Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Rye
Thanks Vincent,

One head per two trees does sound crazy, but it's very good to know that a 
monstrosity is not required.  Is spraying the underside of leaves not an issue? 

I'm curious about the spray pattern (360 degree?) and flow rate (at what 
pressure) of your sprinkler heads as well.

Thanks for mentioning flushing, I am curious about that too, how do you fully 
flush the system including the 1/2 inch, 1/4 inch hoses and heads (with fresh 
water I presume) without rinsing off too much pesticide from the trees?  Do you 
just have a time delay from pesticide application to flush?  If so how much 
time between?

Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

Vincent Philion
Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:00:15 -0700



1) how do you mix and deliver?

For now, we use a large tank containing the fully diluted solution. We push it 
in the system at low pressure. Sprinkler heads only activate when we raise the 
pressure. (after filling the system). Flushing is done similarly.

2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?

Everything is available from irrigation experts.

3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues?

We use micro sprinklers without issues. We haven't tested frost protection yet!

4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

We have ONE head for every 2 trees. So only ONE line per row.

I know, it sounds crazy. But coverage is good on upper surface of leaves. 

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927 

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui peuvent être 
faites dans un domaine très étroit. 
Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui, imprimez-le 

Ce message peut contenir de l'information de nature privilégiée et 
confidentielle. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire visé ou croyez l'avoir reçu 
par erreur, nous vous saurions gré d'en aviser l'émetteur. Si ce message vous a 
été transmis par erreur, veuillez le détruire sans en communiquer le contenu à 
d'autres personnes ou le reproduire.

apple-crop mailing list

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Rye

 Excellent idea Bill!  No reason to run additional poly hose.  Since I already 
have drip emitters installed from the first wire with on/off values on each 
emitter, I could do the same for the overhead using the 1/4 inch tube to reach 

Do you think it will be a necessity to move the poly hose up a wire or two, 
would I have a problem with widely uneven pressure in the sprinklers if I leave 
the main hose on the first wire (i.e. 8 ft of 1/4 inch tube extended up)?

With sprinkler heads only hung on the top wire, do you get good coverage of all 
foliage and their undersides when applying pesticides?  What is the flow rate 
of the heads?  360 degree pattern?


Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.

 Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

Fleming, William
Thu, 16 Jun 2011 07:10:34 -0700

The way our irrigation system is set up is with 3/4" poly hose attached to the 
wire at 5'.
A micro sprinkler that's designed to work upside down hangs from a 1/4" poly 
line so the sprinkler is about 16-20 inches off the ground. There is a 
sprinkler between every other tree.
If needed for frost protection or pesticide injection there is a wire hook at 
the sprinkler that is used to hang the sprinkler from the top wire to produce 
an overhead system.
Works excellent and avoids investing in two systems. Another advantage is no 
underground or tree row lines to get hit by cultivation or mowing.

Bill Fleming
Montana State University
Western Ag Research Center
580 Quast Ln
Corvallis, Montana

[] On Behalf Of Rye
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your post on your sprinkler system and for offering to preview 
your system via email.  I am quite interested but unfortunately would not be 
able to justify a trip to Quebec.

I have a small new orchard with trees in first and second leaf.  I am able to 
cover the whole thing with two fillings of a backpack sprayer.  But, dreading 
the years to come with full canopy and don't see myself justifying a tractor 
and sprayer any more than a trip to Quebec.

So a fixed sprinkler delivery system seems like the answer to a prayer for all 
sorts of reasons:  affordability (compared to a tractor/sprayer), automation 
(set it and forget it, much much less effort), timing (night time when the wind 
is down without lights and without loss of sleep).  I have already been 
considering installing an overhead system for frost insurance.


1) how do you mix and deliver?  Do you use a large pressurized tank containing 
the fully diluted solution?  Or do you draw concentrate from a tank by 
venturi/siphon (sorry I don't know what you call it, similar in concept to 
garden sprayers that you attach to the garden hose but on a larger scale)?  Or 
similar to liquid fertilizer system that mix into the irrigation?  Gravity?
2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?
3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues? Or do you use rainbird type?
4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

Again, Thank you Vincent, for replacing a dread with hope.

Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.
Vincent Philion
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:04:08 -0700

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem,
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

apple-crop mailing list

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Vincent Philion

I like Fleming's idea of a "transformer" system, but because we need the 
sprinklers completely above the canopy for complete pesticide coverage, I'm not 
sure how we could achieve this.

For our "prototype", the sprinkler heads are on top of a bamboo post and linked 
to the half inch poly hose with a 1/4" tube.

I imagine we could have the bamboo setup so that they can flip down. It might 
be a good idea for maintenance as well.


Le 2011-06-16 à 10:09, Fleming, William a écrit :

The way our irrigation system is set up is with 3/4” poly hose attached to the 
wire at 5’.
A micro sprinkler that’s designed to work upside down hangs from a 1/4” poly 
line so the sprinkler is about 16-20 inches off the ground. There is a 
sprinkler between every other tree.
If needed for frost protection or pesticide injection there is a wire hook at 
the sprinkler that is used to hang the sprinkler from the top wire to produce 
an overhead system.
Works excellent and avoids investing in two systems. Another advantage is no 
underground or tree row lines to get hit by cultivation or mowing.

Bill Fleming
Montana State University
Western Ag Research Center
580 Quast Ln
Corvallis, Montana

 [] On Behalf Of Rye
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your post on your sprinkler system and for offering to preview 
your system via email.  I am quite interested but unfortunately would not be 
able to justify a trip to Quebec.

I have a small new orchard with trees in first and second leaf.  I am able to 
cover the whole thing with two fillings of a backpack sprayer.  But, dreading 
the years to come with full canopy and don't see myself justifying a tractor 
and sprayer any more than a trip to Quebec.

So a fixed sprinkler delivery system seems like the answer to a prayer for all 
sorts of reasons:  affordability (compared to a tractor/sprayer), automation 
(set it and forget it, much much less effort), timing (night time when the wind 
is down without lights and without loss of sleep).  I have already been 
considering installing an overhead system for frost insurance.


1) how do you mix and deliver?  Do you use a large pressurized tank containing 
the fully diluted solution?  Or do you draw concentrate from a tank by 
venturi/siphon (sorry I don't know what you call it, similar in concept to 
garden sprayers that you attach to the garden hose but on a larger scale)?  Or 
similar to liquid fertilizer system that mix into the irrigation?  Gravity?
2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?
3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues? Or do you use rainbird type?
4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

Again, Thank you Vincent, for replacing a dread with hope.

Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.
Vincent Philion
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:04:08 -0700

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem,
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375
Courriel: vincent.phil.

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Vincent Philion


1) how do you mix and deliver?

For now, we use a large tank containing the fully diluted solution. We push it 
in the system at low pressure. Sprinkler heads only activate when we raise the 
pressure. (after filling the system). Flushing is done similarly.

2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?

Everything is available from irrigation experts.

3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues?

We use micro sprinklers without issues. We haven't tested frost protection yet!

4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

We have ONE head for every 2 trees. So only ONE line per row.

I know, it sounds crazy. But coverage is good on upper surface of leaves. 

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927 

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui peuvent être 
faites dans un domaine très étroit. 
Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui, imprimez-le 

Ce message peut contenir de l'information de nature privilégiée et 
confidentielle. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire visé ou croyez l'avoir reçu 
par erreur, nous vous saurions gré d'en aviser l'émetteur. Si ce message vous a 
été transmis par erreur, veuillez le détruire sans en communiquer le contenu à 
d'autres personnes ou le reproduire.

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Fleming, William
The way our irrigation system is set up is with 3/4" poly hose attached to the 
wire at 5'.
A micro sprinkler that's designed to work upside down hangs from a 1/4" poly 
line so the sprinkler is about 16-20 inches off the ground. There is a 
sprinkler between every other tree.
If needed for frost protection or pesticide injection there is a wire hook at 
the sprinkler that is used to hang the sprinkler from the top wire to produce 
an overhead system.
Works excellent and avoids investing in two systems. Another advantage is no 
underground or tree row lines to get hit by cultivation or mowing.

Bill Fleming
Montana State University
Western Ag Research Center
580 Quast Ln
Corvallis, Montana

[] On Behalf Of Rye
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your post on your sprinkler system and for offering to preview 
your system via email.  I am quite interested but unfortunately would not be 
able to justify a trip to Quebec.

I have a small new orchard with trees in first and second leaf.  I am able to 
cover the whole thing with two fillings of a backpack sprayer.  But, dreading 
the years to come with full canopy and don't see myself justifying a tractor 
and sprayer any more than a trip to Quebec.

So a fixed sprinkler delivery system seems like the answer to a prayer for all 
sorts of reasons:  affordability (compared to a tractor/sprayer), automation 
(set it and forget it, much much less effort), timing (night time when the wind 
is down without lights and without loss of sleep).  I have already been 
considering installing an overhead system for frost insurance.


1) how do you mix and deliver?  Do you use a large pressurized tank containing 
the fully diluted solution?  Or do you draw concentrate from a tank by 
venturi/siphon (sorry I don't know what you call it, similar in concept to 
garden sprayers that you attach to the garden hose but on a larger scale)?  Or 
similar to liquid fertilizer system that mix into the irrigation?  Gravity?
2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?
3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues? Or do you use rainbird type?
4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

Again, Thank you Vincent, for replacing a dread with hope.

Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.
Vincent Philion
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:04:08 -0700

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem,
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-16 Thread Rye

 Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your post on your sprinkler system and for offering to preview 
your system via email.  I am quite interested but unfortunately would not be 
able to justify a trip to Quebec.

I have a small new orchard with trees in first and second leaf.  I am able to 
cover the whole thing with two fillings of a backpack sprayer.  But, dreading 
the years to come with full canopy and don't see myself justifying a tractor 
and sprayer any more than a trip to Quebec. 

So a fixed sprinkler delivery system seems like the answer to a prayer for all 
sorts of reasons:  affordability (compared to a tractor/sprayer), automation 
(set it and forget it, much much less effort), timing (night time when the wind 
is down without lights and without loss of sleep).  I have already been 
considering installing an overhead system for frost insurance.


1) how do you mix and deliver?  Do you use a large pressurized tank containing 
the fully diluted solution?  Or do you draw concentrate from a tank by 
venturi/siphon (sorry I don't know what you call it, similar in concept to 
garden sprayers that you attach to the garden hose but on a larger scale)?  Or 
similar to liquid fertilizer system that mix into the irrigation?  Gravity?
2) how much of your system is developed from readily available parts and how 
much specialized items?
3) I envisioned micro sprinklers for the frost protection, would that work for 
pesticides without clogging issues? Or do you use rainbird type?
4) On a 5 wire trellis (1st wire 18 inches from the ground and the remaining 
wires separated by 22 inches) would you recommend installing the system on all 
wiresl?  Or maybe just the top 4 wires?

Again, Thank you Vincent, for replacing a dread with hope.

Rye Hefley
Future Farmers Marketer
So. Cal.

 Vincent Philion
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:04:08 -0700

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on 
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for 
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem, 
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate 
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge 
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to 
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-15 Thread David Kollas


Ideas for alternative application methods have been going through my  
mind, off and on, for many years, though I was not aware
that sprinklers were being used in northern Italy...or anywhere  
else.  Calibration, uniformity of coverage, avoidance of waste,
residual pesticide formulation within the distribution system, and  
rinsing are problems that would seem to require attention. Having
not actually tested any prototypes myself, I don't know to what  
degree these problems limit practicality.

On Jun 14, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Vincent Philion wrote:

Hi! sure = everything is public domain =

This is the 2nd year of the trial. In 2010, we had very low insect/ 
disease pressure. This is highly unusual, but serves as good proof  
of Murphy's law = start an experiment on a severe problem and... it  
goes away. ;-)

This year = plenty of scab to observe in our control plots. A  
little bit early in the game, but it seems plots sprayed with  
either a regular sprayer or the sprinklers both look good.

The orchard is McIntosh on M9 planted 12' x 4' (2004) and we have  
replicated plots for each spraying equipment.

As you probably know, some orchards in South Tyrol have  
successfully used sprinklers for fungicide sprays against apple  
scab for over 50 years.


