[arch-general] XFCE removable storage unmount notification gone

2018-06-25 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general
I'm running three copies of Arch with XFCE as DE. Recently I've noticed 
that the normal desktop notification when a removable storage device is 
unmount has gone. As a test, I turned on auto-mount. When a USB drive is 
plugged in, I'm still getting mount notifications, but nothing when the 
device is unmounted. The only indication I see that the device has 
unmounted is a change to the desktop icon.

One of my Arch installs isn't used all that often, so hasn't been 
updated recently. Its still showing both mount and unmount notifications.

Trouble is, I can go for fairly long periods without using removable 
media, so I've no real idea what update caused the change. No idea how 
to hunt for it either.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour? Any ideas how to fix it?


Re: [arch-general] problems accessing samba share through Xfce gui

2017-06-14 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general

ITwrx.org wrote:

On 06/14/2017 08:28 AM, Paul Marwick via arch-general wrote:

... Any help would be very gratefully received.

have you tried reinstalling gvfs-smb?
Yes, one of the first things I tried. Makes no difference. It almost 
looks like some sort of timing issue, but I've so far not managed to 
find anything that looks like the culprit.

I've seen some of this problem before - I had Sparky Linux installed on 
my last laptop (mainly to support someone else). Its based on Debian 
testing and there was a period of some weeks when it came up with the 
first error - 'Unable to open "/" on . Timeout was reached'. Whatever 
was causing that was fixed in Debian testing and hasn't come back. 
Though that one never showed the variability of the problem I'm seeing.


[arch-general] problems accessing samba share through Xfce gui

2017-06-14 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general
Arch Linux, fully updated,  running Xfce, installed on a Lenovo T420 
laptop. I’m having strange, intermittent problems accessing samba shares 
through the GUI.

The problem varies, no pattern that I can detect. Sometimes, clicking on 
the “Browse Network” icon in Thunar does nothing, eventually returning 
‘Failed to open “/” Timeout reached’ . Other times it will open the 
network view and allow me to double-click the Windows Network icon. 
Sometimes that is the last thing that happens (possibly followed by 
another timeout error, though that can take so long that I may have shut 
the machine down before it happens). If it gets past the main Windows 
network stage, it will show me any active workgroup. It may fail there, 
or it may give me a view of the machines in the workgroup. It may allow 
me to select a machine, and may show me the shares on the machine. If I 
double-click on a share, it will (sometimes) pop up the login dialog. If 
that fails, sometimes double-clicking a second time will show the login 

If I am able to connect to a share, there is (sometimes) a further 
problem. Using the Thunar option to disconnect from the share works, but 
if I attempt to reconnect to the share, or connect to another share, 
instead of opening the share in Thunar, it opens VLC, which doesn’t 
understand what is going on and does nothing.

I have two other Arch installations on my laptop, plus two desktop 
machines which run Arch. None of the other installations have any 
similar problems. The Arch installs are all very similar in terms of how 
they were installed and the software they have on them. Also, the 
install which is giving me this problem developed it – originally it 
worked without any errors. I mad a mistake configuring the samba server 
on an Ubuntu 16.04 server and followed that up by attempting to access 
the share from my Arch install. This problem has been happening ever 
since then, but only on the one install.

I’ve checked the systemd journal and found absolutely nothing to help me 
diagnose the problem. This install does have on problem which shows 
consistently during boot - I get a core dump in the systemd journal from 
colord-sane (which is installed on the other installs as well). However, 
while the core dump happens on every boot, the samba problem only 
happens on some, so I don't think the problem comes from there.

I’m fairly sure that the problem is not Thunar itself (I’ve tried 
PcmanFM, which shows similar inconsistent behaviour – sometimes it will 
connect without problems, other times pcmanfm locks up and does nothing, 
has to be forced closed. I also installed gigolo, which also shows 
similar problems.

