Re: [arch-general] no screen grabber

2015-05-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 22/05/15 at 05:26pm, LoneVVolf wrote:

On 22-05-15 16:26, Aaron Caffrey wrote:

On 22/05/15 at 08:42am, James wrote:

$ sudo pacman --sync screengrab
error: target not found: screengrab

Are the official packages binary packages and the AUR is compiling 
from source?

That's what it seems like.

How do I search for a binary screen grabber package?

That's a bit harsh, Aaron.

James : check man pacman, you'll find plenty of search related options.


Such questions just clutter up the whole email list. The time spent to
subscribe to this list, activate their subscribtion, and post their
question, and wait for an response could be invested in the search
engines and get their answer in matter of 2 minutes.

The keywords 'archlinux aur' will bring couple wiki links that nail
the whole question.

Re: [arch-general] no screen grabber

2015-05-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 22/05/15 at 08:42am, James wrote:

$ sudo pacman --sync screengrab
error: target not found: screengrab

Are the official packages binary packages and the AUR is compiling 
from source?

That's what it seems like.

How do I search for a binary screen grabber package?

Re: [arch-general] pacman's "Depends On"

2015-04-23 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 23/04/15 at 04:18pm, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

Hi :)

if a dedicated version of a dependency is needed, some packages
mention it, others don't.

Firefox does not explicitly mention a version of libvpx

$ pacman -Si firefox | grep On
Depends On : [snip] libvpx [snip]

but it needs a dedicated version

$ firefox
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.

ffmpeg does mentions that a dedicated version is needed

$ pacman -Si ffmpeg | grep On
Depends On : [snip] [snip]

IMO official packages should mention dedicated versions, since for
users of a rolling release, there sometimes are good reasons to

I tried to build Firefox from ABS against the outdated version of libvpx
that is needed and installed on my system, but that's another issue.

Perhaps other packages are broken too and I get aware of it, at an
inconvenient time.

How can I figure out what packages depend on a dedicated version of
another package?


Hello Ralf,

Maybe you should specify which packages to be ignored via 'IgnorePkg'
variable, here is the link

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Random no signal on display-manager init

2015-04-23 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 22/04/15 at 06:59pm, Bráulio Bhavamitra wrote:

Oops, reproduced it again :(

Hello Braulio,

Does 'No Signal' is displayed during the whole boot process or it
comes right in the moment when your sddm/lightdm have to be started ?

If it is the first case, do you see anything wrong in
'journalctl --pager-end' ?

Typically Xorg is auto-configuring itself during the boot process and
detects your monitor, res and so on. If your issue appears during the
whole boot process you may have to create configuration file with your
monitor settings in '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/'

If it is the second case, then do not use graphical login manager -
yes you don't have to use graphical login manager to login and start
your DE/WM.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Random no signal on display-manager init

2015-04-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 22/04/15 at 03:07pm, Bráulio Bhavamitra wrote:

Hello all,

I've installed Arch on a Intel NUC. With sddm or lightdm, most of times the
system boots and then the monitor tells 'No signal', then I have to press
Control + Alt + F2 and then start sddm or lightdm manually. A few times it
boot directly in to the display manager.

Anybody got this??


"Lute pela sua ideologia. Seja um com sua ideologia. Viva pela sua
ideologia. Morra por sua ideologia" P.R. Sarkar

EITA - Educação, Informação e Tecnologias para Autogestão

"Paramapurusha é meu pai e Parama Prakriti é minha mãe. O universo é meu
lar e todos nós somos cidadãos deste cosmo. Este universo é a imaginação da
Mente Macrocósmica, e todas as entidades estão sendo criadas, preservadas e
destruídas nas fases de extroversão e introversão do fluxo imaginativo
cósmico. No âmbito pessoal, quando uma pessoa imagina algo em sua mente,
naquele momento, essa pessoa é a única proprietária daquilo que ela
imagina, e ninguém mais. Quando um ser humano criado mentalmente caminha
por um milharal também imaginado, a pessoa imaginada não é a propriedade
desse milharal, pois ele pertence ao indivíduo que o está imaginando. Este
universo foi criado na imaginação de Brahma, a Entidade Suprema, por isso
a propriedade deste universo é de Brahma, e não dos microcosmos que também
foram criados pela imaginação de Brahma. Nenhuma propriedade deste mundo,
mutável ou imutável, pertence a um indivíduo em particular; tudo é o
patrimônio comum de todos."
Restante do texto em

Hello Braulio,

Many of us here tend to start Xorg and their DE/window managers manually.

