cvs commit: apache/htdocs/manual/misc FAQ.html

1997-04-26 Thread Marc Slemko
marc97/04/25 23:58:42

  Modified:htdocs/manual/misc  FAQ.html
  General cleanups and modifications to a few things to make them more
  technically accurate, IMHO.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.43  +64 -47apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html
  Index: FAQ.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.42
  retrieving revision 1.43
  diff -C3 -r1.42 -r1.43
  *** FAQ.html  1997/04/26 05:13:50 1.42
  --- FAQ.html  1997/04/26 06:58:39 1.43
  *** 8,14 
  Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions
  !   $Revision: 1.42 $ ($Date: 1997/04/26 05:13:50 $)
  The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
  --- 8,14 
  Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions
  !   $Revision: 1.43 $ ($Date: 1997/04/26 06:58:39 $)
  The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
  *** 350,366 

Apache tries to be helpful when it encounters a problem.  In many
cases, it will provide some details by writing one or messages to
  ! the server error log (see the
  ! directive).  Somethimes this is enough for you to diagnose &
  ! fix the problem yourself (such as file permissions or the like).

   Check the";

The latest version of the Apache Frequently-Asked Questions list can
  --- 350,368 

Apache tries to be helpful when it encounters a problem.  In many
cases, it will provide some details by writing one or messages to
  ! the server error log.  Sometimes this is enough for you to diagnose 
  ! & fix the problem yourself (such as file permissions or the like).
  ! The default location of the error log is 
  ! /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/error_log, but see the 
  ! directive in your config files for the location on your server.

   Check the";

The latest version of the Apache Frequently-Asked Questions list can
  *** 379,385 
that your issue has already been reported, please don't add
a "me, too" report.  If the original report isn't closed
yet, we suggest that you check it periodically.  You might also
  ! consider contacting the original submittor, because there may be an
email exchange going on about the issue that isn't getting recorded
in the database.

  --- 381,387 
that your issue has already been reported, please don't add
a "me, too" report.  If the original report isn't closed
yet, we suggest that you check it periodically.  You might also
  ! consider contacting the original submitter, because there may be an
email exchange going on about the issue that isn't getting recorded
in the database.

  *** 426,432 

  ! (Substitute the appropiate locations for your
ServerRoot and your httpd and
core files.  You may have to use gdb
instead of dbx.)
  --- 428,434 

  ! (Substitute the appropriate locations for your
ServerRoot and your httpd and
core files.  You may have to use gdb
instead of dbx.)
  *** 452,458 
  Friendly interaction between Apache and NCSA developers should ensure
  !   that fundamental feature enhancments stay consistent between the two
  servers for the foreseeable future.
  --- 454,460 
  Friendly interaction between Apache and NCSA developers should ensure
  !   that fundamental feature enhancements stay consistent between the two
  servers for the foreseeable future.
  *** 462,468 
  the ScriptAlias?
  !   Apache recognises all files in a directory named as a
  --- 464,470 
  the ScriptAlias?
  !   Apache recognizes all files in a directory named as a
  *** 476,482 
  To persuade Apache to execute scripts in other locations, such as in
  directories where normal documents may also live, you must tell it how
  !   to recognise them - and also that it's okey to execute them.  For
  this, you need to use something like the
  To persuade Apache to execute scripts in other locations, such as in
  directories where normal documents may also live, you must tell it how
  !   to recognize them - and also that it's okay to execute them.  For
  this, you need to use something like the

cvs commit: apache/htdocs/manual/misc FAQ.html

1997-04-26 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
coar97/04/26 05:21:15

  Modified:htdocs/manual/misc  FAQ.html
Added Q&A concerning access restriction by host/domain name,
and cleaned up a couple of nit.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.44  +68 -18apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html
  Index: FAQ.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.43
  retrieving revision 1.44
  diff -C3 -r1.43 -r1.44
  *** FAQ.html  1997/04/26 06:58:39 1.43
  --- FAQ.html  1997/04/26 12:21:14 1.44
  *** 8,14 
  Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions
  !   $Revision: 1.43 $ ($Date: 1997/04/26 06:58:39 $)
  The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
  --- 8,14 
  Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions
  !   $Revision: 1.44 $ ($Date: 1997/04/26 12:21:14 $)
  The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
  *** 25,31 


