Re: [AOLSERVER] AOL server 4.5.2 w/ virtual servers - SSL not working

2015-08-16 Thread Scott Goodwin
The backslash shows line continuation — the IP address below is 
(and :443 for the port).


 On Aug 16, 2015, at 1:22 AM, Sep wrote:
 Could your IP address be the one failing? 
 Error: nsopenssl: failed to listen on 23.253.\
 246.52:443: Permission denied
 What's the stray back slash for?
 On Aug 16, 2015 9:17 AM, Scott Goodwin wrote:
 Has this ever worked in the past? It's been a long time since I've looked at 
 the module and I don't recall if it worked for multiple SSL listening ports 
 as virtual servers on the same AOLserver instance. I never had an occasion to 
 use it that way. If it's not capable of doing that in its last incarnation it 
 will probably take some work to modify it to do it properly.
 On Aug 15, 2015, at 8:17 PM, Thorpe Mayes wrote:
 I have AOLserver 4.5.2 running with virtual servers - main.tcl with several 
 sub config files. 
 Three of the domain names are using SSL. The certificate is a UCC SSL 
 Certificate that will accommodate up to 5 domain names. 
 If I activate the virtual server for just one of the three domains that are 
 using SSL, then everything works fine. When I activate two or more of the 
 sub files that need ssl, the server fails to start. Here is the tail end of 
 the log file:
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: nsmain: 
 AOLserver/4.5.2 running
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: nsmain: 
 security info: uid=502, euid=502, gid=502\
 , egid=502
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nssock
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356683008][-sched-] Notice: sched: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356543744][-nssock:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356543744][-nssock:driver-] Notice: 
 nssock: listening on
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 Notice: starting
 Notice: nsopenssl: listening on\
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 Notice: starting
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356265216][-nsopenssl:driver-] Error: 
 nsopenssl: failed to listen on 23.253.\
 246.52:443: Permission denied
 Notice: exiting
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 Notice: starting
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356125952][-nsopenssl:driver-] Error: 
 nsopenssl: failed to listen on 23.253.\
 246.52:443: Permission denied
 Notice: exiting
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Fatal: could not 
 start drivers
 Here is the ssl portion of the main.tcl file:
 ns_section ns/server/module/nsopenssl
 # ns_param RandomFile /some/file 

 ns_param SeedBytes  2048;  # was 1024   
 Here is what the ssl portion of the sub files (all appear to load 
 successfully - see below):

 # OpenSSL and nsopenssl  

 # - for nsd code - 
 note: must use port 443 
 # - binding port 443 in 

 ns_section ns/server/${ecognizant}/module/nsopenssl/sslcontexts
 ns_param ${ecognizant}_users_ctx SSL context used for $ecognizant regular 
 user access
 # ns_param admins_ctx SSL context used for administrator access

 ns_param ${ecognizant}_client_ctx SSL context used for $ecognizant outgoing 
 script socket connections
 ns_section ns/server/${ecognizant}/module/nsopenssl/defaults
 ns_param server ${ecognizant}_users_ctx
 ns_param client ${ecognizant}_client_ctx

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOL server 4.5.2 w/ virtual servers - SSL not working

2015-08-16 Thread Scott Goodwin
So OpenSSL will look at the domain names in the cert and if one of them 
matches, the SSL connection is accepted? I am behind the times. Thanks for 
pointing this out.


 On Aug 16, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Jeff Rogers wrote:
 The feature of having multiple certificates served on the same ip/port is 
 Server Name Indication (SNI) and the nsopenssl driver does not support it.  
 As you said, getting that to work would require some rewiring.
 However, I think the certificate described by Thorpe was a single certificate 
 that is valid for multiple domains - Service Alternate Name (SAN), somewhat 
 similar to a wildcard cert.  Since it's just one certificate, it doesn't need 
 multiple different ips/ports.  The downside of a SAN cert is that if any of 
 the hosts changes, the whole cert needs to be reissued, versus with SNI each 
 host has its own cert.
 So since it's just one certificate, I think that also means it doesn't need 
 multiple contexts to be set up.  Just set up the single context with the SAN 
 certificate, and set up the virtual servers as you would for a non-ssl setup.
 Scott Goodwin wrote:
 I’m fairly certain that you can’t have multiple listeners on the same IP
 address and port number on a NIC simultaneously, even if they’re all
 binding from the same process. All three of the virtual servers below
 are configured to use the same IP address and port number, and the first
 nsopenssl instance to bind to it, ‘owns’ it. The rest get EPERM from the
 operating system. I think the way multiple SSL certificates are bound to
 a single IP address and port: the server listens on the IP and port, and
 looks at the Host header of the incoming connection to determine which
 SSL certificate to use for that particular connection. I don’t think
 AOLserver has the ability to do this today. The other way to do it is to
 create three distinct IP addresses on your NIC and use one for each SSL
 instance. There may be other ways to make this work, but any of them
 will probably require rewiring AOLserver and nsopenssl.

aolserver-talk mailing list

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOL server 4.5.2 w/ virtual servers - SSL not working

2015-08-15 Thread Scott Goodwin
Has this ever worked in the past? It's been a long time since I've looked at 
the module and I don't recall if it worked for multiple SSL listening ports as 
virtual servers on the same AOLserver instance. I never had an occasion to use 
it that way. If it's not capable of doing that in its last incarnation it will 
probably take some work to modify it to do it properly.


