Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-09 Thread

Dear Eli,

Thank you! Question regarding status of the bug has been filed!

Yours sincerely,


On 09/09/2019 00.47, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:

On 9/8/19 6:27 PM, Xianwen Chen (陈贤文) via arch-general wrote:

For example,

$ sudo pacrepairfile --uid --gid --mode --mtime


     /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set uid to 0
     /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set gid to 0
     warning: /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: unable to set permissions
(Operation not supported)
     /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set modification time to 111829

What happened with pacrepairfile?

Ah, now I remember that is a thing. :)

The --mode option has some issues. Perhaps try asking for a status
update there?

Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-08 Thread

Dear Eli,

Thank you.

I wrote a regulation expression, which extracts file name and path from 
the output of paccheck:

$ sudo paccheck --file-properties --quiet | grep -Po "(?<=\').*(?=\')" | 
sudo pacrepairfile --uid --gid --mode --mtime

However, somehow pacrepairfile was not working.

For example,

$ sudo pacrepairfile --uid --gid --mode --mtime 


    /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set uid to 0
    /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set gid to 0
    warning: /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: unable to set permissions 
(Operation not supported)

    /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/colord.conf: set modification time to 111829

What happened with pacrepairfile?

Yours sincerely,


On 08/09/2019 22.53, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:

On 9/8/19 4:40 PM, Xianwen Chen (陈贤文) via arch-general wrote:

Dear Eli,

Thank you!

Is there a way to ask paccheck to list only files that need to be fixed?

For example, if I run

     sudo paccheck --file-properties --quiet

I get list of files with package information and error information, such as

     screen: '/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/screen.conf' permission mismatch
(expected 644)

Or maybe I need to write a regular expression to extract file name and
path from such an output myself?

No, paccheck does not have an option to do this. You could try
submitting a feature request for it. :)

You can extract everything between the '' though, which I think should
handle any filenames since packaged filenames can contain spaces or
single quotes but not newlines, and the paccheck output doesn't contain
any more single quotes after the quoted filename.

Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-08 Thread

Dear Eli,

Thank you!

Is there a way to ask paccheck to list only files that need to be fixed?

For example, if I run

    sudo paccheck --file-properties --quiet

I get list of files with package information and error information, such as

    screen: '/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/screen.conf' permission mismatch 
(expected 644)

Or maybe I need to write a regular expression to extract file name and 
path from such an output myself?

Yours sincerely,


On 08/09/2019 19.14, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:

On 9/8/19 8:21 AM, Xianwen Chen (陈贤文) via arch-general wrote:

Dear Ralph and Eli,

Thank you.

As Ralph suspected, there are quite many files on my system that had
wrong permissions or GID's.

Is there a way to automatically correct all the permissions and GID's?

Once more from the pacutils package, comes the "pacrepairfile" command.
Given a list of files and the (separate, additive) arguments --uid --gid
--mode --mtime you can reset the file to what its mtree data specified.
If the file size/contents differ, you will have to do a bit of manual
work yourself, or reinstall the package.

Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-08 Thread

Dear Ralph,

Great! Thank you very much for the tips!

Yours sincerely,


On 08/09/2019 15.11, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Dear Xianwen,

there are quite many files on my system that had wrong permissions or

Perhaps there's been an errant recursive chmod or chgrp in the past by

Is there a way to automatically correct all the permissions and GID's?

Others like Eli might know an mtree-specific way, but if there's a
common feature, like lots of files under /usr/bin that are group xianwen
instead of root, then find(1) could be used to first list what it would
change, allowing the list to be checked by eye, and then correct.
Something like

 find -xdev /usr/bin -group xianwen -ls
 find -xdev /usr/bin -group xianwen -exec chgrp root {} + might help if you're not familiar
with find(1).  It has -user and -perm too.

Or you could try and use the output of paccheck(1) to produce a script
to execute, again after checking it by eye.

 sudo -i paccheck --quiet --file-properties |
 awk '
 / permission mismatch / {
 print "chmod 0" substr($6, 1, length($6)-1), $2

Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-08 Thread

Dear Ralph and Eli,

Thank you.

As Ralph suspected, there are quite many files on my system that had 
wrong permissions or GID's.

Is there a way to automatically correct all the permissions and GID's?

Yours sincerely,


On 08/09/2019 11.28, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:

On 9/8/19 5:20 AM, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Dear Xianwen,

After searching on-line, it seemed that similar problems were reported
by other users of systemd.  The fix is to set owner of / as root.root.
I tried the solution and it worked!

I'm glad you fixed it.  / not being root:root is strange.  You may wish

 sudo -i pacman -Qqkk

to check for other odd permissions, etc., in case they too cause
problems later.  Note, it seems normal for some packages to cause
grumbles from the above command.  If a package is listed, I then do

 sudo -i pacman -Qkk atop

to see more detail of the problem.  Though unfortunately not enough
detail, i.e.

 warning: atop: /var/log/atop/dummy_after (Permissions mismatch)

doesn't tell me what they should be.  One has to grovel around in the
mtree file for that.

 $ zcat /var/lib/pacman/local/atop-*/mtree |
 > grep '^./var/log/atop/dummy_after ' |
 > fmt
 ./var/log/atop/dummy_after time=1549485614.0
 size=0 md5digest=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

This entry doesn't have a ‘mode=...’ stating the desired permissions.
mtree(5) doesn't say so, but I think it defaults to 0644 for files based
on the other mode-less entries in that mtree file that don't cause
pacman to complain.