I think the problem is in one of the back-end programs which handles 
mounting the shares. I guess that includes gvfs, fuse and possibly 
d-bus. I’ve not managed to find an explanation of exactly what is used 
when mounting a share using the gui.

I should also mention that when this happens, I can mount the shares 
without problems from the command line, or using mount with suitable 
entries in /etc/fstab. Also, thinking that there might be something 
messed up in my user profile, I added another user and tested using that 
user. Problem is exactly the same  - sometimes the mount works without 
errors, others it fails in the same unpredictable manner.

While I could fix the problem by reinstalling, this is one of the few 
things I’ve ever hit in Arch that (so far), I’ve been unable to fix. I 
would really love to be able to fix it, but that means I need to have 
some way of diagnosing where the problem is. Any help would be very 
gratefully received.

[arch-general] Intermittent problem accessing samba shares

2017-03-01 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general
Fully updated Arch install, running Xfce. I don't use Samba very much, 
but need it for access at various times, so I have gvfs, gvfs-smb and 
smbclient installed. Normally no problem accessing Samba shares from 
Thunar. However

Recently I spent some time trying to work out why a client was unable to 
access Samba shares from an Xubuntu desktop machine (shares are on an 
Ubuntu 16.04 server). While I was testing, I did something (wish I knew 
what...) and ended up with Thunar suddenly being unable to access any 
Samba share, even though I could use mount.cifs to mount the same share.

When I got back to my home network, I found similar problems, even 
though I'd never had any problems in that area with this install of 
Arch. At the same time, another Arch install on the same laptop had no 
problems accessing the shares, and my desktop machine was also still 
able to access the shares without any problems.

The problem is strange and very variable. Sometimes it fails as soon as 
I click "browse network" - the system sits and then comes back with 
'unable to access "/" timeout was reached'. Sometimes I get a display of 
the Windows network icon, then it fails to open the Windows network 
display. Other times, I am able to see and mount a share on the network. 
This is on the same network, with no changes made to the network (one 
Slackware-based server, one Ubuntu 16.04 server). And a network which 
other Arch installs have no problems accessing the shares.

I've checked messages using journalctl  and dmesg and see nothing when 
the access fails. The part I find really puzzling is that sometimes it 
works with any problems, other times it fails as soon as I start.

I'm confident that the prolbem is not Thunar itself. I installed pcmanfm 
to see if a different file manager would behave differently, but it 
shows exactly the same problem - sometimes it works, other times it fails.

I'm at a loss as to how I track this error. I'd really like to fix it, 
so I'm hoping someone can suggest what might cause the problem, and how 
to fix it?

I've seen problems like this in the past (mainly on Debian based 
distros, though a few years ago on an Arch install). One of a very small 
number of problems I've never been able to predictably fix.


Re: [arch-general] Removing infinality

2016-09-27 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general

Martin Kühne via arch-general wrote:

Just a thought. If you find the excerpt in the pacman logs where you
did the transaction got you into this mess, you might be able to
reverse just that without risking too much for the current install and
save you a complete reinstall. Ignoring dependencies is then not so
bad, because you then just install the packages again that were
uninstalled to get you into this.

Thanks - good idea. I've looked at the section of the pacman log, which 
is helpful. Most of the 32-bit stuff in the remove list was installed by 
the infinality install, so I should be able to get rid of it without too 
many problems. The annoying part is the only reason I have 32-bit 
support installed at all is because I've got a Brother laser 
printer/scanner which needs the Brother lpd drivers, which are only 
available in 32-bit.

I'll give it a try tomorrow - use Rsd and let it run, then see if I can 
get the normal freetype support back in. Hope it works...


Re: [arch-general] Removing infinality

2016-09-27 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general

Martin Kühne via arch-general wrote:

Just a thought. If you find the excerpt in the pacman logs where you
did the transaction got you into this mess, you might be able to
reverse just that without risking too much for the current install and
save you a complete reinstall. Ignoring dependencies is then not so
bad, because you then just install the packages again that were
uninstalled to get you into this.

