Norman Finkelstein, (Verso) author of Image and Reality*, and The Rise and Fall of Palestine*, and The Holocaust Industry* (BBC forum) (
Norman: We are approaching the point of no return.. Israel has to bear full responsibility.. about the suicide bombings.. what accounts for this massive proliferation of these suicide bombers?.. I condemn the suicide attacks, no justification for targeting civilians.. Danny Rubenstein wrote in Harretz.. two years ago 10% of Pals supported suicide attacks, now 80% support.. we need to ask: what accounts for that increase? how about the Israeli targeting of civilians.. Chris Hedges, NY Times Bureau Chief, in Harpers Magazine said, Israel the only country where the occupying power shoots children for sport..
Norman: (Israeli actions) are the moral equivalent of suicide bombings.. Arafat was coming down quite hard on the suicide bombers, but for Israel this was a disaster.. their problem all along they haven't had sufficient pretext for obliterating the Palestinians.. everytime Arafat cracked down, Israel escalated the assassinations.. provoking terrorist actions.. so Sharon could do what he wanted all along, to declare war.. Sharon didn't want the suicide attacks to stop.. He wants to escalate them.. the Lebanon war a blueprint.. look for a Sabra and Chatila type massacre in Gaza .. SHARON DOES NOT WANT THE SUICIDE ATTACKS TO STOP, HE WANTS TO ESCALATE THEM..
Click here: Finkelstein: Sharon wants the suicide attacks to escalate : Palestine Indymedia

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