Re: [Architecture] Redesigning Puppet Modules & Publishing them in Puppet Forge

2015-12-04 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Imesh,

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:12 PM, Imesh Gunaratne <> wrote:

> Hi Krishantha,
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Krishantha Samaraweera <
>> wrote:
>> We need to consider continues delivery aspects when designing these core
>> puppet modules. Some of the suggestions that you have mentioned are already
>> being implemented while automating APIM deployment patterns. If we can
>> review and adhere to the way automation team design puppet scripts that
>> would cut down any rework for our side.
> +1 Yes definitely, we are now reviewing the API-M puppet module developed
> by your team, planning to take it as it is and do any necessary changes to
> make it generic.

+1 for  looking into existing scripts and trying to reuse them.  Yes there
are many things that we can make more generic.

>> Automation requirement is to do several deployments and run tests on
>> those deployments without any human interventions. We already completed POC
>> of this using puppet, Hiera, Mcollective and Jenkins.
> Do you think Mcollective and Jenkins should be part of the generic puppet
> modules?

No, however we used factors to store deployment pattern and product name.
By changing those factors different deployment patterns can be triggered
though Jenkins. We used below Mcollective command to change factors in all
agent machines. This helps us to trigger deployments though Jenkins.

*mco shell run 'rm /etc/facter/facts.d/deployment_pattern.txt;mkdir -p
/etc/facter/facts.d; echo  "deployment_pattern=pattern1" >>

So if you can consider about factors to hold high level deployment options
then that would be very continuous delivery friendly option.


>> IMO, as the first step we should review the Hiera data model and module
>> structure that we have introduced. And improve it if required or go for new
>> design.
> +1 Will do.
>> Also having environment concept (Development, production, QA) would help
>> us to manage/maintain puppet scripts more easily.
>> Yes we noticed this in Hiera. We should be able to keep this feature in
> the generic puppet modules.
> Thanks
>> WDYT ?
>> Thanks,
>> Krishantha.
>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are now trying to refactor the puppet modules in [1] according to the
>>> best practices DevOps, Automation and Private PaaS teams found over the
>>> recent past on designing puppet modules. These include following:
>>>- Using Hiera for keeping site-specific data out of the manifests [2]
>>>- Use a base puppet module/class to implement common installation
>>>and configuration steps
>>>- Use one puppet module to install different versions of a product,
>>>product version to be given using a parameter (example: puppet module =
>>>wso2esb, product version = 4.9.0)
>>>- Eventually include multiple sets of templates for different
>>>versions of the product inside a single puppet module
>>>- Provide a version for the puppet module (example: puppet module =
>>>wso2esb, puppet module version = 1.0.0, product version = 4.9.0)
>>>- Implement unit tests for puppet modules [3]
>>>- Finally publish puppet modules in Puppet Forge
>>>- Afterwards users can either use puppet install or wget for
>>>installing puppet modules in their environments
>>> These puppet modules will be designed to support different deployment
>>> models:
>>>- Deploying WSO2 products on VMs using a Puppet Master
>>>- Building Docker images with Puppet Apply [4] for Kubernetes
>>>- Deploying WSO2 products on WSO2 Private PaaS
>>>   - On VMs using a Puppet Master with runtime configurations
>>>   - On Kubernetes using Puppet Apply with runtime configurations
>>> Please feel free to add your thoughts.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> *Imesh Gunaratne*
>>> Senior Technical Lead

Re: [Architecture] Redesigning Puppet Modules & Publishing them in Puppet Forge

2015-12-03 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Imesh,

We need to consider continues delivery aspects when designing these core
puppet modules. Some of the suggestions that you have mentioned are already
being implemented while automating APIM deployment patterns. If we can
review and adhere to the way automation team design puppet scripts that
would cut down any rework for our side.  Automation requirement is to do
several deployments and run tests on those deployments without any human
interventions. We already completed POC of this using puppet, Hiera,
Mcollective and Jenkins.

IMO, as the first step we should review the Hiera data model and module
structure that we have introduced. And improve it if required or go for new
design. IMO, we have achieved 100% data separation from puppet modules and
product template versioning. Based on the review we can introduce new base

Also having environment concept (Development, production, QA) would help us
to manage/maintain puppet scripts more easily.