  --- 25,31 


  *** 42,49 


  --- 42,47 
  *** 127,133 
   Why does Apache send a cookie on every 
   Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in 
  ! mod_cookies?
   Why do my Java app[let]s give me plain 
when I request an URL from an Apache server?
  --- 125,131 
   Why does Apache send a cookie on every 
   Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in 
  ! mod_cookies?
   Why do my Java app[let]s give me plain 
when I request an URL from an Apache server?
  *** 150,155 
  --- 148,156 
   The errorlog says Apache dumped core,
but where's the dump file?
  +Why isn't restricting access by host or domain 
  + working correctly?
   Why doesn't Apache include SSL?
  *** 254,260 
  The Apache project's web site includes a page with a partial list of";
  >sites running Apache.
  --- 255,261 
  The Apache project's web site includes a page with a partial list of";
  >sites running Apache.
  *** 286,292 
  be swamped by a flood of trivial questions that can be resolved elsewhere.
  Bug reports and suggestions should be sent via";
  >the bug report page.
  Other questions should be directed to the
  >the bug report page.
  Other questions should be directed to the
  --- 873,881 
  This module was distributed with Apache prior to 1.2.
  This module may help track users, and uses cookies to do this. If
  !   you are not using the data generated by mod_cookies, do
  !   not compile it into Apache. Note that in 1.2 this module was renamed
  !   to the more correct name 
  *** 888,903 
  !   Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in mod_cookies?
  !   Firstly, you do not need to compile in mod_cookies in order
  !   for your scripts to work (see the previous 
  !   for more about mod_cookies). Apache passes on your Set-Cookie header
  !   fine, with or without this module. If cookies do not work it will
  !   be because your script does not work properly or your browser does
  !   not use cookies or is not set-up to accept them.
  --- 889,909 
  !   Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in
  !   mod_cookies?
  !   Firstly, you do not need to compile in
  !   mod_cookies in order for your scripts to work (see the
  !   previous question
  !   for more about mod_cookies). Apache passes on your
  !   Set-Cookie header fine, with or without this module. If
  !   cookies do not work it will be because your script does not work
  !   properly or your browser does not use cookies or is not set-up to
  !   accept them.
  *** 1089,1094 
  --- 1095,1144 
  +   Why isn't restricting access by host or domain name
  +   working correctly?
  +   Two of the most common causes of this are:
  +An error, inconsistency, or unexpected mapping in the DNS
  + registration
  + This happens frequently: your configuration restricts access to
  + Host.FooBar.Com, but you can't get in from that host.
  + The usual reason for this 

cvs commit: apache/src/modules Makefile

1997-04-26 Thread Ben Laurie
ben 97/04/26 13:20:07

  Modified:src   conf.h http_main.h
   src/modules  Makefile
  Fix multiply defined signal().
  Reviewed by: Randy, Dean.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.94  +14 -0 apache/src/conf.h
  Index: conf.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/conf.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.93
  retrieving revision 1.94
  diff -C3 -r1.93 -r1.94
  *** conf.h1997/04/15 20:00:21 1.93
  --- conf.h1997/04/26 20:20:06 1.94
  *** 639,644 
  --- 639,658 
#define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned long) -1)

  + /*
  +  * Replace signal function with sigaction equivalent
  +  */
  + #ifndef NO_USE_SIGACTION
  + typedef void Sigfunc(int);
  + #if defined(SIG_IGN) && !defined(SIG_ERR)
  + #define SIG_ERR ((Sigfunc *)-1)
  + #endif
  + #define signal(s,f) ap_signal(s,f)
  + Sigfunc *signal(int signo, Sigfunc *func);
  + #endif
/* Finding offsets of elements within structures.
 * Taken from the X code... they've sweated portability of this stuff
 * so we don't have to.  Sigh...
  1.10  +0 -13 apache/src/http_main.h
  Index: http_main.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_main.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -C3 -r1.9 -r1.10
  *** http_main.h   1997/04/21 20:29:07 1.9
  --- http_main.h   1997/04/26 20:20:06 1.10
  *** 97,112 
int count_busy_servers ();
int count_idle_servers ();

