Re: [arch-general] Optimizing boot

2014-04-30 Thread Gesh
On April 30, 2014 1:28:52 PM GMT+03:00, Paul Gideon Dann 
On Wednesday 30 Apr 2014 11:08:14 Mike Cloaked wrote:
 Just a comment about boot times. The overall boot performance will
 not only on optimising an individual setup, but also is dependent on
 hardware as well as which boot manager is being used.  So an older
 with a hard drive, using BIOS boot and optimised will still see much
 boot time than say a new laptop running a fast i7 processor, with an
 using UEFI and also optimised.  Certainly I have an old laptop that
 around 35 seconds to boot to the login prompt from when the boot
 takes over after POST using BIOS legacy boot, but a similarly set up
 optimised new Haswell i7 laptop, with msata ssd using refind for UEFI
 takes about 7 seconds to reach the KDM login prompt. Of course for a
 specific system it may be possible to shave some seconds off the boot
 but it will also depend on which server daemons need to be started as
 So adding dovecot, an MTA, and maybe a DHCP server all add to the
 taken to complete the boot process.
 So comparisons of absolute boot times from different machines are
 to interpret.

Since we're on the topic, does anyone have a clue how I can find out
why systemd hangs for 
ages when I shut down or reboot? The display server is shut down, I'm
placed in a TTY with a 
shutting-down message, but then it looks like it's waiting for
something that never happens, 
and then I think I see something flash past about a watchdog timeout
before it proceeds. If I 
could get rid of that hanging step, it would save me waiting 60 seconds
or however long each 
time I reboot (which is infrequently enough that it's only been a mild
annoyance so far).

What's the correct way to diagnose this? I don't think systemd-analyze
can handle 
shutdown. Could this be an initrd thing?


I see the same thing on my box.
The system shuts down, I get a message to that effect printed, yet the hardware 
keeps running for more than 3m. Eventually, I always cold-shutdown the computer 
when it reaches that state.
Any ideas why this is?

Re: [arch-general] Configuring enabled services

2014-03-27 Thread Gesh
On March 27, 2014 9:25:24 AM GMT+02:00, Thomas Bächler 
Am 26.03.2014 23:13, schrieb Gesh:
 Thanks for the pointers.
 If I understand what's going on correctly, units specify in their
[Install] section whether, when they're enabled, they should be pulled
in by other units.
 Those symlinks usually populate the appropriate directory under
 Besides that, some packages install symlinks under
/usr/lib/systemd/system/ as part of their files to get pulled in by
other units without requiring user intervention.

What this means for backing up the configuration is that you simply
up /etc/systemd/system without resolving symlinks (and ignore that
symlinks point to paths outside of your backup). rsync can do that for
you. This has the benefit of also backing up all permanent unit
overrides and drop-ins that the admin may have made.

Basically, if I understood what happens correctly, the units under 
/etc/systemd/system/*.wants/ - or their targets, if they're symlinks - replace 
their corresponding units in the dependency graph.
In addition, all unit files are installed to /usr/lib/systemd/system/, and the 
symlinks must have the same name as their targets, so only the symlinks' names 
need to be backed up.
Therefore, only what's under /etc/systemd/system/ needs to be backed up, 
ignoring symlinks' targets.
Besides that, the .wants directories in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ are managed by 
pacman, and represent upstream decisions to automatically start their units.
Is this understanding correct?
Thank you for your time,

Re: [arch-general] Configuring enabled services

2014-03-27 Thread Gesh
On March 27, 2014 11:20:04 AM GMT+02:00, Thomas Bächler wrote:
Am 27.03.2014 09:41, schrieb Gesh:
 Basically, if I understood what happens correctly, the units under
/etc/systemd/system/*.wants/ - or their targets, if they're symlinks -
replace their corresponding units in the dependency graph.

Not exactly.

When you place a unit in foo.wants, then foo gets an additional Wants=
dependency. Basically, this is a way to extend units with new Wants=
Requires= statements without modifying unit files. You don't *replace*
the dependency graph, but *extend* it.

But what if bar.unit Wants=foo.unit and I add a custom foo.unit to 
bar.unit.wants/ ? Will both be run? Will the custom foo.unit replace the 
 In addition, all unit files are installed to

Unit files can also be installed to /etc/systemd/system/, for example
you want to use a modified version of a system-supplied unit file.

I meant in the sense of convention. Of course a sysadmin can drop units into 
/etc. It's its entire raison d'être.
When you run start or enable on a unit name, system looks into those
directories, taking the first one it finds.

/run/systemd/system (*)
/run/systemd/generator (*)

I am not 100% sure if I got the order of the ones marked with (*)

As you can see here, there are units installed by the package manager
(/usr/lib), units installed by the admin (/etc), temporary units
installed either by automatic tools or by the admin
(/run/systemd/system) and units installed by generators during systemd
startup or reload (/run/systemd/generator*).

Again, backing up the ones in /usr/lib does not make sense since those
are contained in packages and can be reinstalled. Backing up the ones
/run makes no sense either since they only live until you reboot (or
reload the configuration, in the case of generator units). However,
backing up /etc/systemd/system entirely (not just the symlinks) make
lots of sense, since the admin is likely to have custom units in there.

 and the symlinks must have the same name as their targets, so only
the symlinks' names need to be backed up.

Not necessarily. For example,
/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service points to
/usr/lib/systemd/system/kdm.service. Most symlinks have the same name,
but that's only convention, not necesity.

 Therefore, only what's under /etc/systemd/system/ needs to be backed
up, ignoring symlinks' targets.

I'd back up the symlinks including their targets. This makes it easier
to restore configuration.

So basically, you back up the directory under /etc not following symlinks, then 
when restoring use pkgfile, filenames and installed-package-list to determine 
what packages you need to reinstall to get those links working.
 Besides that, the .wants directories in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ are
managed by pacman, and represent upstream decisions to automatically
start their units.

OK. I assume the links under /etc are generated by systemctl when enabling a 
unit with an [Install] section?
Thanks for the clarifications,

Re: [arch-general] Configuring enabled services

2014-03-26 Thread Gesh
On March 19, 2014 9:16:57 PM GMT+02:00, Ary Kleinerman wrote:
 There's not really much magic going on. Are you aware of:


 This contains symlinks that do already pretty much what you describe,
and this
 is systemd's native configuration.

Don't forget
/run/systemd/system: Runtime units and /usr/lib/systemd/system: Units
of installed packages


Thanks for the pointers.
If I understand what's going on correctly, units specify in their [Install] 
section whether, when they're enabled, they should be pulled in by other units.
Those symlinks usually populate the appropriate directory under 
Besides that, some packages install symlinks under /usr/lib/systemd/system/ as 
part of their files to get pulled in by other units without requiring user 
Finally, systemctl list-unit-files will list all unit files with their 
enabled/disabled/static status, where static means that they run by default 
(when pulled in) and disabled means they can be installed - that is, they have 
an [Install] section - but haven't been yet.
And systemctl enable/disable manages the symlinks under /etc/systems/system 
specified by the [Install] section.
Is my understanding of the situation correct?

[arch-general] Configuring enabled services

2014-03-19 Thread Gesh
Dear all,
I've been rereading the old arguments on the rc.conf split.
Disregarding everything discussed there, one interesting
point came up during that discussion.[1]
Is it possible to have some configuration file, e.g.
/etc/systems/services.conf that would list all the units
one wants to be enabled at boot? This would both simplify
backups and reduce the magic of and dependence on systemctl.
Is there any reason this can't or shouldn't be done?
With best regards,
[1] -

Re: [arch-general] Any way to change .PKGINFO post build w/o Rebuilding?