On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are now trying to refactor the puppet modules in [1] according to the
> best practices DevOps, Automation and Private PaaS teams found over the
> recent past on designing puppet modules. These include following:
>- Using Hiera for keeping site-specific data out of the manifests [2]
>- Use a base puppet module/class to implement common installation and
>configuration steps
>- Use one puppet module to install different versions of a product,
>product version to be given using a parameter (example: puppet module =
>wso2esb, product version = 4.9.0)
>- Eventually include multiple sets of templates for different versions
>of the product inside a single puppet module
>- Provide a version for the puppet module (example: puppet module =
>wso2esb, puppet module version = 1.0.0, product version = 4.9.0)
>- Implement unit tests for puppet modules [3]
>- Finally publish puppet modules in Puppet Forge
>- Afterwards users can either use puppet install or wget for
>installing puppet modules in their environments
> These puppet modules will be designed to support different deployment
> models:
>- Deploying WSO2 products on VMs using a Puppet Master
>- Building Docker images with Puppet Apply [4] for Kubernetes
>- Deploying WSO2 products on WSO2 Private PaaS
>   - On VMs using a Puppet Master with runtime configurations
>   - On Kubernetes using Puppet Apply with runtime configurations
> Please feel free to add your thoughts.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Thanks
> --
> *Imesh Gunaratne*
> Senior Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc:
> T: +94 11 214 5345 M: +94 77 374 2057
> W:
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.;
lean . enterprise . middleware.
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] Deployment Automation Progress Update

2014-12-16 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Shankar,

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar wrote:

 Did you guys discuss with Chamith on this?

We are planning to have a review with DevOps this week.


 Chamith, this is similar to what you guys are doing for cloud?

 On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya

 We have successfully migrated to the new cloud:

 Hypervisor Summary as follows.
 Memory available 30.8 GB
 Disk available 1.8 TB
 VCPUs available 16


 On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya


 We have introduced a new configuration file deployment.cfg [1]. Python
 will load the relevant initial configurations from
 this file including server node names. Therefore nodes.txt file is

 When loading node names in the cluster initially had a problem of
 spawning instances in OpenStack in a random order. This issue was solved
 using python collections.OrderedDict [3] instead of using default
 dictionary (unordered).

 Cluster information is kept in a config.pp file [2].



 On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya

 Adding Ramith...

 On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya


 On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya

 Hi all,

 We are working on developing a deployment automation process which
 will be integrated in to the test automation framework to run test suites
 on different product platforms.

 Following is the current process of deployment automation process.

 Nodes information file contains all the names of nodes in the cluster
 of which the collective behavior is tested. It will contain hostnames of
 the nodes such as appserver-mgr1 appserver-wkr1.

 Configuration data for each node in the cluster will be kept as a
 data structure in another configuration file which will be restructured
 according to the spawned instances information (in OpenStack) and 
 in puppet master. This configuration file was initially created as an xml
 file similar to the product configuration files following the same xml
 hierarchical pattern. Following DevOps practices the configuration
 xml file is removed and puppet data structure file is introduced.

 Using python novaclient API, equal number of instances are spawned in
 the environment (OpenStack). When instances are being created a
 preconfigured OpenStack image [1] will be used from an image repository.
 This image includes preconfigured puppet agent and ganglia client 
 (aware of puppet master and ganglia monitor locations).

 Once the instances are spawned in OpenStack, the relevant information
 of the node is retrieved using facter [2]. This information will be cross
 mapped and merged with the configuration file with the relevant 
 such as IP addresses, hostnames of the instances to create a puppet 
 configuration file.

 Puppet will be taking over its operations once this configuration
 file is in place. By mapping the hostname of the incoming puppet agent
 request against the configuration file, puppet master performs the
 following operations.


Ensure essential packages such as unzip are present in agent node
prior starting server operations.

Remove old extractions and installations of conflicting product

Install the defined jdk to the instance.

Extract product pack file.

Retrieve node specific values and update product pack
configuration (axis2.xml, carbon.xml, catalina-server.xml, etc...).

Start the server with given server options.

 In future deployment automation module will be expanded to support
 OpenStack, EC2, Physical networked machines and Local environments.
 Currently development started with OpenStack using python novaclient API.
 Issues encountered and findings are logged in [3], [4] and [5].

 In the next phase Docker will be evaluated to facilitate cross
 platform test execution (Multiple DBs, JDKs, User Stores, OS etc..)

 Please share your ideas for improvement. We are planning to have an
 architectural review with DevOps team within next week.

 Attached diagram represents the proposed architecture.





Re: [Architecture] Feature Level Automation Testing

2014-11-02 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
With this approach you are writing something in between unit and
integration but more towards integration tests. We can't describe feature
level automated tests as pure integration tests as other required
components to make it a product are not present. May be we need to come up
with new term for this - something like 'feature-testing' :)

We need to decide whether to duplicate tests or not. If we can make sure a
particular feature works 100% with feature level tests, then duplicating
the same test in product level is not required (This will add extra time
overhead to our builds). If you have greater coverage in feature level then
tests required for product verification will be minimal.

