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`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'



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[APFN] [Fwd: Judge Lambreth & Obama's crimes - what? He finally found his backbone?]

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`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'



Find elected officials, including the president, members of
Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.

PMB 206, 7549 W. CACTUS RD. #104, PEORIA, AZ 85381

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Links are generally posted at my web site 

Posted on my web site with links; www.devvy.com

The items below will remain posted unitl December 16, 2013.

Judge Lamberth orders Postmaster General and Inspector General of the USPS 
(Link) to file an answer within 30 days regarding Obama’s use of a fabricated 
postal stamp on a fabricated Selective Service registration, ignores the fact 
that they did not file an answer for 4 months and gives Obama, Postmaster and 
DOJ a free pass on a lack of answer for 4 months

For five long years EVERY member of the Outlaw Congress has played Barry 
Soetoro aka Obama's game - recognizing him as a constitutionally elected 
president when we know he will always be ineligible because of his dual 
citizenship. The gutless cowards all know about the forged birth certificate as 
well as using someone else's SSN. They all know about the forged SS draft 
registration form and still do NOTHING while Soetoro buzz cuts the Constitution 
every day of the week. And, they all want you to help them win their primary 
next year so they can continue the cover up:

Wash Times Full Page Ad: Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration Form Back 
Dated and Forged

Another useful fool who wants to get promoted. Nonsense, Lt. Col. Breasseale? 
You are a disgrace to the uniform you wear.

Military Mocks Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Breaking: TPPH Drops Obama Fraud Bomb; Smoking Guns Found; Prosecution

From Forgery to Treason; The Destruction of the United Sates from Within

Op-Ed: Obama's America, Going the Way of Rome

Obama health care promise named 'Lie of the Year'

70% Of Calfornia's Doctors Expected To Boycott Obamacare

'JUST STUNNING': Scandal-Tied IRS Official Leads ObamaCare Unit

Obama’s Liberal Media In For A Big Surprise

The Most Dangerous Woman In America

Act surprised. I suppose it all depends on what 'embrace' means for Johnny:

Boehner says GOP should embrace gay candidates: ‘I do’

Perhaps it's the thousands of victims crying out for real justice and the truth:

Listen: New Yorkers Say Eerie Sound Coming From One World Trade Center

EXTREME DANGER - If you live in NY State, pound on your legislature to stop 
this insane proposal. Pass it along because every voice will count:

The (COMMUNIST) Chinese Want To Spend Billions Constructing A 600 Acre “China 
City” In New York State

Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud

Commander: 'Cowards' pushing women into combat

And, who allows it to go on? Why your incumbent and mine in the Outlaw 
Congress. The answer to why should be obvious. Marionettes.

NSA Spying On – and Blackmailing – Top Government Officials and Military 

Fast and Furious Whistleblower Destroys “Botched Investigation” Lie

Investigators describe horrifically graphic child porn on hard drive of Sen. 
Alexander aide

Michigan forces abortion insurance

One group's quest for a new city could determine the fate of metropolitan Baton 

Another stinking 'muslim' who has no respect for the U.S. Constitution:

Rep. Ellison: 'We Demand' Obama Raise Minimum Wage by Executive Order

Watch Trey Gowdy's Explosive Question About Obama Vaporize This Stammering 

City To Require Owners Of 'Dangerous Dogs' To Carry $1,000,000 Insurance Policy

Most Drink It, Yet It's Like Fertilizer for Cancer Cells

"And that's not hearsay - according to a recent research, women who had the 
highest intake of this had a 78% higher risk of this type of cancer. Stop 
consuming it and you'll help stave off potential cancer, and slash your risk of 
heart disease, too."

Be sure to read The House that Evil Built -- Parts 10 - 13

ALEC Lobbying Group Accused of Masquerading as a Charity to Avoid Taxes

Russian diplomats charged in $1.5M Medicaid scheme

A Government Separated from the People Cannot Stand

Major gag factor is the fawning over the death 

[APFN] ? The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Health - YouTube

2013-12-13 Thread Dot


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`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'



Find elected officials, including the president, members of
Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.

PMB 206, 7549 W. CACTUS RD. #104, PEORIA, AZ 85381

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"APFN" group.
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[APFN] [Fwd: On how and why the JFK assassination conspirators had murdered many more Americans who witnessed the assassination]

2013-12-13 Thread APFN

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`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'



Find elected officials, including the president, members of
Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.

PMB 206, 7549 W. CACTUS RD. #104, PEORIA, AZ 85381

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--- Begin Message ---
*On how and why the JFK assassination conspirators had murdered many
Americans who witnessed the assassination*
*by Benjamin Merhav*

*As I mentioned in my previous articles, both the brother and the son of
JFK, the assassinated USA President, had been murdered by the conspirators
because they they had declared their intention to reopen the investigation
into the JFK assassination in 1963 following their election to the office
of USA president. However, these crimes had not stopped the assassination
conspirators from the perpetration of more crimes by murdering more
innocent USA citizens who had witnessed the assassination and therefore
would have made the official cover-up of the crimes impossible to accept by
the public at large.*

*The following website,
 , lists the names
of the victims ( including Jack Ruby, the zionist agent who killed Oswald
"to save the Jews" if Oswald would have been found innocent ). and the
dates of their deaths by the conspirators.*

*Another direction of action by the assassination conspirators to promote
their cover-up fraud has been by purporting to extol and even pretend to
admire JFK, the USA President they have assassinated. Moreover, in this
"promotion" of the assassinated president he has been presented as the
leader of the USA empire, not its victim, which he had been in reality.
Since his death, many public institutions, like airports and space
centers,had been named after him, as well as a warship and other military
installations. Although this "promotion" of JFK distorted his liberal ,
peaceful, and democratic legacy, it seems to have been accepted by Caroline
Kennedy, JFK's daughter, thus making the conspirators successful again in
killing his correct legacy and helping them to bribe the Kennedy family and
making it promote their cover-ups. *

*It is therefore necessary to start a new investigation of all the above
assassinations. Such an investigation must be by a public tribunal which
would be trusted by the American public. Its investigation should be aimed
at exposing all the above crimes involving the 1963 assassination of JFK,
thus serving not only the legacy of JFK, but also the present and the
future of the entire humanity - excluding  the assassination conspirators,
of course.*
--- End Message ---