  - /*
  -  * Replace signal function with sigaction equivalent
  -  */
  - #ifndef NO_USE_SIGACTION
  - typedef void Sigfunc(int);
  - #if defined(SIG_IGN) && !defined(SIG_ERR)
  - #define SIG_ERR ((Sigfunc *)-1)
  - #endif
  - Sigfunc *signal(int signo, Sigfunc *func);
  - #endif
  --- 97,99 
  1.9   +24 -65apache/src/modules/Attic/Makefile

cvs commit: apache/src CHANGES http_protocol.c buff.c

1997-04-26 Thread Roy Fielding
fielding97/04/26 23:23:23

  Modified:src   CHANGES http_protocol.c buff.c
  Fix problem with scripts not receiving a SIGPIPE when client drops
  the connection (e.g., when user presses Stop).  We now stop
  trying to send a message body immediately after an error from write.
  Submitted by: Roy Fielding (with help from Nathan Kurz, PR#335)
  Reviewed by: Dean Gaudet, Randy Terbush, Chuck Murcko
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.250 +5 -0  apache/src/CHANGES
  Index: CHANGES
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/CHANGES,v
  retrieving revision 1.249
  retrieving revision 1.250
  diff -C3 -r1.249 -r1.250
  *** CHANGES   1997/04/25 00:19:37 1.249
  --- CHANGES   1997/04/27 06:23:20 1.250
  *** 1,5 
  --- 1,10 
Changes with Apache 1.2
  +   *) Fix problem with scripts not receiving a SIGPIPE when client drops
  +  the connection (e.g., when user presses Stop).  Apache will now stop
  +  trying to send a message body immediately after an error from write.
  +  [Roy Fielding and Nathan Kurz] PR#335
  *) Fix graceful restart on architectures not using scoreboard files
 (it is still broken on scoreboard-file architectures).
 Eliminate many signal-related race conditions in both forms of
  1.117 +23 -8 apache/src/http_protocol.c
  Index: http_protocol.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_protocol.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.116
  retrieving revision 1.117
  diff -C3 -r1.116 -r1.117
  *** http_protocol.c   1997/04/24 23:35:20 1.116
  --- http_protocol.c   1997/04/27 06:23:21 1.117
  *** 1540,1553 
total_bytes_sent += n;
  ! while(n && !r->connection->aborted) {
  ! w=bwrite(r->connection->client, &buf[o], n);
  ! if(w <= 0)
  ! break;
  ! reset_timeout(r); /* reset timeout after successful write */
  ! n-=w;
  ! o+=w;

  --- 1540,1568 
total_bytes_sent += n;
  ! while (n && !r->connection->aborted) {
  ! w = bwrite(r->connection->client, &buf[o], n);
  ! if (w > 0) {
  ! reset_timeout(r); /* reset timeout after successful write */
  ! n-=w;
  ! o+=w;
  ! }
  ! else if (w < 0) {
  ! if (r->connection->aborted)
  ! break;
  ! else if (errno == EAGAIN)
  ! continue;
  ! else {
  ! log_unixerr("send body lost connection to",
  ! get_remote_host(r->connection,
  ! r->per_dir_config, REMOTE_NAME),
  ! NULL, r->server);
  ! bsetflag(r->connection->client, B_EOUT, 1);
  ! r->connection->aborted = 1;
  ! break;
  ! }
  ! }

  1.25  +4 -0  apache/src/buff.c
  Index: buff.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/buff.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.24
  retrieving revision 1.25
  diff -C3 -r1.24 -r1.25
  *** buff.c1997/04/21 20:29:07 1.24
  --- buff.c1997/04/27 06:23:21 1.25
  *** 99,109 
  --- 99,113 
static void
doerror(BUFF *fb, int err)
  + int errsave = errno;  /* Save errno to prevent overwriting it below */
if (err == B_RD)
fb->flags |= B_RDERR;
fb->flags |= B_WRERR;
if (fb->error != NULL) (*fb->error)(fb, err, fb->error_data);
  + errno = errsave;

