Re: [apparmor] UDS wrap-up - Etherpad dump

2012-11-05 Thread John Johansen
This is a dump from the various session's etherpads, hopefully I haven't missed 

AppArmor LXC development

Features in development
- stacking
   * POC in 2-3 weeks for base stacking (ie, not userspace namespaces, have 
aa_stack_profile as opposed to change stacking in policy)
   * this allows is to both limit the container and have profiles within the 
- conditional rules
   * base conditionals by 13.04
   * eg:
 fs=procfs proc/foo rw,
 label=foo /foo/bar rw,
- mount fixes/improvements
   * 'umount /mnt/{**,},'  - delegation (parent hands capabilities to the child)
Cleaner way of dealing with things like:
  deny /sys/[^f]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/f[^s]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/[^c]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/c[^g]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/cg[^r]*/** wklx,
  * should be in 13.04 as part of conditionals work
  - extended regex matching and boolean operations
eg. allow /** - /sys/fs/cgr*/** wklx,
  - netlink?  (to filter uevents) - eg network netlink (create,bind,rw),
   - on schedule. will look like regular network rule. First pass, mask off a 
family or not. planned for 13.10, maybe sooner
   - this will also bring in abstract unix domain socket mediation
 - labeling
 - bug on declaring variables outside of the preamble (ie, in a .d directory)
Can we have all of the above by 14.04? Yes. Work is planned and in progress
- stacking prototype is almost done
- conditional rules are a bit later (base conditionals in 13.04, others later)
Usernamespaces - 14.04
Work items:
These are already planned and need to be brought forward from quantal bps. 
These are assigned to members of the security team and will be 
reprioritized/revised for raring

Application Confinement (Content Access Helper)
Application isolation ensures that applications can only access the data  that 
is required to run. Often data needs opportunistic access. Eg, a  photo 
application needs access to an image file for upload. We should  provide a 
helper to enable confined applications to access files and other content 
selected by the user.
Requirements for first iteration:
- file type specific (eg, photos, contacts, etc) with different handlers
 1. files
 2. photos (needs design)
 3. contacts
- need to be able to handle different backends
- need to be able to handle multiple files of same type
- as toolkit agnostic as possible
- Legacy applications and file selector: could patch gtk to invoke helper
Other helpers need an api that developers would program to
Code to be written:
- trusted helper daemon
- library for API (getFile, getContact, get...)
- saving
 - how do you save a contact?
 - Is the permission grant temporary, or persistent for the sandbox?
   - ie. next time the application is launched, or after a reboot is the 
extended access remembered
 - Is the grant of new permission local to the task or a sandbox?
   - this is irrelavent if each application gets its own sandbox but if the 
sandbox can be shared...
Prior art:
- iOS does source review for applications that need access to files out of the 
- Android has an API, but can access anything on the shared drive and anywhere 
in its sandbox
- OS X sandbox: has a trusted helper
- works with gtk, changes file selection 
to do it
- new Windows 8 has something like a trusted helper
- Some similar design work going on at GNOME:,
2 parts:
1. API (needs to be defined). Eg the developer wants to upload a picture, or 
access a contact.
 - define by list of mimetypes
2. How to integrate this with apparmor
 - hard link file into directory where there is access (with cleanup)
 - new functionality in apparmor to dynamically update the profile
 - object delegation
 - transfer file over dbus
 - helper itself could provide a socket and the helper could shove data into 
the other end
Work items:
[mterry] file selector
[mpt] design for photos selector
[mpt] design for contacts selector
[security] dbus
[security] decide on how to expand the permissions
[security+mterry] design of how to make security desicions

Application Confinement (Gnome-Keyring)
= Background =
gnome keyring can store passwords and when offline the storage is encrypted. 
when online it is decrypted
previous versions had ACLs to control access to the keyring. patched out 
because security consider when everything is running under the user session and 
several issues. (spoofing, tricking, X spoffing, opening keyring file 
itself,etc, etc).
Default assumption when in the default user session with trusted components, 
we don't need the ACLs
Going forward, this assumption changes because of the extras repository. Those 
applications will run under a sandbox. Some applications in default install of 

Re: [apparmor] UDS wrap-up - audio

2012-11-05 Thread John Johansen
And the audio for all UDS sessions

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Re: [apparmor] UDS wrap-up

2012-11-03 Thread Christian Boltz

Am Samstag, 3. November 2012 schrieb John Johansen:
 So just a quick wrap-up of what happened at UDS-R.
 First there are no audio recordings that I know of 

Can you open a bugreport against UDS, please? That's something that 
needs to be fixed ;-)

That said:
It seems to become a tradition that I have to provide the recordings ;-) 
so I finally created a separate directory for them on my homepage.
You can download them at

I managed to capture most sessions related to AppArmor and confinement 
except the last session which was rescheduled in the last minute.

