cvs commit: apache-1.3 HTTP_Features.tsv

1998-04-24 Thread fielding
fielding98/04/23 20:39:30

  As near as I can tell, this is accurate up to the current snapshot.
  AG needs a volunteer to submit the data "officially" (stupid form).
  I'll send it to the editors unofficially.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.3   +132 -103  apache-1.3/HTTP_Features.tsv
  Index: HTTP_Features.tsv
  RCS file: /home/cvs/apache-1.3/HTTP_Features.tsv,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- HTTP_Features.tsv 1998/03/16 07:39:55 1.2
  +++ HTTP_Features.tsv 1998/04/24 03:39:30 1.3
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   This tab-separated-value file is for use as a checklist  
  -for features against ,  
  +for features against ,  
   since two independently developed and interoperable  
   implementations are needed for each feature.  For each entry,
?   means not filled-in 
  @@ -7,107 +7,136 @@
n   means no
y   means yes   
Y   means yes with the addition of a module that uses feature
  +The contents should be placed in the form at 
  +by someone who wants to be the contact for the Apache Group.

   Section  Feature Implemented Tested
  -8.1  Persistent Connections  y   ?
  -8.2.3Automatic retrying of requests  -   ?
  -8.2.4Use of the 100 (Continue) statusn   ?
  -9.2  OPTIONS y   ?
  -9.3  GET y   ?
  -9.4  HEADy   ?
  -9.5  POSTy   ?
  -9.6  PUT y   ?
  -9.7  DELETE  y   ?
  -9.8  TRACE   y   ?
  -9.9  CONNECT y   ?
  -10.1.1   100 Continuen   ?
  -10.1.2   101 Switching Protocols n   ?
  -10.2.1   200 OK  y   ?
  -10.2.2   201 Created ?   ?
  -10.2.3   202 Accepted?   ?
  -10.2.4   203 Non-Authoritative Information   ?   ?
  -10.2.5   204 No Content  ?   ?
  -10.2.6   205 Reset Content   ?   ?
  -10.2.7   206 Partial Content ?   ?
  -10.2.8   207 Partial Update OK   ?   ?
  -10.3.1   300 Multiple Choices?   ?
  -10.3.2   301 Moved Permanently   ?   ?
  -10.3.3   302 Found   ?   ?
  -10.3.4   303 See Other   ?   ?
  -10.3.5   304 Not Modified?   ?
  -10.3.6   305 Use Proxy   ?   ?
  -10.3.7   307 Temporary Redirect  ?   ?
  -10.4.1   400 Bad Request ?   ?
  -10.4.2   401 Unauthorized?   ?
  -10.4.3   402 Payment Required?   ?
  -10.4.4   403 Forbidden   ?   ?
  -10.4.5   404 Not Found   ?   ?
  -10.4.6   405 Method Not Allowed  ?   ?
  -10.4.7   406 Not Acceptable  ?   ?
  -10.4.8   407 Proxy Authentication Required   ?   ?
  -10.4.9   408 Request Timeout ?   ?
  -10.4.10  409 Conflict?   ?
  -10.4.11  410 Gone?   ?
  -10.4.12  411 Length Required ?   ?
  -10.4.13  412 Precondition Failed ?   ?
  -10.4.14  413 Request Entity Too Large?   ?
  -10.4.15  414 Request-URI Too Long?   ?
  -10.4.16  415 Unsupported Media Type  ?   ?
  -10.4.17  416 Requested range not satisfiable ?   ?
  -10.4.18  417 Expectation Failed  ?   ?
  -10.5.1   500 Internal Server Error   ?   ?
  -10.5.2   501 Not Implemented ?   ?
  -10.5.3   502 Bad Gateway ?   ?
  -10.5.4   503 Service Unavailable ?   ?
  -10.5.5   504 Gateway Timeout ?   ?
  -10.5.6   505 HTTP Version Not Supported  ?   ?
  -10.5.7   506 Partial Update Not Implemented  ?   ?
  -13.3.3   Strong entity tags  ?   ?
  -13.3.3   Weak entity tags?   ?
  -14.1 Accept  ?   ?
  -14.2 Accept-Charset  ?   ?
  -14.3 Accept-Encoding ?   ?
  -14.4 Accept-Language ?   ?
  -14.5 Accept-Ranges   ?   ?
  -14.6 Age ?   ?
  -14.7 Allow   ?   ?
  -14.8 Authorization   ?   ?
  -14.9 Cache-Control   ?   ?
  -14.10Connection  ?   ?
  -14.11Content-Encoding?   ?
  -14.12Content-Language?   ?
  -14.13Content-Length  ?   ?
  -14.14Content-Location?   ?
  -14.15Content-MD5 ?   ?
  -14.16Content-Range   ?   ?
  -14.17Content-Type?   ?
  -14.18Date?   ?
  -14.19ETag?   ?
  -14.20Expect  ?   ?
  -14.21Expires ?   ?
  -14.22From?   ?
  -14.23Host?   ?
  -14.24If-Modified-Since   ?   ?
  -14.25If-Match?   ?
  -14.26If-None-Match   ?   ?

