Re: [AOLSERVER] 502 Error Code

2002-03-20 Thread Kriston Rehberg

One version of the text of the 502 error reported by an Apache server says
"The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid
response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the
request. This may be a temporary or permanent condition, please try again at
a later time."  This is appropriate where the proxy server encounters a
problem accessing the remote server where the remote server either 1)
reports some sort of error or 2) is unreachable either temporarily or for an
extended amount of time.  The case of (2) is supposed to be a "503 - Service
Unavailable" or "504 - Gateway Timeout" but I guess this is open to
interpretation by the implementor of the proxy.  Needless to say there are
any number of things that can cause this, none of which necessarily place
blame specifically on the proxy server, the internet connection between the
proxy server and the remote server, and the remote server itself.

AOLserver only reports 502, 503, and 504 errors when specifically instructed
to do so.  I've seen proxy code do this and some really weird
server-to-server protocol handler stuff as well.


Re: [AOLSERVER] 502 Error Code

2002-03-05 Thread PsinhaWireless

Let's make an effort to help and not express our biased thoughts against AOL.


In a message dated 3/5/02 10:41:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Yes, most likely it was AOL's proxy servers.  They are famous for telling
> users things like "The web site you are trying to contact is down or
> currently too busy to respond to your request" (I made that up, but it's
> close).  In fact, it is their own proxy servers that are screwed up.
> This is a major pet peeve of mine, as you can probably tell.  I think
> it's grounds for a lawsuit since they are harming the reputation of
> the web site, when in fact it's AOL that's messed up.  Smart AOL users
> realize it's AOL's problem; the new/dumb ones don't.
> Jim

Re: [AOLSERVER] 502 Error Code

2002-03-05 Thread Jim Wilcoxson

Yes, most likely it was AOL's proxy servers.  They are famous for telling
users things like "The web site you are trying to contact is down or
currently too busy to respond to your request" (I made that up, but it's
close).  In fact, it is their own proxy servers that are screwed up.

This is a major pet peeve of mine, as you can probably tell.  I think
it's grounds for a lawsuit since they are harming the reputation of
the web site, when in fact it's AOL that's messed up.  Smart AOL users
realize it's AOL's problem; the new/dumb ones don't.


> Hello,
> I had a client call last evening saying they were unable to access my
> website. The error returned was 502 Too many users. I looked up 502 and it's
> Bad Gateway. Grepping thru the source I could find no reason why AOL server
> would return this. I'm running AOL 33 with arsdigital patches and ACS 4.2 on
> Solaris. One interesting thing I noticed. I have some log entries that I
> believe were from the client and it appears they are an AOL user. Could it
> be the AOL Internet gateway had too many users?
> Barry

[AOLSERVER] 502 Error Code

2002-03-05 Thread Barry Books


I had a client call last evening saying they were unable to access my
website. The error returned was 502 Too many users. I looked up 502 and it's
Bad Gateway. Grepping thru the source I could find no reason why AOL server
would return this. I'm running AOL 33 with arsdigital patches and ACS 4.2 on
Solaris. One interesting thing I noticed. I have some log entries that I
believe were from the client and it appears they are an AOL user. Could it
be the AOL Internet gateway had too many users?
