
UNITE! Info #171en: 2/2 "Rich" countries and "Israel"
[Posted: 01.05.02]

[Continued from part 1/2]

        STATE OF "ISRAEL" (ctd.)

[p. 3:]

        '*Israel's embassy maintains:*

        "Israel is the only democracy in the entire Middle
        East. It is that state which you want to annihilate.
        Therefore, your talk of your 'democratic Palestine' is
        unreliable. Under all circumstances, one knows what
        one has got, but not what one will get."

        *The PLO Office replies:*

        This is correct. One knows what one has got, but not
        what one will get. We therefore very easily can make
        up our minds to fight for a better future, with the
        goal of establishing a democratic Palestine.

        To us, you see, it appears as a sheer mockery to talk
        of Israel as a "democratic state". Israel to us is
        the very opposite, namely, a racist state.

        South Africa [then, in 1979, still under racist rule,
        with the "apartheid" system in force - RM] has a par-
        liament and political parties and a freedom of the
        press which is much wider than that Israeli freedom
        of the press which is limited by military censorship.
        But probably, nobody would hit on the idea of talking
        of South Africa as "the only democracy in Africa" be-
        cause of this.

        Israel *is* a racist state. This is not just an arbi-
        trary vilification; to us, what this means is some-
        thing very concrete. For the following reasons, Is-
        rael is a racist state:

        1) Israel defines itself as a *Jewish* state. Thereby
        of course, all non-Jews are being relegated to the
        role of second-class citizens.

        2) Israel defines itself as the homeland of all Jews
        in the world. This means, concretely, that any Ameri-
        can, African, Chinese, Russian or Swede whosoever has
        a right to "return to Israel", that is, to move to our
        home country Palestine and immediately receive citi-
        zenship in the state of Israel and full civil rights.
        One-and-a-half million Palestinians in exile lack this
        possibility of returning to their homeland (really
        *returning*, without quotation marks around the word),
        for one very simple and clearly racist reason:

        *Because they are not Jews.*

        3) In Israel there is a comprehensive emergency legis-
        lation which is practically only being used against
        non-Jewish citizens of the state. This is the British
        military legislation from that time when Palestine was
        a British colony. The zionists combated this legisla-
        tion intensively before the state of Israel became a
        fact, and one leading zionist, Yacov Shimshon Shapira,
        compared these laws to the Nazi Jew legislation.

        But when the state of Israel was created, these laws
        *were kept*. And Yacov Shimshon Shapira got to be mi-
        nister of justice in the new state and himself applied
        those laws which he had compared to the Nazi Jew legi-
        slation - *now however only against Arabs*.

        These laws comprise hundreds of paragraphs, and they
        are being applied every day, every minute still at
        present in Israel. They give the military authorities
        the right to order a curfew against an Arab, to im-
        pound his land, to put him in prison without a trial,
        to decide that some areas are too Arabic and that the
        Arab population must therfore be "thinned out", that
        Arab publications are to be reviewed beforehand by
        military censors, that certain areas in the country
        can be declared "Arab-free", so that Arabs are not
        allowed to live there, that Arab organizations and as-
        sociations can be dissolved, that Arab election wor-
        kers can be put into "administrative arrest" before an
        election, and so forth, in a listing which, as men-
        tioned, comprises hundreds of similar regulations.

        These laws are being applied on a very large scale.
        Our lack of legal rights is a fact not only in the oc-
        cupied territories from 1967 - where the discrimina-
        tion is too well-known even to need discussion - but
        in the state of Israel itself and concerning its Arab

        4) More than a million Palestinians live in Gaza and
        on the West Jordan Bank. On the one hand, they of
        course lack citizenship since they live in occupied
        areas. On the other hand, the Israeli government, as
        is known, has declared that for religious reasons
        (God has promised these areas to the Israelis) and for
        historical reasons (these areas were Israeli 2000
        years ago), Israel is to keep these areas.

        What, then, is to be done with millions among our
        people who live in these areas? Well, some form of
        "autonomous areas". This means a certain "local self-
        government", supervised by the Israeli military.

        Such a system there already is somewhere else in the
        world. In South Africa, this is being called "separate
        development", and the areas in question are being cal-
        led "Bantustan areas".

        For these four reasons, Israel is a racist state. And
        systematic racism is something completely incompatible
        with any concept of democracy.

        Therefore, Israel is no more a democracy than is South
        Africa [the South Africa of 1979 - RM]. The white in-
        habitants of South Africa have approximately the same
        rights as the Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

        Therefore, Israel ceases to exist when these condi-
        tions under points 1-4 have been combated and defeated
        and, to use again the most emotional word of the pro-
        paganda, annihilated.

        When the racism thus has been annihilated, we will
        have liberated Palestine, and then we shall build our
        state with equal rights for all inhabitants, irrespec-
        tive of whether they have this or that religious or
        ethnic background in their family.'

For confirmation of what was said in the above, in particular
about non-Jews always having been *second-class* citizens of
the "state" of "Israel", from its creation on, a sermon (found
on the Net) on 26.10.2001 by a "reform zionist" rabbi in the
USA, Barry H. Block, can be quoted. It was entitled "Why Zio-
nism Is Not Racist" (but showed of course the opposite):

        'In 1947, the U.N. voted, by two thirds majority, to
        create two states, a Jewish State and an Arab State,
        side by side in Palestine. ...'

