

> The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development together 
> with the Norwegian Sámi Parliament are going to use the Indigenous Decade of 
> Indigenous Languages (IDIL) to try to change how big tech is treating - or 
> not - languages outside their comfort zone. The main target is systems and 
> tools penetrating major parts of the society (like mobile or desktop 
> operating systems, or office packages used in school), or system & tools 
> critical to the society (like patient-facing health care services). The basic 
> idea is that every part of such systems that touches human language must be 
> made so that third parties can offer their own 
> plugin/localisation/replacement for the language component, at least for the 
> languages the vendors do not provide support for. That is, most of the 
> languages of the world.

> The coverage should be as wide as possible, from menu texts and button labels 
> to interactive speech dialog systems.

> The goal is to establish some sort of framework that would define system 
> developer responsibilities such that any single language component developer 
> would not have to ask permission for each language and component. Instead, 
> everything should be open by default. Underlying technologies would not have 
> to be open, only the human interface parts, or technological components 
> driving language technology, and language specific parts thereof.

> All in all, system providers should not be allowed to decide what language 
> technology and UI language should be available to a language community - that 
> should be up to the language community themselves, or a third party that the 
> language community cooperates with.

> To give such an initiative momentum, there needs to be as large a network of 
> partners behind it as possible. I therefore ask you all to give me names of 
> relevant institutions, preferably with a contact person, and all relevant 
> contact information. I will collect all the information I get, and forward it 
> to the ministry.

> The deadline is pretty short, Friday this week before lunch, Norwegian time.

> Some examples:

> South Africa: some (academic or governmental) group working with language 
> technology tools for SA languages, preferably the head of that group.
> The (head of the) Greenlandic language board, as well as the head of the 
> Danish language board
> EU institutions
> Welsh language authorities/board/language tool developers
> Indian ditto

> The ministry will contact all suggested network partners, and organise the 
> collaboration, we only need to give them names and emails.

> Please answer/discuss/suggest in this thread, to keep everything in one place

So basically if you know someone who could be relevant, suggest them in
that Zulip thread (it's possible to log in with github to join) and the
ministry will ask them if they'd like to get on board.

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