 On Aug 15, 2015, at 8:17 PM, Thorpe Mayes wrote:
 I have AOLserver 4.5.2 running with virtual servers - main.tcl with several 
 sub config files. 
 Three of the domain names are using SSL. The certificate is a UCC SSL 
 Certificate that will accommodate up to 5 domain names. 
 If I activate the virtual server for just one of the three domains that are 
 using SSL, then everything works fine. When I activate two or more of the sub 
 files that need ssl, the server fails to start. Here is the tail end of the 
 log file:
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: nsmain: 
 AOLserver/4.5.2 running
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: nsmain: 
 security info: uid=502, euid=502, gid=502\
 , egid=502
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nssock
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356683008][-sched-] Notice: sched: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356543744][-nssock:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356543744][-nssock:driver-] Notice: 
 nssock: listening on
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356404480][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356404480][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 nsopenssl: listening on\
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356265216][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356265216][-nsopenssl:driver-] Error: 
 nsopenssl: failed to listen on 23.253.\
 246.52:443: Permission denied
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356265216][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Notice: driver: 
 starting: nsopenssl
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356125952][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356125952][-nsopenssl:driver-] Error: 
 nsopenssl: failed to listen on 23.253.\
 246.52:443: Permission denied
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356125952][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: 
 [15/Aug/2015:18:39:13][3924.18446744073356691200][-main-] Fatal: could not 
 start drivers
 Here is the ssl portion of the main.tcl file:
 ns_section ns/server/module/nsopenssl
 # ns_param RandomFile /some/file  
 ns_param SeedBytes  2048;  # was 1024   
 Here is what the ssl portion of the sub files (all appear to load 
 successfully - see below):
 # OpenSSL and nsopenssl   
 # - for nsd code - 
 note: must use port 443 
 # - binding port 443 in 
 ns_section ns/server/${ecognizant}/module/nsopenssl/sslcontexts
 ns_param ${ecognizant}_users_ctx SSL context used for $ecognizant regular 
 user access
 # ns_param admins_ctx SSL context used for administrator access 
 ns_param ${ecognizant}_client_ctx SSL context used for $ecognizant outgoing 
 script socket connections
 ns_section ns/server/${ecognizant}/module/nsopenssl/defaults
 ns_param server ${ecognizant}_users_ctx
 ns_param client ${ecognizant}_client_ctx
 ns_param Role server
 ns_param ModuleDir $ssldocdir
 ns_param CertFile cert.pem
 ns_param KeyFile key.pem
 ns_param CAFile ca.pem
 ns_param Protocols All
 ns_param CipherSuite ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP
 ns_param PeerVerify false
 ns_param PeerVerifyDepth 3
 ns_param Trace false
 ns_param Role client
 ns_param ModuleDir $ssldocdir
 ns_param CertFile cert.pem
 ns_param KeyFile key.pem
 ns_param CAFile ca.pem
 ns_param Protocols All
 ns_param CipherSuite 

Re: [AOLSERVER] Updating Aolserver to use TLSv1.2

2015-06-23 Thread Scott Goodwin
An AOLserver configuration file from an old server I used to run has this 
section defined:

ns_param ProtocolSSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1
ns_param CipherSuite ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP

From the OpenSSL documentation:
Only enable TLSv1.2:

SSL_CONF_cmd(ctx, Protocol, -ALL,TLSv1.2);

So I’d assume the following would restrict AOLserver to ONLY use TLS 1.2:

ns_param Protocol“-ALL,TLSv1.2
ns_param CipherSuite ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP


 On Jun 23, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Paula Giangeruso 
 Does anyone have TLS v1.2 working on AOLserver?  If so how did you go about 
 doing this?
 Thank You,
 Paula Giangeruso - Vice President/Engineering |
 O: ( 610) 642-1255 | F: (610) 642-1277 | C: (609) 731-8092
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aolserver-talk mailing list

Re: [AOLSERVER] Updating Aolserver to use TLSv1.2

2015-06-23 Thread Scott Goodwin
By the way, ignore my CipherSuite line in there — you obviously don’t want 
SSLv2, +LOW, +MEDIUM and other components - you’ll likely just want the TLS 
v1.2 ciphers, which are listed here:

Not sure what the CipherSuite string should look like to support that, but if I 
have time this week I’ll see if I can figure it out. Be aware that restricting 
to just TLS 1.2 may cause some older browsers to not work with your site, but I 
haven’t done hands-on work in this area in years, so I’m not up-to-date on 
proper configurations.


 On Jun 23, 2015, at 12:00 PM, Scott Goodwin wrote:
 An AOLserver configuration file from an old server I used to run has this 
 section defined:
 ns_param ProtocolSSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1
 ns_param CipherSuite ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP
 From the OpenSSL documentation:
 Only enable TLSv1.2:
 SSL_CONF_cmd(ctx, Protocol, -ALL,TLSv1.2);
 So I’d assume the following would restrict AOLserver to ONLY use TLS 1.2:
 ns_param Protocol“-ALL,TLSv1.2
 ns_param CipherSuite ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP
 On Jun 23, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Paula Giangeruso wrote:
 Does anyone have TLS v1.2 working on AOLserver?  If so how did you go about 
 doing this?
 Thank You,
 Paula Giangeruso - Vice President/Engineering |
 O: ( 610) 642-1255 | F: (610) 642-1277 | C: (609) 731-8092
 wineaccess ®
 direct from the source
 Monitor 25 network devices or servers for free with OpManager!
 OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors 
 network devices and physical  virtual servers, alerts via email  sms 
 for fault. Monitor 25 devices for free with no restriction. Download now;119417398;o___;119417398;o___
 aolserver-talk mailing list

Monitor 25 network devices or servers for free with OpManager!
OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors 
network devices and physical  virtual servers, alerts via email  sms 
for fault. Monitor 25 devices for free with no restriction. Download now;119417398;o___
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