Re: [arch-general] Do I need HAL?

2010-06-21 Thread Gmail
Im not 100% sure if KDE will work whit out hall, but KDE doesent use hal 
directly instead it uses the Solid framework of KDE. Solid isint dependant of 
one spesific bacend, but its like phonon so you can have multiple differend 
ends whit it. i do not have any Idea of the state of differend backebnd, mayby 
some one whit more knowelege could provide additional information.

Re: [arch-general] New Arch Install - Swap Won't Activate - Help the clueless?

2010-06-21 Thread Gmail
David C. Rankin kirjoitti maanantai, 21. kesäkuuta 2010 19:33:18:
   I'm laughing at myself for being unable to get swap activated. 
 when I breezed through the install, I forgot to set /dev/sdb6 to type 82
 so the box came up with swap off (2G of ram so not much of an issue)
   But now, I want to activate it and I get an error activating swap that
 frankly, I have never seen before:
 [11:27 dcrgx2:~] # swapon -a
 swapon: /dev/sdb6: read swap header failed: Invalid argument
   Here are the current details of the install:
 [11:26 dcrgx2:~] # cat /proc/partitions
 major minor  #blocks  name
8   16  488386584 sdb
8   17  1 sdb1
8   21 144522 sdb5
8   221951866 sdb6
8   23   29294496 sdb7
8   24  456992991 sdb8
80   39062500 sda
81  40131 sda1
82   39005820 sda2
 [11:26 dcrgx2:~] # fdisk -l /dev/sdb
 Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x0005cd36
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sdb1   1   60801   4883840015  Extended
 /dev/sdb5   *   1  18  144522   83  Linux
 /dev/sdb6  19 261 1951866   82  Linux swap /
 Solaris /dev/sdb7 262390829294496   83  Linux
 /dev/sdb83909   60801   456992991   83  Linux
 # /etc/fstab: static file system information
 # file systemdir typeoptions  dump
 pass devpts /dev/pts  devptsdefaults   
 0  0 shm/dev/shm  tmpfs nodev,nosuid  
  0  0
 #/dev/cdrom /media/cd   autoro,user,noauto,unhide   0 
 0 #/dev/dvd   /media/dvd  autoro,user,noauto,unhide   0   
   0 #/dev/fd0   /media/fl   autouser,noauto 0 
 /dev/sdb6 swap swap defaults 0 0
 UUID=30247a6b-c639-4180-9b44-3535ade87de2 /home ext4 defaults 0 1
 UUID=73356263-d92f-4914-bb0d-07f5611b5709 / ext3 defaults 0 1
 UUID=de71b9f1-a954-4d41-84c2-926de89d1edb /boot ext3 defaults 0 1
   It looks to me like swap should activate. What am I missing? Thanks for
 any insight you can lend here.

you have to create the swap filesystem in to the partion by running mkswap 

Re: [arch-general] How do I get my Canon MP630 working under Arch?

2010-06-18 Thread Gmail
Jordan Windsor kirjoitti perjantai, 18. kesäkuuta 2010 13:22:00:
 I would like to get my Canon MP630 (all in one) printer working under
 Arch, I only need the printing abilities though.
 I have installed the following packages and read the Arch wiki CUPS
 article along with many other websites:
 cnijfilter-common 3.00-3
 I've tried adding the printer with the following URI's:
 I've been unable to get it to print a test page.

I had problems whit a cannoc printer too, check if you have 2 devices listed 
in cups, as for me the other one didn't work but the pother did. Sorry its 
been while sinse i intsleed it so I can't remeber propely