Re: [arch-general] kernel 2.6.37 BKL

2011-01-06 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 06.01.2011 10:50, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 06.01.2011 00:51, schrieb Matthew Monaco:


Any plans about the BKL setting in .37? I've been running the rc's
without it for a while now.

Let's disable it and see how long it takes for people to notice that
they can't mount DVDs without UDF support.

we are bleeding edge and optical disks are so 90's! :)

Re: [arch-general] Pulseaudio

2010-11-29 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 29.11.2010 10:21, Jan de Groot wrote:

On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 10:09 +0100, Philipp Überbacher wrote:

I guess I am one of those pulse-haters. I don't care whether it's in
[extra], some other official repo or not since I simply don't need it.
But now mplayer pulls in libpulse, and I have no idea which consequences
this could have. I don't see why I need to have libs for a
soundserver that I have no use for floating around on my machine. It is
at best unnecessary and does nothing, at worst.. I don't know. I hope I
don't need to install GNOME to turn it off or something.. (gconf and

If you don't want that tiny lib on your system, be my guest, recompile
all your mediaplayers to get rid of all those optional codecs for media
you don't use. Those are useless libs too, but somehow nobody complains
about that.

We should not forget to mention all this plagued ati and intel mplayer 
users, who are beeing forced to carry the burden of having libvdpau on 
their systems! Have not heard so much complaing about that so far ...

Cheers, Ulf

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on pulseaudio [WAS: PulseAudio in [testing]]

2010-11-29 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 29.11.2010 23:25, Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

Morgan Gangwere wrote:

As well, Pulse still doesn't work on my Alienware laptop. Realtek
chipset, hda_intel picks it up as being generic. things almost work,
except headphones. PA will only let sound go through the front
speakers, while ALSA just has a switch. Its a known WONTFIX bug, too.

This bug is even worse for me: the only output that PA will
recognize on my system is the HDMI output from my *video* card! I
don't have any HDMI capable peripheral to even try to hear it! Alsa
outputs to my true sound card without any problem...


did you try manual driver loading? in /etc/pulse/

### Load audio drivers statically (it's probably better to not load
### these drivers manually, but instead use module-hal-detect --
### see below -- for doing this automatically)
load-module module-alsa-sink
load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:1,0
#load-module module-oss device=/dev/dsp sink_name=output source_name=input
#load-module module-oss-mmap device=/dev/dsp sink_name=output 

#load-module module-null-sink
#load-module module-pipe-sink

### Automatically load driver modules depending on the hardware available
#load-module module-udev-detect
### Alternatively use the static hardware detection module (for systems that
### lack udev support)
#load-module module-detect

Re: [arch-general] PulseAudio in [testing]

2010-11-27 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 26.11.2010 21:34, Jan Steffens wrote:

I've put PulseAudio into [testing] some time ago, but received no
feedback on this.

This either means it works well, or nobody uses it.

So I'm asking for it now, especially from GNOME and KDE users running

Works great for me on gnome with pulseaudio setup. Only software left I 
use that needs to be recompiled is mplayer. But that should obviously be 
discussed here:

a little offtopic:
There is lots of hatred of pulseaduio. Many peoble are claim that it 
doesn't work at all. I have seen some setups of various distributions 
with pulse in the recent year and there has been only been one real 
problem: passthrough and thats it. Except for that anything just 
worked with pulse enabled apps and with minor issues on alsa-apps.

Cheers, Ulf

Re: [arch-general] New nvidia driver - video mode not recognized - remove vga= from kernel line?

2010-10-29 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 29.10.2010 02:35, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

It might have to do something with a module not being included in the
Just guessing...

or maybe nouveau included in initrd? another wild guess.

Re: [arch-general] Problem with keyboard in Gnome

2010-10-01 Thread Ulf Winkelvos

On 02.10.2010 00:42, Christian wrote:


On 2010-10-02 at 00:24 Jan Steffens wrote:

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 12:15 AM,  wrote:

Hi all,
I have got everything up and running, but I am having a problem.
I want to use the swedish keyboard layout in Gnome but what file to

specify that in? In the console I have svlatin1 and country is sv_se.

Any tips?
Many thanks,

You can set the initial keyboard layout in gdm (at the bottom of the
screen), or (if you're already logged in), using System → Preferences
→ Keyboard.

But that is not saved when I log out and restart the machine if I set it in 
system preferences.

Setting Keyboard Layout With Hot-Plugging
Section InputClass
Identifier Keyboard Defaults
Option XkbLayout de
Option XkbVariant nodeadkeys

that's working for me.

Cheers, Ulf