2014-02-26 Thread Gesh
On February 26, 2014 10:52:43 AM GMT+02:00, Karol Blazewicz wrote:
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Emil Lundberg wrote:
 I don't mean to be rude, but have you tried it? Pacman packages are
 tar.gz archives, so my guess is it's possible


 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:13 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:

   I patched tdebase for the logind-multiseat patch as was applied to
 kde-workspace for Arch kde4. Doing so, I forgot to change the
 replaces= information. Now the new package will not install due to
every file
 conflicting with an existing file. The new file is named
 and it replaces a package named 'tde-tdebase'. Can I decompress the
package and
 manually edit the .PKGINFO file and then recompress the file and
have it work?
 The package is unsigned if that makes any difference. What is
currently in the
 .PKGINFO file is:

 # Generated by makepkg 4.1.2
 # using fakeroot version 1.20
 # Wed Feb 26 06:24:01 UTC 2014
 pkgname = tde-tdebase-systemd
 pkgver = R14preRC1-1
 pkgdesc = Trinity Desktop Enviroment base components - TDE upstream
 url =
 builddate = 1393395841
 packager = David C. Rankin  drankinatty at gmail dot com 
 size = 78513152
 arch = i686
 license = GPL
 replaces = trinity-tdebase
 provides = tdebase
 provides = tde-tdebase

   I think the change needed is:

 replaces = tde-tdebase
 replaces = trinity-tdebase
 provides = tdebase
 provides = tde-tdebase

   Does this have a chance of working or should I just bite the
bullet and
 rebuild the package?

 David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.


A naïve reading of [1] suggests that makepkg -R should do the trick.
However, as I'm away from my computer, I can't test
[1] -

Re: [arch-general] Thank you

2014-01-09 Thread Gesh hseG
Many thanks to the Arch Linux community for creating what is,
in my opinion at least, the most beautiful, simple and usable distribution
in existence. Having had to deal with Debian over the past week,
I've continually hungered for the sweet simplicity Arch offers.
Thank you for keeping the system clean, for easing the lives of systems
administrators everywhere by keeping out of their way, and for teaching
newbies how Linux works by leaving its guts visible.

May you retroactively have had a happy solstice,

Re: [arch-general] Package Maintenance Classroom (31/3/2013)

2013-03-17 Thread Gesh hseG
I'm interested in attending. Worst-case scenario, I will only get a
Best-case scenario, I'll discover I'm an idiot and that there are things
I'm doing wrong.
Should be fun.
See you next week, then!

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 4:14 AM, William Giokas wrote:


 At the end of this month Daniel Wallace (gtmanfred) and I will be giving
 a classroom on basic package maintenance. From the forum post[1]:

  And now we have planned our first actual class: A Beginners Guide to
  Package Maintaining.
  This will be taught by gtmanfred and myself Sunday, March 31st at
  in the #archlinux-classroom channel. There is already an Arch Wiki[2]
  about this class listing the requirements and lesson plans. This class
  be broken into separate lessons, the first being a simple introduction
  guided practice and explanations. We will be covering more advanced
  later on. Even if you are not new to package maintenance, we would like
  see you there for support and just in case/when we get things wrong you
  correct us. We will also be covering the new functions and uses of pacman
  4.1, currently in the rc stage, particularly its use with version control
  sources and development packages in the later lessons.
  There will be a pdf file released when the class begins so that you can
  follow along. We will be releasing an info document too, for those of you
  that do not use X but still want to follow along.
  Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
  If you have any questions about the requirements or prerequisites, then
  please ask on the IRC channel. We will be glad to clear things up.

 If you are interested, please reply or post on the forums so we know
 about how many people we're going to have to help.

 Thank you,
 William Giokas | KaiSforza
 GnuPG Key: 0x73CD09CF
 Fingerprint: F73F 50EF BBE2 9846 8306  E6B8 6902 06D8 73CD 09CF


Re: [arch-general] SOLVED Re: Cannot chroot '/bin/bash': No such file or directory

2013-03-17 Thread Gesh hseG
Also, this move was publicized in the forums, IRC topic, mailing list and
front-page news.
Seriously, if you're updating a months-old system, you'd better go over the
front-page news, at the very least.


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Rodrigo Rivas

 On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 5:32 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:

  On 03/12/2013 04:13 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
  There needs to be a check in the current update that checks to see whether
  /lib link can safely be removed -- before it is removed by whatever
  update does it. Otherwise, anyone who has not updated in several months
  will be
  hit by the same issue.

 I don't think this link can be removed at all! It is still in `filesystem`,
 at least in my filesystem-2013.03-2. And it is needed by practically every
 program, as the default dynamic linker is set to `/lib/`, at
 least in i686.

 Then, there is the question of how did you happen to lose this link... I
 don't have an answer for that.
