Re: [Architecture] Generic workflow support

2015-04-11 Thread Frank Leymann
Hi Pulasthi,

based on what information will the Workflow Manager decide which Workflow
Executor to use?

Best regards,

2015-04-04 14:01 GMT+02:00 Pulasthi Mahawithana


 Following is the architecture of the workflow support framework. This was
 initially planned for IS, but can be used across the platform.


 *Workflow Request Handler*
 Build workflow requests and handle the callback requests. This interface
 can be implemented to be used for any event that need to trigger workflows.
 The request will have a uuid, and a set of parameters with their values.
 All these parameters are persisted and will be available at the callback
 handler by the time of response. However the requester can decide which of
 these parameters should be sent to the workflow executor and which should

 The callback handler will get the same request generated by the request
 builder, along with the status from the executor (approved, rejected or
 custom status). Based on the status the event can be completed or cancelled
 at the callback handler.

 *Workflow Executor*
 Execute the workflow engine and provide the response back along with the
 uuid. One implementation of this will be the BPEL/WS executor and will be
 available by default. However any other java implementation can also be
 used here.

 Both RequestHandlers and Executors need to be registered here as OSGI
 services. In addition to that, WorkflowManager will

- Decide which executor should be invoked for each request.
- Persist the requests and maintain their state.
- Receive responses from the executors and forward them to their
respective callbackHandler.

 *Pulasthi Mahawithana*
 Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc.,
 Mobile: +94-71-5179022

 Architecture mailing list

Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] Generic workflow executor across the platform

2015-04-11 Thread Frank Leymann
Hi Pulasthi,

when you have users without BPEL knowledge in mind, you assume that these
users have programming skills, correct?  I.e. that they provide the
workflow process in JavaScript, for example, correct?

Or do you work on a new very easy-to-use workflow language?

Best regards,

2015-04-04 14:40 GMT+02:00 Pulasthi Mahawithana

 Hi Frank,

 I sent a separate mail[1] with the architecture. Our main objective was to
 provide the workflow support for the events in IS and [1] was designed to
 address that. Furthermore we plan to provide a way to easily configure a
 workflow process and deploy it at BPS (for the users without BPEL
 knowlege). The work for that is in progress and we will update with the
 details soon.

 [1] [Architecture] Generic workflow support

 On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Frank Leymann wrote:

 Hi Pulasthi, hi Tanja,

 can you provide a consolidated architecture figure, please?  Can you also
 position in your architecture BPS?  I assume the requirements you address
 by your architecture is the ability to create an on-ramp workflow for ES,
 AM,... in a fast way, correct?


 Best regards,

 2015-04-02 12:54 GMT+02:00 Pulasthi Mahawithana

 Hi Tanya,

 The actual architecture is bit different from the one you mentioned here
 (I'll send a separate mail with details). The executors are responsible
 only for executing workflow in some manner (can be BPEL, Web Service or
 even some java code), and they can be registered as OSGI services. The
 persisting is done by the WorkflowManager before calling the executor.

 The WorkflowRequestHandler is the one responsible for creating workflow
 requests for an event, and handling the callback for the same event. So,
 what you said can be achieved at this point by customizing the workflow
 request creation (persist somewhere and provide link in workflow request).
 Since you create asset disabled and enable it after workflow completion it
 will work. However there are some events where we have to wait till the
 workflow completion to perform the actual action. That was the reason to
 persist the request. Also note that all workflow parameters are not set to
 the workflow executor. We can filter out parameters that won't be needed at
 workflow (I will send those details in a separate mail).

 On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Tanya Madurapperuma

 Hi Johann and all,

 As per the offline chat with Pulasthi, the executor serialize the
 workflow info and save in the database before calling the bpel service.
 (see the diagram below)

 ​So in our case if we are to use this component, we will have to do a
 network call with all the information for the workflow request (might
 include large files such as images and videos etc as admin needs to approve
 Also at the call back we have to resend the same info back.

 We thought it would be more convienient and performance friendly, if we
 persist those information at our end and provide an endpoint where the
 admin can access all the information.

 For an example, say asset creation process.
 Once the user fills the asset creation form, we will persist that info
 in a database with a flag so that it won't be visible in the store to the
 other users. And when triggering the workflow we send an endpoint with a
 token and admin can view the created asset info with that endpoint. Admin
 will be redirected to store to display the newly created (pending) asset.
 With that we don't need to worry about sending/rendering images at the
 workflow admin application.



 On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Tanya Madurapperuma

 Hi Johann,

 Thanks for the response.
 IMO it is better if we can make the WorkflowRequestDAO more generic
 where we can plug any storing mechanism. WDYT?


 On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Johann Nallathamby

 Hi Tanya,

 On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Tanya Madurapperuma

 Hi all,

 We are in the process of implementing the workflow support for ES
 and came across the $Subject.
 Although many products have worflow support, seems there is no
 generic component to achieve this.

 The workflow executor for APIM [1] cannot be used platform wide
 since they pass the ApiMgtDAO to execute method in their executor.

 Similar issue is there with the IS workflow executor where they
 preserve the workflow information in the identity database [2] (refer
 addWorkflowEntry method)

 The work flow component that was designed for IS was designed with
 the intension of extensibility. The workflow components are not coupled 
 anyway to identity components. If there is anything which is blocking you
 from achieving what you need then we will like to know about it so that 
 can fix our design.

 IMO other products should be able to use their own workflow info
 preservation mechanism.
 Ex: To