In my zsh '.zlogin' file I got this:

if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
   startx --vt1

Your '.xinitrc' must contain the information needed to start your
DE/window manager, background setter and so forth.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 21/04/15 at 09:10am, Francis Gerund wrote:

But reading is not always the most efficient or even the most effective
learning modality.  Often, just asking questions is the best way to promote
knowledge transfer.

Hello Francis,

I have never inteded to discourage you or hurt your feelings. I saw
that you have posted couple questions in the mail list that can be
'copy and paste' answered by your favourite search engine.

Also I learnt that you have been using some other gnu/linux
distribution that has taken the learning curve provided by the command
line in favour of GUI applications.

If you asked yourself 'what is reponsible to start processes during a
system startup' you would come down to the init system which in this
case is systemd. And from here you can ask your favourite search
engine the following 'how to start a service in systemd' and you'll
get the answer. The emotional feeling that you have semi-solved
similar issues is undescriable and awards you with knowledge.

Read magaznies, I can suggest only as it is free to
download and distribute.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-20 Thread Aaron Caffrey

Hello Francis,

In archlinux you have to rely on the wiki, man pages and info documents
more often than you do in the mail list, as a lot the wiki pages there are
written by people that have dedicated a lot of their free time to write
the provided information correctly and well explained, also they make sure
that most of the pages are up to date.

A quick 5-10 minutes web research would nail almost all of your future
quirks. And if you can't, feel free to submit a new message to the
mail list as there are always nerds around that would help you out.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-20 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 17/04/15 at 08:45pm, Francis Gerund wrote:

The error mysteriously went away.

Hello Francis,

It is awesome to hear that your issue is solved.

As Sebastian Vettel noted, your mirrors was 'out-of-sync' that is why
I suggested you a simple solution derived from the wiki.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-17 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 16/04/15 at 05:26pm, Francis Gerund wrote:

Just recently did:

sudo pacmatic -Syuv

and got:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from : Connection
timed out after 1 milliseconds
core is up to date
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from :
Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds
extra is up to date
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from :
Connection timed out after 1 milliseconds
community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) gdm-  libgdm-  llvm-libs-3.6.0-5

Total Download Size:8.77 MiB
Total Installed Size:  38.01 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:   0.23 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] n

So, I chose NO,  then per the wiki I updated the mirrorlist, and once the
mirrorlist wsa updated, I did:

sudo pacmatic -Syyuv

and got:

Root  : /
Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
DB Path   : /var/lib/pacman/
Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Log File  : /var/log/pacman.log
GPG Dir   : /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
Targets   : None
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core121.4 KiB  1167K/s 00:00
[##] 100%
extra  1800.4 KiB  4.00M/s 00:00
[##] 100%
community 2.6 MiB  4.41M/s 00:01
[##] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: gdm: local ( is newer than extra (3.16.1-3)
warning: libgdm: local ( is newer than extra (3.16.1-3)
there is nothing to do

Huh?  why:

warning: gdm: local ( is newer than extra (3.16.1-3)
warning: libgdm: local ( is newer than extra (3.16.1-3)

I again did:
sudo pacmatic -Syyuv

and got the same exact result.

Note that at the time this is posted, does not seem to show
gdm 3.16.1-3 or libgdm 3.16.1-3,
just gdm and libgdm

So, what to do?

Hello Francais,

Generate new ranked mirrors via **rankmirrors -n 30 
/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist**

Make sure that you have "rtmpdump" installed. For more information
please visit

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Kernel 3.19.3 not detecting SD cards

2015-04-12 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 12/04/15 at 07:50pm, Magnus Therning wrote:

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 11:44:20AM -0400, Kinney Baughman wrote:

Hate to ask the obvious but did you reboot after the kernel upgrade?

Never a bad thing to ask obvious questions... but in this particular
case I've rebooted several times.  It stopped working when moving to
3.19.3-1, and stayed not-working in 3.19.3-3.


Magnus Therning  OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
email:   jabber:
twitter: magthe

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with the software.

