Re: [arch-general] dmraid Partitions Lost - Recovered - Howto

2009-06-26 Thread Baho Utot
On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 22:49 -0500, David C. Rankin wrote:


   (Note: if you were smart enough to save the fdisk -l information for  
 your drives, you can simply fdisk 
  your array and be done)

This may bee of some use to you:

I use 

The fourth type of invocation: sfdisk device will cause sfdisk to read
the specification for the desired partitioning of device from its
standard input, and then to change the partition tables on that disk.
Thus, it is possible to use sfdisk from a shell script. When sfdisk
determines that its standard input is a terminal, it will be
conversational; otherwise it will abort on any error. 
As a precaution, one can save the sectors changed by sfdisk: 
% sfdisk /dev/hdd -O
Then, if you discover that you did something stupid before anything else
has been written to disk, it may be possible to recover the old
situation with 
% sfdisk /dev/hdd -I
(This is not the same as saving the old partition table: a readable
version of the old partition table can be saved using the -d option.
However, if you create logical partitions, the sectors describing them
are located somewhere on disk, possibly on sectors that were not part of
the partition table before. Thus, the information the -O option saves is
not a binary version of the output of -d.)

Re: [arch-general] dmraid Partitions Lost - Recovered - Howto

2009-06-26 Thread David C. Rankin
On Friday 26 June 2009 07:06:22 am Baho Utot wrote:
 On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 22:49 -0500, David C. Rankin wrote:
  (Note: if you were smart enough to save the fdisk -l information for  
  your drives, you can simply fdisk 
   your array and be done)
 This may bee of some use to you:
 I use 
 The fourth type of invocation: sfdisk device will cause sfdisk to read
 the specification for the desired partitioning of device from its
 standard input, and then to change the partition tables on that disk.
 Thus, it is possible to use sfdisk from a shell script. When sfdisk
 determines that its standard input is a terminal, it will be
 conversational; otherwise it will abort on any error. 
 As a precaution, one can save the sectors changed by sfdisk: 
 % sfdisk /dev/hdd -O
 Then, if you discover that you did something stupid before anything else
 has been written to disk, it may be possible to recover the old
 situation with 
 % sfdisk /dev/hdd -I
 (This is not the same as saving the old partition table: a readable
 version of the old partition table can be saved using the -d option.
 However, if you create logical partitions, the sectors describing them
 are located somewhere on disk, possibly on sectors that were not part of
 the partition table before. Thus, the information the -O option saves is
 not a binary version of the output of -d.)

Thanks Baho,

That is great information to add to my bag of tricks and -- hope I 
don't have to use it anytime soon ;-)

What I liked about testdisk that I hadn't found anywhere else, was its 
'scan' feature where it just scans the drive looking for partition boundaries 
and reports what it found giving you the opportunity to select what needs to be 
restored. It gives you a way to approach partition recovery without needing any 
prior knowledge of what is one the disk. One other neat trick is has is the 
ability to View the files on the partitions it has found which provides 
another check for determining the correct partitions.

You can safely run testdisk on your hard drive and see what it does. 
Just don't hit Write and you will be fine (It also forces a confirmation 
prompt so you would have to make two mistakes to do any damage)

I'll look at sfdisk, and thank you for the information.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

[arch-general] dmraid Partitions Lost - Recovered - Howto

2009-06-25 Thread David C. Rankin

I thought I would pass this along should anyone else experience a loss 
of all partitions on a drive or array. May help somebody out someday:

dmraid Partition Loss with dmraid-1.0.0rc15

Testing dmraid-1.0.0rc15 on a box with two separate dmraid arrays, I 
experienced the total loss of all partitions on the second dmraid array. The 
first array held an openSuSE install running dmraid-1.0.0rc14 while the second 
held Archlinux with dmraid-1.0.0rc15 where testing was being done. All testing 
of dmraid-1.0.0rc15 on Archlinux went fine, the problem occurred when the 
machine was boot back into openSuSE. Regardless of the situation, whether using 
a raid setup or not, partition loss is serious business.

dmraid Partition Recovery

Recovery of dmraid partitions proceed in the same manner as recovering 
partitions from a singe drive. if you haven't destroyed the information on the 
array, you should be able to put the pieces of the puzzle back together again. 
The basic outline for the process is to locate and restore the partitions on 
the array and then reinstall the boot loader so your box is functional again. 
(Note: if you were smart enough to save the fdisk -l information for your 
drives, you can simply fdisk your array and be done)

Tools Required

Partition location and recovery software (I used testdisk)

Rescue CD for your OS (generally your install CD/DVD, or knoppix, etc.)

Using testdisk

testdisk is a great piece of GPL code written by Christophe Grenier. 
testdisk can be used with most operating systems and will scan you disk or 
array and locate partition boundaries and give you the opportunity to recover 
them. I had 4 partitions dedicated to my Archlinux install totaling roughly 70G 
on a 750G raid array. To start testdisk, for Linux26, you will untar the bzip 
archive and then cd into the linux subdirectory. The prebuilt binary is:


The first thing you will need to do is set the correct disk geometry. 
In my case the disk reported 254 heads and needed to be changed to 255 heads to 
work properly. (This is recommended if the first Quick Scan doesn't find your 

After setting the geometry, just choose Analyze and Quick Scan and 
go get a coffee or something. In my case since the 70G I was using was at the 
front of the 750G array, it had found my partitions within 5 minutes or so. 
Once all of your partitions are found you can Stop the scan by hitting the 
return key.

You are then presented with the list of found partitions. They will be 
initially labeled D for deleted and you simply toggle on the partitions you 
need to recover by selecting (P Primary, * Primary Boot, L Logical or 
leave as D for Deleted). testdisk will check your selections for partition 
overlap and give you confirmation in green if your partition layout is OK. Just 
hit return to continue. Don't worry about the extended partition boundary, it 
will be provided. Review the partitions to be recovered and choose Write and 
your are done. (a reboot is required to activate the partitions)

If no partitions were found during the Quick Scan, then (1) check 
your drive geometry setting; and (2) you will be given the option to do an In 
Depth Scan (go get 4 cups of coffee, walk the dog, etc...)

Have Your Rescue CD Handy

Once the partition information has been changed, there is a near 100% 
chance your boot loader configuration will be messed up. Don't worry, 
everything is still there, you just have to reinstall grub or lilo into the 
boot record to recover from the situation.

Reinstalling Grub

Here you will be booting from your CD or DVD into rescue mode, using 
dmraid to activate the arrays, and then using the information about the dm 
nodes in /dev/mapper and the partition information in from cat 
/proc/partitions to create a chroot of your install to repair the boot loader:

(1) boot from the install DVD

(2) choose Rescue System, login as root (no password needed)

(3) activate the dmraid arrays with dmraid -ay

(4) check which device nodes to use to create the chroot with ls -al /dev/dm* 
or ls -al /dev/mapper. I was dealing with 2 separate arrays, 9 partitions 
(duplicated by having both dmraid-1.0.0rc14 and dmraid-1.0.0rc15 metadata) that 
left me with dm-0 to dm-20 to deal with. Compare the size shown for dm-X, 
/dev/mapper/raiddevice_name and the size shown from cat /proc/partitions to 
determine your /, /home, and /boot and any other partitions you need to 
setup in your chroot.

(5) mount all dm-X devices or /dev/mapper devices under /mnt to create your 
actual filesystem, and then bind dev/, proc/ and sys/ to their respective mount 