Guardian: Mirror's Bush attack angers US shareholder [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



Mirror's Bush attack angers US 
July 8, 2002The 
The Daily Mirror editor, Piers 
Morgan, has vowed to go on publishing articles critical of US president George 
Bush despite concern from an American shareholder. 
Last Thursday's paper carried a trenchant article by John Pilger which called 
the United States a "rogue state" guilty of undermining international law. It 
referred to Bush's administration as a criminal gang which had killed twice as 
many people as died at the World Trade Centre. 
Next day one of the major US shareholders in Trinity-Mirror, the group which 
owns the Daily Mirror, phoned chief executive Philip Graf to express 
disappointment at the tone and content of Pilger's polemic. 
Tom Shrager of the New York-based fund manager Tweedy Browne, which owns 4% 
of Trinity, began by stating that he respected the concept of freedom of the 
He did not threaten to sell Trinity stock, but he went on to say, in the most 
forthright terms, that his company was very unhappy with the Mirror for 
publishing Pilger's piece. 
He was not available for comment yesterday, although he was reported in the 
Mail on Sunday as saying: "We made our views known as shareholders. We felt that 
management should know how we view such editorial material." 
Morgan said yesterday: "We will continue to run articles by John Pilger in 
the current climate, but these shouldn't be misconstrued as anti-American." 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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UK: Al-Qaida suspect 'hidden by British agents' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



Al-Qaida suspect 'hidden by UK 
DoddMonday July 8, 
The alleged spiritual leader of the 
al-Qaida terrorist network is living with his wife and children in northern 
England, in a safe house paid for by the intelligence services, it was claimed 
Abu Qatada, a Muslim cleric believed by several European countries to be a 
pivotal figure in international terrorism, disappeared from his west London home 
in December, before a round up of alleged terrorist suspects. It was rumoured 
that he had fled abroad. 
Time magazine's sensational but bizarre claim is attributed to senior members 
of European intelligence services. 
The report says that Mr Qatada, claimed by some to be Osama bin Laden's 
right-hand man in Europe, and his wife and family are being fed and clothed by 
British intelligence. 
Time quoted a senior European intelligence source as saying: "The deal is 
that Abu Qatada is deprived of contact with extremists in London and Europe, but 
can't be arrested or expelled because no one officially knows where he is." 
The magazine says that the French authorities corroborated these claims. 
Their source added: "The British win because the last thing they want is a hot 
potato they can't extradite for fear of al-Qaida reprisals, but whose presence 
contradicts London's support of the war on terror." 
A British government official described the report as "crap" and added: "We 
wouldn't give an awful lot of credence to it." A Home Office spokeswoman said 
she could not comment on intelligence matters. 
Videos of Mr Qatada's speeches were found in the Hamburg flat of Mohamed 
Atta, who is believed to have been the leader of the September 11 hijackers. 
Mr Qatada, 40, settled in London with his wife and four children eight years 
ago when he was given asylum after claiming that he had been persecuted in 
Jordan for his religious beliefs. 
In his absence he was convicted in Jordan of funding a bombing campaign, and 
sentenced to 15 years in jail. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Telegraph: Saddam's stepson holds UK certificate [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



Saddam's stepson holds UK certificate
By Paul Chapman in Wellington
(Filed: 08/07/2002)

Saddam Hussein's stepson, who was arrested by the FBI on the eve of the
Fourth of July after arriving in Florida for a flight training course, holds
a British flight engineer's certificate and was taking the course to keep it

Mohammad Nour al-Din Saffi, 35, a naturalised New Zealand citizen, flew from
Auckland to Los Angeles last week and then on to Miami for a four-day flight
simulator course at the Aeroservice Aviation Centre.

The centre was attended by Ziad Jarrah, one of the September 11 hijackers.

Jimmy Brooks, chief executive of the fledgling American-owned Tiger Lines
Cargo air service based in Auckland, said his company was paying the bill
for Mr Saffi's flight simulator training as he had been offered part-time
work with Tiger.

"He wanted to keep his British licence current," Mr Brooks said.

Mr Saffi, who works as an aircraft engineer for Air New Zealand, was
attending the course with two American pilots who will fly the company's
US-registered Boeing 727 airliner on freight-carrying flights linking New
Zealand airports with Tonga and other South Pacific islands

"The only American soil it will reach is American Samoa," Mr Brooks, an
American citizen, said.


