Re: [arch-general] We need a maintained-by-TU chrome/chromium...

2009-11-19 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Ionut Biru wrote:

 On 11/19/2009 07:00 AM, Christopher Daley wrote:
 Is there any chance of the -bin (precompiled) versions being hosted once an
 official release is made?  I guess there's little reason for it as they're
 so easy to compile yourself, but it would simplify upgrading/maintenance
 for a number of users.
 I don't see google moving away from their custom build utilities any time
 soon, so unless someone forks chromium we're probably not going to get that
 a simplified build process.
 after they release a stable version we can manage to do a proper
 package for our users, but until then use chromium-browser-bin or

I like Iron browser :)

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] No sound after hal update

2009-11-10 Thread Jozsef
On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, A Rojas wrote:

  I just updated to hal 0.5.13-3 and after rebooting the soundcard is not 
 accessible to non-root users anymore, so there is no sound. Any idea how to 
 solve this?

If it is ALSA try to reconfigure it. That should work.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread Jozsef
On 26 Oct 2009 at 11:57, RedShift wrote:

 This thread will probably erupt in a massive flamewar, yet I decided to post 
 story anyway. I am talking about the desktop experience in general, not the
 technical details behind it. Keep that in mind.
 I've been working these past few months with KDE 4.3 and it feels very 
 and incomplete. I can't enable the desktop effects because that makes things
 even slower. I'm doing this on a fairly decent setup, an AMD Sempron 2 Ghz 
 an nVidia FX5500. My laptop suffers from this sluggishness as well. On top of
 that, lots of things annoy me in KDE 4.3, see the end of this post for my top
 annoyances. Yesterday I had to reboot to my Windows XP installation on this
 computer and I was shocked when I arrived in XP's userland. Everything was
 ridiculously fast. When returning to my linux desktop everything felt even 
 sluggish. That's when I decided to go back to KDE 3.5. I restored my old KDE 
 profile, installed the necessary packages and logged back in. WOF,
 everything is fast again. Opening new windows is instantaneous, hell even
 bringing up context menus is faster. If Linux is that much better, why does 
 current Linux desktop (KDE 4.3) still suck compared to an operating system
 that's 8 years old?
 Last week I also had the chance to check out Windows 7, and I was stumped. I 
 genuinly impressed by Windows 7's GUI. It feels fast, works fluently, it has
 nice effects which just work and work FAST. When browsing around it felt like 
 very solid desktop environment. I am jealous. I really am. The thought of
 using Windows 7 in favor of KDE 4.3 has occured to me much more than I like. 
 it's little things like dragging the windows to the top of the screen makes 
 maximized, dragging them to the left makes the take exactly 50% of the screen.
 How many times have you been manually resizing windows to fit next to each
 other? I have, too many times. These are things that really improve your
 So when should we have started working at a better desktop environment for
 When Mac OS X came out. When was that again? 2001. Yes, it really was that 
 ago. It already had awesome desktop effects that just work on (compared to 
 days) VERY modest hardware. And it worked fast as well. It was and still is a
 solid desktop environment. From that point on the Linux community should have
 recognized the threat Mac OS X was for the desktop environment. Unfortunately
 nobody did and we went on creating a big mess, fighting over implementations 
 technical details instead of attempting to create a solid desktop environment.
 Yet we did have a second chance in 2007. Microsoft obviously screwed up with
 Windows Vista, we had the chance to win back alot of terrain here until the
 release of Windows 7. So what did we come up with? KDE 4. Yes, a big
 dissapointment. We still don't have something that's comparable.
 So basically, where are we at?
 KDE 3.5 is Windows XP
 KDE 4.3 is Windows Vista
 ??? is Windows 7
 When are we getting to the Windows 7 stage?
 Microsoft didn't do a big advertising campaign for the launch of Windows 7,
 nevertheless they delivered a big slap in the face to the Linux desktop
 environments. The numbers speak for themselves, Windows 7 has already sold 
 copies in its first week than Windows Vista did in its first month. And with
 good riddance, Windows 7 really is better than Windows Vista. Microsoft
 recognized the problems with Windows Vista and dealt with them. And dealt with
 them swiftly if you ask me, doing it in less then 3 years.
 We are losing ground. We are losing it fast. Our competitors recognize what 
 user wants and delivered.
 If we are comparing enterprise desktops, there's no going around Red Hat. The
 current Red Hat desktop (5.4) ships with KDE 3.5, while its succesor RHEL 6 
 be, if looking what Fedora brings now, shipped with KDE 4.2 or 4.3. That means
 KDE 4.2/4.3 will be the main desktop for enterprises for at least the next 3
 years. A disgrace if you ask me. Users will be comparing desktop environments
 and they will find Windows 7 or Mac OS X to be better. After the damage RHEL 6
 will have done to the reputation of the Linux desktop, it will take again as
 many years to rectify the damage done. Granted if we will have a solid desktop
 environment comparable to Windows 7 by the time RHEL 7 gets released. Which I
 can't help but doubt.
 My top KDE 4.3 annoyances:
 * Slo. Logging in takes a multifold of times it did under KDE 3.5,
 repainting windows takes up a lot of time
 * The battery status applet is buggy, it only shows the actual percentage 
 you've hovered it with the mouse, even when you've set it to always display. 
 scale it uses is also difficult to interpret. These bugs have been reported a
 long time ago and are still not fixed.
 * The run dialog is 

Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread Jozsef
On 26 Oct 2009 at 12:46, Rafa Griman wrote:

 My guess is that there's something wrongly configured or installed in your 
 4 installation. Check this:
   - deactivate nepomuk and Akonadi
   - delete /tmp/k* /var/tmp/k*
   - delete your .kde4 and .kde and .local dirs (you can also choose
 creating a new account and see if it's faster)

What's the way of deactivating nepomuk and Akonadi?

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread Jozsef
On 26 Oct 2009 at 14:55, Lars Tennstedt wrote:

 I suggest the opposite in the facts of speed. My work's computer runs 
 with Windows XP and the hardware is faster than mine at home. But 
 Windows XP often stands still without a reason and takes ages to do 
 something. KDE 4.3 on my Arch Linux installation runs very well and 
 fast. I guess that it depends on the hardware you use.

Not to mention viruses and other shit...

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] [SOLVED] php not working - Was: Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-09 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 08 Oct 2009, David C. Rankin wrote:

 On Wednesday 07 October 2009 12:54:22 pm wrote:
  Usually I don't have too much time for pulling my hear or for 
  anything else that's why I like when things just works. Even if I 
  need to fix things it's OK but sometimes I can't fix them just like 
  that for few minutes. I read the news, I went to #archlinux, I sent a 
  message here in the list but still nothing. 
  Then I search the forum and tried different things until once it 
  start working again. Few days I didn't touch anything at all. Really 
  didn't have time.
  I still can't try any other OS here because I spent too much time 
  setting this Arch up and configuring. It's my baby :)) It looks and 
  works beautiful. Except after Syu; but not always. Most of the time 
  things just work... Can't just say goodbye to Arch so easily. But if 
  once it will happen that I really can't fix something, that will be 
  the moment... I guess.
  Anyway, I'll try to buy another PC and install something else...
 Remember it well. I was just like that with the first Mandrake server I set 
 for my office a decade ago. Then you learn that Linux is fairly 
 and that no matter what config changes happen along the way, a bit of reading 
 of the latest release notes and a bit of tweaking and anything can be brought 
 back to life.
 As for looking at another OS, it's great to experiment, but I'd be willing to 
 wager that you find your way back to Arch. By far the most current, 
 and cleanest I've found. (I've tried a lot) Updates are going to causes 
 changes in configs, etc. occasionally, that's just progress. One thing that 
 really helps if you are using your linux box in a critical role is to setup 
 another 'testing' box to test updates on and confirm all is well before 
 updating the box you rely on. That will virtually eliminate any downtime. 
 P4 3.0GHz boxes being excessed for as little as $60 it's cheap insurance.

Yeah, learned the same. I takes some time in the beginning to get familiar with 
things in Linux, like how everything works and all other things. And by that 
time I actually destroyed my system
many times :) Especailly when I start trying out bash commands as root haha 
That was really long time ago. Those were the beginnings...

Yes I tried many Linux distributions and only with Arch I'm satisfied. Actually 
I didn't try all distros of course, because they are many. But I read about 
them. One by one. Talk to other people using
them. Asked them different questions and many distros I tried but when I found 
out about Arch I felt I'm at home :) In the same time I found out about PC-BSD 
but somehow it happened I installed Arch
first, to try it. Right now I'm typing you this message from the same Arch 
installation :) So I never tried anything else since that time. I'm still 
curious about BSD because never try it before. I
used OS X on G5 for 2 years in the office but OS X is different than BSD right?

Must to buy another PC or laptop for testing. P4 3.0GHz? My current PC is like 
3 years old and it's P4 3.2GHz HT :) Still using integrated graphic on 
motherboard and I'm happy :))

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] [SOLVED] php not working - Was: Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-07 Thread Jozsef
On 7 Oct 2009 at 2:28, David C. Rankin wrote:

 On Monday 05 October 2009 06:26:52 am Allan McRae wrote:
  Did you read the news about php on the front page of the website?
 Oh, you mean that one, the one you have to scroll way down (one or two mouse 
 scrolls) to find...
 (ducking. ;-)
 David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
 Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
 510 Ochiltree Street
 Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
 Telephone: (936) 715-9333
 Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

I read it while it was still on top, don't worry. But as I said 
things went wrong even after next Syu...
Everything works fine now. So that's OK.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-05 Thread Jozsef
On 5 Oct 2009 at 15:13, Sergej Pupykin wrote:

 I have start Web_application_package_guidelines.
 I suggest to discuss and improve our web packaging standard.
 PS. to avoid discussion about webapps useless.
 There are (at least)
 - phpmyadmin
 - phpldapadmin
 - phppgadmin
 which have no need in multiple instances on different virtual hosts and 
 useful even on localhost.

