
> Crisis Looming Between U.S., Russia
> Summary
> CIA Director George Tenet recently singled out Russia as a
> massive contributor to the spread of chemical, biological and
> nuclear weapons. Despite the cooperation Moscow has given to
> Washington's anti-terrorism campaign, the Bush administration is
> putting the Russian government on notice. A severe crisis between
> the two sides may now be forming.
> Analysis
> While speaking to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee March
> 19, CIA Director George Tenet singled out Russia as "the first
> choice of proliferant states seeking the most advanced technology
> and training" for weapons of mass destruction, Agence France-
> Presse reported. Tenet added that Russian sales of technology and
> expertise applicable to chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
> were "a major source of funds for commercial and defense
> industries and military research and development."
> Tenet's statement -- coming in the wake of a recent Pentagon
> report naming seven countries, including Russia, as potential
> nuclear targets -- was a bombshell. It places responsibility for
> the spread of Russian weapons of mass destruction squarely on the
> shoulders of the government in Moscow and sets the stage for a
> coming confrontation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
> STRATFOR has previously said that a new doctrine is emerging
> within the Bush administration that is based on the following
> logic: Al Qaeda is not dead and is dedicated to further attacks
> on the United States. It has demonstrated the desire to obtain
> chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, which represent a threat
> to millions of American citizens.
> The United States must therefore both destroy al Qaeda and
> eliminate any stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear
> weapons that could find their way into the group's hands. The
> fact that most of these stockpiles belong to sovereign nations
> like Syria, Pakistan and Russia complicates the problem for
> Washington but does not change the Bush administration's policy.
> If anything, ending the proliferation of weapons of mass
> destruction (WMD) actually takes priority over destroying the al
> Qaeda network. Terrorist networks can be badly hurt, but it is
> incredibly difficult to destroy them completely. WMD stockpiles,
> plus the accompanying facilities and skilled personnel, are
> finite and are harder to regenerate than a terrorist network.
> Now the director of the CIA has named Russia as the key source of
> WMD proliferation. Tenet stopped just short of explicitly placing
> the blame on the Russian government, but at the same time, he
> also did not blame rogue elements in the Russian security
> services or mafia syndicates. This would have given Putin a
> certain amount of deniability and raised the potential for Russia
> to work with the United States -- like it did in the early 1990s
> -- on decommissioning weapons of mass destruction.
> Instead, Tenet delivered a blunt message to Putin: the United
> States believes that WMD proliferation is official Russian
> policy. The government in Moscow must either immediately halt
> this policy or face the consequences.
> Gone is any residual U.S. gratitude for Russian cooperation
> during the early phases of the war in Afghanistan. The Bush
> administration is maintaining that the threat posed to the United
> States is so great that any and all other considerations --
> including diplomatic niceties -- must take a backseat.
> This represents the beginning of a severe crisis between the
> United States and Russia. Putin must weigh his choices very
> carefully. If he accepts U.S. demands and subordinates Russian
> foreign policy to Washington again, he acknowledges that his
> country has effectively become subservient to the United States.
> This not only would be a bitter pill to swallow but also would
> feed nationalist political and military elements within Russia
> that currently challenge Putin's agenda. The president has
> managed these groups so far, but a gesture of appeasement on this
> scale would inflame the passions of even the most pro-Western
> Russians.
> However, if Putin does not accept U.S. demands, he faces the
> distinct possibility of attacks on Russian weapons facilities and
> the potential elimination of his country's nuclear capability.
> Such an outcome could very easily spark a coup in Russia, which
> Putin would probably not survive. Even if he did manage to stay
> in power, Putin's plan to rebuild Russia through economic
> integration with Europe and closer short-term ties to the United
> States would be destroyed. And in the worst-case -- but still
> quite likely -- scenario, Russia would respond by launching a
> nuclear attack on the United States.
> We are not yet at the point of crisis. The Bush administration
> went public in order to put more pressure on Putin, likely after
> getting few results from private consultations. Putin is in the
> process of feeling out American resolve. He knows that Washington
> has the means to carry out its threat; Putin is now trying to
> figure out if it has the will.
> ___________________________________________________________________


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