[AOLSERVER] Google Summer of Code Results (Part II)

2008-04-22 Thread Matthew M. Burke

One typo:

In the first paragraph, change "introducing themselves and encourage" to 
"introducing themselves and I encourage".

Also stick the following in where appropriate:

Also, of course, don't hesitate to send them suggestions, requests, 
(constructive) criticism on their projects. I will post later on 
information for how you can track their progress over the summer.


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field of your email blank.

[AOLSERVER] Google Summer of Code Results

2008-04-22 Thread Matthew M. Burke


Google has announced the student proposals which have been accepted.  
Following are brief descriptions of the  9 Tcl projects that will take 
place this summer.  Student projects will be worked on roughly 40 
hours/week between May 26th and August 18th.  From now until May 26th we 
will be working with the students to help them get acquainted with the 
Tcl community.  To that end, the students will be posting email 
introducing themselves and encourage you to help make them feel welcome, 
help them get grounded in our code base and styles of doing things, etc.



Project Descriptions

Loading Shared Libraries from Memory and/or Tcl Channels
Student: Daniel Hans
Mentor: Andreas Kupries

The main objective of this project is to provide an enhanced mechanism 
of loading shared libraries from Tcl Virtual

Filesystems by Tcl programs.


Tcl FUSE Language Binding
Student: Alexandros Stergiakis
Mentor: Stephen Huntley

The goal of this project is to produce a fully-functional Tcl language 
binding to FUSE virtual filesystem kernel module,
making it possible to create FUSE filesystems using Tcl. It will ensure 
the binding works on all or most operating systems

supported by FUSE, and provide detailed document the result.


Student: Remigiusz Modrzejewski
Mentor: Daniel A. Steffen

The main objective of this project is designing and implementing a Tcl 
binding to the libdtrace API. This would allow all of
gathering user input, compiling, running and processing the results of D 
scripts inside Tcl.


Audio Input and Output Library and Extension
Student: Mohamed Abderaouf Bencheraiet
Mentor: Youness El Alaoui

This project will consist in merging libao's interface 
(http://xiph.org/ao) with libao2's drivers (http://mplayerhq.hu) and make
it into a single, standalone library, as well as creating an audio input 
equivalent and writing a Tcl extension to wrap the library,
thus providing the Tcl community with a new, more powerful audio input 
and audio output library. This will allow the creation

of new real-time audio processing Tcl applications.


Tcl/Tk Printing Support
Student: Blicharski Krzysztof
Mentor: Clif Flynt

I would like to take up the "printing support" project. As I consulted 
with the mentor, it consists of four major parts:

1) Convert the contents of the Tcl/Tk application to a printable format. 
This may be Postscript, PDF, Gif, or printer commands.

2) Transmit the intermediate format data to a printer, interacting with 
whatever facilities are offered by the operating system.

3) Code layer interfaces for application developers. This could include 
adding print subcommands to all Tk widgets, or a print

subsystem capable of understanding the contents of all widgets.

4) User layer interface that a developer can include in an pplication to 
give users access to printing.


Update Tk Test System 
Student: Ania Pawelczyk

Mentor: Jeff Hobbes

The tcltest package provides several utility commands useful in the 
construction of test suites for code instrumented to be
run by evaluation of Tcl commands. Notably the built-in commands of the 
Tcl library itself are tested by a test suite

using the tcltest package.

The Tk test system still uses primarily tcltest v1, and would benefit 
from an update to tcltest v2 and a full reexamination of
out-dated tests. The test suite should gain independence from the 
system's settings that test is made on. This all leads to

improvement of testing capabilities.


Graph Manipulations
Student: Alejandro Eduardo Cruz Paz
Mentor: Steve Landers

The tcllib package provides functionality for creating and manipulating 
graph data structures in Tcl/Tk. Although the
package is fairly flexible (e.g. allows attaching arbitrary attributes 
to graphs, arcs, and nodes), there are a number of useful
functions that could be added such as finding connected components, 
determine (shortest) path between two nodes, etc.


A Business Rule Management System based on the high-level object 
oriented scripting language XOTcl

Student: Franz Wirl
Mentor: Gustaf Neumann

High level object oriented scripting languages like XOTcl can be 
perfectly used to implement Charles Forgy's Rete algorithm.
An algorithm that has been developed and tested to match between more 
than a thousand patterns and objects. Implementing this
fast algorithm into/with XOTcl will provide a fast and dynamic Rete 
library in XOTcl.

An object oriented implementation allows a natural expression of rules. 
Object oriented interfaces to the algorithm improve

its flexibility and allows usage in many different domains.

AOLserver-GD Integration

Student: Matthew Gagen
Mentor: Matthew Burke

The goal of this project would be to get the latest version of nsgd 
working with AOLserver 4.x, further rationalize its API,
allow sharing of graphics among server threads, build graphing and 
sparkline packages using this module and
use of autoconf to improve t