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Independent: Resue operation underway after Royal Navy destroyer is holed on roc

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


The Independent

Resue operation underway after Royal Navy destroyer is holed on rocks
08 July 2002

Australian Navy divers arrived on a Pacific island today to assess damage to
a Royal Navy warship and begin pumping out flooded compartments after it
smashed into rocks off Australia's south-eastern coast.

There were no injuries to the 253 crew of the HMS Nottingham, which was
holed below the waterline near Lord Howe Island, 200 miles north-east of

Officials said the vessel had moved away from the rocks and was not in
danger of sinking.

The island's port operations manager, Clive Wilson, said the Australian dive
team would help secure the damaged ship, which was anchored in a sheltered

Island authorities were investigating reports of oil escaping from the

Two New Zealand navy ships, the tanker Endeavour and frigate Te Mana, were
also steaming toward the stricken ship.

The accident happened as the ship moved close to the island to transfer a
sick crew member to shore.

"Having conducted that, the ship then turned back to sea and in doing so
grounded on Wolf Rock," said Commander David Heley, a Royal Navy spokesman.

He said some watertight compartments at the front of the ship were flooded
after the collision.

"The ship, however, is a destroyer. She is a warship designed to take a fair
degree of action damage," said Cmdr. Heley.

He said the vessel was on a routine trip from Cairns, in Australia's
northeastern state of Queensland, to Wellington in New Zealand.

The vessel left Britain in March and was due back in November or December,
he said.

The Ministry of Defense denied claims by anti-nuclear protesters that the
ship was escorting a consignment of nuclear fuel being transported from
Japan to Britain.


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SCMP: S.Korea summons US soldiers over fatal accident [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



KOREAS.Korea summons US soldiers over fatal accident 


Story | Next 


Updated at 12.49pm:South 
  Korean prosecutors will interrogate two American soldiers charged with 
  negligent homicide by the US army over an accident in which two local 
  schoolgirls were killed by an armoured vehicle, an official said on 
  The accident in a village near Uijongbu, north of the capital Seoul on 
  June 13 prompted apologies by United States Forces Korea (USFK) commanders 
  and anti-US protests by South Koreans who demanded the soldiers be handed 
  over to local police. 


  summoned the two soldiers to appear in the prosecutors' office by 1pm (HK 
  time) today,'' the official at the Seoul Prosecutors' office told Reuters. 

  The USFK said in a statement last week Sergeant Mark Walker and 
  Sergeant Fernando Nino of the 8th US Army 2nd Infantry division were 
  charged with ''negligent homicide'' in the deaths of 13-year-old students 
  Shim Mi-son and Shin Hyo-sun. 
  Walker was the driver and Nino the track commander of the tank-like 
  minesweeping vehicle, which ran over the girls on a village road during 
  training some 30km south of South Korea's heavily fortified border with 
  communist North Korea. 
  After Monday's interrogation, South Korea will decide whether to ask 
  the US to hand over jurisdiction over the two soldiers to the local court, 
  the official said. 
  The US maintains 37,000 troops in South Korea in a military presence 
  designed to deter a repeat of the 1950 invasion by North Korea which 
  sparked the three-year Korean War. 
  But pollution, noise and traffic from the US bases and occasional 
  crimes by American troops have been a source of friction with nearby 
  Anti-base activists held the latest of more than hald a dozen protests 
  on Monday outside Camp Red Cloud in Uijongbu. 
  The disputes have been seized upon by South Korean political groups and 
  by North Korea to press demands for a withdrawal of US 

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SCMP: South denies it sent warships into N.Korea waters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



  denies it sent warships into N.Korea waters 




Updated at 9.59am:South Korea 
  denied on Monday a North Korean report saying Seoul had tried to stoke 
  tensions between the bitterly divided neighbours by infiltrating two 
  warships into the North's territorial waters. 
  Overnight, the North Korean navy said the South had sent the two combat 
  vessels across the disputed maritime border off the North Korean coast not 
  far from where the two navies clashed on June 29 with loss of life on both 


 ''We warn 
  that the infiltration of the combat warships is a dangerous act which may 
  spark a new armed clash,'' the North Korean navy said in statement said 
  published late on Sunday by the North's official KCNA news agency. 
  ''The provocation in the wake of the armed clash on June 29 is a 
  deliberate move to render the situation in the waters more strained,'' 
  Pyongyang's navy command said. 
  But the South Korean navy denied the accusation. 
  ''What the North said is totally fabricated and groundless,'' it said 
  in a statement. 
  It said there was a routine South Korean naval exercise on Sunday but 
  the warships stayed well inside South Korean waters, below a disputed 
  maritime border line. 
  The South Korean navy warned the North not to enter its waters and said 
  the North would be taught a lesson and bear responsibility for any 
  On Sunday, the South Korean Defence Ministry outlined its investigation 
  into the June 29 clash, in which four South Korean sailors were killed and 
  19 wounded. One sailor is missing. An unknown number of North Korean 
  sailors died. 
  The ministry said the North had repeatedly probed the South's defences 
  in the weeks leading up to the 

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SCMP: North and South Korea trade threats, accusations [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


North and South Korea trade threats, accusations 

REUTERS in Seoul 
Updated at 1.15pm:Bitter rivals North and 
South Korea traded threats and accusations on Monday, blaming each other for a 
naval battle that killed sailors on both sides and saying another clash could 
Overnight, the North Korean navy said the South had sent two warships across 
a disputed maritime border off the North Korean coast not far from where the two 
navies battled on June 29 in the worst such clash in three years. 
''We warn that the infiltration of the combat 
warships is a dangerous act which may spark a new armed clash,'' the North 
Korean navy said in statement published late on Sunday by the North's official 
KCNA news agency. 
South Korea denied the North Korean accusation and said the North would pay a 
high price if it ventured into the South's territorial waters again. 
''What the North said is totally fabricated and groundless,'' the South 
Korean navy said in a statement. 
It said there had been a routine South Korean naval exercise on Sunday but 
the warships stayed well inside South Korean waters, below a disputed maritime 
border line. 
The June 29 clash hardened South Korean public opinion against North Korea 
when North-South ties were in stalemate and just as South Korea was on a high 
from co-hosting the soccer World Cup. 
The latest survey of 1,011 people by the Chosun Ilbo daily newspaper showed 
70 per cent believed the North attacked the South's navy in a premeditated 
Some 60 per cent thought President Kim Dae-jung's ''Sunshine Policy'' of 
engaging the North should continue but with stiffer security. Opposition 
politicians, mindful of crucial parliamentary by-elections next month and a 
presidential election at the end of the year, have called for a tougher line, 
Presidential spokeswoman Park Sun-sook defended Kim Dae-jung's policy on 
Monday against criticism that Seoul had let its guard down in pursuit of 
reconciliation with North Korea. 
''The government's North Korea policy, the Sunshine policy, is based on 
national strength, defence and especially confidence in our military,'' she told 
a news conference. 
The naval battle prompted South Korea's ally the United States to put on hold 
plans to send a high-level envoy to North Korea to discuss resuming dialogue. 
South Korea also tightened its rules of engagement, making it easier for a 
commander to react on the spot but correspondingly raising the risk of sparking 
an incident. 
On Monday, the South Korean navy warned the North not to enter its waters and 
said the North would be taught a lesson and bear responsibility for any 
On Sunday, the South Korean Defence Ministry outlined its investigation into 
the June 29 clash, in which four South Korean sailors were killed and 19 
wounded. One sailor is missing. An unknown number of North Korean sailors died. 
The ministry said the North had repeatedly probed the South's defences in the 
weeks leading up to the clash. 
''The surprise attack initiated by the North Korean military was deliberate 
and planned in detail in advance,'' Rear Admiral Bae Sang-gi told a news 
conference in Seoul. 
He said the tactic appeared to have been to draw the most vulnerable vessel 
away from the rest and then pick it off. The North has blamed the South for 
starting the fighting. 
Mr Bae, who led the investigation, added: ''More analysis is needed to 
determine where the orders originated'' in the North. 
He did not address speculation in South Korea the attack was communist North 
Korea's revenge for a similar battle in the same waters in June 1999 that is 
believed to have killed dozens of North Korean sailors. 
Some South Korean newspapers criticised the navy's response to the North 
Korean attack, saying it had blundered tactically and been slow off the 

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SCMP: US troops 'denied treatment for bombing victims' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



  AFGHANISTANUS troops 'denied treatment for bombing victims' 


FRANCE-PRESSE in Dehrawad, Afghanistan


As a formal US investigation into a 
  botched bombing that claimed civilian lives started, outraged villagers 
  claimed American soldiers stormed their homes and barred them from 
  treating wounded relatives. 
  "First they bombed the women folk, killing them like animals. Then they 
  stormed into the houses and tied the hands of men and women," said 
  Mohammad Anwar at Kakrakai village in central Uruzgan province. "It was 
  cruelty. After bombing the area, the US forces rushed to that house, 
  cordoned it off and refused to let the people help the victims." 


