Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-21 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 9:25 PM Giancarlo Razzolini

> I believe your printer works without hplip and using the driverless
> option. That's something you can also try.

'lsusb' is showing this device: <>

'hp-firmware -n' is giving: <>

'hp-config_usb_printer -l warn 001:005' is giving: <>

But, 'hp-check' is finding it. The relevant portion is:

Type: Unknown
Device URI: usb://Unknown/Printer
PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1020.ppd
warning: Failed to read /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1020.ppd ppd file
PPD Description:
Printer Unable to send data to printer.0 disabled since Fri 21 Aug
2020 12:27:00 PM IST -
warning: Printer is not HPLIP installed. Printers must use the hp: or
hpfax: CUPS backend for HP-Devices.

'system-config-printer' is finding it out. But it is not printing the test-page.

Can anyone please suggest anything?

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 9:25 PM Giancarlo Razzolini

> I believe your printer works without hplip and using the driverless
> option. That's something you can also try.

I tried it your way too. I removed hplip. It seemed plausible too.
When the printer was not working in Arch Linux I booted into Debian
and without installing hplip I tried printing. And it worked.

But removing hplip did not help either.

দাস das
দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:37 PM Andreas Bosch  wrote:

> according to HP you need the binary hplip-plugin from the AUR for your 
> printer:

Dear Friend

I installed the AUR package hplip-plugin.

But still it is not working. No page can be printed. It is getting
detected. And then no print. If it did not work in Debian Surge, I
would have thought there is a problem in the printer.

Can you suggest anything else?

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
Dear friend Karx asked me to try to print something and then give the
differences in the three files in /var/log/cups.

I tried to print one page from Libreoffice Writer and here is the
result of running diff for the old and new versions of the three files
for the three files.

For access_log the difference is:

< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:02 +0530] "POST
/printers/HP-LaserJet-1020 HTTP/1.1" 200 215 Create-Job successful-ok
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:02 +0530] "POST
/printers/HP-LaserJet-1020 HTTP/1.1" 200 29704 Send-Document
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
< localhost - - [19/Aug/2020:20:10:24 +0530] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
200 151 Cancel-Job client-error-not-found
error_log -- no difference
page_log -- no difference

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:48 PM karx via arch-general

> > > Sorry, I meant the log files in /var/log/cups/
> >
> Oh, my bad!
> >

/var/log/cups/ has three files: access_log  error_log  page_log

The error_log has 2564 lines. Shall I send it to you?

দাস das

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
Dear Friends

I am replying to you all in one message.

I installed hplip-plugin. Now what to do?

The printer is connected to USB 001:004. It is getting detected and
system-config-printer is showing it. But, no test page is getting

Shall I post cupsd.conf and cups-files.conf as attachments?

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:41 PM karx via arch-general
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020, 9:08 AM das via arch-general <
>> wrote:
> >
> I am not
> > sure what you mean by 'cups file'. Can you please ask me simple
> > specific questions?
> >
> Hi,
> I think by 'cups file', he means your cups configuration file.
> Yash
> >

দাস das

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:32 PM Andy Pieters
> Hi
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 at 14:58, das via arch-general <
>> wrote:
> >
> > But, still it is not working.
> >
> >
> Can we get the obvious out of the way, and confirm that you have got cups
> installed and running, please?
>  Any hints in your cups file when you try to print?

Yes, cups and system-config-printer both are installed. And I am not
sure what you mean by 'cups file'. Can you please ask me simple
specific questions?
দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
I tried the proces given here before reinstalling hplip

And that did not work too.

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
The hplip Webpage
gives the following line for this printer:

HP LaserJet 1020 Plus Printer, Minimum hplip version: 2.7.10, Driver
plugin:Yes, Support Level: Full (End of support)

But, still it is not working.
দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:04 PM Rafael Fontenelle  wrote:

 > Have you tried installing the "hplip" package, which provides PPD for
 > your printer?
> >
 Installing removing reinstalling hplip -- nothing worked.

Ok, as you suggest I will now explore the ArchWiki links you have provided.

দাস das

দাশ das

[arch-general] HP Laserjet plus 1020 Problem

2020-08-19 Thread das via arch-general
Dear Friends

My new printer HP Laserjet plus 1020 is not working on Arch Linux,
while it is working fine on the second boot Debian system. I have
tried all the ways that came to my mind or all the suggestions from
the Net. It is not working.

Can any of you suggest anything?