Last night after I did yaourt -Syu my php stopped working and this 
time I din't see any news about things I should fix to get it working 
again. Already thinking about switching to some other OS. It's became 
annoying already to always fix something after -Syu.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] php not working - Was: Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-05 Thread Jozsef
On 5 Oct 2009 at 15:46, Sergej Pupykin wrote:

 This is your karma or badly synced mirror. :)
 On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Jozsef wrote:
  Yes i read that and I did that changes last time I did -Syu and
  apache and PHP start working again. But last night it didn't happen.
  I just didn't try to do anything regarding:
  *module path is now /usr/lib/php/modules
  Will try that tonight. If it won't work I'll feel free :)
  Just sad I spent so much time for configuring and setting up such a
  nice OS and now I have to leave it. Eh! That's life.
  O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

I had a problem with badly synced mirror. That's true. Then I change 
mirrors and start over. I got PHP again, what was strange since I 
already got PHP with that badly synced mirror. But the problem was 
with OpenOffice not with PHP. And nothing helped for getting Ooo from 
new mirror again. I just remove it and did -Syu without Ooo
Just don't understand why did I get PHP again from new mirror since I 
already had PHP downloaded. The same version :)
Maybe karma :))

Karma or not, I need a good, stable and working OS.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] php not working - Was: Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-05 Thread Jozsef
On 5 Oct 2009 at 14:18, David Houston wrote:

  I like that it is bleeding edge but still it's not testing version.
  What is the function of Arch distro? For fun?
 Your kidding right? KISS I think that Arch functions really well at
 being bleeding edge and stable.. further more your using aur. Not that
 there is anything wrong with that but things break from time to time, I
 would of put this down for a reason to distro hop.
  Will google for Rock Stable Arch. Thanks.
  Was thiking about PC-BSD.
 Thats a toy!

Yes Arch functions great! But why I need always to fix something 
after Syu? It's just annoying. Really. As I said once before, I'm not 
a programmer or linux developer. I just need an OS which is working 
and it's stable. Nice, good.
What I want to say is: Arch is bleading edge but there is a testing 
version as well right? So if I run testing version I can expect 
things not working, goes wrong and so on. Of course, with regular 
release I can expect the same, but not after each Syu, right?

I'm using AUR and never had an issue with apps from AUR.

Thanks for that link. Very useful. I got an idea to remove PHP 
completelly and to start over. Maybe it would work that way. I don't 
know. But I really had an issue with badly synced mirror. So, each 
time before Syu I need to update my mirrorlist as well :P

What's wrong with PC-BSD? It's based on FreeBSD which is very good OS 
in my opinion. NetBSD is also great, but for servers.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: [arch-general] php not working - Was: Web_application_package_guidelines wiki page

2009-10-05 Thread Jozsef
LoadModule php5_module modules/
Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf

After adding these two lines in httpd.conf everything works fine again.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] kde4 themes and trick your kids (and maybe you) will enjoy

2009-10-01 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009, David C. Rankin wrote:

 Just a note. Most of you are probably a bit younger than I am, but for those 
 with kids who have reached computing age (3+), there are a few kde4 themes 
 tricks they may really enjoy.
 The kde4 themes are:
   Neon Glow by FRUiT
 A thin theme for the adults is seamless (just grab the clock from 
 'Stripeshine' and it really looks cool - see links below)
 The Desktop Effects that my kids enjoy are:
   Explosion (or Fall Apart)
   Magic Lamp
 explosion and fall apart make the windows shatter into pieces when they are 
 closed and magic lamp makes the windows look like they are being sucked into 
 magic lamp when they are minimized.
 A few links that I found helpful for tweaking themes:
 That's my informational post for the day :p

Nice to hear your kids using/enjoying Arch :)
And thanks for infos.

My daughter is still too young. She is only 8 months. But already has her own 
keyboard and mouse :)) Arch will come later.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-23 Thread Jozsef
On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Xavier wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Jozsef wrote:
  Which plugins in particular are you talking about? Can we get an ls
  -l ~/.vim/plugin ?
  To move .vimrc away? but all my settings are in .vimrc :) how do you 
  imagine anything to work without .vimrc?
  I don't have vi and gvim anymore. only vim and .vimrc
  Dude, it is just for testing purpose ...
 Aye, it's for the purpose of testing. My suspicion is that something
 in your ~/.vimrc is causing this problem, as it works fine for
 everyone else.
  total 348
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  40775 2009-07-02 20:46 calendar.vim
  -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  15940 2006-10-30 21:23 cecutil.vim
  -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  62195 2006-10-31 00:17 engspchk.vim
  -rwxr--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  30714 2008-01-25 10:04 matchit.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 147930 2007-09-21 18:11 taglist.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk   1583 2009-06-25 13:49 templates.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  36771 2009-07-02 21:11 vimcommander.vim
  and my .vimrc is important as well:
  Is that ~/.vim/ or ~/.vim/plugins ?
 Note that it's plugin, singular, for the vim plugins dir. I know, it
 annoys me too :)

I tried to remove .vimrc and the plugins still don't work. The colors became 
different than when I use my original .vimrc
Which .vimrc is in use right now? That nobody can knows anymore :) So many 
runtimepaths and directories...

ls -l ~/.vim/plugin
total 348
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  40775 2009-07-02 20:46 calendar.vim
-rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  15940 2006-10-30 21:23 cecutil.vim
-rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  62195 2006-10-31 00:17 engspchk.vim
-rwxr--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  30714 2008-01-25 10:04 matchit.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 147930 2007-09-21 18:11 taglist.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk   1583 2009-06-25 13:49 templates.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  36771 2009-07-02 21:11 vimcommander.vim

ls -l ~/.vim/
total 2032
drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk4096 2009-07-15 21:25 CVIMSYN
drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk4096 2009-07-15 21:25 doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 2048000 2009-07-15 21:24 engspchk.tar
drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk4096 2009-07-15 21:25 plugin
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  74 2009-06-17 22:12 skeleton.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 445 2009-06-17 21:57 skeleton.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk1300 2009-06-17 21:56 skeleton.php
drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk4096 2009-07-13 19:08 templates

It doesn't works fine for everyone else. Somebody already mentioned that he has 
the same issue and I didn't change anything with my .vimrc or with any other 
file or directory or plugin. All I did was
pacman -R vim vi gvim
And after that pacman -S vim
Nothing else. I already paste my .vimrc in last message so if you think 
something is wrong with it, please let me know :)

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-23 Thread Jozsef
On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Jozsef wrote:
  On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Xavier wrote:
   On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Jozsef wrote:
   Which plugins in particular are you talking about? Can we get an ls
   -l ~/.vim/plugin ?
   To move .vimrc away? but all my settings are in .vimrc :) how do you 
   imagine anything to work without .vimrc?
   I don't have vi and gvim anymore. only vim and .vimrc
   Dude, it is just for testing purpose ...
  Aye, it's for the purpose of testing. My suspicion is that something
  in your ~/.vimrc is causing this problem, as it works fine for
  everyone else.
   total 348
   -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  40775 2009-07-02 20:46 calendar.vim
   -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  15940 2006-10-30 21:23 cecutil.vim
   -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  62195 2006-10-31 00:17 engspchk.vim
   -rwxr--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  30714 2008-01-25 10:04 matchit.vim
   -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 147930 2007-09-21 18:11 taglist.vim
   -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk   1583 2009-06-25 13:49 templates.vim
   -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  36771 2009-07-02 21:11 vimcommander.vim
   and my .vimrc is important as well:
   Is that ~/.vim/ or ~/.vim/plugins ?
  Note that it's plugin, singular, for the vim plugins dir. I know, it
  annoys me too :)
  I tried to remove .vimrc and the plugins still don't work. The colors 
  became different than when I use my original .vimrc
  Which .vimrc is in use right now? That nobody can knows anymore :) So many 
  runtimepaths and directories...
  ls -l ~/.vim/plugin
  total 348
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  40775 2009-07-02 20:46 calendar.vim
  -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  15940 2006-10-30 21:23 cecutil.vim
  -rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  62195 2006-10-31 00:17 engspchk.vim
  -rwxr--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  30714 2008-01-25 10:04 matchit.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 147930 2007-09-21 18:11 taglist.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk   1583 2009-06-25 13:49 templates.vim
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  36771 2009-07-02 21:11 vimcommander.vim
  ls -l ~/.vim/
  total 2032
  drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk    4096 2009-07-15 21:25 CVIMSYN
  drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk    4096 2009-07-15 21:25 doc
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 2048000 2009-07-15 21:24 engspchk.tar
  drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk    4096 2009-07-15 21:25 plugin
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk      74 2009-06-17 22:12 skeleton.css
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk     445 2009-06-17 21:57 skeleton.html
  -rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk    1300 2009-06-17 21:56 skeleton.php
  drwxr-xr-x 2 jozefk jozefk    4096 2009-07-13 19:08 templates
  It doesn't works fine for everyone else. Somebody already mentioned that he 
  has the same issue and I didn't change anything with my .vimrc or with any 
  other file or directory or plugin. All I did was
  pacman -R vim vi gvim
  And after that pacman -S vim
  Nothing else. I already paste my .vimrc in last message so if you think 
  something is wrong with it, please let me know :)
 Here's a question for you... are you using vi or vim?

I'm using vim all the time. Never vi. Even gvim I didn't use. I just install it 
to see how it's looks like and how it's works.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-23 Thread Jozsef
On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Johannes Held wrote:

  I'm using vim all the time. Never vi. 
 Little bit more in detail. How do you start vim?
 $ vim
 $ vi
 Gruß, Johannes
 Täglich und du fühlst dich gut.
 Mast und Schotbruch mit dem

Always start it with $ vim
I never try to run vi before in my life :) Just now, after this issue happned I 
tried to run $ vi but it didn't work because I already removed vi with pacman.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-22 Thread Jozsef

Re: [arch-general] Fwd: Re: vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-22 Thread Jozsef
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