        [After which, in 1948, the zionists immediately
        launched a war of aggression and engaged in massacres
        of Palestinians, in order to expand their territory
        also much beyond that - unjustly - "accorded" them by
        the UN, and to force Palestinans to flee. - RM]

        'Twenty-eight years later, though, the same body, the
        General Assembly of the United Nations, took a very
        different stance. In 1975, ... that organization [in
        which the internationally-oppressed countries had now
        gained some more influence - RM] declared Israel to be
        "the racist regime in occupied Palestine," and labeled
        Zionism as "a form of racialism and racial discrimina-

[p. 4:]

        The truth be told, the resolution equating Zionism
        with racism had very little impact [hoped Mr Block and
        some others, at least - RM]. In the 1990s, after Is-
        raeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and P.L.O. Chairman
        Yasser Arafat signed their understanding on the White
        House lawn, the U.N. resolution on Zionism and racism
        was repealed.

        Then, last year, the peace came to an end. Now, we
        hear the renewed charge that Zionism is racism.

        Zionism is not racism, for the Jewish people is not a
        race. ...

        [The last statement here is true, of course - with the
        addition that the believers in the Jewish faith are
        not "a people" either, any more than the believers in
        the Christian, the Moslem respectively the Buddhist
        faith would be one. But the first statement precisely
        is false, because of the facts listed above, one of
        which rabbi Block himself confirms:]

        To preserve the unique Jewish character of Israel and
        to secure the survival of our people, Israel must
        maintain a solid Jewish majority. On the other hand,
        all citizens of Israel have the right to vote, be they
        Arab or Jew, Muslim or Christian or Druze. By defini-
        tion, Israeli Arabs are full citizens of Israel. At
        the same time, we must acknowledge that they are *se-
        cond class citizens* [emphasis by me - RM]. Arab and
        Druze Israelis are not part of the group by whom and
        for whom the nation exists. ...'

Confirming the fact that "Israel" is a racist state is the
one that this "state" *has no constitution*.

It's "governed" instead by a "suitable" conglomerate of laws;
the official website of "Israel" says on this i.a.:

        'Even though it was stated in the Proclamation of In-
        dependence...that the Constituent Assembly...would
        draft a constitution for Israel, this was not done due
        to differences of opinion with the religious parties.
        In place of a constitution, it was decided to legi-
        slate a series of basic laws, which in the future
        would together form the constitution. ...'


        'Upon attaining independence (1948), Israel passed the
        Law and Administration Ordinance, stipulating that
        *laws prevailing in the country prior to statehood*
        would *remain in force* insofar as they did not con-
        tradict the principles embodied in the Declaration of
        the Establishment of the State of Israel or would not
        conflict with laws to be enacted by the Knesset. Thus
        the legal system includes *remnants of Ottoman law*
        (in force until 1917), *British Mandate laws*, which
        incorporate a large body of English common law, ele-
        ments of Jewish religious law and some aspects of
        other systems. ...' [Emphasis by me - RM]

Conforming what the above-quoted 1979 PLO pamphlet said on
the racist-type "principle" of "Israel" as a purported "home"
of all Jews in the world (with pressure exerted on many of
them, of course, to "return" to Palestine to function as op-
pressors of others and cannon-fodder for expansionist wars),
the official "Israeli" website also says:

        '*Acquisition of Israeli Nationality*
        Citizenship may be acquired by:
        *The Law of Return

and on the very particular "Law of Return":

        'The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever
        he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a
        Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citi-

        For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who
        was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Juda-
        ism and is not a member of another religion.

        Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of
        arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's cer-
        tificate, whichever is later.'

Saying that a person "born of a Jewish mother" "by definition"
"is a Jew", that of course is a flagrantly *racist* principle,
making the religion of a person "follow a line of generatio-
nal descent".

And the not only racist but also inherently expansionist cha-
racter of that state, "Israel", shows up in two facts which
should be noted too and which the mass media are never men-

That "state" never even has defined "its" borders.

And its very flag symbolizes aggression and expansion, the
intention, from the very beginning on, of that "state" to
conquer as much of foreign territory as it only could, since
the two blue lines in that flag are intended to represent, as
"border lines", the river Nile(!) in Egypt respectively, the
Tigris/Eufrat rivers(!) in Iraq.

These "targets" of course were never reached by it, and never
will be. But a state of such a mad-dog character, which shows
up once more in this, is something unacceptable in modern ci-
vilization. It must be smashed, and replaced by a democratic
state in all of Palestine.

*Note:* On p. 2 above, some big hoax and terror campaigns in
today's world were mentioned. Facts concerning some different
things which they are about can be found on the Internet: 1)
on nuclear energy: at (Environmentalists For
Nuclear Energy) and
(about the beneficial effects of suitably small doeses of ra-
diation), 2) on "greenhouse effect": at
("Still Waiting For Greenhouse"), 3) on "ozone hole": at (S. Fred Singer & others), 4) on "HIV" and
"AIDS": at (Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos &
(Stefan Lanka & others) and, 5) on DDT: at (Save Children From Malaria Campaign),
and on several of these matters also at


INFORMATIONSBLAD   Published by R. Martens   Appear irregularly
                   Nobelv. 38U4, 214 33 Malmö;
                   040 - 12 48 32;
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaf-
lets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly
in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Ze-
dong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n)
gesandt werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von
mir hauptsächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht,
sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi prin-
cipalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur de-

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cada número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

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