
Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- The economic and fiscal policy minister
said monday the right to collective self-defense is inherent to a country
and Japan's war-renouncing constitution should be revised. In this regard,
Kyodo said, "it is rare for a serving cabinet member to comment on revising
the constitution." 
Such happening in Japan is arousing deep apprehension among the world
public as it means that the Japanese militarist and ultra-nationalist
forces' moves for overseas military aggression have entered the phase of
being legalized and adopted as a policy through a constitutional revision.
In 1946 when a discussion was made on a new constitution at the Japanese
diet, the then prime minister Yoshida expressed opposition to war and the
right of belligerency based on the "right to self-defense", confessing that
many recent wars including the Sino-Japan War and the Pacific War were
carried out under the cloak of the right to self-defense.
As Yoshida admitted, the "right to collective self-defense" was intended
to launch an overseas aggression. That was why Japan's "peace constitution"
after the Pacific War codified the renunciation of the right of belligerency
based on the "right to self-defense".
However, Japan, which remains listed as an "enemy state" by the UN
charter, is now letting its cabinet members call for the legalization of the
war doctrine, claiming the face and right of "normal state" which is
recognized by nobody.
If Japan truly wants to be recognized by the world community as a normal
state, it should make an honest repentance and apology for the crimes
committed in the last century, far from calling for the aggressive "right to
collective self-defense".
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