   - Original Message -
   From: Aaron Griffin
   Sent: 09/22/09 07:10 pm
   To: General Discusson about Arch Linux
   Subject: Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1
   On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Jozsef wrote:
I never used runtimepath before and everything worked fine.
   You shouldn't have to. It is set by default by vim. In a running vim
   instance do
   :echo runtimepath
And I don't have a after directory in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/
   at the moment. Is it something I should create by myself?
   It doesn't need to exist. And it's certainly useless if empty. Only
   create it if you need it.
And all of that directories inside of /usr/share/vim/ are owned by
   root. It could be a reason why the plugins don't work if I copy them
   to vimfiles/plugins or vimfiles/after
I'm not running vim as root, why should I do that?
   Owned by root does not mean that you can't READ the files. Vim
   need to do anything except read them, and it can.
   I guess I'm confused as to where you installed your plugins. It's
   typically best to install them in ~/.vim/ rather than system wide
 If the Vim 7.2.245-1 will work the same as my previous version, in case
 if I create that after directory and copy everything from ~/.vim into
 it, I would be happy to do it. In that case everything should work
 without setting runtimepath in ~/.vimrc
 But I'm not sure that's the case. Will try and let you know.
 I installed all my plugins in ~/.vim directory. But as I said earlier,
 non of my plugins worked with Vim 7.2.245-1 before I added set
 runtimepath... in ~/.vimrc
 That's why I tried first to copy my plugins in /usr/share/vim and
 /usr/share/vim/vimfiles and other places. But nothing helped. I didn't
 knew about after directory, that's why I haven't tried that yet.

As I thought. If I remove runtimepath and copy everything from ~/.vim to 
Nothing is working.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-22 Thread Jozsef
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Xavier wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Aaron Griffin 
  On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Jozsef wrote:
  I never used runtimepath before and everything worked fine.
  You shouldn't have to. It is set by default by vim. In a running vim 
  instance do
  :echo runtimepath
 To Jozsef :
 please remove your custom runtimepath from vimrc, and paste the output
 of the above command.
 You should keep your plugins in ~/.vim/ , and figure out why they are
 not found there.

Here is the output: 

And why the plugins don't work I can not tell you because I'm not moving them 
around. If I put runtimepath in .vimrc they work, if I remove it they don't 
work. So the problem is not with plugins and
it's not with runtimepath. I don't know what else is different in this verison 
of vim. I'm not a programer and developer of vim. I'm just using it everyday. 
Even this email I'm typing in vim (without
plugins since I comment out runtimepath :)

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-22 Thread Jozsef
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Jozsef wrote:
  On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Xavier wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Aaron Griffin 
   On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Jozsef wrote:
   I never used runtimepath before and everything worked fine.
   You shouldn't have to. It is set by default by vim. In a running vim 
   instance do
   :echo runtimepath
  To Jozsef :
  please remove your custom runtimepath from vimrc, and paste the output
  of the above command.
  You should keep your plugins in ~/.vim/ , and figure out why they are
  not found there.
  Here is the output: 
  And why the plugins don't work I can not tell you because I'm not moving 
  them around. If I put runtimepath in .vimrc they work, if I remove it they 
  don't work. So the problem is not with plugins and
  it's not with runtimepath. I don't know what else is different in this 
  verison of vim. I'm not a programer and developer of vim. I'm just using it 
  everyday. Even this email I'm typing in vim (without
  plugins since I comment out runtimepath :)
 Um are you actually installing your plugins to ~/.vim/plugin? The
 runtime path above (the default) clearly includes the same directories
 that your manual runtimepath setting has...
 I don't know what you're doing, but you have some major config issues.
 Please mv your vimrc/gvimrc files away so that no extraneous config
 files are executed and try again.
 Which plugins in particular are you talking about? Can we get an ls
 -l ~/.vim/plugin ?

To move .vimrc away? but all my settings are in .vimrc :) how do you imagine 
anything to work without .vimrc?
I don't have vi and gvim anymore. only vim and .vimrc

total 348
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  40775 2009-07-02 20:46 calendar.vim
-rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  15940 2006-10-30 21:23 cecutil.vim
-rw--- 1 jozefk jozefk  62195 2006-10-31 00:17 engspchk.vim
-rwxr--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  30714 2008-01-25 10:04 matchit.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk 147930 2007-09-21 18:11 taglist.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk   1583 2009-06-25 13:49 templates.vim
-rw-r--r-- 1 jozefk jozefk  36771 2009-07-02 21:11 vimcommander.vim

and my .vimrc is important as well: 

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

[arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
Before upgrading to vim 7.2.245-1 I removed vi, gvim and vim with pacman -R
then I installed only vim 7.2.245-1 and I see my scripts and plugins for 
autocompition, buffers on top of window... are not working anymore.
Anybody had some similar experience? 
Is there any fix for this or I need to start from begining and to search for 
scripts/plugins again and to install them from scratch?


