[arch-general] Finally Solved: Packages "jami-gnome" and "libjamiclient" out of date

2020-10-19 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Bruno, *,

digging out this thread and fullquote due to it's old age..

Am 03.02.20 um 01:39 schrieb Archange via arch-general:
> Le 3 février 2020 00:58:02 GMT+01:00, Friedrich Strohmaier 
>  a écrit :
>> Hi archers,

>> Packages "jami-gnome" and "libjamiclient" are flagged out of date since
>> 2019-11-16 / 2019-11-20. There are two new releases in place.

>> I tried to contact the maintainer twice but nothing happened.

>> I retrieved the maintainers (Bruno Pagani) mail adress from this mailinglist.
>> I suspect the mails didn't ever get there.

> Yours did, but apparently my reply did not.

> So, as I’ve tried to say before, these updates are not straight-forward 
> because they have been some complex dependency changes, e.g. they switched to 
> unreleased versions of OpenDHT or restbed was ditched in favour of restinio. 
> I’ve already spent a bit of time trying to figure all this over Christmas, 
> but wasn’t able to figure everything out. And since then, I’ve considerably 
> lacked free time to spend into doing complex tasks for Arch. I hope this will 
> get better soon but I’m not very optimistic about it currently.


Finally You got it working!

Just sending a big THANK YOU!

You Guys rock! :o))

[arch-general] Packages "jami-gnome" and "libjamiclient" out of date

2020-02-02 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi archers,

Packages "jami-gnome" and "libjamiclient" are flagged out of date since
2019-11-16 / 2019-11-20. There are two new releases in place.

I tried to contact the maintainer twice but nothing happened.

I retrieved the maintainers (Bruno Pagani) mail adress from this mailinglist.
I suspect the mails didn't ever get there.

Any hints how to proceed?

Re: [arch-general] journalctl - configure date output persistent to short-iso

2019-06-24 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Jens, *,

Am 23.06.19 um 13:05 schrieb Jens John:
> On Sun, 23 Jun 2019, at 00:22, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> Anyone around who knows or did this already?


> Going by these facts, it seems like there is no way to  archieve what you
> want just with journalctl.

Thats definitly not what I wanted to read, but well..

> If that's correct,  there are 2 simple alternatives:

>   * alias journalctl='journalctl -o foo'
>   * Put a journalctl wrapper into a directory that is at the head of $PATH:

>   #!/bin/sh
>   exec /usr/sbin/journalctl -o foo "$@"

Thanks for Your investigation and suggestion.

That smells like a feature request at systemd guys, as I can't see any
advantage having the recent date output as default.

[arch-general] journalctl - configure date output persistent to short-iso

2019-06-22 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi archers,

I want journalctl to display date output persistently in short-iso format 
everytime everywhere.

Searched around in manpages (journalctl journald.conf) and the web but no avail.
I know about the -o switch, but didn't find the place to make this persistent.

Anyone around who knows or did this already?

[arch-general] corrected: boot from install medium - mounting additional partition refused

2019-04-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi *,

Ups wrong action..

Am 10.04.19 um 00:32 schrieb Friedrich Strohmaier:
> Hi archers,

> today i was booting from the install medium dd'ed on an usb drive.

> As there is space left on the medium I created one more partition to load or
> save stuff from the system booted. Surprisingly I cannot boot:
should read I cannot *mount*

> root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt
> mount: /mnt: /dev/sdb3 already mounted or mount point busy.

> I could not find an obvious reason for that:
> /dev/sdb is the usb device.

> root@archiso ~ # lsblk
> loop07:00 489.4M  1 loop /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs
> sda  8:00 186.3G  0 disk
> ├─sda1   8:10 1G  0 part
> └─sda2   8:2010G  0 part
> sdb  8:16   1   1.9G  0 disk /run/archiso/bootmnt
> ├─sdb1   8:17   1   1.1G  0 part
> ├─sdb2   8:18   164M  0 part
> └─sdb3   8:19   1   792M  0 part

> root@archiso ~ # findmnt /dev/sdb3
> 1 root@archiso ~ #

> root@archiso ~ # findmnt /mnt
> 1 root@archiso ~ #

> Does anybody know how to nail down this one?


[arch-general] boot from install medium - mounting additional partition refused

2019-04-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi archers,

today i was booting from the install medium dd'ed on an usb drive.

