Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll

2012-08-29 Thread Peter Cannon
Hi All

What an interesting diatribe of views and opinions it's been with clearly many 
individuals letting their guard down ever so slightly. initially I was of the 
opinion that the original subject line of this thread was incorrect and should 
have been Petition to not implement SystemD. although I now realise that too 
would have been pointless for two reasons, firstly, based on the responses on 
this thread, the SystemD advocates have no intention of listening to anyone 
other than fellow SystemD advocates so therefore any petition is pointless. 
Secondly having looked at the said poll results it would appear the SystemD 
advocates are in a majority, although any anonymous poll is open to abuse this 
is why on petitions they ask you to put your name on what is in effect a vote.

As far as I'm concerned SystemD has, and is being implemented badly it seems 
like a square peg is being hammered in a round hole and the gaps filled in with 
symlinks and patches this tells me that if symlinks and manual intervention is 
required there is something amiss with either the file system or SystemD 
itself. My friends at Red Hat inform me there is little marked improvement with 
SystemD however It would be jolly nice if we was all the same. so I'm 
slightly mystified at the vehement determination to adopt it?

I am of the opinion that development of Arch Linux should have in effect halted 
at the decision to implement the wholesale ravaging of the distribution namely 
the removal of such things as the installer etc and the new elements and 
working practices being applied. Really it should have been Bye bye Arch-A and 
Hello to our new shiny shiny Arch-B firstly that would have avoided all the 
heartache a heck of a lot of people (Including myself) went through after the 
so called transition steps failed, and secondly everyone would have been clear 
on the new direction Arch Linux was taking. I know some people are horrified at 
forks but that's the very nature of FOSS and society in general, things move 
on, I'm neither for or against SystemD now (I was at first) I am against the 
intransigent attitude, users are in effect customers and they deserve to be 
treated a tad better in my opinion.

Oh and as a side note a rolling release means it rolls, if it stops because of a breakage or a 
change in file structure or manipulation that then means it is not rolling it 
has come to a halt. Just wanted to add that for those I keep seeing on the net 
saying It's a rolling release what do you expect? Judd Vincent meant You'll 
never have to upgrade because every pacman- Syu gives you the most recent 
version. ergo 'It's rolled over to the latest. If a package breaks your system 
that's fair enough, if changing the file structure or core of your system 
breaks it that has nothing to do with 'rolling' that's called I just ripped 
the wires out of your radio but hey you get to keep all the parts. just wanted 
to clarify that.

All hate mail. bricks and bottles to /dev/null :-)

Re: [arch-general] Newbies in Arch [WAS: Suspend seems not to work with nVidia Nouveau driver]

2012-01-05 Thread Peter Cannon

On 04/01/12 23:26, Peter Lewis wrote:
Nice to see that Godwin's Law [1] still applies on proper mailing 
lists in 2012 ;-) Happy new year folks! Pete. [1]'s_la



Re: [arch-general] Newbies in Arch [WAS: Suspend seems not to work with nVidia Nouveau driver]

2012-01-04 Thread Peter Cannon

On 04/01/12 03:25, Jonathan Vasquez wrote:

Carry on doing what *you* want not what others want you to do. I too 
joined The pain of making tea. that is Arch Linux due to the statement 
that used to be on display;

*Q)*When I run “pacman –sync” it comes up with “could
not open sync database:reponame have you used –refresh yet?” but when I
run pacman –refresh it does nothing?!

*A)*This error is due to your inability to read man pages. We
recommend you try the pacman man page – it really is very useful.

I also agree that it's probably not for an absolute beginner, however if 
you can read a wiki or a forum then I see no reason why a so called n00b 
shouldn't give Arch a go.

I see no excuse for arrogance or rudeness people that do that can Get 
off my lawn. thank you very much.

There is *every* excuse for not knowing, there is *no* excuse for not 


Re: [arch-general] How to change gdm greeter theme?

2010-07-23 Thread Peter Cannon

On 23/07/10 12:00, Magnus Therning wrote:

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 11:29, Ionuț Bî  wrote:

On 07/23/2010 01:19 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:


This used to be easy with gdmsetup, but in gdm 2.30 -- that's gone. I've
been to the gnome sites, I've googled it, I've looked through the gdm
package and I'm stumped. -- What's the trick?

its on the wiki

It's gotten quite a bit worse, usability wise, I think.

Oh, and if you find out how to change the background image for the
screensaver login then please let me know.  I've looked in vain for
instructions on how to get rid of the ugly green background that comes
as default.

There is a script, I think its in AUR something like GDM-Changer or 
something like that. I installed it on my box at home but it doesn't 
work. That might be because I do not use sudo though?

Other than that I've tried all the so called success story's all have 
failed for me :-(

[arch-general] Xorg 1.8, Nvidia 6200 Videoseven monitor

2010-06-30 Thread Peter Cannon

Hi All

I have a Videoseven 19 monitor L19FM and an Nvidia 6200 graphics card 
the monitor's capabilities are never recognised properly by any Linux 
distribution so usually I use the Nvidia-settings tool.

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the 
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv. X bombs out with the 
xorg.conf file in place (/etc/X11) so I moved the xorg.conf file to 
xorg.conf.old and X will start but only in 800x600 This is my 

I tried putting my original xorg.conf in 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ as 20-nvidia.conf obviously changing the devices 
sections to nv rather than nvidia I get an Out of range message on 
the monitor, black screen but I wouldn't say X has bombed as such. 
Usually this means the refresh is wrong however as the information in 
the file used to work under nvidia-173xx I cant see that its that.

