Re: [arch-general] A universal Operating System API - why don't we have it?

2009-12-18 Thread Fabian Schölzel
 For example slabs of aluminium have standard sizes

I would guess there are at least 50 different standards available for
alu plates. But the difference to the computer world is, you can take
any of that plates, drill a hole and mount stuff.

 building materials have well defined specifications

With an emphasis on specification_s_. Sometimes it's troublesome to
keep up with the changes (or complete overhauls).

 So why is that? Why hasn't someone stepped up and even try and create a
 universal operating system API? Is it because the computer business is still
 a child in some way, compared to other industries?

Computers are still in it's childhood, i would say, too. I would say,
if you create such unified API now, you would delimit the functionalty
to the intersection of all hardware that is now availbale. If
everybody would develop on this base, it would lead to restricted (and
slow) software. (I'm no programmer, so i mighty be wrong here.)

But i think we already have a big abstraction level in software
nowadays. Think of Java or Python. Nobody has to write everything in
assembler. I think things have to iron out themselves in the computer
bussines. I read today about the computer simulation of the
construction of the roof from the munich Olypmic stadium. The result
of that calculations is on 600.000 punched cards. That was only 25
years ago. Now think of what long way metallurgy has gone in our

So i think it is too early for hat. Most people even don't know, what
they want from computers.


Re: [arch-general] kde4/kmail slow - anybody else notice or is it just me?

2009-12-08 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/12/8 David C. Rankin
 Specifically I see a slowdown when I access a mail folder containing 2000
 messages or so. Each time I leave and return to a folder (my arch folder for
 example) kmail reloads and re-sorts the entire folder taking some 20+
 seconds each time. It is like all 'folder state' caching (for lack of better 
 has been turned off. (if that is possible) Anybody else seeing a slow down in 

I filed a bug report some time ago, maybe this is what you are
experiencing? It's about having more than 1000 unreaded mails in a
folder. (Yes, exactly 1000. 999 are fine.)

Re: [arch-general] Why doesn't plasma-panel show open apps in 2 rows in arch?

2009-08-25 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/8/25 David C. Rankin
        Is there a hidden setting for this, or is it just in the next 
 4.3.00-xyz package to be released?

I'm at work, but if i remember correctly, theres is a setting for
allowing it to make rows, and theres a checkbox to force this.
*searching* Yep, here you go. [1]



Re: [arch-general] Add phonon-xine to KDE deps?

2009-08-11 Thread Fabian Schölzel
I would say, that this should stay as it is, as long as its the
default upstream. Adding all kind of gstreamer plugins as depends
would be a workaround, but that isnt very KISS, too. Phonon should say
something like I cant play that format for you. Please configure your
backend for this file type.

Re: [arch-general] KDE4.3 upgrade

2009-08-06 Thread Fabian Schölzel