Thanks - good idea. I've looked at the section of the pacman log, which 
is helpful. Most of the 32-bit stuff in the remove list was installed by 
the infinality install, so I should be able to get rid of it without too 
many problems. The annoying part is the only reason I have 32-bit 
support installed at all is because I've got a Brother laser 
printer/scanner which needs the Brother lpd drivers, which are only 
available in 32-bit.

I'll give it a try tomorrow - use Rsd and let it run, then see if I can 
get the normal freetype support back in. Hope it works...


Re: [arch-general] Removing infinality

2016-09-27 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general

Martin Kühne via arch-general wrote:

Just -Rcs and look twice at the removal. It does catch the whole tree
of explicit, asdeps of the packages passed as argument, as well as
packages depeding on either, but look twice on the list of packages
you'd like to have removed.

Thanks. Tried a dummy run to see what would be removed. And got this

[fang@altair ~]$ sudo pacman -Rcs ibfonts-meta-base 
ibfonts-meta-extended-lt lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate

[sudo] password for fang:
checking dependencies...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: lib32-harfbuzz will be removed after its 
lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate dependency

warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: lib32-pango will be removed after its 
lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate dependency

Packages (75) ibfonts-meta-extended-1-20  lib32-acl-2.2.52-2 
lib32-attr-2.4.47-1  lib32-bzip2-1.0.6-2 
lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate-1.14.6-2  lib32-elfutils-0.167-1 
lib32-gdk-pixbuf2-2.34.0-1  lib32-glib2-2.48.1-1 lib32-harfbuzz-1.3.1-1  
lib32-icu-57.1-1  lib32-libcap-2.25-1 lib32-libcroco-0.6.11-1  
  lib32-libdbus-1.10.10-3  lib32-libdrm-2.4.70-1 
lib32-libffi-3.2.1-1  lib32-libgcrypt-1.7.3-1 lib32-libgpg-error-1.24-1  
lib32-libidn-1.33-1 lib32-libjpeg-turbo-1.5.0-1  lib32-libpciaccess-0.13.4-1
  lib32-libpng-1.6.24-1  lib32-librsvg-2.40.16-1 
lib32-libthai-0.1.24-1  lib32-libtiff-4.0.6-2 lib32-libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-5  
lib32-libx11-1.6.3-1 lib32-libxau-1.0.8-1  lib32-libxcb-1.12-2  
  lib32-libxdmcp-1.1.2-1  lib32-libxext-1.3.3-1 
lib32-libxfixes-5.0.2-1  lib32-libxft-2.3.2-1 lib32-libxml2-2.9.3-1  
lib32-libxrender-0.9.9-1 lib32-libxshmfence-1.2-1  lib32-libxxf86vm-1.1.4-1
  lib32-llvm-libs-3.8.1-1  lib32-mesa-12.0.3-1 
lib32-mesa-libgl-12.0.3-1  lib32-ncurses-6.0-2 lib32-pango-1.40.1-1  
lib32-pcre-8.39-1  lib32-pixman-0.34.0-1 lib32-readline-6.3.008-2  
  lib32-wayland-1.11.0-1  lib32-xz-5.2.2-1 
lib32-zlib-1.2.8-1  otf-oswald-ib-3.0-8 otf-quintessential-ib-1.000-6  
otf-tex-gyre-ib-2.005-8 t1-cursor-ib-1.0.4-2  ttf-caladea-ib-20140817-1 
  ttf-carlito-ib-20140820-1 ttf-courier-prime-ib-1.203-7  
ttf-ddc-uchen-ib-1.000-7 ttf-gelasio-ib-1.00-7  
ttf-heuristica-ib-1.0.2-4 ttf-lohit-punjabi-ib-2.5.3-7  
ttf-noto-fonts-cjk-ib-1.004-2  ttf-noto-fonts-ib-20150929-2 
ttf-noto-fonts-nonlatin-ib-20150929-2  ttf-opensans-ib-1.10-2 
ttf-signika-family-ib-1.0001-8  ttf-symbola-ib-8.00-2
  ibfonts-meta-base-1-7  ibfonts-meta-extended-lt-1-17 

Total Removed Size:  285.94 MiB

Anyway, there might be stuff in there you'd like to have but could
feed a different providers, so that might be a thing you'd want to
look up in the wiki on how to do. Or I would, since I'm the one not
knowing how to do it.