With Regards
Dipankar Das

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-18 Thread das via arch-general
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 10:21 PM David C. Rankin

> As a general note, provides a quick pastebin type
> site for temporary uploads where you can limit the lifetime for 1-week,
> 1-month, etc... Image uploads and language syntax highlighting is provided for
> code/text.

Thank you dear David Rankin for this helpful information.

And I wanted to tell you, this bug was solved at least for me, now I
am using xkeyboard-config-2.30-1 after an update and editing the
'/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/in' file as suggested by Peter Hutterer

With Regards

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-13 Thread das via arch-general
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 6:07 PM Ralf Mardorf via arch-general

> There's an Arch Wiki available, that explains how to downgrade packages:
> There are also tools available by the AUR:

Thank you dear Ralf Mardorf for your cooperation.

The problem is solved. I got help from the Net Arch Wki -- how to
downgrade -- and then did it with:

sudo pacman -U  /var/cache/pacman/pkg/xkeyboard-config-2.29-1-any.pkg.tar.zst

-- this does everything downgrading xkeyboard-config from 2.30-1 to 2.29-1.

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-13 Thread das via arch-general
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 3:39 PM Andreas Radke  wrote:
> It's a known bug:

Dear Friend Andreas Radke

Thank you for the help. I went to the link:

The report suggests that a downgrade to xkeyboard-config to 2.29-1
will solve the problem. But, please, sorry for this ignorance, I do
not exactly know how to downgrade. Shall this simple command do:

sudo powerpill -R  && powerpill -S

Thank, once again.

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-13 Thread das via arch-general
Hello Friends

Here are the links for the images, as Dear Eachambadi suggested:

For kbd-text-s.png:
This shows the message that the system is showing.

For kbd-layout-s.png:
This shows the Keyboard changing interface.

For kbd-debian-s.png:

Thanks in advance, dear friends -- I really the Bangla keyboard very much.
দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-13 Thread das via arch-general
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 2:03 PM Jagannathan Tiruvallur Eachambadi via
arch-general  wrote:

> The list will scrub all attachments so you would have to put them
> somewhere. But regarding the switch, asking in the mate forums or IRC
> channel could help since the configuration does look okay. I have
> keyboard switching with plasma working with CAPS configured from the
> GUI. So you might just be missing something else which they could answer
> better.

Thank you for your reply, but I do not think the problem is with Mate.

On Arch Linux I have three GUI desktops -- Xfce, Mate and Gnome but
the Bangla keyboard or Keyboard switching is working on none of them.

And, as you said, I will upload those three small PNG files somewhere
and post the links here as soon as I can.

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-12 Thread das via arch-general
Dear Friends

I wanted to report another thing in this connection. My machine has a
dual boot with Debian, and the same Mate Desktop is there too.
English-Bangla keyboard switching is working fine there. Image
kbd-debian.png attached.

Thanking you once again.

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-12 Thread das via arch-general
Dear Friends

I wanted to report another thing in this connection. My machine has a
dual boot with Debian, and the same Mate Desktop is there too.
English-Bangla keyboard switching is working fine there. Image
kbd-debian.png attached.

Thanking you once again.

[arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-12 Thread das via arch-general
Hello Friends in Arch-General Mailing List

I am using Arch Linux for the last six months or so. Before that I was
using Redhat and Fedora for 15 years or so.

I am a Mate user and I use my keyboard to write both English and Bangla.

For the last few days when I am booting into Mate, a problem window is
coming up -- I have attached the file kbd-text-s.png.

The output of the commands in kbd-text.png is here:

dd@ru-al ~]$ xprop -root | grep XKB
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "evdev", "pc105", "us", "", ""
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "evdev", "pc105", "us", "", "grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch"

[dd@ru-al ~]$ gsettings list-keys org.mate.peripherals-keyboard-xkb.kbd


And usually I change the layout from one to the other (English and
Bangla) whenever I need them -- from
System--Preferences--Hardware--Keyboard, as shown in kbd-layout-s.png
attached with this mail.

But now the keyboard is always English, I cannot change it to Bangla
India Probhat.

I have never filed a bug in Arch Linux and so I am first reporting here.

Any help is welcome.

Thanking you.

দাশ das

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard Problem in Mate Arch Linux for the Last Few Days

2020-06-08 Thread das via arch-general
Got on the Net some reports, though quite old -- but identical in its
bug suggestion, and reinstalled both xorg-xkbcomp and libxklavier --
but nothing changed.

Any help anyone?
দাশ das