PS: I can't imagine working without vim anymore.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Javier Ramos Hidalgo wrote:

 2009/9/21 Jozsef
  Before upgrading to vim 7.2.245-1 I removed vi, gvim and vim with pacman -R
  then I installed only vim 7.2.245-1 and I see my scripts and plugins for
  autocompition, buffers on top of window... are not working anymore.
  Anybody had some similar experience?
  Is there any fix for this or I need to start from begining and to search
  for scripts/plugins again and to install them from scratch?
 I have a similar problem. All the ~/.vim/plugins/ links are orphan. All
 points to vim-script somewhere in /usr but I haven't that path in my
 Any idea? What package install that directory or something like that?

There is a /usr/share/vim folder and inside of it /plugin, /vim72 and /vimfiles
I tried to copy my files from ~/.vim to all of that places and nothing worked. 
Don't know what to try else.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Javier Ramos Hidalgo wrote:
  2009/9/21 Jozsef
   Before upgrading to vim 7.2.245-1 I removed vi, gvim and vim with pacman 
   then I installed only vim 7.2.245-1 and I see my scripts and plugins for
   autocompition, buffers on top of window... are not working anymore.
   Anybody had some similar experience?
   Is there any fix for this or I need to start from begining and to search
   for scripts/plugins again and to install them from scratch?
  I have a similar problem. All the ~/.vim/plugins/ links are orphan. All
  points to vim-script somewhere in /usr but I haven't that path in my
  Any idea? What package install that directory or something like that?
 There is a /usr/share/vim folder and inside of it /plugin, /vim72 and 
 I tried to copy my files from ~/.vim to all of that places and nothing 
 worked. Don't know what to try else.

This is working:
set runtimepath=~/.vim,/usr/share/vim,/usr/share/vim/vim72

Add that line to your ~./vimrc

Will work until next update I guess. After that we will see what we will do.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:
  On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Javier Ramos Hidalgo wrote:
   2009/9/21 Jozsef
Before upgrading to vim 7.2.245-1 I removed vi, gvim and vim with 
pacman -R
then I installed only vim 7.2.245-1 and I see my scripts and plugins for
autocompition, buffers on top of window... are not working anymore.
Anybody had some similar experience?
Is there any fix for this or I need to start from begining and to search
for scripts/plugins again and to install them from scratch?
   I have a similar problem. All the ~/.vim/plugins/ links are orphan. All
   points to vim-script somewhere in /usr but I haven't that path in my
   Any idea? What package install that directory or something like that?
  There is a /usr/share/vim folder and inside of it /plugin, /vim72 and 
  I tried to copy my files from ~/.vim to all of that places and nothing 
  worked. Don't know what to try else.
 This is working:
 set runtimepath=~/.vim,/usr/share/vim,/usr/share/vim/vim72
 Add that line to your ~./vimrc
 Will work until next update I guess. After that we will see what we will do.

Getting this message after exit from Vim: 
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/vim/doc': Permission denied

It's just annoying.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Tobias Kieslich wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
  Hrrm, I don't know if we should be using the 'after' dir for default
  plugins installed by pacman. It seem like these actually belong in
  /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/. The after directory has a special
  purpose, and none of the plugins I can think of seem to fit that
  purpose. At least, it doesn't seem valid to use the after dir as a
  general rule.
 That might actually be the case, that we put them into plugin instead of
 after. And AFAIR that works out of the box as well.

I never used runtimepath before and everything worked fine.

And I don't have a after directory in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ at the moment. 
Is it something I should create by myself?

At least I'm happy my vim is working the same as before. Hope there will be 
always some kind of workaround for this issue. Or at least some tutorial/manual 
how to fix things once and for always.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Jozsef
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Tobias Kieslich wrote:
  On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
   Hrrm, I don't know if we should be using the 'after' dir for default
   plugins installed by pacman. It seem like these actually belong in
   /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/. The after directory has a special
   purpose, and none of the plugins I can think of seem to fit that
   purpose. At least, it doesn't seem valid to use the after dir as a
   general rule.
  That might actually be the case, that we put them into plugin instead of
  after. And AFAIR that works out of the box as well.
 I never used runtimepath before and everything worked fine.
 And I don't have a after directory in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ at the 
 moment. Is it something I should create by myself?
 At least I'm happy my vim is working the same as before. Hope there will be 
 always some kind of workaround for this issue. Or at least some 
 tutorial/manual how to fix things once and for always.

And all of that directories inside of /usr/share/vim/ are owned by root. It 
could be a reason why the plugins don't work if I copy them to vimfiles/plugins 
or vimfiles/after
I'm not running vim as root, why should I do that?

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] New user

2009-09-10 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Sergi Pasoev wrote:

 Hello! I am new here and new to Arch Linux too I have been using Debian
 GNU/Linux before. I am posting this mail just for saying hello!

Hello Sergi and welcome to Arch world :)
I used SuSE for couple of years, then Debian a few months after that and
up to date I'm on Arch and will never look for any other distro in Linux
Have a nice time with Arch Linux!

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] Stuff in /etc/cron.d/ won't work?

