Hu Jintao says China opposes world's bullies

JAKE LLOYD-SMITH in Kuala Lumpur

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Vice-President Hu Jintao yesterday delivered a strong message to Washington ahead of his arrival in the US this weekend - that Beijing will oppose the "big bullying the small".

Speaking to diplomats and executives in Kuala Lumpur, the man expected to succeed President Jiang Zemin said Beijing "opposes the strong lording it over the weak and the big bullying the small, and has long pledged not to seek hegemony, not to join any military bloc and not to pursue its own spheres of influence".

He added: "It is recognised that the major powers in the world all have some interests in Asia. A peaceful, harmonious and co-operative relationship among these powers is what Asian countries desire."

Although he did not mention the US by name, his comments came after the world's sole superpower significantly beefed up its military presence in Asia in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

While many neighbouring countries appear concerned about the mainland's growing clout, Beijing is wary of the US presence in the region.

Southeast Asian leaders - including those in Singapore, Mr Hu's next stop, and Malaysia - have become increasingly worried about the steady rise of the mainland economy, which has been drawing jobs and investment away from the region.

Mr Hu praised Mr Jiang's leadership and assured the region he remained committed to opening the mainland's economy.

"In the next five years, a more open China will provide its trading partners with opportunities of at least US$1.5 trillion [HK$11.7 trillion] worth of goods," he said. China's foreign trade is currently worth about US$500 billion.

After arriving in Malaysia late on Tuesday, Mr Hu held talks yesterday with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and his deputy, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and met King Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin. He is due in Singapore tomorrow before leaving for a week-long US trip on Saturday. He arrives in Honolulu before travelling to San Francisco, New York and Washington, where he will meet President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

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