Re: Should we release 2.10?

2008-11-13 Thread Bojan Smojver
On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 22:56 -0500, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

> Probably a good thing, I'm not sure what the differences are.
> [are all my solaris fixes on the 2_10 branch ?]

Here you go...

diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/CHANGES apreq/CHANGES
--- apreq-2.10/CHANGES	2008-11-11 14:59:51.0 +1100
+++ apreq/CHANGES	2008-11-14 13:27:55.0 +1100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //! brief List of major changes.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] v2_10 Changes with libapreq2-2.10 (released Nov 11, 2008)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] v2_10 Changes with libapreq2-2.10 (under developement)
 - Perl Glue Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
   config.status format changed format yet again in autoconf 2.62+.
diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/include/apreq_version.h apreq/include/apreq_version.h
--- apreq-2.10/include/apreq_version.h	2008-06-05 10:40:24.0 +1000
+++ apreq/include/apreq_version.h	2008-11-14 13:28:01.0 +1100
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@
  *  This symbol is defined for internal, "development" copies of libapreq.
  *  This symbol will be \#undef'd for releases.
 /** The formatted string of libapreq's version */
diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/module/t/TEST.PL apreq/module/t/TEST.PL
--- apreq-2.10/module/t/TEST.PL	2008-06-05 10:40:26.0 +1000
+++ apreq/module/t/TEST.PL	2008-11-14 13:28:05.0 +1100
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 if (WIN32) {
 require File::Spec;
-my @goners = map {$name . '.' . $_} qw(exp ilk lib pdb so lo);
+my @goners = map {$name . '.' . $_} qw(exp ilk lib pdb so lo so.manifest);
 my $libs = join ' ',
 (map {'-l' . File::Spec->catfile($mod_apreq2_dir, $_)}
   qw(libapreq2.lib mod_apreq2.lib));
diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/STATUS apreq/STATUS
--- apreq-2.10/STATUS	2008-11-11 14:59:02.0 +1100
+++ apreq/STATUS	2008-11-14 13:27:55.0 +1100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /** @page apreq_status STATUS
-2.10 released 11-Nov-08
+2.10 under developement
 Contributors looking for a mission:
diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/win32/ apreq/win32/
--- apreq-2.10/win32/	2008-06-05 10:40:29.0 +1000
+++ apreq/win32/	2008-11-14 13:29:53.0 +1100
@@ -37,12 +37,16 @@
 generate_tests($apreq_home, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
 my %apr_libs;
-my %map = (apr => 'libapr.lib', apu => 'libaprutil.lib');
+my $prog = apache_prog_name($apache);
+my @httpd_ver = httpd_version($prog);
 my $devnull = devnull();
+my %map = (
+apr => $httpd_ver[1] == 2 ? 'libapr-1.lib' : 'libapr.lib',
+apu => $httpd_ver[1] == 2 ? 'libaprutil-1.lib' : 'libaprutil.lib'
-my $prog = apache_prog_name($apache);
 foreach my $what (qw(apr apu)) {
-my $ap = ($prog eq 'httpd.exe') ?
+my $ap = ($httpd_ver[1] == 2) ?
 "$what-1-config.bat" : "$what-config.bat";
 my $cfg = catfile $apache, 'bin', $ap;
 my $lib;
@@ -110,6 +114,8 @@
 $(RM_F) *.pch *.exe *.exp *.lib *.pdb *.ilk *.idb *.so *.dll *.obj *.manifest
 cd $(TDIR)
 $(RM_F) *.pch *.exe *.exp *.lib *.pdb *.ilk *.idb *.so *.dll *.obj *.manifest
+cd $(APREQ_HOME)\module\t\c-modules
+$(MAKE) clean
 !IF EXIST("$(PERLGLUE)\Makefile")
@@ -308,6 +314,14 @@
+sub httpd_version {
+my $prog = shift;
+my $vers = qx{$prog -v};
+die qq{Could not parse "$apache" version}
+unless $vers =~ m!Apache/2.(\d).(\d)!;
+return (2, $1, $2);
 sub generate_defs {
 my $preamble =<<'END';
@@ -411,8 +425,9 @@
 my $apache = shift;
 my $prog;
 for my $trial(qw(Apache.exe httpd.exe)) {
-next unless -e catfile($apache, 'bin', $trial);
-$prog = $trial;
+my $path = catfile($apache, 'bin', $trial);
+next unless -e $path;
+$prog = $path;
 die "Could not determine the Apache2 binary name" unless $prog;
diff -rauN --exclude=.svn apreq-2.10/win32/libapreq2.mak apreq/win32/libapreq2.mak
--- apreq-2.10/win32/libapreq2.mak	2008-06-05 10:40:29.0 +1000
+++ apreq/win32/libapreq2.mak	2008-11-14 13:28:13.0 +1100
@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@
 	"$(INTDIR)\module_custom.obj" \
 	"$(INTDIR)\module_cgi.obj" \
 	"$(INTDIR)\error.obj" \
-	"$(INTDIR)\libapreq.res \
-	"$(APR_LIB)" \
-	"$(APU_LIB)"
+	"$(INTDIR)\libapreq.res"
 !IF  "$(CFG)" == "libapreq2 - Win32 Release"
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@
 BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)\libapreq2.bsc" 
-LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /incremental:no /machine:I386 /out:"$(OUTDIR)\libapreq2.dll" /implib:"$(OUTDIR)\libapreq2.lib" 
+LINK32_FLAGS="$(APR_LIB)" "$(APU_LIB)" kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib

Re: svn commit: r712936 - in /httpd/apreq/trunk: CHANGES STATUS

2008-11-13 Thread Bojan Smojver
On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 17:00 +1100, Bojan Smojver wrote:

> OOPS, sorry.

The trunk has been reverted to version 2.10 for now.


Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] libapreq2 2.10 RC1

2008-11-13 Thread Issac Goldstand

Bojan Smojver wrote:
> It has been over two years since the latest apreq2 release, so it is
> time to get some new code out the door. Numerous bugs were fixed (see
> the full list in the CHANGES file) since the last official release
> (2.08), so please give us feedback on this release candidate.
> You can get the tarball, its signature and MD5 checksum from here:
> Please report any problems back to the list:

I'll test shortly.  People, please also take the time to test and vote
on 1.34 so we can release both of these.  Kudos to Bojan for getting us
moving on both releases!


Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] libapreq2 2.10 RC1

2008-11-13 Thread Adam Prime

Bojan Smojver wrote:

It has been over two years since the latest apreq2 release, so it is
time to get some new code out the door. Numerous bugs were fixed (see
the full list in the CHANGES file) since the last official release
(2.08), so please give us feedback on this release candidate.

You can get the tarball, its signature and MD5 checksum from here:

Please report any problems back to the list:

All tests passed for me with perl 5.8.8, Apache 2.2.8, mod_perl 2.0.4. 
I'll try with 2.2.10 later.