Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] fontconfig 2.10.1 will require user interaction

2012-09-06 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
On 2012/9/6 Allan McRae  wrote:

> On 06/09/12 18:20, Heiko Baums wrote:
> > Am Thu, 6 Sep 2012 10:06:57 +0200
> > schrieb Andreas Radke :
> >
> >> Pacman will detect the symlinks and break before the install scriptlet
> >> will be run. So this is not an option.
> >
> > Did you test it?
> >
> > I'm pretty sure it won't, since I tested this before in one of my AUR
> > packages. Well, it was the removal of files in /lib due to the change
> > from /lib to /usr/lib, but at least this has worked.
> >
> Conflict checking is done before pre_install scripts are run.  Those
> files are not owned by any package so will produce a conflict.

Perhaps a pre_conflict_checking() function should be added to pacman to
take care of this kind of problems. Has this already been considered?

Re: [arch-general] Running Spin

2012-08-20 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
On 2012/8/20 andrea crotti  wrote:
> I was trying again to use spin after a long time, and it doesn't seem
> to work on arch anymore:
> [Src6.2.2]$ ./spin ../Samples/p102.pml
> sh: /lib/cpp: No such file or directory
> spin: preprocessing failed
> I first installed it from AUR and then compiled it myself, compiling
> doesn't give any problem but running
> anything give the above problem.. Anyone saw that too?

Did you try to recompile it?

According to the FHS,
> If a C preprocessor is installed, /lib/cpp must be a reference to it, for 
> historical reasons.
But it seems that ArchLinux got rid of it recently (this file was
present before the /lib -> /usr/lib transition but I do not have it

So I guess that the following command would fix the problem
> # ln -s /usr/bin/cpp /lib/cpp

If the problem occurs in the latest version of spin, you should
probably file a bug report to make spin use /usr/bin/cpp instead of


Re: [arch-general] chromium crash when print dialog is invoked

2012-08-02 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2012/8/2 Ray Kohler :
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 3:43 AM, Scott Weisman  wrote:
>> I should have added more details. I am using OpenBox on an X86_64 install.
>> Two different systems (desktop and notebook) but otherwise largely similar
>> setups.
> I'm also using Chromium in a pure Openbox environment on x86_64, and I
> don't see this problem. I notice that the first time I show the print
> dialog, cups is started (by systemd's socket activation) if it wasn't
> running already. I wonder if the hang comes when cups isn't available?
> Do you have it running, or at least available for socket / path
> activation if you're on systemd?

Indeed, that’s the problem.
On my system I also have a pure openbox x86_64 environment but without
cups and without systemd (yet), and I noticed the same freeze when
pressing Ctrl-P.
But then I installed cups and started the daemon and now the print
dialog shows immediately and there is no freeze anymore.
So a workaround is to install cups and start the daemon at boot.

Re: [arch-general] systemd network configuration

2012-07-25 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2012/7/26 David Benfell 

> Hi all,
> On 07/25/2012 01:52 PM, David Benfell wrote:
> >>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:57:02AM +0200, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> >>>
>  Then create a service file in
>  /etc/systemd/system/davids-network.service
>  [unit] description= David's Network Setup Wants=
> Before=
>  [service] Type = oneshot
>  ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/
>  [instal] WantedBy=
> >>>
> >
> > Thanks! I will be testing this (and a few other things) just as
> > soon as I work my courage up to try a reboot. I know you're
> > supposed to test one thing at a time. This situation doesn't really
> > allow that. :-/
> >
> I can't get it to run. This is the current version of my network script:
> #!/usr/bin/zsh


It’s /bin/zsh.

Re: [arch-general] error installing package that relies on soprano (k9copy)

2012-05-16 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2012/5/16 D. R. Evans :
> When I try to install k9copy, I receive the following error message:
> :: Retrieving packages from extra...
> error: failed retrieving file 'soprano-2.7.5-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz' from
> : Given file does not exist
> 1. Is this a packaging error of some kind (presumably in the k9copy package)?
> 2. Is there something I can do to allow me to avoid this problem and install
> k9copy?

It means that you need to `pacman -Syu`, because the soprano package
has been upgraded to 2.7.6, hence the 2.7.5 is not on the server
anymore, so you need to update your package database, and your system.