Not every error means the file on disk must be changed, perhaps it's a
packaging problem, but it can be a useful aid.

pacman -S pacutils && paccheck --file-properties

Re: [arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-07 Thread

Dear Ralph,

Thank you very much for the lecture!

It seems that the issue may be permissions.

    $ sudo /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create /run/tmpfiles.d/kmod.conf

Arch returns:

    Detected unsafe path transition / → /dev during canonicalization of 
    Detected unsafe path transition / → /dev during canonicalization of 
    Detected unsafe path transition / → /dev during canonicalization of 
    Detected unsafe path transition / → /dev during canonicalization of 
    Detected unsafe path transition / → /dev during canonicalization of 

    $ cat /run/tmpfiles.d/kmod.conf
    c! /dev/fuse 0600 - - - 10:229
    c! /dev/cuse 0600 - - - 10:203
    c! /dev/btrfs-control 0600 - - - 10:234
    c! /dev/nvram 0600 - - - 10:144
    c! /dev/loop-control 0600 - - - 10:237
    d /dev/net 0755 - - -
    c! /dev/net/tun 0600 - - - 10:200
    c! /dev/ppp 0600 - - - 108:0
    c! /dev/uinput 0600 - - - 10:223
    d /dev/mapper 0755 - - -
    c! /dev/mapper/control 0600 - - - 10:236
    d /dev/vfio 0755 - - -
    c! /dev/vfio/vfio 0600 - - - 10:196
    c! /dev/userio 0600 - - - 10:240
    c! /dev/vhci 0600 - - - 10:137
    c! /dev/uhid 0600 - - - 10:239
    c! /dev/vhost-net 0600 - - - 10:238
    c! /dev/vhost-vsock 0600 - - - 10:241
    d /dev/snd 0755 - - -
    c! /dev/snd/timer 0600 - - - 116:33
    d /dev/snd 0755 - - -
    c! /dev/snd/seq 0600 - - - 116:1

There are more error messages of unsafe path transition if I run

$ sudo /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create

without specifying a tmpfile, then all tmpfiles are triggered.

After searching on-line, it seemed that similar problems were reported 
by other users of systemd. The fix is to set owner of / as root.root. I 
tried the solution and it worked! Running

$ sudo /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create

no longers gives me error message!

Yours sincerely,


On 07/09/2019 15.07, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Dear Xianwen,

:: Running post-transaction hooks...


(5/9) Creating temporary files...
error: command failed to execute correctly
(6/9) Reloading device manager configuration...

Here's the path I trod to investigate this.

 $ cd /usr/share/libalpm/hooks
 $ grep 'Creating temporary files' *
 systemd-tmpfiles.hook:Description = Creating temporary files...
 $ cat systemd-tmpfiles.hook
 Type = File
 Operation = Install
 Operation = Upgrade
 Target = usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf

 Description = Creating temporary files...
 When = PostTransaction
 Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/systemd-hook tmpfiles
 $ file /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/systemd-hook
 /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/systemd-hook: POSIX shell script, ASCII text 
 $ grep -1 tmpfiles /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/systemd-hook
   sysusers) /usr/bin/systemd-sysusers ;;
   tmpfiles) /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create ;;

 $ man systemd-tmpfiles
   systemd-tmpfiles creates, deletes, and cleans up volatile and
   temporary files and directories, based on the configuration file
   format and location specified in tmpfiles.d(5).

 $ man 5 tmpfiles.d


So one of the *.conf files in those directory is triggering that error.
systemd-tmpfiles(8) says one or more *.conf files can be given after
‘--create’ so I suggest running it on each in turn to see if the
error still occurs for one of them.  This may required sudo(8).

[arch-general] [ Pacman -Syu ] Creating temporary files..., error: command failed to execute correctly

2019-09-06 Thread

Dear list,

When I upgrade the packages, from time to time I receive this error 

__Creating temporary files...,__

__error: command failed to execute correctly__

I checked on-line and it seems that I shall look for more error 
information in the log files. But I don't know where to start. Could you 
point me to the log files that I shall look into?

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,



Below is the entire message from pacman / yaourt.

:: Processing package changes...
( 1/20) installing python-html2text 
( 2/20) upgrading bookworm 
( 3/20) upgrading qpdf 
( 4/20) upgrading cups-filters 
( 5/20) upgrading foomatic-db 
( 6/20) upgrading foomatic-db-nonfree 
( 7/20) upgrading fvwm 
( 8/20) upgrading gap 
( 9/20) upgrading libkdegames 
(10/20) upgrading kbreakout 
(11/20) upgrading libnm 
(12/20) upgrading libraw 
(13/20) upgrading libreoffice-fresh 
(14/20) upgrading libreoffice-fresh-en-gb 
(15/20) upgrading libreoffice-fresh-nb 
(16/20) upgrading libreoffice-fresh-nn 
(17/20) upgrading libwbclient 
(18/20) upgrading networkmanager 
(19/20) upgrading smbclient 
(20/20) upgrading samba 

:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/9) Reloading system bus configuration...
(2/9) Compiling GSettings XML schema files...
(3/9) Updating icon theme caches...
(4/9) Reloading system manager configuration...
(5/9) Creating temporary files...
error: command failed to execute correctly
(6/9) Reloading device manager configuration...
(7/9) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(8/9) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
(9/9) Updating the MIME type database...
No database errors have been found!