Re: [arch-general] okular print preview error

2009-06-25 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Aha, I see. I'll look further into it -- I rarely need to use print
preview, but I resort to evince when I have to, and this is really a
bug that needs to be squashed. Thanks for the link!


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 02:05, wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:41:56 -0400
 Leonid Grinberg wrote:

 Does anyone know what else might cause this?

 i got this response from the forums:
 Since it's a print preview, the file is stored in /tmp, which okular
 doesn't like.  You need to move the file or get another viewer program
 for it to work, unless there is a setting in okular that can fix this.

 however, it makes no sense to me that okular won't like /tmp since i
 thought /tmp was supposed to be used for just such a purpose by
 programs. nor could i find anything in okular options to make a change.

 In friendship,

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Re: [arch-general] okular print preview error

2009-06-22 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Just to bump this discussion -- I too am having this problem. /tmp is
definitely not empty, and there is no DRM in this document (it was
produced by me via pdflatex).

Does anyone know what else might cause this?

Leonid Grinberg

Re: [arch-general] [signoff] kernel-

2009-04-22 Thread Leonid Grinberg
I just want to report that after upgrading, the kernel refused to
recognise my main partition and thus refused to boot. The only way I
could fix it was to rollback to 2.6.28.

[arch-general] Keyboard repeat in KDE

2009-04-08 Thread Leonid Grinberg

I know I sent this before, but this is a new version of KDE and the
problem is becoming really bad. Every once in a while, keyboard repeat
will suddenly be unset. I can fix it in systemsettings, only to have
it get unset again randomly. Sometimes it will only take a few
minutes, sometimes hours. It is very very annoying. Is there anything
I can do to fix it?

I am running 4.2.2 (not kdemod, vanilla).

Thanks in advance,

Re: [arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

2009-03-12 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Well, it just happened again, and I realised that the past two times
it has happened has always been when alt-tabbing. So I decided to
restart kwin and, sure enough, everything works. That's the problem.

Re: [arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

2009-03-04 Thread Leonid Grinberg
It does often happen when I'm typing something, or using
Alt-[number] to switch tabs in Firefox, but this might just be
coincidence -- especially since this is, as I said, a laptop, I tend
to use the keyboard as much as I can.

As far as global shortcuts go, I only installed yakuake recently and
this happened before I installed it. It *might* be associated with
switching virtual desktops, though.

2009/3/4 Bram Schoenmakers
 On Wednesday 04 March 2009 01:35:57 Leonid Grinberg wrote:

 Hello Leonid,

 Every once in a while -- not too frequently to be unusable, but
 certainly enough to be annoying -- the keyboard in KDE will simply
 lock up. Mouse will still work fine, and keyboard inputs that don't go
 through KDE -- switching to virtual terminals, resetting X via
 ctrl-alt-backspace still work (and, indeed, resetting X and
 logging back in is the only thing that fixes it). I can't see any real
 pattern as to when this happens -- programs that I basically always
 have running, though, are Pidgin, Firefox and keytouchd, as well as,
 obviously, plasma, etc. I am running the vanilla KDE 4.2 packages.

 Thanks in advance. This is really starting to become annoying.

 Maybe it is the same bug which is open for quite some time in KDE Bugzilla
 [1]. I had this problem too before, on Gentoo Linux with KDE 3.5.x. This has
 something to do with the global shortcuts and I didn't notice that anyone had
 a real clue what triggered it. I wouldn't be surprised if it is still in KDE

 Perhaps the Gentoo bug [2] may contains some pointers too.

 So, do you know if the problem is triggered by using global shortcuts (window
 manager related, or invoking Yakuake with F12)?


 Kind regards,

 Bram Schoenmakers

 What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
 (Punch, 1855)

[arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

2009-03-03 Thread Leonid Grinberg

Every once in a while -- not too frequently to be unusable, but
certainly enough to be annoying -- the keyboard in KDE will simply
lock up. Mouse will still work fine, and keyboard inputs that don't go
through KDE -- switching to virtual terminals, resetting X via
ctrl-alt-backspace still work (and, indeed, resetting X and
logging back in is the only thing that fixes it). I can't see any real
pattern as to when this happens -- programs that I basically always
have running, though, are Pidgin, Firefox and keytouchd, as well as,
obviously, plasma, etc. I am running the vanilla KDE 4.2 packages.

Thanks in advance. This is really starting to become annoying.

Leonid Grinberg

Re: [arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

2009-03-03 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Does anyone know if this bug is upstream?

2009/3/3 Cristian Wilgenhoff
 me too.. +1 for bugfix

Re: [arch-general] Keyboad in KDE locks up

2009-03-03 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Actually, it's a laptop.

Re: [arch-general] how to mount external hdd

2009-02-18 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Pyther, RedShift et al,

Without meaning to start a flame war, your complaints are a bit

Yes, the question is a pretty basic one and is answered in other
places. Yes, it's probably prudent to try and ask search engines,
forums, etc. But the OP has no way of knowing what's a n00b question
and what isn't. He was polite and cooperative, following the advice
people gave him, and thanking us when it helped. The point of this
mailing list is to help people solve problems. This thread, until
people started acting rude, was a perfect example of that system
working. Why break it?


Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-18 Thread Leonid Grinberg
After many hours of searching, I still cannot figure it out. The
problem is definitely not in the xset dpms force off command -- it's
in the fact that ACPI simply stops realising that the lid is closed.
Is there anything that can be done?

Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-18 Thread Leonid Grinberg
The backlight stays on.

I am going to try a different command (a much more visible one); if it
gets run correctly each time, then it's xset's fault; else, acpid's.

2009/2/18 Thayer Williams
 On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Leonid Grinberg wrote:
 After many hours of searching, I still cannot figure it out. The
 problem is definitely not in the xset dpms force off command -- it's
 in the fact that ACPI simply stops realising that the lid is closed.
 Is there anything that can be done?

 Is it that the backlight stays on after close, or does it stay off and
 being opened?

 Have you tried any commands other than xset, such as xscreensaver, etc.?

 I have the exact same laptop and experience no such behaviour.

Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-18 Thread Leonid Grinberg
OK, the problem is definitely with ACPI -- I just tried it with a
completely different app, and it failed as well (while running xset
dpms force off manually from the command line worked). Might this be
an upstream bug?

Re: [arch-general] how to mount external hdd

2009-02-17 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Hi Preston,

Basically, you should think of mounting a file system as placing it
under some root in your larger file system. In this case, /dev/sdXY
can be thought of as a representation of the file system you want to
mount (the one on the external HD). You can place it anywhere you
want, and that will be its root in your larger file
system. Typically, people do something like /media/disk, but it really
can be anything. So

$ sudo mount /dev/sdXY /media/disk

works, but so does

$ sudo mount /dev/sdXY /monkeys/are/awesome/

provided that you had first created a directory called awesome
inside a directory called are inside a directory called monkeys at
/, your root point.

As far as the #identify goes -- I actually think that it doesn't do
anything. In BASH (the shell you are probably using), the pound sign
denotes a comment, which means that everything before it and the end
of the line is ignored. So

$ a-random-command # lions are pretty cool too

just runs a-random-command. I think the poster put #identify there
just so you know what you are doing -- it's not actually necessary.

Hope this helps.

Leonid Grinberg

Re: [arch-general] how to mount external hdd

2009-02-17 Thread Leonid Grinberg
 denotes a comment, which means that everything before it and the end
 of the line is ignored. So

I'm sorry, I meant that everything *between* it [the # sign] and the
end of the line is ignored.


Re: [arch-general] how to mount external hdd

2009-02-17 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Yes, it is typical that USB external drives are /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb1
(the number at the end indicates the partition number, generally).

Re: [arch-general] HAL issues

2009-02-13 Thread Leonid Grinberg
 Remember that this configuration inside policykit will allow EACH and
 EVERY user on your system to do these actions, which is wrong.
 There's consolekit for this. Sessions should either be launched via kdm
 or gdm which have native consolekit support, or using ck-launch-session
 when starting from xinitrc. There's also a pam module that can be used,
 but somehow it doesn't always work fine (slim doesn't work with it at

This is a laptop with only one user, and that would be fine with me.
At present, though, it doesn't work at all. Attached is my
/etc/PolyKit/PolicyKit.conf file. Can someone help? This is really
starting to get troublesome :-(.


Re: [arch-general] HAL issues

2009-02-13 Thread Leonid Grinberg
It shouldn't, no. However, in this case, it's not allowing it even to
the specified user.

Re: [arch-general] HAL issues

2009-02-13 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Wait, I am using KDE (vanilla 4.2, not kdemod) not SLiM. Should I do
something analogous for KDE?

Re: [arch-general] HAL issues

2009-02-13 Thread Leonid Grinberg
So, though I am using KDE, I am actually doing it through GDM. Is
there a way to get GDM to integrate it?

2009/2/13 Jan de Groot
 On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 15:37 -0500, Leonid Grinberg wrote:
 Wait, I am using KDE (vanilla 4.2, not kdemod) not SLiM. Should I do
 something analogous for KDE?

 KDE 4.2 has native consolekit integration when using kdm, so in that
 case there's nothing you have to change. If you want to use startx, you
 should use exec ck-launch-session startkde4 instead of just exec

Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-13 Thread Leonid Grinberg
So, after a few days of problem-free acpid functionality, it, again,
failed to work last night and required a /etc/rc.d/acpid restart,
which fixed it. Does anyone know what might cause this?

2009/2/9 Thayer Williams
 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Leonid Grinberg wrote:
 xset needs to connect to the X server, so it needs both for the
 DISPLAY to be specified and also to have access to the XAuthority
 cookie for the X server. Otherwise it will not work - can't connect to
 the X server.

 Since acpid runs as a sytem service it ussually doesn't have access to
 that information.

 Hmm, so, so far, everything seems to be working fine... One can play
 DISPLAY=:0 before xset dpms force off, but how does one grant it
 access to the XAuthority cookie?