/* Buffering routines */

cvs commit: apache/src CHANGES util_script.h util_script.c

1997-04-26 Thread Roy Fielding
fielding97/04/26 23:55:55

  Modified:src   CHANGES util_script.h util_script.c
  Fix the above fix: if suexec is enabled, avoid destroying r->url
  while obtaining the /~user and save the username in a separate data
  area so that it won't be overwritten by the call to getgrgid(), and
  fix some misuse of the pool string allocation functions.  Also fixes
  a general problem with parsing URL query info into args for CGI scripts.
  Closes PR#339, 367, 354, 453.
  Reviewed by: Dean Gaudet, Randy Terbush
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.251 +7 -0  apache/src/CHANGES
  Index: CHANGES
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/CHANGES,v
  retrieving revision 1.250
  retrieving revision 1.251
  diff -C3 -r1.250 -r1.251
  *** CHANGES   1997/04/27 06:23:20 1.250
  --- CHANGES   1997/04/27 06:55:51 1.251
  *** 24,29 
  --- 24,36 
  *) Fix suexec segfault when group doesn't exist. [Gregory Neil Shapiro]
 PR#367, 368, 354, 453

  +   *) Fix the above fix: if suexec is enabled, avoid destroying r->url
  +  while obtaining the /~user and save the username in a separate data
  +  area so that it won't be overwritten by the call to getgrgid(), and
  +  fix some misuse of the pool string allocation functions.  Also fixes
  +  a general problem with parsing URL query info into args for CGI 
  +  [Roy Fielding] PR#339, 367, 354, 453
  *) Fix IRIX warning about bzero undefined. [Marc Slemko]
  *) Fix problem with . [Martin Kraemer] PR#271
  1.15  +0 -4  apache/src/util_script.h
  Index: util_script.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -C3 -r1.14 -r1.15
  *** util_script.h 1997/03/18 09:46:27 1.14
  --- util_script.h 1997/04/27 06:55:52 1.15
  *** 56,65 
#define APACHE_ARG_MAX 512

  - char **create_argv(request_rec *r, char *av0, ...);
  - #ifdef __EMX__
  - char **create_argv_cmd(pool *p, char *av0, const char *args, char *path);
  - #endif
char **create_environment(pool *p, table *t);
int find_path_info(char *uri, char *path_info);
void add_cgi_vars(request_rec *r);
  --- 56,61 
  1.52  +62 -60apache/src/util_script.c
  Index: util_script.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.51
  retrieving revision 1.52
  diff -C3 -r1.51 -r1.52
  *** util_script.c 1997/04/25 13:39:33 1.51
  --- util_script.c 1997/04/27 06:55:52 1.52
  *** 72,108 
#define MALFORMED_MESSAGE "malformed header from script. Bad header="

  ! char **create_argv(request_rec *r, char *av0, ...)
  - int idx;
char **av;
  ! char *t, *arg;
  ! va_list args;

  ! av = (char **)palloc(r->pool, APACHE_ARG_MAX);

  ! av[0] = av0;
  ! idx = 1;
  ! va_start(args, av0);
  ! while ((arg = va_arg(args, char *)) != NULL) {
  ! if ((t = strtok(arg, "+")) == NULL)
  ! break;
  ! av[idx] = escape_shell_cmd(r->pool, t);
  ! idx++;
  ! if (idx >= APACHE_ARG_MAX-1) break;
  ! while ((t = strtok(NULL, "+")) != NULL) {
  ! unescape_url(t);
  ! assert(idx < APACHE_ARG_MAX);
  ! av[idx] = escape_shell_cmd(r->pool, t);
  ! idx++;
  ! if (idx >= APACHE_ARG_MAX-1) break;
  ! }
  - va_end(args);

av[idx] = NULL;
return av;
  --- 72,100 
#define MALFORMED_MESSAGE "malformed header from script. Bad header="

  ! static char **create_argv(pool *p, char *path, char *user, char *group,
  !   char *av0, const char *reqargs)
char **av;
  ! char *t;
  ! char *args = pstrdup(p, reqargs);
  ! int idx = 0;
  ! av = (char **)palloc(p, APACHE_ARG_MAX * sizeof(char *));
  ! if (path)
  ! av[idx++] = path;
  ! if (user)
  ! av[idx++] = user;
  ! if (group)
  ! av[idx++] = group;

  ! av[idx++] = av0;

  ! while ((idx < APACHE_ARG_MAX) && ((t = strtok(args, "+")) != NULL)) {
  ! av[idx++] = escape_shell_cmd(p, t);

av[idx] = NULL;
return av;
  *** 401,407 

#ifdef __EMX__
  ! char **create_argv_cmd(pool *p, char *av0, const char *args, char *path) {
register int x,n;
char **av;
char *w;
  --- 393,400 

#ifdef __EMX__