I have the following recordings available:

(some recordings are split into two parts, see the -1 and -2)

This time all recordigns are unedited and include all the noise - but 
there's less noice compared to the previous UDS, so you can actually 
understand what was said ;-)

Unfortunately someone broke the UDS schedule page
which means I'm unable to access the pads. 

John, can you please paste all session notes into a mail and send them 
to the mailinglist to have them in the list archive?

BTW, when speaking about conferences: 

If you are interested in recordings from the openSUSE conference, and are the 
places to go. 

My AppArmor workshop was not recorded (wrong room, you probably 
wouldn't learn something new from it anyway ;-)  but at least I have a 
photo and the slides on ;-)

 and I lost access
 to my home server while there so I didn't end up setting it to record
 the live stream either.

Maybe you are interested in my solution which doesn't require to 
manually restart the recording after the automatic hourly icecast 

while true ; do
sleep 1

You'll of course end up with some files you don't need, but it makes 
sure you have everything you want - even if a session lasts a bit longer 
than planned ;-)

(Disk space is not really an issue - with ~30 MB per hour, you won't 
fill up your harddisk even if you recode several days without any 

 The general take away is that we will be continuing on the core
 improvements that we began back in UDS-Q (6 months ago), and we will
 begin the work towards sandboxing application on the desktop.
 In particular, we have plans to continue the work on adding apparmor
 support to dbus, having a trusted file picker that can be run outside
 of a sandbox, and a gsettings backend that can be used to mediate
 access to desktop settings.

IMHO the filepicker is the most important thing - basically it's the 
only missing part needed to provide secure and non-annoying[1] profiles 
for web browsers - and also other desktop applications
(but maybe I underestimate on how many places dbus is used nowadays...)


Christian Boltz

[1] like you can store downloaded files only in ~/downloads
 vielleicht mal xp draufklatschen (tut weh, muß aber sein..wie bei
 einer Impfung) und da so ein Analyse Tool wie SiSandra laufen lassen.
Beim impfen tötet man die Erreger aber ab, bevor man sie verabreicht...
Wie macht man das mit XP? 
[ Gunnar Salbeck und Manfred Tremmel in suse-linux]

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[apparmor] UDS

2012-10-27 Thread Christian Boltz

I just had a short look at the UDS schedule - and basically it looks 
like the whole security track is about AppArmor ;-)

I'm not sure if I have time to listen to the livestreams, therefore let 
me send some questions and notes in advance:

Most important question: will there be audio recordings available for 
later download? (IIRC this didn't happen in the last years.)

Technical: please hand around the microphone (instead of just sitting 
around it) - otherwise the livestream is not lough enough and, when made 
louder, comes with lots of background noise.

About the Application Confinement (Content Access Helper) session:
At the risk of proposing something that you already came up with: ;-)

I'd propose to use a standalone binary that can be used by any 
application (Px'ed or Ux'ed) for file - open and file - save as. 
This binary should then copy the file to a temporary location (or use a 
socket?) and hand it over to the calling application. This solution 
would cover the most interesting[tm] usecases like confining web 
browsers or acroread.

Applications offering file - save (as in: save again, with the same 
name) might be a bit trickier, and applications allowing to specify a 
file to open at the commandline (gimp foo.xcf) as well.
The problem is to make sure the user is aware that those files will be 
opened/written - OTOH displaying a confirmation dialog each time would 
work, but it would also be annoying.

There seems to be a xdg-file-dialog according to google, but I can't 
find it in the openSUSE repos. Nevertheless, it might be a good place 
where this feature could be implemented.

Oh, and if you implement this, please push it upstream for all 
applications - I'd love to have this feature in openSUSE too ;-)

And a final question that is somewhat unrelated: I remember that using 
etckeeper was discussed at the last(?) UDS. Did this happen in the 
meantime? If yes, how good does it work?


Christian Boltz
Linux just isn't user-friendly when it comes to viruses. You have to
work to find and run them. It doesn't happen automatically as it does
with Windows. The GNU/Linux folks really should improve this glaring

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