[APFN] Fw: The most pro-abortion president ever strikes again...

2013-04-30 Thread Dot

- Original Message - 
From: Liberty Counsel

Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 11:15 PM
Subject: The most pro-abortion president ever strikes again...

  Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
  Liberty Counsel

  As you doubtless know, Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell has been 
accused of 
murder for the killing of babies outside the womb. His trial ended Monday. On 
the heels of 
Gosnell’s trial, new undercover videos released by the pro-life group Live 
Action show other 
abortionists describing how they kill babies outside the womb.

  Meanwhile, President Obama told Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest 
provider, “You’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you 
fighting every 
step of the way” at their gala fundraising banquet last Friday.  Of course, the 
address didn’t mention a word about Gosnell or his trial!

  The President’s outspoken and ardent support of abortion, even to the 
point of giving 
a keynote address at a Planned Parenthood convention, is hard to stomach. 
Please see my 
update below – Mat


  In the aftermath of the murder trial of late-term abortionist Kermit 
Gosnell, Barack 
Obama became the first sitting President to address the Planned Parenthood 

  And while the abortion giant performed a record 333,964 abortions last 
year, the 
President spoke to Planned Parenthood (PP) for twelve minutes and never uttered 
the word 
“abortion.”  Rather, he echoed the party line, touting cancer screenings, 
contraception, education, and other minor aspects of the organization’s 
so-called “service 

  President Obama’s deafening silence about Gosnell’s born-alive infant 
killings shows 
that he is more willing to defend Planned Parenthood than the women and 
children who suffer 
in their murderous “clinics.”

  Here’s a fact:  Abortion clinics around the country are allowed to 
function in squalid 
conditions because politicians are more interested in financial contributions 
than women’s 

  Barack Obama is no exception. In fact, he overtly politicized his address 
to Planned 
Parenthood by asking for help selling his ObamaCare abortion services to a 
disapproving nation.

  ++Pro-life Americans like you and me will soon be paying for even more 
“services” unless our right of conscience is protected!

  In state after state, investigators have found abortion clinics failing 
to ensure 
sterile, sanitary surgical equipment, killing aborted babies who are born 
alive, performing 
abortions past the point of viability without documentation of a maternal 
health reason, 
arranging abortions for victims of sex-trafficking, misleading women about the 
risks and 
dangers associated with abortions, aborting children for sex selection, 
violating biohazard 
waste disposal regulations, violating informed consent laws, and many, many 
other atrocities 
while government officials turn a blind eye.

  While the President says he wants abortion to be safe and rare, every 
year it ends the 
lives of hundreds of thousands of children in our nation.  And we all know that 
President is working to increase that number by requiring even pro-life 
taxpayers to fund 
abortions through ObamaCare!

  Make no mistake:  The President’s “signature achievement,” ObamaCare, 
will usher in 
the biggest advance of abortion services since Roe v Wade. And he has arranged 
to make 
pro-life Americans pay for it against their consciences!

  It is time for Americans to say enough is enough! We must put an end to 
the real 
“attack on women’s rights.”

  ++Tell Congress to protect our constitutional rights!

  Three Representatives have proposed a vitally important bill that would 
right this wrong and restore the constitutional guarantee of our Rights of 

  Congresswoman Diane Black (R-TN), Congressman John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA), 
and Rep. Jeff 
Fortenberry (R-NE), have
  cosponsored the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (HCCRA) bill in the 

  All Americans who stand for life and the protection of our unalienable 
rights should 
rally behind this bill.

  This bill is stalled in committee and must be brought to a vote.

  Please click here now to sign the letter/petition to congress that 
demands that this 
bill come out of committee to a full vote in the House of Representatives.


  In Liberty Counsel’s Citizen Petition to congress, we demand respect for 
the First 
Amendment, ensuring Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Conscience, and Freedom of 
Religion – and, 
unified, we stand in staunch support of H.R. 940 – the Health Care Conscience 
Rights Act.

  We are calling for the bill’s passage in the House Subcommittee on Health 
– and for a 
full vote by our elected congressmen in the House of Repr

[APFN] Fw: Sign Petition to Change US RF Safety Policy

2013-04-30 Thread Dot

- Original Message - 
From: Webmaster
To: Webmaster
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 1:34 PM
Subject: Sign Petition to Change US RF Safety Policy

Please sign the petition below and pass it on via email, facebook, and twitter. 
 If we make 
this petition a success, we can make one change at the top and stop having to 
do it state by 
state and city by city.  It affects all rf related issues from smart meters to 
the sundry 
wireless technologies that are injuring people.

Please help make this go viral.


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The EMRadiation Policy Institute has started a petition on www.change.org:

"Chairman Rockefeller Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation:  
Hold hearings 
to fire FCC and hire EPA to set RF radiation safety limits."

We need your help to get it off the ground.  Your signature will be sent 
directly to the US 
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation - that has jurisdiction 
over the 
wireless industry.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:

Here's why this petition is important:

Sign the petition for Congress to hold hearings as a necessary first step to 
have an 
unbiased agency (EPA) protect your health by establishing meaningful safety 
limits for RF 
radiation from wireless devices. Please ask your friends and relatives to sign 
as well.

The FCC has shown again, even as it opens a docket to determine whether it 
should take 
another look at its RF radiation limits, that it cannot do so in an unbiased 
manner. The 
document at: 
multiple statements showing bias. Current scientific evidence - BioInitiative 
2012 Report 
www.bioinitiative.org - actually demonstrates biological effects at levels well 
below the 
FCC’s inadequate safety limits adopted in 1996. These limits are based on the 
knowledge as of 1986. The FCC is ignoring the federal government’s own record 
that the FCC 
safety limits are flawed and obsolete:

The FCC also freely admits to its lack of expertise: the FCC “is not a health 
and safety 
agency, we defer to other organizations and agencies with respect to 
interpreting the 
biological research necessary to determine what levels are safe.” The FCC also 
makes it 
clear throughout its current docket that it is extremely concerned with 
protecting and 
promoting the industry, since it it has the statutory obligation to do so.

Recent discussion of Thomas Wheeler as a potential candidate for Chairman of 
the FCC is of 
paramount concern. This proposal further highlights the need for the 
responsibilities for 
protecting the public health and safety to be moved to an agency with that 
expertise and 
focus, one that has no inherent conflict of interest. Mr. Wheeler has worked 
for industry 
his entire career and was a major player in the industry fight against
RF radiation safety limits that would have provided meaningful protection in 
the drafting of 
the TCA of 1996..

The FCC's primary function is to promote telecommunications technologies by 
providers of these technologies. By its own statements, its expertise is not 
public health. 
Public health is too important to let the fox continue to guard the henhouse.

With the almost-ubiquitous exposure of the entire US population to RF 
radiation, it is past 
time that US policy for non-ionizing radiation protection follow the model in 
place for the 
ionizing radiation protection. A recent report released by The EMRadiation 
Policy Institute 
at:  http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/-1770139.htm shows not only that 
the FCC has 
not modernized its RF radiation safety limits to reflect current science, but 
that it does 
not even enforce its own outdated thermally-based RF radiation safety 

Hundreds of comments to recent FCC dockets at: 
http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment_search/input?z=iw0f and search proceedings 
03-137 and 
12-357 support the need for biologically-based RF radiation safety limits NOW!

Until the late 1980s the EPA carried out it own non-ionizing radiation research 
Unfortunately, the EPA's mandate for developing non-ionizing radiation safety 
was never fully funded. Its non-ionizing radiation regulatory authority has 
been eroded by 
industry lobbying, most significantly in the