Re: [arch-general] python problems while compiling Android 4.0

2012-01-29 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2012/1/29 Madhurya Kakati :
> Hi,
> I am trying to compile android 4.0 with the help of an article I found 
> online[1]. When I execute a command I get the following error:
> $ python2 ~/bin/repo init -u -b ics-x86
>  File "/home/papul/android-x86/.repo/repo/", line 149
>      except DownloadError, e:
>                          ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> I think the problem is with python2.

I had the same problem with ChromiumOS, the problem is indeed that the
scripts are exec'ing "python" without knowing that it’s python3 (and
of course it occurs even if you run python2 in the first place)
The solution I found is the following :

mkdir /tmp/python2
ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /tmp/python2/python
export PATH=/tmp/python2:$PATH

This will make "python" refer to python3, but only for the current shell.


Re: [arch-general] resource limits, unable to run apps

2011-08-26 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2011/8/26 Marek Otahal 

> Hi guys,
> in last days i'm severely bugged by some resource limits on my
> applications fail to run
> etc.
> I'm running on a netbook that is slow by default, but i've been on it for a
> few years and it was ok.
> I'm running normal KDE, IM client, kmail, firefox (with a lot, cca 30) tabs
> open, a konsole and
> netbeans ide.
> The thing is I remember I once played with some limits to avoid forkbombs
> my question is if
> you could point me to some files to check for configs?
> This is my top output:
> $ top
> top - 22:19:59 up 1 day,  7:19,  3 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.56, 1.34
> Tasks: 199 total,   1 running, 196 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
> Cpu(s):  1.8%us,  2.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 95.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
>  0.0%st
> Mem:   2055224k total,  1748036k used,   307188k free,13632k buffers
> Swap:  2561304k total,   938420k used,  1622884k free,  1119728k cached
> 20689 marek 20   0  223m  60m  17m S4  3.0   2:08.92 skype
>  1322 root  20   0  113m  21m 4552 S1  1.1  65:50.10 X
>  3385 marek 20   0  6124  840  604 S1  0.0  15:13.67 scdaemon
>  6421 marek 20   0  936m 137m  16m S1  6.9   0:59.12 java
>  6832 marek 20   0  2576 1032  756 R1  0.1   0:01.37 top
>  3216 marek 20   0  115m  12m 7156 S1  0.6  31:17.96 konsole
> 22696 marek 20   0  177m 8828 5240 S1  0.4   6:52.92 kget
>  2707 marek 20   0  5576  344  212 S0  0.0   2:52.82 gpg-agent
>  3275 marek 20   0  119m 5124 3136 S0  0.2   2:36.09 kleopatra
>  3449 marek 20   0  101m 4280 2720 S0  0.2   0:57.63 klipper
>  6451 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:23.52 kworker/0:2
>1 root  20   0  1880   240 S0  0.0   0:19.49 init
>2 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:00.06 kthreadd
>3 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:03.84 ksoftirqd/0
>6 root  RT   0 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0
>   13 root   0 -20 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 cpuset
>   14 root   0 -20 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper
>   15 root   0 -20 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 netns
>   16 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:00.25 sync_supers
>   17 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 bdi-default
>   18 root   0 -20 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 kblockd
>   20 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:00.14 khungtaskd
> Ulimit says
> $ ulimit -a
> core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
> data seg size   (kbytes, -d) unlimited
> scheduling priority (-e) 30
> file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
> pending signals (-i) 16028
> max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) 8
> max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
> open files  (-n) 1024
> pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 8
> POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
> real-time priority  (-r) 75
> stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
> cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
> max user processes  (-u) 250
> virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) unlimited
> file locks  (-x) unlimited
> and I use pm-utils, should that matter?
> I used to run the system under similar load and it was ok, now eg. my
> compiles in netbeans fail,
> says OutOfMemoryException or sometimes cannot create a new native thread.
> (openjdk), also
> command line tools fail with things like
> $ man scdaemon
> man: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
> I wonder is it the memory consumed by netbeans or some number of
> process/open files limit or
> something?
> I'm glad for any suggestions, as now if i want to develop in java, i have
> to shut down browser, chat
> and even though...
> Thank you, Mark
> PS: i know..but now i'd not like to hear suggestions like using a lighter
> DE or buying better hw ;)
> --
> Marek Otahal :o)

You have 200 tasks running and ulimits reports that the number of processes
is limited to 250, this is probably the reason of your problems (and it has
something to do with trying to prevent forkbombs). You can check it by
running top during a failing netbeans compile. The number of tasks should
reach 250 without being able to get bigger.

How are you starting KDE? Are you using kdm?
You should check your bash config files: /etc/profile, ~/.profile,
~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.bashrc

Re: [arch-general] X cursor problem on new install

2011-07-04 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2011/7/4 D. R. Evans 

> I just installed arch for the first time (trying it out since I am unhappy
> with the state of Kubuntu). I have, I think, followed the installation
> instructions carefully. Everything seemed OK until I tried to run X.
> The cursor is offset from where it should be. If I move the mouse to the
> right, the cursor stops about 2/3 of the way across the screen and won't go
> any farther. If I move the mouse to the left, the cursor disappears off the
> left hand side of the screen and reappears on the right hand side. It stops
> moving to the left a short distance from the right border on the screen.
> The display of windows on the screen looks fine; it's just the cursor that
> seems to be wrong.
> 1. I have tried two mice; both behave the same way.
> 2. I used wgetpaste as instructed at
> :
>~/.xinitrc does not exist
>/etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist
>/var/log/Xorg.0.log is at
>/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old is at
> Obviously, I need to get this resolved before proceeding any further with
> installing a desktop environment.

It seems you have an Intel graphics card and that the driver does not want
to start.

Have you read the page ?
In particular you need to install the package xf86-video-intel and you need
to enable KMS to run X.

Re: [arch-general] Rail Model font for coders

2011-01-20 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2011/1/20 Peter Lewis 

> On Thursday 20 January 2011 14:15:32 Cédric Girard wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Jesse Young 
> wrote:
> > >
> hare_krsna_hare_krsna_krsna_krsna_hare_hare_hare_rama_hare_rama_rama_rama
> > > wrote:
> >
> > Do you really believe this is a serious request ?
> Heh - but that is one cool email address.

The funny thing is that this is not even a valid email address. The local
part (everything before the @) should be at most 64 characters long, and
there it’s 84 characters long.

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] abs-2.4.0-1

2010-10-02 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/10/2 Allan McRae 

> Hi,
> I just pushed a new abs release to [testing].  The "major" changes are:
>  - use the tarball method for initial sync
>  - fix tarball method to work with $arch in mirrorlist
>  - updated prototypes for pacman-3.4
>  - addition of bzr prototype
> I will push it to [extra] if I hear about no breakages in the next day or
> two.

It seems that the bzr prototype is not there:

$ pacman -Qi abs | grep Version
Version   : 2.4.0-1
$ pacman -Ql abs
abs /etc/
abs /etc/abs.conf
abs /usr/
abs /usr/bin/
abs /usr/bin/abs
abs /usr/bin/makeworld
abs /usr/share/
abs /usr/share/pacman/
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-cvs.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-darcs.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-git.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-gnome.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-haskell.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-hg.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-perl.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-rubygem.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-svn.proto
abs /usr/share/pacman/proto-gnome.install
abs /usr/share/pacman/proto-haskell.install
abs /usr/share/pacman/proto-info.install
abs /usr/share/pacman/rc-script.proto
abs /var/
abs /var/abs/
abs /var/abs/README
abs /var/abs/local/

Guillaume Brunerie

Re: [arch-general] [ANNOUNCEMENT DRAFT] True multilib for Arch Linux x86_64

2010-08-28 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/8/28 Martín Cigorraga 

> Hi Thomas, I'm having a missing package error:
> ‏‌‍​​error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
> :: Starting full system upgrade...
> :: lib32-libstdc++5: requires lib32-gcc
> Regards
> -Martín
> (msx)
> "Un buen antivirus, no debería dejar cargar Windows y sugerir instalar
> GNU/Linux xD" - omar...@#parabola@freenode

It is an AUR package, see the comments at


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] hdparm-9.30-1

2010-08-20 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/8/20 Tobias Powalowski 

> Hi guys,
> please signoff both arches
> greetings
> tpowa
> --
> Tobias Powalowski
> Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa)

Still doesn't work here (x86_64), at least the option -B:

$ sudo hdparm -B 1 /dev/sda

 setting Advanced Power Management level to 0x01 (1)
 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Input/output error
 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Input/output error

It worked correctly with hdparm-9.28-1 (but I had the same error with

Re: [arch-general] Fw: [arch-dev-public] [staging] repository: Let's give it a try!

2010-08-12 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/8/12 Mario Figueiredo 

> On 11-08-2010 18:03, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 17:41:06 +0100, Mario Figueiredo
>>   wrote:
>>> This would definitely get me interested in Testing.
>>> Right now my Linux knowledge is limited and thus Testing is a no-go
>>> zone. If however I could have a guarantee that Testing offers the same
>>> package sanity insurance of the other mirrors, I could start
>>> participating.
>> In that case testing wont still be for you. There wont be any guarantee
>> for testing and some pacakges might be just broken. The only thing you
>> can expect that we wont break testing _by intention_ due to moving
>> incomplete rebuilds in.
> Well, that was precisely my point, wasn't it? Testing implies bugged
> application builds.
> What it should however not imply is broken packages.

[testing] implies bugged application builds /and/ broken packages. That's
the point of [testing] to identify broken packages before they go to [core].

>>> It needs to be said that this is also reflection of what one should
>>> expect to encounter in the development process in the wild. Apart from
>>> the potential for collaboration, the idea that the Arch repos could
>>> mimic this development cycle is very appealing to me.
>>> __
>>>|  |
>>>V  V
>>> Development<->  Staging<->  Testing  ->   Release
>>> Packaging maintenance is taken away from the end user, giving them
>>> "safe" (it's still a beta, hence the quotes) access to Testing.
>>> Meanwhile developers would separate packaging from Testing,
>>> considerably giving them a lot more control over what users can access
>>> from Testing.
>> Staging is not a new repo/layer between the developer and testing. It's
>> just meant to be a temporary storage for rebuilds. The current dev.
>> cycle wont be affected. So we'll still have:
>> dev->extra
>> dev->testing->core
> Aren't you contradicting yourself? Unless you don't plan to use staging,
> you won't risk anymore having broken rebuilds on testing.

No, but there can still be broken packages in [testing].

Re: [arch-general] Checkgmail doesn't work with perl 5.12 from testing

2010-05-29 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/5/29 Alexander Lam 

> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:01 AM, Firmicus  wrote:
> > On 12/05/2010 07:17, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Firmicus  wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Certainly this is because glib-perl needs to be recompiled with perl
> >>> 5.12.
> >>> Other perl packages that include binary libraries may need to be
> >>> recompiled
> >>> too. We need a TODO list for such perl packages...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> any package that's not arch any needs to be rebuilt. also watch for
> >> actual compiling...
> >
> > Right, all non-any perl packages should be rebuilt. I'll send Kevin a
> > preliminary TODO list for such packages in extra and community (I found
> 209
> > of them... yerk! but as you say there must be many that are actually
> > arch=any). Most probably we also need to rebuild all packages that use
> > Last year the list of such pkgs was:
> >
> > F
> >
> Hi all,
> Did this perl rebuild get lost or something? (I currently have perl on
> my IgnorePkg list because glib-perl hasn't been updated for 5.12
> yet)
> --
> Alexander Lam

In the meantime you can rebuild glib-perl (and other libraries) yourself
with ABS.

[arch-general] Checkgmail doesn't work with perl 5.12 from testing

2010-05-11 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
Since the update of perl 5.10 to 5.12 yesterday, checkgmail (from community)
doesn’t work anymore, it fails with this error :
   /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Glib/ undefined symbol:
Downgrading to perl 5.10 make it work, and updating checkgmail (with
checkgmail --update) doesn’t solve the problem.
I didn’t found anything about this problem in Flyspray or in the forums.

Thank you,

Guillaume Brunerie

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] grep-2.6.1-1

2010-03-27 Thread Guillaume Brunerie
2010/3/27 Jan de Groot 

> On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 22:57 +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
> > Upstream bug fix release.
> >
> > Signoff both,
> > Allan
> Signoff x86_64.
On my computer (x86_64), "grep -r a ." segfault, with grep 2.6.1-1.
"echo a | grep a" works without problems.