I guess if I try this, I'll need to start in single mode and run it as 
root - I doubt X will run with all those packages removed. I also guess 
I'd better make a list of the stuff that is being pulled so I can 
reinstall the standard package.

:) I may be reinstalling shortly - not at all sure that I can rebuild 
things after the change


[arch-general] Removing infinality

2016-09-24 Thread Paul Marwick via arch-general
A short while ago, I installed the infinality bundle and fonts as an 
experiment. Hit problems with some applications, so I'd like to revert 
to the standard font handing. But I'm having all sorts of problems doing 
so. My first attempt was this:

fang@altair ~]$ sudo pacman -S --asdeps freetype2 cairo fontconfig 
lib32-fontconfig lib32-cairo ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-droid 
ttf-liberation ttf-dejavu

resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: cairo and cairo-infinality-ultimate are in conflict. Remove 
cairo-infinality-ultimate? [y/N] y
:: fontconfig and fontconfig-infinality-ultimate are in conflict. Remove 
fontconfig-infinality-ultimate? [y/N] y
:: freetype2 and freetype2-infinality-ultimate are in conflict. Remove 
freetype2-infinality-ultimate? [y/N] y
:: lib32-cairo and lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate are in conflict. 
Remove lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate? [y/N] y
:: lib32-fontconfig and lib32-fontconfig-infinality-ultimate are in 
conflict. Remove lib32-fontconfig-infinality-ultimate? [y/N] y
:: ttf-dejavu and ttf-dejavu-ib are in conflict. Remove ttf-dejavu-ib? 
[y/N] y

:: ttf-droid and ttf-droid-ib are in conflict. Remove ttf-droid-ib? [y/N] y
:: ttf-liberation and ttf-liberation-ib are in conflict. Remove 
ttf-liberation-ib? [y/N] y
:: ttf-ubuntu-font-family and ttf-ubuntu-font-family-ib are in conflict. 
Remove ttf-ubuntu-font-family-ib? [y/N] y

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ibfonts-meta-base: removing ttf-dejavu-ib breaks dependency 
:: ibfonts-meta-base: removing ttf-liberation-ib breaks dependency 
:: ibfonts-meta-extended-lt: removing ttf-droid-ib breaks dependency 
:: ibfonts-meta-extended-lt: removing ttf-ubuntu-font-family-ib breaks 
dependency 'ttf-ubuntu-font-family-ib'
:: lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate: removing 
freetype2-infinality-ultimate breaks dependency 

I asked around, and had a suggestion that I should remove 
ibfonts-meta-base ibfonts-meta-extended-lt and 
lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate first. Tried that, and got this result:

|fang@altair ~]$ sudo pacman -R ibfonts-meta-base 
ibfonts-meta-extended-lt lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate checking 
dependencies... error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy 
dependencies) :: ibfonts-meta-extended: removing 
ibfonts-meta-extended-lt breaks dependency 'ibfonts-meta-extended-lt' :: 
lib32-fontconfig-infinality-ultimate: removing 
lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate breaks dependency 
'lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate' :: lib32-harfbuzz: removing 
lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate breaks dependency 'lib32-freetype2' 
So I'm stuck. I really need to get back to the standard font rendering, 
but so far I've been unable to find a way of getting past the conflicts. 
I really don't want to reinstall - this Arch install has been around for 
several years, and I'd much rather find a way of fixing it. Can anyone 
tell me how to get back to normal? Paul. |