Re: [AOLSERVER] php and AolServer

2005-09-27 Thread Friedrich Dominicus
Thanks, I do not care about speed yet. It will be more then fast
enough for my needs. I just wanted to be sure that I've the chance to
make some PHP running under AOLServer, there are other solutions
available but it seems quite few PHP solutoins are quite a bit better
then what is available as OpenACS package, and well I have some PHP
runnin (yes shame on me ;-), and am not keen on transfering all the
data from one Database layout to another... 


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2005-09-27 Thread Friedrich Dominicus
It seems the patches are needed for PHP4.4 to get it running under
AOLServer, I should have checked before my last mail


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[AOLSERVER] php and AolServer

2005-09-27 Thread Friedrich Dominicus
I've got a unfine problem with that combination. I downloaed php4.4
from the php pages and now the following happens. Sometims the php
pages get parsed and displayed correctly on other times I see the
source code and on yet other times I just see an empty window. 

Even with the simples php file I got this behaviour: 
example 1 this is my php file

can't be much simpler now whil using firefox to display that page:
and nothing is shown neither the html nor some information

one the first visit of that file with Mozilla I got an empty page,
after reloading I got the informatoin I expected but it looks messed
value auto_prepend_fileno valueno value browscapno valueno value 
default_charsetno valueno value default_mimetypetext/htmltext/html 
define_syslog_variablesOffOff disable_classesno valueno value 
disable_functionsno valueno value display_errorsOffOff 
display_startup_errorsOffOff doc_rootno valueno value docref_extno valueno 
value docref_rootno valueno value enable_dlOnOn error_append_stringno valueno 
value error_logno valueno value error_prepend_stringno valueno value 
error_reporting20472047 expose_phpOnOn extension_dir././ file_uploadsOnOn 
gpc_orderGPCGPC highlight.comment#FF8000#FF8000 
highlight.default#BB#BB highlight.html#00#00 
highlight.keyword#007700#007700 highlight.string#DD#DD html_errorsOnOn 
ignore_repeated_errorsOffOff ignore_repeated_sourceOffOff 
ignore_user_abortOffOff implicit_flushOffOff 
include_path.:/usr/local/lib/php.:/usr/local/lib/php log_errorsOnOn 
log_errors_max_len10241024 magic_quotes_gpcOffOff magic_quotes_runtimeOffOff 
magic_quotes_sybaseOffOff max_execution_time3030 max_input_time6060 
open_basedirno valueno value output_buffering40964096 output_handlerno valueno 
value post_max_size8M8M precision1414 register_argc_argvOffOff 
register_globalsOffOff report_memleaksOnOn safe_modeOffOff safe_mode_exec_dirno 
valueno value safe_mode_gidOffOff safe_mode_include_dirno valueno value 
sendmail_fromno valueno value sendmail_path/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i 
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i  serialize_precision100100 short_open_tagOnOn 
SMTPlocalhostlocalhost smtp_port2525 sql.safe_modeOffOff track_errorsOffOff 
unserialize_callback_funcno valueno value upload_max_filesize2M2M 
upload_tmp_dirno valueno value user_dirno valueno value variables_orderGPCSGPCS 
xmlrpc_error_number00 xmlrpc_errorsOffOff y2k_complianceOnOn
SAPI module version $Id: aolserver.c,v 2003/05/31 01:37:44 sniper 
Exp $
Build date  Mar 8 2005 at 00:14:44

It's AOLServer 4.0.10 from Debian
php4.4 downloaded from the php sites
System Debian/Linux AMD64 unstable.


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