 Mr Anwar 
  pointed to the home of his brother Sharif, who was hosting a huge 
  pre-wedding party for his son on the night of June 30 when United States 
  aircraft strafed Kakrakai and surrounding villages. 
  Sharif, who accompanied Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his daring 
  mission into then Taleban-ruled central Afghanistan last October, was 
  killed. So were Mr Anwar's wife and Sharif's wife and four children. The 
  groom-to-be survived because he was confined in a separate house as local 
  wedding tradition decrees. 
  The US-led coalition commander in Afghanistan, General Dan McNeill, 
  confirmed on Saturday that there were civilian casualties. Afghan 
  officials claim 48 people were killed. 
  Mr Anwar, a senior Karzai-appointed military commander in neighbouring 
  Kandahar province, said the toll would have been less if the troops 
  storming his brother's home had allowed relatives to tend to the victims. 
  "Until seven or eight o'clock in the morning the Americans did not 
  allow anyone to help the injured and to cover the bodies. Most of their 
  clothes had been burnt off. They kept filming and photographing the naked 
  "The people are asking: is this the result of the support we have 
  extended to the Americans? This is humiliation. Our women were disgraced." 

  The US, in Afghanistan seeking remnants of the former hardline Taleban 
  regime and its al-Qaeda allies, has insisted coalition aircraft attacked 
  only after they were fired on. 
  Anti-American rage gripped the nearby villages of Shatoghai, Siasung 
  and Mazar, also hit in the US bombardment. 
  "One day God will give us the strength and we will fight them," said 
  Haji Wali, whose home in Shatoghai was attacked. 
  "Even during the Russian occupation [1979-1989] there was never such a 
  sustained bombing of the area. We are weak and they are oppressing us." 

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Review Of Play: `Alive from Palestine` and Web site of Al Kasaba Theatre (Ramall

2002-07-08 Thread poblachtach_dearg
Review Of Play: `Alive from Palestine` 
Al Kasaba Theatre (Ramallah) 
Best night to go is Thursday 25th July for the Fundsaiser night for the 
Al Kasaba Theatre (Ramallah) which was destroyed by the Fascist Israeli So-called defence forces...
Click hear for the HOME PAGE: the FIFA World Cup goals with exclusive video highlights!

Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)



Date:08/07/2002 URL: 

Front Page <../01hdline.htm> 

Scribe asked to leave India 
New Delhi July 7. Apparently unhappy with his reporting on Kashmir and Gujarat, India 
has ordered the Al Jazeera correspondent, Nasir M. Shadid, to leave the country within 
a week, sources said today. 
Al Jazeera, which won international popularity for its exclusives on the world's most 
wanted man, Osama bin Laden, in the wake of the September 11 attacks and during the 
Afghan war, will, however, continue to air its Indian news as another correspondent, 
Rifat, will take over. The channel was informed by External Affairs Ministry officials 
that Shadid was not welcome in India. 
- UNI 
© Copyright 2000 - 2002 The Hindu


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Re: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread davidquarter


  The CNN of the middle east?

To: "Antinato (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:   "Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date sent:  Mon, 8 Jul 2002 11:41:46 +0200
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>>
> Date:08/07/2002 URL:
> Front Page <../01hdline.htm>
> Scribe asked to leave India
> New Delhi July 7. Apparently unhappy with his reporting on Kashmir and Gujarat, 
>India has ordered the Al Jazeera correspondent, Nasir M. Shadid, to leave the country 
>within a week, sources said today.
> Al Jazeera, which won international popularity for its exclusives on the world's 
>most wanted man, Osama bin Laden, in the wake of the September 11 attacks and during 
>the Afghan war, will, however, continue to air its Indian news as another 
>correspondent, Rifat, will take over. The channel was
informed by External Affairs Ministry officials that Shadid was not welcome in India.
> - UNI
> © Copyright 2000 - 2002 The Hindu
> ---


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President's Bum Deal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread TOOLGT


This is funny.

Published on Sunday, July 7, 2002 in The Sunday Herald (Scotland) 