Le 2011-06-14 à 09:41, David Kollas a écrit :


	Can you divulge anything concerning the successes or problems  
with the sprinkler application trials at this time?

In what sort of planting is the system installed?

David Kollas
Kollas Orchard
Tolland, CT USA

On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Vincent Philion wrote:

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a  
field day on July 14th. Many things on display, including our new  
fixed sprinkler system for pesticide applications. I understand  
the language barrier might be a problem, but I'm sure many  
bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate things  
in an informal way.

All the details can be found at: 

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is  
free of charge and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your  
presence ahead of time to get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui  
peuvent être faites dans un domaine très étroit.

Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui,  
imprimez-le recto-verso!

Ce message peut contenir de l'information de nature privilégiée  
et confidentielle. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire visé ou  
croyez l'avoir reçu par erreur, nous vous saurions gré d'en  
aviser l'émetteur. Si ce message vous a été transmis par erreur,  
veuillez le détruire sans en communiquer le contenu à d'autres  
personnes ou le reproduire.

apple-crop mailing list

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-14 Thread Vincent Philion
Hi! to my knowledge, commercial apple/pear orchards with sprinklers for 
fungicide application can be found in both Italy and Austria, with some smaller 
scale systems in other countries. They are officially legal in Austria. No, I 
won't comment on the Italian legal system. ;-)

in your email, you basically list the objectives of our study = test 
uniformity, reliability, solve issues with rinsing & handling waste. We have 
some practical solutions, but I don't see sprinklers replacing sprayers on a 
large scale overnight.

As with anything, the devil is in the details.

Perhaps if the system is also used for frost protection & evaporative cooling. 
Otherwise... Probably not worth the trouble.

The spray application specialist from Ag. Canada (Bernard Panneton) and our 
entomologist (Gérald Chouinard) are involved in this and we should have a paper 
out in a year or so.


Le 2011-06-14 à 18:36, David Kollas a écrit :


Ideas for alternative application methods have been going through my mind, off 
and on, for many years, though I was not aware
that sprinklers were being used in northern Italy...or anywhere else.  
Calibration, uniformity of coverage, avoidance of waste,
residual pesticide formulation within the distribution system, and rinsing are 
problems that would seem to require attention. Having
not actually tested any prototypes myself, I don't know to what degree these 
problems limit practicality.

On Jun 14, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Vincent Philion wrote:
Hi! sure = everything is public domain =

This is the 2nd year of the trial. In 2010, we had very low insect/disease 
pressure. This is highly unusual, but serves as good proof of Murphy's law = 
start an experiment on a severe problem and... it goes away. ;-)

This year = plenty of scab to observe in our control plots. A little bit early 
in the game, but it seems plots sprayed with either a regular sprayer or the 
sprinklers both look good.

The orchard is McIntosh on M9 planted 12' x 4' (2004) and we have replicated 
plots for each spraying equipment.

As you probably know, some orchards in South Tyrol have successfully used 
sprinklers for fungicide sprays against apple scab for over 50 years.


Le 2011-06-14 à 09:41, David Kollas a écrit :


Can you divulge anything concerning the successes or problems with the 
sprinkler application trials at this time?
In what sort of planting is the system installed?

David Kollas
Kollas Orchard
Tolland, CT USA

On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Vincent Philion wrote:

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui peuvent être 
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Niels Bohr

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apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-14 Thread David Kollas


Ideas for alternative application methods have been going through my  
mind, off and on, for many years, though I was not aware
that sprinklers were being used in northern Italy...or anywhere  
else.  Calibration, uniformity of coverage, avoidance of waste,
residual pesticide formulation within the distribution system, and  
rinsing are problems that would seem to require attention. Having
not actually tested any prototypes myself, I don't know to what  
degree these problems limit practicality.

On Jun 14, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Vincent Philion wrote:
Hi! sure = everything is public domain =

This is the 2nd year of the trial. In 2010, we had very low insect/ 
disease pressure. This is highly unusual, but serves as good proof of  
Murphy's law = start an experiment on a severe problem and... it goes  
away. ;-)

This year = plenty of scab to observe in our control plots. A little  
bit early in the game, but it seems plots sprayed with either a  
regular sprayer or the sprinklers both look good.

The orchard is McIntosh on M9 planted 12' x 4' (2004) and we have  
replicated plots for each spraying equipment.

As you probably know, some orchards in South Tyrol have successfully  
used sprinklers for fungicide sprays against apple scab for over 50  


Le 2011-06-14 à 09:41, David Kollas a écrit :


	Can you divulge anything concerning the successes or problems with  
the sprinkler application trials at this time?

In what sort of planting is the system installed?

David Kollas
Kollas Orchard
Tolland, CT USA

On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Vincent Philion wrote:

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-14 Thread Vincent Philion
Hi! sure = everything is public domain =

This is the 2nd year of the trial. In 2010, we had very low insect/disease 
pressure. This is highly unusual, but serves as good proof of Murphy's law = 
start an experiment on a severe problem and... it goes away. ;-)

This year = plenty of scab to observe in our control plots. A little bit early 
in the game, but it seems plots sprayed with either a regular sprayer or the 
sprinklers both look good.

The orchard is McIntosh on M9 planted 12' x 4' (2004) and we have replicated 
plots for each spraying equipment.

As you probably know, some orchards in South Tyrol have successfully used 
sprinklers for fungicide sprays against apple scab for over 50 years.


Le 2011-06-14 à 09:41, David Kollas a écrit :


Can you divulge anything concerning the successes or problems with the 
sprinkler application trials at this time?
In what sort of planting is the system installed?

David Kollas
Kollas Orchard
Tolland, CT USA

On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Vincent Philion wrote:

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on 
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for 
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem, 
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate 
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge 
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to 
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui peuvent être 
faites dans un domaine très étroit.
Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui, imprimez-le 

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apple-crop mailing list

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:

Re: [apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-14 Thread David Kollas


	Can you divulge anything concerning the successes or problems with  
the sprinkler application trials at this time?

In what sort of planting is the system installed?

David Kollas
Kollas Orchard
Tolland, CT USA

On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Vincent Philion wrote:

Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a  
field day on July 14th. Many things on display, including our new  
fixed sprinkler system for pesticide applications. I understand the  
language barrier might be a problem, but I'm sure many bilingual  
growers will be present and happy to translate things in an  
informal way.

All the details can be found at: 

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is  
free of charge and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your  
presence ahead of time to get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui  
peuvent être faites dans un domaine très étroit.

Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui,  
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Ce message peut contenir de l'information de nature privilégiée et  
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apple-crop mailing list

apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Field day in Québec on July 14th.

2011-06-13 Thread Vincent Philion
Hello fellow Apple-Crop enthusiasts,

No, we don't have "Bastille day" up here, but we are hosting a field day on 
July 14th. Many things on display, including our new fixed sprinkler system for 
pesticide applications. I understand the language barrier might be a problem, 
but I'm sure many bilingual growers will be present and happy to translate 
things in an informal way.

All the details can be found at:

Don't hesitate to forward this to your colleagues. The event is free of charge 
and includes lunch. However, you must confirm your presence ahead of time to 
get free food!

Hope to see some of you,

à bientôt!

Vincent Philion, agr., M.Sc.
Laboratoire de production fruitière intégrée
Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement

335, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Tél. bureau: 450 653-7368 poste 224
Tél. laboratoire: 450 653-7368 poste 229
Cellulaire: 514-623-8275
Télécopie: 450 653-1927

Verger du parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
330, Rang des vingt-cinq Est
Case postale 24
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec)  J3V 4P8
Téléphone et télécopieur : 450 653-8375

Pour nous trouver:


Un expert est une personne qui a fait toutes les erreurs qui peuvent être 
faites dans un domaine très étroit.
Niels Bohr

Avez-vous réellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Si oui, imprimez-le 

Ce message peut contenir de l'information de nature privilégiée et 
confidentielle. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire visé ou croyez l'avoir reçu 
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été transmis par erreur, veuillez le détruire sans en communiquer le contenu à 
d'autres personnes ou le reproduire.

apple-crop mailing list