As there is space left on the medium I created one more partition to load or
save stuff from the system booted. Surprisingly I cannot boot:

root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt
mount: /mnt: /dev/sdb3 already mounted or mount point busy.

I could not find an obvious reason for that:
/dev/sdb is the usb device.

root@archiso ~ # lsblk
loop07:00 489.4M  1 loop /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs
sda  8:00 186.3G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:10 1G  0 part
└─sda2   8:2010G  0 part
sdb  8:16   1   1.9G  0 disk /run/archiso/bootmnt
├─sdb1   8:17   1   1.1G  0 part
├─sdb2   8:18   164M  0 part
└─sdb3   8:19   1   792M  0 part

root@archiso ~ # findmnt /dev/sdb3
1 root@archiso ~ #

root@archiso ~ # findmnt /mnt
1 root@archiso ~ #

Does anybody know how to nail down this one?

[arch-general] gpg - actions on keyserver fail

2019-03-02 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

I've setup a new arch install on a VM where almost everything runs as expected.
Only gpg talking to key servers fails.

Trying a key search results in:
~]$ gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --search-keys Alltag
gpg: error searching keyserver: Server indicated a failure
gpg: keyserver search failed: Server indicated a failure

pacman-key --refresh-keys shows similar error.

~]$ gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.13
libgcrypt 1.8.4

I made sure
- pool.sks-keyservers.net is resolved
- pool.sks-keyservers.net answers at port 11371 and 80
- gpg succeds key server interaction (--search-keys) from a neighbour VM 
(centOS gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.22, libgcrypt 1.5.3)
- gpg succeds key server interaction (--search-keys) from the host (debian, gpg 
(GnuPG) 1.4.18)
- gpg succeds key server interaction (--search-keys) from my home 
box,(archlinux gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.13, libgcrypt 1.8.4)

any further ideas how to nail down this?

Re: [arch-general] Libreoffice fresh not starting

2019-02-24 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier

Hi Ralph, *,

Am 23.02.19 um 17:55 schrieb Ralph Corderoy:
> Hi Friedrich,

> If you look at /bin/libreoffice you'll see it's a shell script and
> provides options like `--strace' and `--backtrace' that may give better
> diagnostics that what you have so far.

That's interesting indeed.

> It looks like the problem happens in an area to do with user profiles.

Bingo! ;o))

> Have you tried starting it as an entirely new user that has never run it
> before?

That one worked.
Renamed the recent profile in .config/libreoffice/4 and voila
Libreoffice went back to service.
Had to reinstall all the extensions and copy
.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu from the old profile to
the newly created one, to restore recent documents and data bases.

Asked for bug closure..

Thanks for Your help.

Re: [arch-general] Libreoffice fresh not starting

2019-02-23 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Alexander, *,

Am 23.02.19 um 11:49 schrieb Alexander Kapshuk via arch-general:
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 3:07 AM Friedrich Strohmaier
>  wrote:

>> Hi community,

>> Since Libreoffice 6.2.0 libreoffice-fresh refuses to start.
>> No Problems with libreoffice-still.

>> As I could not find other reports I assume this beeing a local problem.

>> Message:

[.. shell output ..]

>> Bugreport: 
>> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/61701?project=1=libreoffice-fresh

>> Any ideas on this?
>> --
>> Friedrich

> Try upgrading to 6.2.0-3.

This is, what I did already..
pacman -Qi output attached at the bugtracker.

> The changelog says that this build has Qt5/KDE5 support compiled in,
> which 6.2.0-2 seems to have omitted for some reason. That is if you're
> environment is a Qt5/KDE5 one.

I'm on xfce so Qt5/KDE5 issues should not matter..

Thanks for Your attention.

Re: [arch-general] Libreoffice fresh not starting

2019-02-23 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi David, *,

Am 23.02.19 um 05:17 schrieb David C. Rankin:
> On 02/22/2019 07:07 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

>> Bugreport: 
>> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/61701?project=1=libreoffice-fresh

>> Any ideas on this?

> Only to open a terminal and strace the startup, e.g.

>  $ strace soffice



> still works, but looks rather hideous built with gtk3. The toolbars
> take up about 150% the vertical space compared to the same builds with gtk2.
> That's with the Adwaita theme. Looks like the font and font size input are
> really tall in comparison.

I'm on xfce "human" which make it work sufficiently ;o)).

Thanks for Your input.

[arch-general] Libreoffice fresh not starting

2019-02-22 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi community,

Since Libreoffice 6.2.0 libreoffice-fresh refuses to start.
No Problems with libreoffice-still.

As I could not find other reports I assume this beeing a local problem.


Fatal exception: Signal 11


Any ideas on this?

Re: [arch-general] pavucontrol depency question

2017-03-20 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Christoph, Andy, Marten, *,

Am 20.03.2017 um 10:06 schrieb Christoph Gysin via arch-general:

> pavucontrol works fine without pulseaudio, if you control another
> machine's pulseaudio instance over the network:

wasn't aware about the network possibility which finally makes perfectly sense
making pavucontrol an optional dependency for the local setup.

>$ PULSE_SERVER=another-box pavucontrol

> Not sure about xfce4 packages, don't use them.

other story - probably worth, filing a bug.

> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:


>> pavucontrol is out of any functionality without a running pulseaudio server.

>> So what is the reason making both dependencies optional?

so thank you all for enlightening :o))

[arch-general] pavucontrol depency question

2017-03-19 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

some time ago xfce sorted out xfce4-mixer in favour of xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin.
- agreed removing xfce4-mixer
- Installed xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin - no sound mixing available at all
- Installed optional dependency pavucontrol - no sound mixing available - no
  connection to pulseaudio server
- Installed optional dependency pulsaudio - yay! sound mixing up an running.

I don't understand much about dependency quirks but I wonder about the reason
both dependencies beeing made optional.
xfce4-pulsaudio-plugin is out of any functionality without working pavucontrol
pavucontrol is out of any functionality without a running pulseaudio server.

So what is the reason making both dependencies optional?

Re: [arch-general] Cannot receive files via bluetooth

2016-10-10 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Peter, *,

Am 09.10.2016 um 10:13 schrieb Peter Nabbefeld:

> it seems some bluetooth has overwritten my bluetooth main.conf, as last
> change has been on September, 26th. Also, I cannot receive files any more, so
> I guess, I'd cahnaged sth. there. Unfortunately, I cannot remember, what
> changes I'd made in the past.  :-(

same issue here. Reverting to bluez-5.41-2 resolved the issue (restarting the
windowmanager/dbus helped to get it work again).

> Could You probably tell me, what might cause the non-functioning file
> transfer? Sending files works, btw.

didn't test this one..

btw. I'm not shure, where to report the bug?
- Arch bugtracker or
- upstream

any ideas regarding this

Re: [arch-general] Thunar sftp connection not working - access denied

2015-11-14 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Kyle, *,

Am 02.11.2015 um 07:43 schrieb Kyle Terrien:
>> Am 15.10.2015 um 17:56 schrieb Kyle Terrien:
>>> On 10/13/2015 10:55 AM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 02:05:38AM +0200, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

>>>>>>>> since some time I cannot get thunar connect my remote servers folders 
>>>>>>>> via sftp.


>>>> Is this a gvfsd bug?

>>> Considering that CLI sftp and Filezilla work, this is probably a GVFS
>>> related issue.

It definitly is :o))



> Is gnome-keyring installed?

No, don't use it..

ssh-agent is running fine - gvfsd doesn't get the environment and thus can't
see this.


So workaround is in place an one more vote set for the mentioned bug.

Thanks for Your help.

Re: [arch-general] Thunar sftp connection not working - access denied

2015-10-29 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Kyle, *,

Am 15.10.2015 um 17:56 schrieb Kyle Terrien:

> On 10/13/2015 10:55 AM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> Am 12.10.2015 um 17:29 schrieb Kyle Terrien:
>>> On 10/09/2015 05:54 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>>>> Am 10.10.2015 um 02:23 schrieb Leonid Isaev:
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 02:05:38AM +0200, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

>>>>>> Hi Folks,

>>>>>> since some time I cannot get thunar connect my remote servers folders 
>>>>>> via sftp.

>> [..]

>>>>> So, does sftp work from the command line?

>>>> yes works as expected.

>>>> btw. filezilla also does..


>> digging a bit deeper..
>> It apears to be a problem of ssh-key authentification.

Log output uploaded: 

>> Any ideas?
>> Is this a gvfsd bug?

> Considering that CLI sftp and Filezilla work, this is probably a GVFS
> related issue.

New facts but no solution..

After dbus update I restarted dbus by hand:
Restarting dbus as root yields:
[root@myhost ~]# systemctl restart dbus
PolicyKit daemon disconnected from the bus.
We are no longer a registered authentication agent.

After new Loggin in XFCE - tataaa sftp-connection is established without
issues.  Cannot shutdown machine out of xfce session and have other quirks but
this one works.

After machine restart old behaviour is back.

This tells me something's wrong with PolicyKit settings?

Forgot to mention: ssh-agent running (started by keychain)

> The part of the log output that sticks out like a sore thumb are the
> lines that look like this:

>> Oct 13 19:36:08 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1, 
>> initial_connection = 1 - user: me, host: strict.remote.host, port: -1

> "port: -1" just doesn't seem right.  At best this means "use the default
> port".  But you would think that if it uses the default port, then the
> log would say "port: 22".

> At worst, this means literally "use port -1", which means that -1 could
> overflow in unsigned integer arithmetic so it is actually a really high
> port.

most likely this isn't a problem, as successful actions also have this values.

> Have you tried running the ssh commands yourself?

>> Oct 13 19:36:08 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: spawn_ssh: ssh -oForwardX11 
>> no -oForwardAgent no -oPermitLocalCommand no -oClearAllForwardings yes 
>> -oProtocol 2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l me -s 
>> strict.remote.host sftp
>> Oct 13 19:36:28 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: spawn_ssh: ssh -oForwardX11 
>> no -oForwardAgent no -oPermitLocalCommand no -oClearAllForwardings yes 
>> -oProtocol 2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l me -s 
>> permissive.remote.host sftp

I did (had to replace spaces with "=" between -oXX options and values).
No result but - mmmhh - a "waiting" prompt.
It appeared like opening a tunnel.

Kyle, many thanks for keeping up! :o))

Re: [arch-general] libreoffice not work

2015-10-13 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Gaetan, *,

Am 13.10.2015 um 06:25 schrieb Gaetan Bisson:
> [2015-10-12 22:53:47 -0500] Yaro Kasear:
>> It seems like bad form to enable unstable features for a package in
>> [extra]. Shouldn't it be set to enable the GTK2 VCL by default?

> I'd normally agree but seeing as every line is commented out in our
> shipped libreoffice-fresh.sh it appears GTK3 VCL is an upstream default.

Upstream says: "don't use", but doesn't look like that easy:


Re: [arch-general] Thunar sftp connection not working - access denied

2015-10-13 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Kyle, *,

Am 12.10.2015 um 17:29 schrieb Kyle Terrien:
> On 10/09/2015 05:54 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> Am 10.10.2015 um 02:23 schrieb Leonid Isaev:
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 02:05:38AM +0200, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

>>>> Hi Folks,

>>>> since some time I cannot get thunar connect my remote servers folders via 
>>>> sftp.


>>> So, does sftp work from the command line?

>> yes works as expected.

>> btw. filezilla also does..

> As a workaround, you can use sshfs.  sshfs will mount a remote
> filesystem over ssh.

> I use sshfs quite a bit with Thunar.  Thunar lists the mount as an
> external drive.

I know about this but well, it used to work and has stopped doing so, now.

digging a bit deeper..
It apears to be a problem of ssh-key authentification.

While trying to connect a host with exclusvive ssh-key access, journalctl tells:

Oct 13 19:36:08 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: spawn_ssh: ssh -oForwardX11 no 
-oForwardAgent no -oPermitLocalCommand no -oClearAllForwardings yes -oProtocol 
2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l me -s strict.remote.host sftp
Oct 13 19:36:08 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1, 
initial_connection = 1 - user: me, host: strict.remote.host, port: -1
Oct 13 19:36:09 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - 
password_save: 0
Oct 13 19:36:09 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - ret_val: 1
Oct 13 19:36:09 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: stderr: Permission denied 
Oct 13 19:36:09 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ** (gvfsd:758): WARNING **: 
dbus_mount_reply: Error from org.gtk.vfs.Mountable.mount(): Zugriff verweigert

This happens connecting a host allowing password authentication:
Oct 13 19:36:28 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: spawn_ssh: ssh -oForwardX11 no 
-oForwardAgent no -oPermitLocalCommand no -oClearAllForwardings yes -oProtocol 
2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l me -s permissive.remote.host sftp
Oct 13 19:36:28 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1, 
initial_connection = 1 - user: me, host: permissive.remote.host, port: -1
Oct 13 19:36:34 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - prompt: 
"m...@permissive.remote.host's password: "
Oct 13 19:36:34 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - asking for 
Oct 13 19:36:51 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - prompt: ""
Oct 13 19:36:53 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - 
password_save: 0
Oct 13 19:36:53 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #1 - ret_val: 1
Oct 13 19:36:53 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: spawn_ssh: ssh -oForwardX11 no 
-oForwardAgent no -oPermitLocalCommand no -oClearAllForwardings yes -oProtocol 
2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l me -s permissive.remote.host sftp
Oct 13 19:36:53 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #2, 
initial_connection = 0 - user: me, host: permissive.remote.host, port: -1
Oct 13 19:36:59 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #2 - prompt: 
"m...@permissive.remote.host's password: "
Oct 13 19:36:59 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #2 - using 
credentials from previous login attempt...
Oct 13 19:36:59 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #2 - prompt: ""
Oct 13 19:36:59 my_machine gvfsd[758]: ### SFTP: handle_login #2 - ret_val: 1

Any ideas?
Is this a gvfsd bug?

[arch-general] Thunar sftp connection not working - access denied

2015-10-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Folks,

since some time I cannot get thunar connect my remote servers folders via sftp.

Error dialog:
Failed to open "/my/remote/path on my.server"
access denied

ssh access works as expected.

I feel like it stopped working after I got this arch announce:

System: recent arch x86_64 xfce4 4.12

I didn't find anything useful by net search,
so my question here:

Did anyone else get hit by this?
Is there likely a relation to changes in D-Bus.

Any hint to nail down this one appreciated.


Re: [arch-general] Thunar sftp connection not working - access denied

2015-10-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Leonid, *,

Am 10.10.2015 um 02:23 schrieb Leonid Isaev:
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 02:05:38AM +0200, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> Hi Folks,

>> since some time I cannot get thunar connect my remote servers folders via 
>> sftp.

>> Error dialog:
>> Failed to open "/my/remote/path on my.server"
>> access denied

>> ssh access works as expected.

>> I feel like it stopped working after I got this arch announce:
>> https://www.archlinux.org/news/d-bus-now-launches-user-buses/

> So, does sftp work from the command line?

yes works as expected.

btw. filezilla also does..


Re: [arch-general] Panel with weather plugin and editable menu wanted

2015-05-07 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Ralf, *,

Am 07.05.2015 um 09:18 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:


 xfce4-panel is nice, doesn't wake up green
 drives, but suffers also from a menu that isn't editable, neither is the
 whisker replacement. I suspect mate-panel's menu also suffers from the
 freedesktop.org menu issue and can't be really customized.

 Does somebody know a panel with weather plugin and editable menu?

On my xfce4 box I solved that installing whiskermenu and

using the PKGBUILD file from the latest comment



Re: [arch-general] xfce-powermanager issue since kernel 3.19

2015-04-27 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Catalin, *,

Thanks for Your advice..

Am 16.04.2015 um 22:17 schrieb Catalin Iacob:
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
 Hi all,

 since having updated to kernel 3.19 xfce Power Manager Panel Plugin does not
 show my logitech trackball (m570) and keyboard (k230) both connected through
 wireless usb dongle.  other logitech device (logitech m235 mouse) does.

 all are shown with lsusb:
 $ lsusb | grep Logitech
 Bus 004 Device 005: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
 Bus 004 Device 004: ID 046d:c52f Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
 Bus 003 Device 007: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver

 and all work fine.

 downgrading to kernel 3.18 solves this issue.
 Nevertheless I'm a little bit lost where to report what?

 Hi Friedrich,

 It's a kernel regression an as such you should definitely report it to


 it seems in addition to LKML you should mail:

 M:Jiri Kosina jkos...@suse.cz

did so an got answer immediately:

 In my experience, if you report a regression people will work with you
 to get it narrowed down and fixed.

indeed this was the case :o))


so all fine for me now and will be soon for the rest.

Thanks again.

[arch-general] xfce-powermanager issue since kernel 3.19

2015-03-25 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

since having updated to kernel 3.19 xfce Power Manager Panel Plugin does not
show my logitech trackball (m570) and keyboard (k230) both connected through
wireless usb dongle.
other logitech device (logitech m235 mouse) does.

all are shown with lsusb:
$ lsusb | grep Logitech
Bus 004 Device 005: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
Bus 004 Device 004: ID 046d:c52f Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
Bus 003 Device 007: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver

and all work fine.

downgrading to kernel 3.18 solves this issue.
This is nothing making me sad all the day :o))
Nevertheless I'm a little bit lost where to report what?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] Migrating from 64 to 32 bit

2014-07-22 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Doug, *,

thanks for Your reply,

Am 20.07.2014 20:38 schrieb Doug Newgard:
 On 2014-07-20 18:17, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

 I choose the Live-CD method following this guide:


 pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL -Sy
 pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL --cachedir 
 $MOUNTED_INSTALL/var/cache/pacman/pkg --arch $ARCH --noconfirm -S base 


 running the second line, 32-bit live arch's pacman refuses to install 32-bit


 Does anyone have an idea, what's missing?

 Channge pacman -Sy to pacman -Syy to force it to grab new databases.

This did the trick :o))

I wanted to change the wiki and noticed my AUR account not working there. Did I
miss anything or do I need two accounts?

[arch-general] Migrating from 64 to 32 bit

2014-07-20 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi folks,

starting to do migration from 64 to 32 bit as announced within the other 
thread. :o))

I choose the Live-CD method following this guide:

changed the script mensioned there this way:


ARCH='i686' # added this and used --arch $ARCH

pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL -Sy
pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL --cachedir $MOUNTED_INSTALL/var/cache/pacman/pkg 
--arch $ARCH --noconfirm -S base base-devel # -Sg only *listing* the groups

#not reached here yet
pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL -Qq  $TEMP_FILE
for PKG in $(cat $TEMP_FILE) ; do
   pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL --cachedir 
$MOUNTED_INSTALL/var/cache/pacman/pkg --noconfirm -S $PKG

exit 0

As I'm a courious guy I run the lines one by one on the shell watching the
results :o))

running the second line, 32-bit live arch's pacman refuses to install 32-bit
packages and instead complains (example):

:: package pkg-config-0.28-2-x86_64 does not have a valid architecture

this is basically true, but not very helpful because I requested it to install
32-bit packages which in this case should be pkg-config-0.28-2-i686, if I got
it right.

Changing neither /etc/pacman.conf's Architecture = i686 nor the
/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist entries accordingly are of any help.

Does anyone have an idea, what's missing?


Re: [arch-general] Change installation from 64-bit to 32-bit

2014-07-15 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Scott, *,

thanks for Your very quick answer, and all the others for their answers as

Am 11.07.2014 01:42 schrieb Scott Lawrence:

 Never tried that particular piece of reckless foolery :).


 The wiki has a couple other methods, if you don't have 15G to spare:

I definetly was astonished to get a wiki link for that task, otherwise I'd have
looked myself ;o)).

So thanks to all Your answers I'm prepaired to go ahead.


 On Fri, 11 Jul 2014, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

 Hi all,

 I installed 64-bit arch on a low memory laptop (1G) not thinking about the
 higher memory requirement.



[arch-general] Change installation from 64-bit to 32-bit

2014-07-10 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

I installed 64-bit arch on a low memory laptop (1G) not thinking about the
higher memory requirement.

Now I wonder, whether I can approach to change it by changing the pacman.conf

Architecture = auto
Architecture = i686

and reinstall all explicitly installed packages.

I feel like it should work.

Any don't do thats, go for its, I did its out there :o)).

[arch-general] SOLVED Upgrade systemd 208-11 - systemd-210-3 - suspend issue

2014-03-17 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

Am 09.03.2014 20:58 schrieb Friedrich Strohmaier:

 I run a Lenovo x200 which usually is put on the docking station with lid

 after the Upgrade of systemd-208-11 - systemd-210-3 while booting it
 immediately suspends when systemd somehow reaches suspend.service at startup.

This issue is fixed in systemd-211-1.

All fine now.



[arch-general] Upgrade systemd 208-11 - systemd-210-3 - suspend issue

2014-03-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

I run a Lenovo x200 which usually is put on the docking station with lid

after the Upgrade of systemd-208-11 - systemd-210-3 while booting it
immediately suspends when systemd somehow reaches suspend.service at startup.

- If I open lid it resumes,
- if I close lid it suspends again.
- If I stroke any key with lid closed it resumes and immediately suspends

All works fine if I downgrade to systemd-208-11. This means:
- It suspends if I close open lid.
- It resumes when stroking a key and continues working with lid closed.
- While booting it simply works if lid is closed while starting the machine.

Now my question:
Does anyone know about changed default settings in systemd-210 causing this


Re: [arch-general] Upgrade systemd 208-11 - systemd-210-3 - suspend issue

2014-03-09 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Jason, *,

Am 09.03.2014 21:19 schrieb Jason Ryan:
 On 09/03/14 at 08:58pm, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:


 after the Upgrade of systemd-208-11 - systemd-210-3 while booting it 
 immediately suspends when systemd somehow reaches suspend.service at startup.


 - If I stroke any key with lid closed it resumes and immediately suspends 


 Does anyone know about changed default settings in systemd-210 causing this 

 What action have you set in /etc/systemd/logind.conf for HandleLidSwitch?

# grep HandleLidSwitch /etc/systemd/logind.conf

it's untouched and commented out - in both versions of systemd.


[arch-general] new arch installation: user login not possible on virtual console

2013-09-10 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi all,

this is the first time writing to  this list so first: hello to all.

I'm a quite happy user of arch-linux since december last year, and up to now I
managed to solve all tasks and difficulties using the rtfm button. ;o))

Now installing a further box (x86) I get this strange behaviour never met
during ~15 years of linux usage:

After setting up a new user I cannot login to it's account on the virtual

I get:

Login incorrect

No matter whether password is set or not

# passwd -S user:
user P ... # password set
user NP ... # password not set

login as root works with and without password set (both times unset by deleting
the /etc/shadow passwd entry).

this also occured on another box currently installed - latter one a x86_64

user was added through

# useradd -m -g group user

password was set through

# passwd user

changing user from root via sudo or su works, as does login via xdm.
login via lxdm and gdm doesn't, if that is of any help.

If I do the same on my box writing this mail from (x86_64 - all updates
included) everything works as expected.

Couldn't find anything at the bugtracker.

Before digging deeper my question:
Any known issues or ideas on that?


Re: [arch-general] new arch installation: user login not possible on virtual console

2013-09-10 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Karol, Evgeniy, *,

Am 10.09.2013 19:18 schrieb Karol Blazewicz:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Evgeniy Alekseev darkarca...@mail.ru wrote:
 On Tuesday 10 September 2013 13:54:18 Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:


 After setting up a new user I cannot login to it's account on the virtual


 Any known issues or ideas on that?


 Do you have zsh as default shell?

no, but this was a good take..

 If it does, try to change path to the shell
 from /bin/zsh to /usr/bin/zsh. It may also be necessary for bash as default
 shell. I observed a similar error after moving binaries from /bin.

for some reason there was /usr/bin/bash as shell entry in /etc/passwd. Changing
this to /bin/bash solved the issue.


 This has already been fixed: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/35724

reading this I changed /etc/shells accordingly i.e. added
/usr/bin/bash and /usr/bin/sh to the existing /bin/.. entries which also made 
/usr/bin/bash entry in /etc/passwd working.

will this be updated by update mechanism or only be fixed in new installations?

Thanks a lot for Your help.


Re: [arch-general] new arch installation: user login not possible on virtual console

2013-09-10 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Rodrigo, *,

Am 10.09.2013 22:39 schrieb Rodrigo Rivas:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier 
 damokles4-lis...@bits-fritz.de wrote:


 After setting up a new user I cannot login to it's account on the virtual

 I get:

 Login incorrect

 No matter whether password is set or not

 # passwd -S user:
 user P ... # password set
 user NP ... # password not set

 login as root works with and without password set (both times unset by
 the /etc/shadow passwd entry).

 this also occured on another box currently installed - latter one a x86_64

 user was added through

 # useradd -m -g group user

 password was set through

 # passwd user

 changing user from root via sudo or su works, as does login via xdm.
 login via lxdm and gdm doesn't, if that is of any help.

 If I do the same on my box writing this mail from (x86_64 - all updates
 included) everything works as expected.

 Couldn't find anything at the bugtracker.

 Before digging deeper my question:
 Any known issues or ideas on that?

 This looks to me like a problem with PAM.

happily this wasn't the reason :o)).

 It is difficult to guess more without more information. You can try:
 journalctl -b | grep pam and post the output.

There were some:
login[346]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM tty1 FOR user, Authentication failure

entries which don't enlighten too much.

 Other than that, you can try reinstalling all the PAM related packages,
 just in case there is some file missing. From my machine:

 $ pacman -Qoq /etc/security /etc/pam.d | sort

thanks for this hint. Tagged this mail as tip :o))