President's Bum Deal Was a Trick Missed 

by Tom Shields

IT was not the most pleasant of tasks, but I am sure there would have been no lack of volunteers had the job been advertised. It was a time for any citizen concerned about the state of the world to step forward and say: 'Let me through, I'm a proctologist.' I am talking, of course, about the exploration of the presidential colon. Few people, I imagine, would want to miss the opportunity to stick a hopefully large and shiny surgical implement up George W Bush's rear-end and wiggle it about a bit. Or even wiggle it about a lot, saying to the patient lying there without the benefit of anaesthetic: 'I'm sorry, Mr President, this will be very painful.' Every centimetre of progress up the presidential passage would be a small step for man but a giant leap for mankind. Every centimetre and every little twist could be dedicated to some individual who has suffered at Dubya's hands. A vindictive sort of person might accompany each advance of the probe with comments such as: 'That's for all the Texans you executed so enthusiastically in your time as governor,' or, 'This is on behalf of the Afghans blasted to oblivion when the US armed forces decided that no wedding is complete without a clutch of 2000lb high explosive bombs and a bit of friendly strafing.' Citizens concerned about Mr Bush's vigilante-style disregard for civil rights might like to advance the proctological periscope a swift inch on behalf of the individuals incarcerated for having a swarthy skin and an Arab name, a crime in post-September 11 America. The green lobby might like to give the scope an enthusiastic birl in memory of Bush's abandonment of the Kyoto treaty. Those who hunger for justice might take the opportunity of making clear to the president their distaste for his decision to ignore the International Criminal Court of Justice. A few Palestinians with old-fashioned ideas of democratically electing their own leaders might like to join the queue. A great fund-raising opportunity has been missed. Who would not contribute to a sponsored probe up Dubya's anal canal at £1 an inch, all proceeds to Africa to help bridge the funding gap left by Mr Bush and his fellow G8 leaders? Personally I would have pledged a considerable sum for a minute or two at the controls of the colonic camera, if only to see if there was any sign of Tony Blair up there.

©2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd


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RE: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


Yes, indee the CNN of the middle east, especially true -- read the following story 
from times of India:

The Times of India Online 
Printed from > India 

Al-Jazeera reporter was not asked to leave: Govt 

AFP [ MONDAY, JULY 08, 2002  6:14:59 PM ] 
NEW DELHI: India on Monday denied reports that it had asked a journalist working for 
the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news channel to leave the country due to his reportage on 
the recent riots in Gujarat.

A foreign ministry official said the channel itself had offered to replace the 
television journalist, Nasir M Shahdid.

"It is a decision taken by the Al-Jazeera management," a foreign ministry official 
said, declining to comment on whether the Indian government was upset with Shahdid's 
reporting and had asked for his withdrawal.

"His (Shahdid's) visa has not been terminated ... and we have never interfered with 
his working here," the official said. Shahdid, who is an Egyptian national, has been 
working for Al-Jazeera in India for the past seven months.

The official said the Indian government had very good relations with Al-Jazeera and it 
was committed to the freedom of the press. When contacted, Ibrahim Hilal, news editor 
of Al-Jazeera channel, did not contradict the official's comments.

"We have not received any communication from the Indian government asking us to remove 
Shahdid," Hilal said on telephone. "It is our decision to replace him," he added.

The Al-Jazeera channel has at least 35 million viewers in the Arab world and 
elsewhere. It captured world attention for its exclusive reports during the US-led 
strikes on Afghanistan and for showing taped statements by al-Qaeda mastermind Osama 
Bin Laden.

-Original Message-
Sent: 08 July 2002 11:48
Subject: Re: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


  The CNN of the middle east?

To: "Antinato (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:   "Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date sent:  Mon, 8 Jul 2002 11:41:46 +0200
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---
>  <<...OLE_Obj...>>
> Date:08/07/2002 URL:
> Front Page <../01hdline.htm>
> Scribe asked to leave India
> New Delhi July 7. Apparently unhappy with his reporting on Kashmir and Gujarat, 
>India has ordered the Al Jazeera correspondent, Nasir M. Shadid, to leave the country 
>within a week, sources said today.
> Al Jazeera, which won international popularity for its exclusives on the world's 
>most wanted man, Osama bin Laden, in the wake of the September 11 attacks and during 
>the Afghan war, will, however, continue to air its Indian news as another 
>correspondent, Rifat, will take over. The channel was
informed by External Affairs Ministry officials that Shadid was not welcome in India.
> - UNI
> © Copyright 2000 - 2002 The Hindu
> ---



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Weekly review from Radio Havana Cuba in mp3 format [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread kiosk


Hi all,

I made a recording of yesterday's weekly review on Radio Havana Cuba
International in english language.

You can download and listen to it at:
(I'll delete the file on wednesday)

Those with fast ethernet connection can listen to it every day at:



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RE: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread davidquarter

Well, it's great to know that an American style "free press" has reached the shores of the middle east. Now, all they need is "free elections". And I'm sure Bush will do his upmost to teach them all about that!

