Analysis of Hague transcripts [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Rick Rozoff


[The following preliminary analysis is by Greg Elich,
who will provide updates as he progresses further
through the transcipts.]

I've been slogging my way - slowly, given time
constraints - through the Milosevic trial transcripts.
 Only got up to February 26 so far, but already
patterns are clear:  Milosevic's cross-examination is
brilliant!  He really ripped apart the stories of the
prosecution witnesses and made them look like fools
and exposed their stories as completely biased and
twisted and intentionally distorted.  Another very
clear pattern:  Judge Richard May continually
intervenes in an attempt to disrupt and destroy the
cross-examination.  Continually he stops Milosevic
from pursuing lines of questioning.  More times than I
can count, he'll tell Milosevic that he cannot ask
more questions on certain topics - and oftentimes this
is just when Milosevic is on the verge of getting to
the heart of the matter or exposing some important
information.  Also, continually, Judge May will tell
Milosevic he'll only give him 10 minutes more for
cross-examination, when there clearly is at least two
more hours of questioning needed - and sometimes Judge
May will just abrubtly put an immediate stop to the
cross-examination.  I've also noticed hundreds of
times where a prosecution witness is in a tight spot,
and Milosevic has the witness on the hook with a sharp
question and there is no way out, so Judge May quickly
prompts the witness by saying, If you don't know, say
you don't know, or, If the answer is no, say no. 
Naturally, in every single case the witness gives the
answer Judge May had prompted.  Reading the
transcripts is quite revealing.  I'm particularly
curious to see what has been going on when I get to
the period where the trial completely fell out of the
news.  I expect the process will be shown to be even
more outrageous. 

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Analysis of Hague transcripts [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Rick Rozoff


[The following preliminary analysis is by Greg Elich,
who will provide updates as he progresses further
through the transcipts.]

I've been slogging my way - slowly, given time
constraints - through the Milosevic trial transcripts.
 Only got up to February 26 so far, but already
patterns are clear:  Milosevic's cross-examination is
brilliant!  He really ripped apart the stories of the
prosecution witnesses and made them look like fools
and exposed their stories as completely biased and
twisted and intentionally distorted.  Another very
clear pattern:  Judge Richard May continually
intervenes in an attempt to disrupt and destroy the
cross-examination.  Continually he stops Milosevic
from pursuing lines of questioning.  More times than I
can count, he'll tell Milosevic that he cannot ask
more questions on certain topics - and oftentimes this
is just when Milosevic is on the verge of getting to
the heart of the matter or exposing some important
information.  Also, continually, Judge May will tell
Milosevic he'll only give him 10 minutes more for
cross-examination, when there clearly is at least two
more hours of questioning needed - and sometimes Judge
May will just abrubtly put an immediate stop to the
cross-examination.  I've also noticed hundreds of
times where a prosecution witness is in a tight spot,
and Milosevic has the witness on the hook with a sharp
question and there is no way out, so Judge May quickly
prompts the witness by saying, If you don't know, say
you don't know, or, If the answer is no, say no. 
Naturally, in every single case the witness gives the
answer Judge May had prompted.  Reading the
transcripts is quite revealing.  I'm particularly
curious to see what has been going on when I get to
the period where the trial completely fell out of the
news.  I expect the process will be shown to be even
more outrageous. 

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