[APFN] Fw: It's do or die time...seriously.

2014-01-24 Thread Dot
It's do or die time...seriously.

  We need your help right now.
  View this email in your browser

  Shooting from the hip
  TAC founder Michael Boldin on a problem we're 
  I don't know how else to put this

  I'm not really good at being a politician, 
because I generally 
despise them.  So all I can do is shoot straight from the hip. I hope you can 
appreciate my 

  Today, the Tenth Amendment Center received a 
direct attack by 
the George Soros-funded ThinkProgress - a major establishment organization with 
tens of 
millions of dollars at their disposal.

  If we don't get some help  taking these people 
on, we're in 
some big trouble.  We just can't keep going on like this, begging to barely get 

  please help us HERE:  

  Here are some choice quotes about TAC at 
ThinkProgress today:

  "radical tactics"
  "makes John Calhoun look like a moderate"
  "They fear the federal government with 
pathological intensity"
  our goal is "burning it down"

  They basically warned people to not work with us 
because we 
are so dangerous to the future of the country.


  The TAC is operated from a spare bedroom, now a 
home office, 
in my apartment.  We're going head to head with the NSA, gun control, 
Obamacare, and George 
Freaking Soros.

  We are struggling to raise a mere $30,000, and 
are actually 4 
thousand SHORT!  But with that little, we've still had so much impact that this 
Soros group 
is attacking us.

  30 thousand vs 40 million.  This is David v 
Goliath.  We'll 
continue taking them on, but you know what?  30K isn't really going to cut it.  
4 more 
thousand gets us to our baseline goal - so we can stay open.  We really need 
more than that.

  Please help us out in a big way right now:

  I'm working 80+ hours almost every week.  I 
recently put in 17 
days without one off - I got to the point that I put in so many hours that I 
was brought to 
tears a few times.

  Mike Maharrey, our communications director - 
works a good 50 
hours a week and makes $700 a month.  7 hundred.  That's embarrassing.  He has 
to keep a 
part time job at 4 in the morning so he can pay his bills.  We should all be 
thanking him 
for his dedication.

  Amanda Bowers, our outreach director - she's 
working 30 hours 
a week, I think. Probably more. She makes $600 a month.

  Other team members like Shane Trejo and Jeff 
Stewart make $100 
or $150 a week.

  Basically, everyone's a volunteer.

  While I'm very grateful for all these good folks 
- and other 
people who donate their time, facts are facts - people CANNOT volunteer their 
time like this 

  Maharrey - there's no way he can continue this 
pace.  No way. 
Eventually, he'll have to quit.

  In fact, that's just what happened with one of 
our original 
volunteers this week, Lesley Swann.  She's put in hundreds of volunteer hours - 
and had to 
step down to take care of her health.  She doesn't have the time to keep a job, 
take care of 
her family life, her health - and be in the loop of all the things we're 
working on.  No 
way.  If we could afford to hire her away from her day job, we'd have one of 
the best 
activists in the country.

  But people need to pay their rent. I know I do.

  I'll ask again.  PLEASE HELP US.
  here:  http://rally.org/tenthamendmentcenter

  There are TEN STATES with bills to thwart the 
NSA, that's why 
the establishment is attacking us.

  There are EIGHT STATES taking on Obamacare with 
more coming, 
that's why the establishment is attacking us.

  There are TEN STATES taking on federal gun 
control, with more 
coming. That's why the establishment is attacking us.

  Last week, the SC house voted 100-ZERO - to 
virtually ban 
drones without a warrant. This will kill that program, because the only way for 
it to ta

[APFN] [Fwd: Check out "‘Top Secret’ Documents Implicate Obamas, Clintons" on Tea Party Command Center]

2014-01-24 Thread APFN

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Tea Party Command Center: 

Please share this information. This is TREASON to the Highest level

Discussion posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord:
By Shoebat Foundation on January 23, 2014 in
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
Shocking documents (screen shots at bottom of this post) by E...

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[APFN] [Fwd: A 9/11 truth Super Bowl? & A Congressman gone missing]

2014-01-24 Thread APFN

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`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'



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Links are generally posted at my web site 

Posted on my web site with links; www.devvy.com

The items below will remain posted until January 26, 2014

A 9/11 truth Super Bowl?

Where is Congressman Steve Stockman? Remember him and this from last year?

Steve Stockman Takes On Obama Birth Certificate Issue

"News came out over the weekend that Steve Stockman is busy drumming up support 
for a bill that will pursue the Obama ID Fraud case. As Cold Case Posse lead 
investigator Mike Zullo has been promising, the issue has finally made it to 
congress on the back of Steve Stockman."

GOP Rep. Steve Stockman Goes Missing - His constituents have a right to know if 
he's in rehab, had surgery or whatever. Stockman missed the $1.1 TRILLION 
dollar (borrowed, more debt) budget vote.

"Stockman’s staff won’t say where he is. They have ignored more than six weeks 
of emails, telephone messages and social media posts from The Associated Press 
and other news outlets."

Rep. Steve Stockman, the Senate primary candidate in Texas, doesn't vote in 
primaries - Looks like he seldom votes except in the general election. Shame on 
him for settling such a poor example.

Tennessee files historic legislation; Takes aim at state’s NSA facility - Get 
on the phone to your state reps office and tell he or she to make sure the 
legislation gets passed. Remember them of the upcoming primaries.

2014 Primary Schedule

When you have the chief law enforcement officers of states refusing to uphold 
the law, things will quickly slid into a state of lawlessness. Their 
legislature needs to say, oh, no. You're not going to get away with it. I hope 
it's true articles of impeachment are being drawn up. Attorneys generals who 
refuse to defend laws in their states is spreading like a cancer and must be 
stopped. In this case, the AG has only been in office two weeks when he decided 
to dump on their State Constitution:

Herring Violates His Oath Of Office; Impeachment On The Horizon?

Mitt Romney: We “Had to Steal the Republican Nomination” from Ron Paul

U.S. vs Dehlinger - Minns Takes Argument for Doctor to the 4th Circuit

This is another battle coming up: Unconstitutionally stealing from us to bail 
out insurance companies because they will be "too big to fail". Remind your 
incumbent in the U.S. House: The people's purse is overdrawn more than $17 
TRILLION dollars. Not only is it unconstitutional, any grostesque bail out is 
all borrowed debt. No repeat of 2008.

Health care system so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies

They will get dumped into Medicaid. The states, already dying under massive 
Medicaid obligations will look to the feds to steal more money from us (all 
borrowed debt by the Outlaw Congress) to dole out to states going bankrupt. 
Just the beginning. Last year, our dirt bag governor, Rick Perry turned down a 
whopping $100 BILLION dollars from the feds for Medicaid. The last few months 
he's gone begging for $100 million for Medicaid from the feds in this state now 
that that whole Obamacare abomination disaster unfolds day by day. It is 
insanity that worsens by the day.

Target to Drop Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers

Eight Frightening Facts About Fracking

It kicks in in October, right before the 'general' election:

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their 
Health Plans Under Obamacare

Placebo Effect Dictates Therapeutic Effect of Headache Medication

6 Shocking Reasons Why Gluten is Bad for You

And still no one held accountable - like impeaching that racist, Eric Holder. 
Just more committees and free campaign time on C-SPAN and FOX when they 
broadcast those endless hearings. They call it political posturing:

ATF Agent Sends Shockwaves Across Internet With Explosive Allegations About 
‘Fast and Furious’ and Brian Terry’s Death

Obama Busted: Birth Cert Contains Words/Places