David O Q

From:   	"Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:	RE: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date sent:  	Mon, 8 Jul 2002 17:46:13 +0200
Send reply to:  	[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---
> Yes, indee the CNN of the middle east, especially true -- read the following story from times of India:
> The Times of India Online
> Printed from > India
> Al-Jazeera reporter was not asked to leave: Govt
> AFP [ MONDAY, JULY 08, 2002  6:14:59 PM ]
> NEW DELHI: India on Monday denied reports that it had asked a journalist working for the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news channel to leave the country due to his reportage on the recent riots in Gujarat.
> A foreign ministry official said the channel itself had offered to replace the television journalist, Nasir M Shahdid.
> "It is a decision taken by the Al-Jazeera management," a foreign ministry official said, declining to comment on whether the Indian government was upset with Shahdid's reporting and had asked for his withdrawal.
> "His (Shahdid's) visa has not been terminated ... and we have never interfered with his working here," the official said. Shahdid, who is an Egyptian national, has been working for Al-Jazeera in India for the past seven months.
> The official said the Indian government had very good relations with Al-Jazeera and it was committed to the freedom of the press. When contacted, Ibrahim Hilal, news editor of Al-Jazeera channel, did not contradict the official's comments.
> "We have not received any communication from the Indian government asking us to remove Shahdid," Hilal said on telephone. "It is our decision to replace him," he added.
> The Al-Jazeera channel has at least 35 million viewers in the Arab world and elsewhere. It captur ed world attention for its exclusive reports during the US-led strikes on Afghanistan and for showi ng taped statements by al-Qaeda mastermind Osama Bin Laden.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 08 July 2002 11:48
> Subject: Re: Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
> ---
>   The CNN of the middle east?
> To: 	"Antinato (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From:   	"Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:	Al Jazeera reporter expelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
> Date sent:  	Mon, 8 Jul 2002 11:41:46 +0200
> Send reply to:  	[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ---
> >
> >  <<...OLE_Obj...>>
> >
> > Date:08/07/2002 URL:
> >
> > Front Page <../01hdline.htm>
> >
> > Scribe asked to leave India
> > New Delhi July 7. Apparently unhappy with his reporting on Kashmir and Gujarat, India has order ed the Al Jazeera correspondent, Nasir M. Shadid, to leave the country within a week, sources said today.
> > Al Jazeera, which won international popularity for its exclusives on the world's most wanted ma n, Osama bin Laden, in the wake of the September 11 attacks and during the Afghan war, will, howeve r, continue to air its Indian news as another correspondent, Rifat, will take over. The channel was

> informed by External Affairs Ministry officials that Shadid was not welcome in India.
> > - UNI
> > © Copyright 2000 - 2002 The Hindu
> >
> > ---
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RH Cuba Tonight\'s editorial\'s view point on IRAK [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread kiosk


Tonight's editorial view-point of the english edition of Radio Habana Cuba  Int. can 
be downloaded and listened to from:

The file is about 800ko large.
Quicktime required for a good rendering.Any other software will decode the mp3 file.
File will be deleted on wednesday.


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Iraq supports Palestinians and keeps American attack at bay - The Times [WWW.STO

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


Source: THE TIMES 08/07/2002 P15

Iraq supports Palestinians and keeps American attack at bay.

Abed al-Najjar looks surprisingly upbeat for someone who was
shot three times, has lost the use of his left hand, carries a nasty
gash in his right thigh and still has an Israeli bullet in his back.
"It could have been worse," said the 21-year-old man from Gaza,
who was propped up on his bed and glued to the television, with
only a portrait of President Saddam Hussein on the wall to keep
him company in his private room. "I am lucky to be alive and
lucky to be in Baghdad."

Although Iraq has made much of the impact of United Nations
sanctions on its medical services and its economy, Baghdad is
probably the most generous supporter of the Palestinian cause,
lavishing hundreds of millions of pounds of its overstretched
resources to help Palestinians in their conflict with Israel.

During a visit to the Saddam Medical Centre, the city's best
hospital, the latest group of hundreds of Palestinian wounded
were enjoying specialist medical care unimaginable on the
West Bank or in Gaza and certainly beyond the reach of most
ordinary Iraqis.

"President Saddam himself ordered that we give the
Palestinians the best care we can," Abdel Aziz Abdel Hamid, the
hospital's director, said. "It is our way of helping them in their

But the Iraqi support goes far beyond medical care. Iraq has
offered to pay all families of the 1,500 "martyred" Palestinians,
from suicide bombers to innocent victims of the violence, a cash
sum of up to £16,500 and also pledged the same amount to
Palestinian refugees in Jenin whose homes were destroyed in
the recent Israeli incursion.