I would like to have a discussion on this with carbon-kernel team to
finalize everything. Will send an invitation.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 8:06 PM, KasunG Gajasinghe wrote:


 Will we be writing integration tests or unit tests with this approach? If
 we are writing integration tests here, then we will have integration tests
 in carbon component/feature repos in addition to what we already have in
 product repos.

 It's important to have automation tests at product level. So, when writing
 a new integration test, how can we decide which repo it should go to? Will
 we have to duplicate any test?

 On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 6:51 PM, Irham Iqbal wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am working on creating an environment to write test cases to test
 standalone features. With new GIT module components and features should be
 released prior to product releases, so all features must be thoroughly
 tested and should be production ready. Carbon runtime is needed to test the
 standalone features, so our plan is to start carbon-core by installing all
 features resided in a project repository.

 For creating test execution environment, all features will be installed
 on carbon-core using carbon-p2-plugin. Before installing we have to create
 p2-repo with relevant features in it. To do that, need to have pom with all
 feature dependencies required (including common dependencies) . P2-repo
 will be created by installing that pom with relevant features specified.
 When installing a feature you have to find out and install all the other
 features this feature is depending on.

 After creating carbon-core with all required features, test framework
 dependency will be used with new extension classes to facilitate sever
 management, code coverage generation and user/tenant creation.

 I've done a POC to verify feature installation on carbon-core in
 carbon-deployment project and everything seems to work fine. Just need
 clarify whether this is the correct approach for feature level testing and
 any suggestions for alternatives. Kindly expecting your ideas on this.

 Attached diagram depict proposed architecture.


 Irham Iqbal
 Software Engineer - Test Automation
  WSO2, Inc.:
 lean. enterprise. middleware
 phone: +94 777888452


 *Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
 email: kasung AT spamfree

 Architecture mailing list

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.;
lean . enterprise . middlewear.
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] [IS] Test Automation - Open Id

2014-10-20 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Malithi,

You can use TestNG data provider along with @factory annotation to re-run
the same test with different parameters. We used this combination to run
the same tests in Admin/Tenant mode [1].

Test Framework 4.2.8 does support tenant mode test execution but you have
to change the file and re-execute the tests. However
TAF 4.3.0 version support for this OOB where you don't need to reinitiate
the tests.



On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Malithi Edirisinghe

 Hi all,

 I'm working on $subject. During the discussions I had with my team members
 found that we have to automate the Open Id flow for various combination of
 parameters defined below.

 User - (Admin/Login User/Tenant User)
 User Consent - (Approve/Approve Always/Skip)
 Association Type - (DB Store/Replication Store/Crypto Store)
 Claims - (With/Without)
 Consumer Type - (Smart Mode/Dumb Mode)

 I'm planning to use parameterized tests supported by TestNG for this
 implementation, where the same test can be run over and over again for
 different parameter values [1]. Further I noted that the WSO2 Test
 Automation Framework 4.3.0 supports running tests for multiple user modes
 [2]. I would also like to know whether we have such support with 4.2.8

 Kindly expect your thoughts on this.



 *Malithi Edirisinghe*
 Senior Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc.

 Mobile : +94 (0) 718176807

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.;
lean . enterprise . middlewear.
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] Connector:BrainTree

2014-06-16 Thread krishantha
Following methods seems to be more relevant with CRM while others for
payment. i think we can use payment section with out following methods.  I
think we should remove those as those are less priority. isn't it? what is
ur idea Rasika/Dushan ???

createCustomer - Create a Customer on Server-To-Server
deleteCustomer- Delete a customer
getCustomer - Get customer details
searchCustomers - Search through existing customers
updateCustomer - Update an existing customer

createAddress - Create a new address
deleteAddress - Delete an address
getAddressDetails - Get details of an address
updateAddress - Update address detail

cloneTransaction - Clone an existing transaction
searchCreditCards - Search through existing Credit Cards

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Re: [Architecture] Connector:Con - cur

2014-05-06 Thread krishantha
Hi Malaka,
I have considered only the business use cases which most possible to perform
on integration. as a example admin related / one time configuration
functionality such as setup accounts / setup vendors / setup paytype have
not been considered as those are doing directly my accessing application and
very less possibility for integration requirement.

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Re: [Architecture] Connector:box

2014-05-02 Thread krishantha

Final method list will as follows


With Box, you can store all kinds of files online – then arrange them into
folders just like on your desktop. Access them anytime, anywhere; share with
friends and collaborate with teammates, too. