Re: [Arches] Re: First install - missing components?

2017-05-22 Thread Dennis Wuthrich
Hi Bastien,

Glad to hear that you've been able to load concepts and some data.  I 
looked at your trace and it seems that you may not have downloaded Arches 
branch library.  I'm not sure why you were unable to load some of the other 
models in the disco_data repo.  I'll have to look at the trace more 

As for the maps, the disco_data registers map services from Mapbox.  Mapbox 
is just one of many services that Arches can use to display basemaps (its 
not required, but we think its provides very nice maps!).  If you want to 
use the Mapbox map services you'll need to register obtain a token (both 
are free).  Note that you can use ESRI and many other map services if you 

We also use MapZen and Bing geocoding services.  You'll need a key for each 
service if you want to power Arches geocoder with these providers (both 
Microsoft and Mapzen provide free keys).

Once you have the tokens you need, add the following lines to your file:

# links to sprites and glyphs for use on map
MAPBOX_SPRITES = "mapbox://sprites/mapbox/basic-v9"
MAPBOX_GLYPHS = "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf"

# bounds for search results hex binning fabric
HEX_BIN_BOUNDS = (-0.6222,53.18,-0.4925,53.3)

# size to use for hex binning search results on map (in km)
# binning uses elasticsearch GeoHash grid aggregation.
# precision for binning is set based on GeoHash precision, see this table:
# high precision binning may result in performance issues.

MAPBOX_API_KEY = 'put your key here between the single quotes'
   {'name': 'Bing', 'api_key':'put your key here between the single 
quotes', 'id':'BingGeocoder'},
   {'name': 'MapZen', 'api_key':'put your key here between the single 
quotes', 'id':'MapzenGeocoder'},

Note the lines referring to HEX_BIN.  Arches assumes that you'll want to 
aggregate search results, and these values are good starting places for the 
disco_data dataset.

Hope this all helps,


On Monday, May 22, 2017 at 6:57:53 AM UTC-7, Bastien Guerry wrote:
> Hi Dennis, 
> I'm done with importing disco_data.  I had some hiccups while 
> importing, attached is a trace together with the arches_tree.txt 
> showing more details about my installation paths. 
> I made another screencast: 
> It shows what I can and cannot do.  I can see the data have been 
> imported, but somehow I don't get access to a map. 
> Again, I feel like I need more time reading the docs, not only 
> for installing Arches, but also to understand the core concepts 
> behind the interface. 
> Best, 
> PS: I can share the videos behind a password if that's preferrable. 
> -- 
>  Bastien 

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Re: [Arches] Re: First install - missing components?

2017-05-22 Thread Bastien Guerry
Hi Dennis,

I'm done with importing disco_data.  I had some hiccups while
importing, attached is a trace together with the arches_tree.txt
showing more details about my installation paths.

I made another screencast:

It shows what I can and cannot do.  I can see the data have been
imported, but somehow I don't get access to a map.

Again, I feel like I need more time reading the docs, not only
for installing Arches, but also to understand the core concepts
behind the interface.


PS: I can share the videos behind a password if that's preferrable.


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(ENV) disco_data ➤ ./   

Enter the path to arches: /home/guerry/Projects/my_project/
operation: setup_db
package: arches
(1 ligne)

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: sessions, admin, guardian, auth, models, contenttypes
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
  Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
  Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
  Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
  Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
  Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
  Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
  Applying guardian.0001_initial... OK
  Applying models.0001_initial... OK
  Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
deleting index : strings
deleting index : resource
deleting index : resource_relations
creating index : strings
creating index : resource_relations
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 4.37799501419 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0925240516663 s
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0308949947357 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0125110149384 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0337040424347 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.04301404953 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 12.0880727768 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0331580638885 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0912809371948 s
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 6.33218383789 s
operation: import_graphs
package: arches
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in 
 line 353, in execute_from_command_line
 line 345, in execute
 line 348, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
 line 399, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
 line 163, in handle

Re: [Arches] Re: First install - missing components?

2017-05-22 Thread Bastien Guerry
Hi Dennis,

thanks for your feedback!

I'm right now importing data into my Arches instance -- it takes long,
but I'm quite excited to test Arches4 features more thoroughly.  I can
already see the vocabularies have been imported, the embed thesaurus
editor looks neat.

A bit about my use-case: I now work for the french ministry of culture
on a national inventory of pipe organs.  This is an opportunity to test
cultural heritage web applications such as Arches, and to see whether
it could fit other needs at the national and/or regional levels.

I'm a long-time (like 20 years) open source advocate with background
in CS and web dev.  I'm not familiar enough with Django and javascript
to go directly hands on with the code, but I'm happy to provide tests
and PR while helping on i18n!

Looking forward,


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