2009-09-06 Thread Jozsef
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:

 On 26.08.2009 05:37, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
  On 26.08.2009 05:10, Aaron Griffin wrote:

  On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Sven-Hendrik 

  On 25.08.2009 22:21, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

  Would your script needs a shebang?
  2009/8/25 Sven-Hendrik Haase

  On 25.08.2009 12:51, solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:

  the crond log tells me that cron actually runs this command every

  minute without a problem
  i think you mis-read your log. and it should tell you that cron is
  looking for changes in /etc/cron.d every minute.
  may be, if you change you first * * * in your lol then may be it will
  assuming you're using the good cron. because fcron does not
  support /etc/cron.d but there is other ways to achieve the same thing.
  check crond man page or its documentation

  I'm using dcron and also I didn't misread. Also, dcron doesn't look for
  changes in said directory without restarting from what I have found out.
  It actually tells me what it is going to execute and that is my
  /etc/cron.d/lol file. It would report and error otherwise. The thing
  that strikes me is that the command doesn't actually do anything. echo
  is a shell built-in of sh, bash, any shell really so env vars shouldn't
  be an issue.
  Any ideas?

  No, stuff in /etc/cron.d/ looks just like stuff in your crontab and gets
  executed by the shell mentioned in $SHELL. Still, it wouldn't matter
  because I'm using a built-in here. I'm really baffled by this.

  For the record, I've always had issues with this myself. I remedied it
  by simply putting things in root's crontab, but that's not a proper
  solution. If you can figure out how to get /etc/cron.d/ working as it
  should, I will love you forever

  From web searches, it appears that dcron's support for /etc/cron.d is
  somewhat wacky and not guaranteed to work. I think having a look at
  bcron might be worth it. Find it here: and
  find the AUR package here:
  A somewhat old assessment of available cron daemons by bcron's author
  can be found here:
  Out of interest, I just looked up what other distros use for their cron
  system and surprise! Ubuntu and Debian both use bcron and /etc/cron.d
  works alright.
  I shall hereby request changing Arch's default cron daemon to bcron in
  order to fix the /etc/cron.d issues, to make Arch seem more modern and
  to make Aaron love me forever (whatever it is that will subsequently
  happen from that).

 I'd like to bring this up again. Changing the cron daemon to a more
 modern one seems like a good idea to me.

What is the more modern one?

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

[arch-general] LDIF to abook

2009-09-04 Thread Jozsef
I have my contacts from Thunderbird in .ldif format and my abook doesn't
want to import from that file. Same with .csv
This is the message I'm getting: Error occured while opening the file
Any idea?

I had some names written in cyrilic but I edited them with vim to latin
and still no difference.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] LDIF to abook

2009-09-04 Thread Jozsef
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

 I have my contacts from Thunderbird in .ldif format and my abook doesn't
 want to import from that file. Same with .csv
 This is the message I'm getting: Error occured while opening the file
 Any idea?
 I had some names written in cyrilic but I edited them with vim to latin
 and still no difference.

Just now I notice that I can't even export contacts from abook. Getting
almost the same message: Error occured while exporting
Is this something to do with permissions? 

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] LDIF to abook

2009-09-04 Thread Jozsef
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:

 On Sat, 05 Sep 2009, Jozsef wrote:
  I have my contacts from Thunderbird in .ldif format and my abook doesn't
  want to import from that file. Same with .csv
  This is the message I'm getting: Error occured while opening the file
  Any idea?
  I had some names written in cyrilic but I edited them with vim to latin
  and still no difference.
 Just now I notice that I can't even export contacts from abook. Getting
 almost the same message: Error occured while exporting
 Is this something to do with permissions? 

I changed the permissions of ~/.abook/addressbook to a+rwx and still
getting the same message. Very strange.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] offlineimap went crazy

2009-09-03 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 03 Sep 2009, Patrick Brisbin wrote:

 On 09/03/09 at 05:56pm, Jozsef wrote:
  Everything worked fine until I changed the .offlineimaprc to fetch
  mails from multiple accounts.
  Here is my .offlineimaprc :
 I use offlineimap with multiple accounts and it's working fine here. my
 offlineimaprc is a bit simpler than yours though[1], you're welcome to
 take/adjust it and see if there are any improvements.
 Supporting mutt and msmtp configs are in the same directory.
 patrick brisbin

Thanks for reply Patrick! But I can't open your link. Even last time
you post your script for checking if offlineimap is running with cron.
I was not able to open it :(
Could you, please, post them all somewhere else? 
I think you were right about buggy built-in 
interval-resync functionality. I even think that is why it's crashing.
Now I'm trying with crontab but I can't see how it works except if I
keep receiving emails in my inbox.
And what was that script you have for checking if offlineimap is
running? How can I use it? Where to place it and how to run it?
Hope it's not too many questions :)

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] offlineimap went crazy

2009-09-03 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, 03 Sep 2009, Patrick Brisbin wrote:

 On 09/03/09 at 05:34pm, Xavier wrote:
  On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Patrick wrote:
   On 09/03/09 at 07:17pm, Jozsef wrote:
   On Thu, 03 Sep 2009, Patrick Brisbin wrote:
 Could you, please, post them all somewhere else?
   I see only your .offlineimaprc in pastie. Am I missing something or
   you forgot to paste your script?
   don't know what to tell you, it's all there. promise.
   are we on the same internet?
  ahah. apparently not :)
  btw the link works
  perfectly here, but the problem with pastie looks like a bigger one :)
 Thank you for checking, I sent a few 'does this link work for you' IMs
 immediately after that first message.
 Maybe you're confused because pastie lets you paste multiple things into
 one paste by separating them with '## Some Heading'?
 I've checked the link 3 times, offlineimaprc, mailrun, and cron...
 are the three headings I used in that paste, and it looks fine from
 patrick brisbin

I tried to send this message from Thunderbird but it didn't go through.
Maybe because of HTML:

OK I see the rest of the pastie files. Thanks. Will try that. still not working here. I'm in Dubai, UAE :)
 Cron is running offlineimap but I'm not getting the message. I
Thunderbird and I see I have some mails but didn't get them
in Mutt.
   Need to try different things. Also, I run pacman -Syu in
   the meantime
  :) Changed .offlineimaprc a couple of times on the fly
  :)) But I guess
 everything will work fine after restart haha
If not I'll go crazy together with my

Now I changed my .offlineimaprc and made it more simple. Something alike
Patrick's. Seems it's wokring now. Finally. Made the script as well and
add it to cron. Will try to see how it's work.

Thanks for all replies! 
Will let you know if there is something wrong.

Jozsef Kurucity  |  Web  Graphic Designer
+971 50 6783113  |

Re: [arch-general] how to migrate installs between hard drives?

2009-07-28 Thread Jozsef
What's the problem changing back the permitions?


Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come;
worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of
waters. Revelation 14:7

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Will Siddall will.sidd...@gmail.comwrote:

 I did try the tar method with the same results.  The only method I
 could see working would be the dd, but even looking at the mounted iso
 afterwards, permissions were not set.  I should be seeing at least
 ownership by my username, or 'user #1000' but after copying (and yes,
 with 'cp -a') it still returns root.


 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Roman
  On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 22:20, Will
  Hey everyone,
  After several attempts, I'm still back to trying to resolve this.  To
  explain in more detail, I had a 100G hd with a root partition (with my
  Arch Install), a data partition and a swap.  I managed to run dd on
  both partitions and in the new hd (200G) apply both.  But that only
  worked partially due to the fact that it copied the ratios of file
  sizes rather than the actual file size... Copying 80G of data from a
  30G partition doesn't quite sit well with me.
  Next step was to mount the iso images and copy the files.  That's what
  I was in the process of doing of my last message and it worked...
  until I went to restart and update.  What I found that was that my
  permissions and ownership info was not kept.  Because of this, as soon
  as I went to update anything, the installers would run, but just
  delete the files (it deleted pacman and yaourt so I had to find a way
  to compile pacman to install again... until it tried to update all of
  my bin tools... then everything was gone).
  Now following all of your suggestions, I tried rsync -arpol and a
  variety of different other settings but it still doesn't keep the
  permissions.  I tried running tar on the partition, still not working.
  Does anyone have any other suggestions or know why I'm having this
  problem?  I'm going to try to wipe out the new hard drive and run dd
  on the whole 100g disk and reapply it to the 200G disk.  And by the
  way, I'm running a ubuntu livecd to run these processes.
  Did you try the tar method?
  Also, when you copy files, did you use cp -a?
  You can also try partimage which makes copies of partitions.
  Doing full byte-to-byte copy of HDD and then doing partition/fs resize
  or creating an additional partition in empty space is my preferred
  Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

Re: [arch-general] sound busted after upgrade to kernel 2.6.30?

2009-06-25 Thread Jozsef
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Tobias Powalowski wrote:

 Am Donnerstag 25 Juni 2009 schrieb Jozsef:
  On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Tobias Powalowski
   Am Donnerstag 25 Juni 2009 schrieb Jozsef:
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Chris Brannon
 My sound was busted yesterday when I upgraded from kernel 2.6.29 to
 2.6.30. I had to regenerate my asound.state.
 At first, I thought it was just my problem, because I use the
 This gave me trouble in the past.
 A friend of mine reported the same experience, so someone else had
 problems on upgrade as well.

 What happened to ALSA?
 Did anyone else have the same trouble?

 -- Chris
alsa works fine here
   Alsa tends to break for some people with every major release, so manual
   is needed.
   Alsa never worked perfectly and will not in the future, that is what i
   can tell ya from the past 5 years.
   Tobias Powalowski
   Archlinux Developer  Package Maintainer (tpowa)
  what is your suggestion instead of ALSA?
 There is no sugesstion, there is no sound framework working for all.
 That's only my observation that sound is always broken for someone.
 Tobias Powalowski
 Archlinux Developer  Package Maintainer (tpowa)

that's not just about sound. something is always broken for someone. but the
reasons are different.

Re: [arch-general] Stolen Logo

2009-06-10 Thread Jozsef
what a strange people they are. first they steal the logo, then thay said it
was made by themself and now it's dissapeard from their website. wow :)


Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come;
worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of
waters. Revelation 14:7

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Matthew wrote:

 Alessandro Doro wrote:


 Well it looks as if the logo disappeared from their website.