sense." 

Sylvester, continues Karadzic, "could come out the
winner only if we don't meet, that is, if he refuses
the role of policeman and bounty hunter." 

Karadzic also expresses his wonder as to "why Gen.
Sylvester wants to equate his soldiers with cruel
bounty hunters" and whether his soldiers' parents know
that "their children break into houses of our innocent
civilians in the middle of the night and frighten our
children, who fall unconscious" from shock. 

Referring to the "tribunal" that is hunting him,
Karadzic goes on to ask "what kind of court and
prosecution is it that first arrests and only then
compiles evidence ... which has held our speaker of
the House, who has had no role in the executive
branch, in detention without trial for two years,"
further wondering whether "such things a

U/Pal: More Britons support Palestinians, says poll - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-24 Thread Stasi



More Britons support Palestinians, says 
Alan Travis, home affairs 
April 24, 2002The 
British voters who say they are 
more sympathetic towards the Palestinians outnumber by a factor of two to one 
those who say they support Israel, according to the findings of this month's 
Guardian/ICM opinion poll. 
But only a minority of British voters have a firm view on the issue, with 28% 
backing the Palestinians and 14% supporting Israel. 
For while those who have a committed view of the Middle East conflict tilt 
towards the Palestinian cause, the ICM survey shows that the overwhelming 
majority of British voters take a more neutral approach. 
Some 14% of those polled said they sympathised equally with the plight of 
both Israelis and Palestinians, a further 23% said they sympathised with neither 
side and 20% declined to answer the question, which asked who they sympathised 
with more, by replying "don't know". 
The poll shows that pro-Palestinian sympathies are stronger among Labour 
voters (32% back the Palestinians to 14% for Israel) and Liberal Democrat voters 
(40% to 11%) than among Conservative supporters (23% to 16%). Men are also more 
likely to sympathise with the Palestinian cause than women. 
The findings mark a sea change in British attitudes towards the Middle East 
over the past 20 years and are in line with recent polls in France, Germany and 
Italy which show that European public opinion is generally more sympathetic to 
the Palestinians. 
It is, however, in sharp contrast to recent American polls which have shown 
pro-Israeli sentiment in the US strengthening since September 11 to 41% support 
for Israel and just 13% support for the Palestinians. 
However British voters dislike Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as much, if 
not more, than the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Asked if they had 
favourable or unfavourable view of Arafat and Sharon, 54% said they didn't like 
Arafat and 50% said they didn't like Sharon. 
A majority of British voters (52%) agreed that the US could do more to bring 
about a peace settlement. Only 35% said they believed the Americans were doing 
as much as they could. 
But while there is a demand for the Americans to bring more pressure to bear 
there is not much support for the idea of imposing sanctions, either on the 
Israelis or the Palestinian Authority. Asked if Britain should impose sanctions, 
such as cutting off aid or blocking military exports, 39% said such action 
should be taken against Israel and 33% thought sanctions should be taken against 
the PA. 
ICM interviewed a random sample of 1,000 Britons aged over 18 by telephone 
between April 20 and 21. Interviews were conducted across the country and the 
results have been weighted to the profile of all adults. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Uncle Kofi Gives In To Israeli-US Demands...Again [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Hindu
April 25, 2002

Annan may yield to Israeli demand 
By Kesava Menon 

Manama (Bahrain) April 24. Israel now appears to be
veering back to extending co-operation with a U.N.
fact-finding mission after initially agreeing to
co-operate and then going back on that decision. 

Israel's change of mind has come about with the U.N.
Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, making adjustments to
the composition of the fact-finding panel and its
mandate. The decision to set up a fact-finding panel
was taken by the U.N. Security Council in a compromise
move between the Arab States on the one side and
Israel and the U.S. on the other. Arab States insisted
that a massacre of civilians had occurred in the West
Bank town of Jenin during Israel's recent invasion and
they wanted an international commission to investigate
any breach of human rights conventions and to
determine whether military crimes had been committed.
But the U.S. threatened to use its veto power if the
panel's mandate was formulated on these lines and so a
compromise was reached where the commission's role was
limited to ascertaining facts. 

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, told Mr.
Annan that his Government would co-operate with the
fact-finding panel. However, after a cabinet meeting
yesterday, the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, said
Israel would not co-operate with the panel for three
reasons. Israel, he said, had not been consulted
before the panel was set up (for that matter, neither
was the Palestinian Authority), one of the panel
members was suspected of anti-Semitic attitudes and
the panel was only going to examine the facts
connected with Israel's military operations and not
the terrorist activity to which the operations were a
response. These objections were conveyed to the U.N.
as well as the U.S. 