In protest at the operation, the Iraqi leader also suspended oil
sales for one month and called for other Arab states to follow
suit. None did, but the Iraqi boycott cost the country's economy
about £1 billion in lost revenues.

Diplomats in Baghdad insist that the policy helps Iraq in its
decade-long struggle with the United States. "Saddam knows
that as long as the conflict continues unresolved, the Americans
will find it very difficult to take action against Iraq," a diplomat in
Baghdad said.

"Washington has been told by all the Arab states that it must first
restore calm to the Middle East before it tries to topple the Iraqi
regime. The Iraqis have an interest in seeing the struggle

Iraqi and Palestinian officials denied this cynical interpretation,
insisting that the tough line from Baghdad is motivated purely by
its longstanding opposition to Israel and its support for the
creation of a Palestinian state.

Naji al-Sabri, the Foreign Minister, accused Israel of trying to
deprive the Palestinians of statehood and said that Iraq would
support the Palestinian intifada as long as necessary.

Naja Abdel Rahman, the Palestinian envoy to Baghdad, was
more direct. He likened Saddam to Saladin, the Iraqi-born
commander who defeated the Crusaders in the 12th century and
restored Palestine to Muslim rule. "We hope he will do the same
for us now," he said.


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Xinhua: US president vows to use all tools to remove Saddam Hussein [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi





  US president vows to use all tools to remove Saddam 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-09 


  WASHINGTON, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- US President George W. Bush on 
  Monday vowed to use "all tools" at his disposal to remove Iraqi President 
  Saddam Hussein from power. 
  "It is the stated policy of this government to have regime change," 
  Bush said at a press conference in the White House, noting that people 
  should not speculate on the administration's resolve to pursue such a 
  "We will use all tools at our disposal to do so," Bush said. "There 
  are different ways to do it," he added. 
  The US president refused to comment on a report by The New 
  YorkTimes last week that the US military has worked out a preliminary plan 
  on a massive invasion of Iraq. 
  He also dodged a question whether he sought the removal of Saddam 
  before the end of his four-year term as US president. Enditem 

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Xinhua: Ghaddafi calls on African leaders to build prosperous continent [WWW.STO

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi





  Ghaddafi calls on African leaders to build prosperous 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-08 


     ¡¡DURBAN, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Libyan leader Muammar 
  Ghaddafi Monday called upon the African leaders to unite so as to build a 
  prosperous continent in the world. 
  Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 38th summit of Organization 
  of African Unity (OAU) in Durban, Ghaddafi said the African continent is 
  in a "historical movement," and all leaders of African countries gathered 
  here to bring the dream of the African Union (AU) into reality. 
  He also noted that Africa, particularly after the launching of the 
  AU, is on the way of developing an important continent, which is believed 
  to be capable to join the world economic development. 
  A united Africa is the only option for the African countries toface 
  various challenges, he said, adding that African countries should refuse 
  to accept assistance with imposed conditions. 
  Ghaddafi said in his speech that "We are not pupils who need 
  someone to teach us, and if you insult the beggar, he will drive you 
  He also said the rest of the world was welcome to help the 
  continent through the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). 
  "You cannot drive away those who want to assist... but they should 
  not try to impose their will on us, and we accept assistance and we refuse 
  On the advent of the AU, Ghaddafi said Africa had been waiting with 
  impatience for a union to unite the continent. 
  Also at the ceremony, Amara Essy, OAU secretary general, lauded 
  Ghaddafi for his role in getting the AU off the ground. "He, together with 
  his colleagues, has broken the barriers of restraint," Essy said. 
  Ghaddafi arrived here Saturday evening to attend the final OAU 
  summit and the first assembly of the AU.   Enditem 

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Xinhua: More night flying seen in future Philippine-US military exercises [WWW.

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi





  More night flying seen in future Philippine-US military 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-08 


  MANILA, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Philippine President Gloria 
  Macapagal-Arroyo said on Monday that the future Philippine-US joint 
  military exercises will have a heavy dose of night flying and other 
  capabilities that will enhance the expertise of the military. 
  In her speech during the celebration of the 55th anniversary ofthe 
  Philippine Air Force (PAF) in a Manila suburb, Arroyo also stressed that 
  the coming exercises, coded Balikatan, will come back to Luzon island in 
  the north. 
  She, however, admitted that there will be still a small component 
  of the exercises in the island province of Sulu in the south, known as a 
  major lair of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap-for-ransom group allegedly linked to 
  the al-Qaeda international terror network. 
  A large part of this year's Balikatan exercises, she said, willbe 
  concentrated on maintenance training and other measures that will ensure 
  the safety of Filipino pilots. Several aircraft accidents during the 
  previous exercises have claimed the lives of the pilots. 
  Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff General Roy Cimatu 
  said earlier that the next formal joint exercise will startin October. 
  Arroyo also stressed the need for reliable air surveillance 
  equipment as highlighted during the previous Balikatan exercises. Arroyo 
  instructed Cimatu to make sure that the allocation of the 
  10-million-US-dollar military assistance released by the US government 
  will include electronic eyesight equipment. 
  About 1,000 U.S. soldiers are currently deployed in the southern 
  Philippines training local forces in jungle warfare and counter-terrorism 
  skills in the southern Philippines. Small-scale joint counter-terrorist 
  exercises will be conducted in the south after the ongoing exercise 
  officially ends on July 31. Enditem 