I have HAL and udev in the daemons array of rc.conf I also use GDM which 
again is in the list of daemons.

Any help would be appreciated.

[arch-general] Xorg 1.8, Nvidia 6200 Videoseven monitor

2010-06-30 Thread Peter Cannon

Hi All

I have a Videoseven 19 monitor L19FM and an Nvidia 6200 graphics card 
the monitor's capabilities are never recognised properly by any Linux 
distribution so usually I use the Nvidia-settings tool.

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the 
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv. X bombs out with the 
xorg.conf file in place (/etc/X11) so I moved the xorg.conf file to 
xorg.conf.old and X will start but only in 800x600 This is my 

I tried putting my original xorg.conf in 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ as 20-nvidia.conf obviously changing the devices 
sections to nv rather than nvidia I get an Out of range message on 
the monitor, black screen but I wouldn't say X has bombed as such. 
Usually this means the refresh is wrong however as the information in 
the file used to work under nvidia-173xx I cant see that its that.

I have HAL and udev in the daemons array of rc.conf I also use GDM which 
again is in the list of daemons.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: [arch-general] Xorg 1.8, Nvidia 6200 Videoseven monitor

2010-06-30 Thread Peter Cannon

On 30/06/10 09:43, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 30.06.2010 10:38, schrieb Peter Cannon:

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv.

do you use nvidia 173xx? The 6200 is supported by the nvidia driver.

I'm not? If you read it again you will see I removed it

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the 
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv.

Re: [arch-general] Xorg 1.8, Nvidia 6200 Videoseven monitor

2010-06-30 Thread Peter Cannon

On 30/06/10 09:55, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 30.06.2010 10:45, schrieb Peter Cannon:

On 30/06/10 09:43, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 30.06.2010 10:38, schrieb Peter Cannon:

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv.

do you use nvidia 173xx? The 6200 is supported by the nvidia driver.

I'm not? If you read it again you will see I removed it

I have upgraded to Xorg release 1.8 to do so I had to remove the
Nvidia-173xx driver and installed xf86-video-nv.

I don't understand you. Of course you had to remove nvidia-173xx, as it
is incompatible with xorg-server 1.8.

But you don't need nvidia-173xx for your card, and never needed it. You
can simply use the latest nvidia driver - which would eliminate the
problems you're having right now.

Also, if you really want to use a free driver, don't use nv, it sucks -
use nouveau instead.

OK thanks I'll give that a go

Re: [arch-general] Dedicated Arch servers

2010-03-20 Thread Peter Cannon
On 20/03/10 09:13, Jonathan Brown wrote:
 Dude relax - I was offering you the services of the company I work for.  
 However, I far from own the company, I am just a tech.  Even so, I didn't 
 feel it was appropriate to respond to the mailing list.  Sorry that offended 
 you so much.
 Spamming you? Absolutely not sir.  I am a proud arch user is all-  I don't 
 sit here reading thru the Arch list skimming for opportuniites, I just felt 
 like it would be more appropriate to respond to you directly.  If that is 
 against the mailing list rules I shaint do it again.

Hi Jonathan

You can email me directly any time you like. People should learn what
'spam' is, spam is not just unsolicited e.g it was not asked for, but
also usually offers a product or service you was not really looking for.

Clearly this is not the case on both levels. As far as I'm aware your
action was correct in offering a service off-list. While in some groups
it is perfectly acceptable to give prices and promote company's others
frown on it.

As the request was subjected Dedicated Arch servers I take the view
someone is looking to purchase a service.

Take Care

Re: [arch-general] Arch is ummnn different: my 1st installation: tried to install xfce...OOPS!

2010-03-15 Thread Peter Cannon
Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:

 Hello, I've been using various Linux distros for a while now. I just
 decided to give Arch Linux a try. But I'm a little bit lost. I'm used to
 distros like Xubuntu, PCLinuxOS, OpenSuSE, etc... Where I don't need to
 personally understand what order I need to install which packages to get 
 at least one GUI desktop up  running...

You don't need to understand the *Order* in Arch either?

 The install itself went ok. But I needed to add a few things.
 First I used the list of typical tasks for pacman from the installation
 guide, to figure out how to look for a package and install it with pacman.
 I installed mc and vim without a problem. Then I thought it would be nice
 if I could get a desktop up.

Well it would those are non GUI apps as you know with your opensuse ect 

I did a:
 pacman -Si xfce|less 
 and looked for a package that might get me to a minimal desktop I could work 
 I thought maybe xfdesktop...
 pacman -S xfdesktop

Why have you done this? If you look at the 'man' page you will see

xfdesktop manages the desktop itself in the Xfce 4 Desktop Environment.

You should have done pacman -S xfce4

By the sound of it you've only installed part of the desktop environment.


 More to the point: Will I need to figure out how to uninstall xfdesktop to 
 the error?


 Could some nice Arch user point me at enough step by step instructions so
 that I can get enough of a gui up to use a browser like firefox so I can
 try to find solutions via the web while Arch is actually running???

You need to do as others have suggested and read the beginners guide especially the Setting 
X section.

Re: [arch-general] Netbook recommendations

2009-09-28 Thread Peter Cannon

Aaron Griffin wrote:

So in the next few weeks, I would like to buy a netbook. The market is
saturated, so I'd like to ask for some advice here.

What do you guys think of the current offerings? What's considered
the best now-a-days? What kinds of netbooks do Arch users have?
I have the Dell Mini 10, I would have suggested it except the pointer 
has that crazy arse activity of intermittently flying off all over the 
place and I cant fathom out how to get the Wifi working :-(