Mr. Annan has reportedly said that a retired U.S.
General, Bill Nash, who was formerly appointed only as
an adviser, will now be a full member of the panel.
Mr. Nash's elevation will apparently give the panel a
military-professional dimension as well as a
politico-diplomatic one. Israel insists that the
operations in Jenin were carried out in a thoroughly
professional manner with utmost care to avoid civilian
casualties. But the Palestinians say that they have
the facts to prove that a large number of civilian
deaths took place due to the actions of a ruthless
army and they have accused Israel of trying to
sabotage the work of the fact-finding panel. 

Meanwhile, Israeli and Palestinian Authority officials
have met for direct negotiations for the first time to
bring an end to the standoff over the Church of the
Nativity in Bethlehem. About 200 Palestinians,
including 50 armed men, are trapped inside the church
and Israel says that it will not lift the siege unless
some of the men who are on its wanted list surrender
themselves for trial. The Palestinian Authority
reportedly proposed that the wanted men could
surrender to the Authority which would put them on
trial in the Gaza Strip. Israel has spurned this
compromise offer. 

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2002-04-24 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Kim Jong Il sees performance given by troupe of of CPLA
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary of Kim Jong Il saw a
performance given by the song and dance troupe of the general political
department of the Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army on a visit to the DPRK at
the Ponghwa Art Theatre yesterday. Artistes of the troupe expressed thanks
to him after presenting a floral basket to him in profound reverence.
    He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the Korean People's Army, Kim Il Chol, minister of the
People's Armed Forces, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong
Sun, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, senior officials of
the party and the army and cultural, art and press institutions and creators
and artistes of the armed forces organs.
    Also present there were Wang Ahaohai, head of the troupe, Wu Donghe,
Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of the embassy, Chinese
students and trainees in the DPRK.
    The performance raised its curtain with the chorus of the immortal
revolutionary hymn "song of General Kim Il Sung."
    Put on the stage were colorful numbers sincerely prepared by the
artistes of the troupe with friendly feelings towards the Korean people. Its
repertoire included a chorus "defending Huanghe," men's group dance
"crossing steep mountain," soprano "beautiful is my native land pamir" and
the Korean songs "soldiers live near marshal," "a flower girl" from the
revolutionary opera "a flower girl" and "a broad bellflower."
    Through their performance, the artistes vividly represented the
energetic endeavours of the Chinese army and people to defend the country
and create a new life and strikingly demonstrated the might of the
traditional relations of friendship between the two armies and peoples.
    The performance closed with the chorus "Song of General Kim Jong Il" and
the mixed group dance "friendship dance of the China-DPRK armies." The
performance replete with the DPRK-China friendship was acclaimed by the
    Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the performers congratulating them
on their successful presentation.

KCNA on S. Korea's decision to introduce U.S.-made fighters
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "Ministry of National
Defence" decided to select F-15K of the U.S. Boeing Company as the type of
fighters of the next generation on April 19, a Seoul-based radio reported.
This decision can never be tolerated as it is an act contrary to the basic
spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the atmosphere for
reconciliation and cooperation now prevailing on the Korean Peninsula after
the publication of the joint press release on April 5 this year. It is also
an action going against the positive trend toward warming up the temporarily
frozen inter-Korean relations.
    Today all the Koreans in the north, south and abroad ardently hope for
national unity and the reunification of the country.
    Accordingly, what is needed in South Korea is an atmosphere of national
reconciliation, not an atmosphere of confrontation and war caused by lethal
weapons outsiders seek to sell, instigating it to kill fellow countrymen.
    What matters is that the South Korean military authorities caved in to
the pressure of the U.S. munitions monopolies and turned down the nation's
vital demand for peace.
    The U.S. does not hesitate to sacrifice other country and nation for its
own benefit. Pressed by it, the "Ministry of National Defence" of South
Korea decided to introduce U.S.-made fighters, which is a concentric
expression of its pro-U.S. toadyism.
    As is known, the U.S. has forced South Korea to purchase such type of
fighters worth 5,800 billion won with taxes collected from the south Korean
people in a bid to bring profits to the U.S. munitions monopolies.
    Worse still, the U.S. is seeking to inflict a nuclear holocaust upon the
Korean nation by selling to South Korea scores of such fighters capable of
carrying nukes. 
    Regarding South Korea as an operational base for its Asia strategy,
nuclear strategy, the U.S. is scheming to deploy in local areas in advance
the latest fighters to be used for putting this strategy into practice. Such
moves can not but be a time fuse to spark fresh military confrontation on
the peninsula. 
    The U.S. sale of weapons to South Korea will be censured by the Korean
people and the world people as it will delay the peace process in the
peninsula and aggravate the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Kim Il Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA units
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung had covered a total
of 182,668 Kms to make field inspection of over 3