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{Pary Of Labour ) "For The Freedom Of Palestine" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread mart-remote


News from Turkey


Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:52:45 +0400

Tel: +90 212 588 43 32-38  Fax: 588 43 41
 June 28, 2002
For the Freedom of Palestine

What the Palestinians are thinking, the administration they want bears no importance for the US and Israeli administrators. Just as they have been compelling the Palestinians to live in exile and under occupation for 50 years; now they will establish an “independent state” under a puppet administration and thus, will have maintained equality and order. 

Bush has explained that he will present the “Palestine Plan” designated within the framework of the Middle East-Caucasus strategies of US imperialism to the G-8 Summit to be gathered in Ottowa and that it will become the “common decision” of the Western colonists from there. According to the common plan of Bush-Sharon; Arafat’s role as the “Head of State of Palestine” will be ended and a Palestinian administration that will “wage a more effective struggle against terrorism” will be formed in its place and efforts will be made for the “maintaining of peace” and the state of Palestine, and so on and so forth.

Despite the fact that it has followed a policy suited to US plans and its further recession with each step; the Palestine administration represented by Arafat has ‘fallen from favour’ on the grounds that it has proved insufficient in ensuring the complete submission of the Palestinians. Bush and Sharon are saying that Arafat has proved to be insufficient in preventing the anger felt by the Palestinians against the US supported Israeli occupation and the “suicide attacks” carried on by mass supported organizations such as Hamas -Sharon also adds that Arafat is ‘representing terror’ to this list.

Policies of the Terrorist Duo
Should a state not acknowledging the right to live to the Palestinian people, continuing its occupation and annihilation activities for decades, turning the UN resolutions into ‘doormats’, a state that is an organization of terror from top to toe; branding the people of Palestine as terrorists be regarded as a “tragedy”? The terrorist state that is continuously trying to expand the lands it has occupied with the support of the Western imperialists, banish the Palestinians from the lands they live on and rendering colonial policies continuous by forming colonies is declaring the Palestinians as terrorists because the Palestinians want to be liberated from the occupation and because, establishing their own independent state, they want to live freely on their own lands. Not contending with initiating attacks on the regions and countries it has targeted for its own interests; the Bush gang, at the head of the biggest terrorist state in the world, is also making the most fierce of its collaborators attack the peoples of the region for its own interest and following all this, is declaring the Palestinians and all the others as terrorists because they want to defend themselves, live as an independent state and determine their own future. It is maintaining the continuation of the occupation and the assaults by giving sermons on the aggressive and occupying Israel “using its right to defend itself” and is following a vile tactic of deceiving the people of the world with the lie of “struggle against terrorism”. Its towline England and the intrigues and tricks of such imperialist EU member states as Germany-France -despite the conflicts between themselves and the US and their reactionary efforts for formations along the direction of their own interests- are accompanying the US plans. The reactionary regimes of the region and the reactionary forces of Turkey have no attitude beyond that of subcontracting within the scope of the American plan. The imperialists and its collaborators are playing with the destiny of this “oppressed people” and are doing everything in order for them to be kept under captivity.

In front of the Eyes of the World...

The big imperialist states and their collaborators, giving the impression of defending “equal relations” in regards to international relations with their propaganda on “the right to exist independently”; are able to make decisions regarding the occupation of other countries, the determining or changing of their administrations, by trampling on the will of the people of these countries. This must be the method by which the monopolist bourgeoisie “procures world order”!

What the Palestinians are thinking, the administration they want, whether they regard the Arafat administration as legitimate or not, bears no importance for either the US or the Israeli administrators. Just as they obtained the establishment of Israel in 1948 by their own decisions, just as they have been compelling the Palestinians to live in exile and under occupation for 50 years; now they will establish an “independent state” under a puppet administration and in a country which the g