Hello Magnus,

Can you try that -

Make sure that your "user" is in the "storage" group.

Best regards,
Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Little automation to install

2015-04-05 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 04/04/15 at 06:47pm, Roman Neuhauser wrote:

# / 2015-04-01 13:53:57 -0300:
Hello all,

After some many years, I'm back to ArchLinux. One thing that took me
was to read the manuals and run all the commands for installation.

That made me wonder on how automation might help things get easier
faster on install. Could you please tell the current works on that?

The result of my work was this script: , Judd Vinet "Arch is what
you make it"

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-26 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 26/02/15 at 06:41pm, Csányi Pál wrote:

2015-02-25 23:58 GMT+01:00 Aaron Caffrey :

Install udisks, udisks2.
Create /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-enable-mount.rules

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
   if ( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system"
   && subject.isInGroup("storage")) {
   return polkit.Result.YES;

I did follow your advice and did create this config file.
I have installed udisks and udisks2.

I can follow these steps:

to the step 4. where the following command:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX2

can't be completed successfully, because after I run it, I can't mount
the new second partition formatted to have ext4 type filesystem.

I tried these steps by using Gparted too, but at this step Gparted
can't read partitions from the during read on


Gparted gives the error message:
I/O error during read on /dev/mmcblk0

What can I do to solve this problem?

Regards from Pal

If my memory serves me correctly, you said that your card is read in

What I would suggest you is to format it in Windows, but from the
command prompt (start menu, type "cmd" or just browse accessories and
start "command prompt"):

In the terminal/command prompt type:

list disk
select disk X
detail disk
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 quick

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-26 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 26/02/15 at 07:31pm, Jens Adam wrote:

Wed, 25 Feb 2015 11:36:59 +0100
Csányi Pál :

mmcblk0: error -84 transferring data, sector 7, nr 1, cmd response
0x900, card status 0x0
Buffer I/O error on dev mmcblk0, logical block 0, async page read

This clearly indicates a hardware/kernel problem, so I don't know why
people are suggesting to paste random config snippets that won't solve

Simple googling will produce dozens of similar problems, most without

My guess: Your card reader (which one? lspci/lsusb/dmesg? laptop type and
age?) or its firmware is simply too old to recognize the card.


Because I had exactly the same issue with different kernels, one
kernel will read my micro sd card and others wont. The solution which I
posted has helped me long time ago, that is why I shared it.

What is the purpose of this mailing list if we can't help each other ?

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-25 Thread Aaron Caffrey

Install udisks, udisks2.
Create /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-enable-mount.rules

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
   if ( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system"
   && subject.isInGroup("storage")) {
   return polkit.Result.YES;

On 25/02/15 at 11:36am, Csányi Pál wrote:


I'm running Arch linux on my laptop.
The laptop has Multi-in-1 card reader.

I just bought a micro SD card with an adapter so I can it plug in into
this card reader.

But the Arch linux system doesn't recognise it so I can't use it.
I tried with Gparted too without any success:
I get Gparted error:
Output/Input error during read on /dev/mmcblk0

whyle on the virtual console I get error messages:

mmcblk0: error -84 transferring data, sector 7, nr 1, cmd response
0x900, card status 0x0
Buffer I/O error on dev mmcblk0, logical block 0, async page read

However, this same micro SD card has been recognised on MS Windows  system.

What can I do to solve this problem on my Arch linux system?

Regards from Pal

Re: [arch-general] filesystem update

2015-02-24 Thread Aaron Caffrey

On 24/02/15 at 10:12pm, Simon Hanna wrote:


the latest filesystem package now owns /home
my /home used to be a symlink to some other location, so the upgrade
I "fixed" it for now by just linking my home folder into /home (since I'm
running a single user setup it's fine)

However I'm curious whether the directory should be left as it is, or if
it's "allowed to play with"


It's not just you, I have wrote a letter to arch-security, because I
saw worrying message afterwards:

warning: /etc/group installed as /etc/group.pacnew
warning: /etc/gshadow installed as /etc/gshadow.pacnew
configuration error - unknown item 'OBSCURE_CHECKS_ENAB'(notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'PASS_ALWAYS_WARN' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'OBSCURE_CHECKS_ENAB' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'PASS_ALWAYS_WARN' (notify administrator)