cvs commit: apache-site bugdb.cgi

1998-04-24 Thread coar
coar98/04/24 04:00:34

Change 'chop's to 'chomp's, and add rudimentary email address
syntax validation.
  PR:   2135
  Submitted by: Dean Gaudet
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.27  +12 -6 apache-site/bugdb.cgi
  Index: bugdb.cgi
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-site/bugdb.cgi,v
  retrieving revision 1.26
  retrieving revision 1.27
  diff -u -r1.26 -r1.27
  --- bugdb.cgi 1998/02/22 02:18:17 1.26
  +++ bugdb.cgi 1998/04/24 11:00:33 1.27
  @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
   #even to closed PRs, without spamming people.
   #  01/20/1998 Ken Coar - Simplify the canned message handling by using
  +#  04/24/1998 Ken Coar - change "chop" to "chomp" in a few places, add
  +#email syntax validation (Dean Gaudet's suggestion).
   ### End Modification log
  @@ -252,7 +254,7 @@
   ### Main menu
   } elsif ($PATH_INFO eq "") {
  -print "Version: 20 January 1998Authors: ",
  +print "Version: 24 April 1998Authors: ",
"\";>Dan Kegel ",
"and Huy Le,  ",
"with revamp work by ",
  @@ -387,7 +389,7 @@
   # Get arguments
  -chop; s/\r$//;
  +chomp; s/\r$//;
   undef(%fieldvalues); # Global!
   foreach (split(/&/)) {
  @@ -416,13 +418,17 @@
local ($fieldval) = $fieldvalues{$field};
$fieldval =~ s/\s//g;
if ($fieldval eq "") {
  - push (@emsgs, $field);
  + push (@emsgs, $field . " is blank");
$ok = 0;
  +if ($fieldvalies{'emailaddr'} !~ m:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:) {
  + push (@emsgs, "Email address is invalid");
  + $ok = 0;
   if (! $ok) {
print "Problem report not sent!\n";
  - print "Your problem report is missing required information:\n";
  + print "Your problem report has missing or invalid required 
print "\n";
foreach $field (@emsgs) {
print " $field\n \n";
  @@ -644,7 +650,7 @@
   # Get arguments
  -chop; s/\r$//;
  +chomp; s/\r$//;
   foreach (split(/&/)) {
  @@ -713,7 +719,7 @@
$ed_err = "$errmsg\nError: can't run $DATEPROG";
last LOCKED;
  - chop($date=);
  + chomp($date=);
$mail_to{&tolower($nEditor{$input{'Editor'}})} = 1;

cvs commit: apache-devsite API-dict.html

1998-04-24 Thread coar
coar98/04/24 13:26:32

A mighty, massive change to the API dictionary.  As I went
through and added stuff by hand, it became clear it would be
almost unmaintainable.  So I've gone back to a data-driven
approach, and this is the result.  The driving components will
be checked in later, after they're a little more stable.
  Reviewed by:  Jim Jagielski
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.13  +15670 -2983apache-devsite/API-dict.html
  Index: API-dict.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-devsite/API-dict.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- API-dict.html 1998/04/14 23:07:41 1.12
  +++ API-dict.html 1998/04/24 20:26:30 1.13
  @@ -31,3009 +31,15696 @@
Each definition that references an Apache structure type must
make the reference into a link to the type's definition.
  -API_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_bprintf(BUFF *fb, const char *fmt,...)
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_canonical_filename(pool *p, const char *file);
  -API_EXPORT(mutex *) ap_create_mutex(char *name);
  -API_EXPORT(void) ap_destroy_mutex(mutex *mutex_id);
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_quotes(pool *, const char *);
  -API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_get_server_built(void);
  -API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_get_server_version(void);
  -API_EXPORT(void) ap_log_error_old(const char *err, server_rec *s);
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5(pool *a, unsigned char *string);
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5contextTo64(pool *p, AP_MD5_CTX * context);
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5digest(pool *p, FILE *infile);
  -API_EXPORT(mutex *) ap_open_mutex(char *name);
  -API_EXPORT(int) ap_parse_hostinfo_components(pool *p, const char *hostinfo, 
uri_components *uptr);
  +API_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_bprintf(BUFF *fb, const char *fmt, ...)
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_canonical_filename(pool *p, const char *file)
  +API_EXPORT(mutex *) ap_create_mutex(char *name)
  +API_EXPORT(void) ap_destroy_mutex(mutex *mutex_id)
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_quotes(pool *, const char *)
  +API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_get_server_built(void)
  +API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_get_server_version(void)
  +API_EXPORT(void) ap_log_error_old(const char *err, server_rec *s)
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5(pool *a, unsigned char *string)
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5contextTo64(pool *p, AP_MD5_CTX * context)
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5digest(pool *p, FILE *infile)
  +API_EXPORT(mutex *) ap_open_mutex(char *name)
  +API_EXPORT(int) ap_parse_hostinfo_components(pool *p, const char *hostinfo, 
uri_components *uptr)
   API_EXPORT_NONSTD(char *) ap_psprintf(struct pool *, const char *fmt, ...)
  -API_EXPORT(char *) ap_pvsprintf(struct pool *, const char *fmt, va_list);
  -API_EXPORT(int) ap_release_mutex(mutex *mutex_id);
  -API_EXPORT(int) ap_snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...);
  +API_EXPORT(char *) ap_pvsprintf(struct pool *, const char *fmt, va_list)
  +API_EXPORT(int) ap_release_mutex(mutex *mutex_id)
  +API_EXPORT(int) ap_snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...)
 Table of Contents
  -   Alphabetical list of API functions
  +   Routine Descriptions
  -   Alphabetical list of API constants
  +   Data Structure Definitions
  -   Alphabetical list of
  -API data structure definitions
  +   Global Data Cells
  -   Alphabetical list of global API data cells
  +   Constant Definitions
  -  Functions
  -  ap_MD5Final
  -  void ap_MD5Final(unsigned char digest[16], AP_MD5_CTX *context)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_MD5Init
  -  void ap_MD5Init(AP_MD5_CTX *context)
  -  definitions/description
  -  ap_MD5Update
  -  void ap_MD5Update(AP_MD5_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input,
  -unsigned int inputLen)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_acquire_mutex
  -  int ap_acquire_mutex(mutex *mutex_id)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_add_cgi_vars
  -  void ap_add_cgi_vars(request_rec *r)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_add_common_vars
  -  void ap_add_common_vars(request_rec *r)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_add_module
  -  void ap_add_module(module *m)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_add_named_module
  -  int ap_add_named_module(const char *name)
  -  definition/description
  -  ap_add_per_dir_conf
  -  void ap_add_per_dir_conf(server_rec *s, void 
  -  definition/description
  -  Note: CORE_EXPORTed
  -  ap_add_per_url_conf
  -  void ap_add_per_url_conf(server_rec *s, void 
  -  definition/description
  -  Note: