Re: [arch-general] sddm autologin doesn't immediately after boot - but systemctl restart sddm solves the problem. Timing issue - missing systemd service dependencies?

2016-09-06 Thread Damian Nowak via arch-general

Thanks for your input.

> I am not completely sure, but I know that sddm uses logind for session
> management, may be you can check making systemd-logind the dependency?

I tried systemd-logind - no change in behavior.

> you could try nodm (in [community]),

Wow, great idea. I'll sure use it. However, now I'm trying to find the
root cause of the problem with sddm, I'd rather report the real
problem to Arch/upstream (depending on who's to blame) and have it
fixed for everyone.

> I had to change/set my sddm theme to Breeze... maybe this will work for you
> too.

Changing the theme doesn't change anything. Are you really sure about
this changing *anything*? Do you have *the same* problem as I do with
other themes? To recap, my problem is the autologin will fail with a
weird D-Bus message on *initial* boot. Any subsequent systemctl
restart sddm will start my session.

I've just found that my ~/.xinitrc has this:

nowaker@nwkr-desktop ~ % cat .xinitrc
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde

Just to make sure my xinitrc doesn't cause anything wrong I deleted
it. But doing this made things even worse - without a ~/.xinitrc or
with "startkde" only, my Plasma didn't start at all. Same problem with
nodm. (It's also worth noting nodm requires chmod +x ~/.xinitrc but I
figured it out.)

However, slim from [extra] works for me just fine when "exec startkde"
is in my ~/.xinitrc. (It won't start with "exec dbus-launch ..." -
empty desktop, or without an xinitrc - error message about not being
able to execute login command).

It sounds really weird only one DM works for me. I'm almost sure it's
not how it works on a freshly installed Arch. Any suggestions what
makes my setup so broken?

Thank y'all,
-Damian Nowak

[arch-general] sddm autologin doesn't immediately after boot - but systemctl restart sddm solves the problem. Timing issue - missing systemd service dependencies?

2016-09-03 Thread Damian Nowak via arch-general

My sddm doesn't automatically log me in for a week now. It errors out with:

> Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus instead?

Picture of the error here:

All I need to do after getting this error is switch to tty and call
`systemctl restart sddm`.

It feels like a timing issue - D-Bus not coming up on time. Does sddm
systemd service correctly depend on everything it needs to
successfully login? Currently:

> After=systemd-user-sessions.service getty@tty1.service plymouth-quit.service

I tried adding After=dbus.service and Depends=dbus.service but it didn't help.

1. Can anyone check if it's reproducible on their side?
2. Any ideas how to improve the service unit file to depend on the
appropriate things?




Damian Nowak

[arch-general] IP of my coworking space blocked in Arch Linux Archive

2016-03-09 Thread Damian Nowak
Well, where should I report that to get it unblocked?

-Damian Nowak

Re: [arch-general] Virtualization accross hardware border

2016-02-08 Thread Damian Nowak
> if I understand the offering of Amazons cloud service correctly, there, you 
> can install an
> OS, say arch, on a virtualized machine and scale CPU, RAM, etc. freely up and 
> down just as
> you need it. 

Well, yes and no. You can scale up resources (e.g. increase RAM) but this 
requires a full
restart of your virtual machine. See:

Moreover, adding more and more resources will stop working at some point. 
That's why you'd
be looking to add several independent virtual machine running your application 
EC2), which connect to one big database (another Amazon EC2), and put all of 
computing machines in from of a load balancer (Amazon ELB).

> While I can to this using e.g. KVM+qemu on a single machine, I want to be 
> able to bind
together a bunch of machines such that they appear as a single big machine. Is 
there a way
to do this?

You can achieve it with both solutions, is it Amazon (EC2+ELB), or your own 
server(s) where you'll be likely to use KVM for virtualization and HAProxy, 
nginx or other
solutions for load balancing.

>From a technological point of view, both ways are the same.

Damian Nowak
CEO, Virtkick

Re: [arch-general] debug package repositories again

2015-08-13 Thread Damian Nowak
 AFAIK, right now the reason it can't happen is because nobody has stepped up 
 added support to devtools for putting split packages in different repos. 
 willing to do the work is a valid reason.

 Excellent. I'll tackle that then.

Good luck! Let us know about a progress. Or maybe you can create an issue in 
the bug
tracker and track the progress there? Anyways, would be great to have debug 
provided at some point. Debug symbols would have saved me a lot of time with 
problems to Mesa/Gallium3D bugtracker.

Damian Nowak

Re: [arch-general] postgresql 9.3 - 9.4

2015-01-28 Thread Damian Nowak
 Next time a heads up would be nice, so I know I have to dump and restore

Next time reading pacman -Syu output before hitting Y would be even nicer. ;-)

I use IgnorePkg for postgresql and postgresql-libs on my servers.