 Can't help you guys much there.  I never blank my screen without
 enabling some sort of screenlock/screensaver.  For instance, I use
 slock which locks the X session and, as a side effect, shuts off the

[arch-general] HAL issues

2009-02-12 Thread Leonid Grinberg

I just upgraded to networkmanager 0.7, which comes with a hal upgrade.
Following this new upgrade, I am unable to mount devices from Dolphin
as I used to be able to -- it now gives me a PermissionDeniedByPolicy
mount-removable-extra-options no error. I followed the instructions
on [1] but it did not help. Can someone help me?



[arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-08 Thread Leonid Grinberg

My laptop has ACPI running to detect, among other things, the lid
state, so that it can shut off the screen if it is closed. However,
every once in a while, the functionality simply doesn't work -- I
close the lid and the computer doesn't respond. Running
/etc/rc.d/acpid restart makes it work again, only to fail again in a
few days.

I am running ACPI 1.2 on 2.6.28. Any ideas?

Leonid Grinberg

Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-08 Thread Leonid Grinberg
 Don't laptops do this in hardware? turning off the screen when the lid
 is closed? (Mine does so).
 Whyd would you need acpid to control this?

I don't think my laptop does this. If someone has a Dell Inspiron e1505/6400
and knows how to make it turn off the backlight in hardware, please tell me.


Re: [arch-general] Weird acpid issue

2009-02-08 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Well, that's good news, isn't it? :-)

At present, I have, in /etc/acpi/

xset dpms force off
logger ACPI group/action undefined: $1 / $2

I'll replace with what you have (though xset dpms force off rather
than the echo command), and see if the problem goes away. Thanks!

[arch-general] Lancelot in KDE 4.2

2009-01-29 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Hi all,

It appears that Lancelot ( is
broken in Arch. Running lancelot opens no menu. According to [1],
this is caused by a lack of
/usrshare/dbus-1/services/org.kde.lancelot.service However, I have
that file in the directory.

Moreover, I discovered that lancelot seems to be provided by two
different packages. One of them is kdeplasma-addons. The other is
lancelot. Both, I think, are maintained by Pierre. Reinstalling
kdeplasma-addons doesn't seem to fix the problem, and installing
lancelot without --force is impossible, since it tries to create files
that are already there (this is despite the fact that lancelot and
kdeplasma-addons are not marked as conflicting with each other). If
you do include --force, it gives you missing library errors, but this
seems like a bad approach anyway.

Does anyone know what can be done about this?

Leonid Grinberg


Re: [arch-general] Garbled Text in KDE 4.2

2009-01-28 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Oh, and I forgot to add -- the fonts seem to fix themselves when the
window gets redrawn in some way -- unmaximise/maximise, switch to a
different workspace, etc.


[arch-general] Garbled Text in KDE 4.2

2009-01-28 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Hi everyone,

I have recently upgraded to KDE 4.2 (vanilla, not kdemod) and have
noticed an odd glitch. Every once in a while, with no pattern I can
discern, the font in the title bar of a window will have garbled text
in it [1]. When I took that screenshot and was about to save it, I
noticed that the file chooser dialogue also had the glitch, as did the
text in the dialogue [2]. The fonts are Sans Serif 10 bold.

Does anyone know why this would happen?



Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] KDE 4.2.0 in [testing]

2009-01-23 Thread Leonid Grinberg
 Please let me know of any problems during the upgrade. I think about
 collecting them for a samll upgrade guide.

Sir, if you do that, I will be eternally grateful. I have been
awaiting 4.2 for quite a while, but am sort of anxious about the
upgrade given the number of problems people have reported.

Re: [arch-general] How to change default terminal from xterm

2009-01-14 Thread Leonid Grinberg
 Bummer!  It really is a pain having my apps (MySQL Administrator, in this
 case) open up an xterm with its tiny little fonts.

 I'll see what I can do about setting this for both KDE and GNOME, and then
 have to just hope for the best.

I am not 100% certain, but I think that MySQL administrator listens to
GNOME settings.


Re: [arch-general] A good CPU Load/Memory/Network Activity Monitor in KDE

2008-12-29 Thread Leonid Grinberg

Thanks a lot for those suggestions. These will do wonderfully for now.
Both have packages in AUR, too!



Leonid Grinberg

[arch-general] KDE 4.2 and AUR Upgrading

2008-12-28 Thread Leonid Grinberg

I am currently running a vanilla KDE 4.1.3. There are a number of
problems that I am having, all of which, I am told, are fixed in 4.2
None of the problems are incredibly serious, but they are annoying
enough that I am considering upgrading to 4.2. I thus have a few

1) Once 4.2 is released, how soon is it reasonable to expect that it
will be in the repositories (not AUR).

2) If one installs a package from AUR, and then it is moved to the
main repositories, does Pacman know that the two packages are the
same? I am interested in this with regards both to this question and
to others -- e.g. the main repositories currently have Amarok 1.4
while AUR has 2.0. I am wary of installing it from  AUR because when
it is moved to the main repositories, I don't know if Pacman will know
how to handle the upgrade.

Thanks in advance!
Leonid Grinberg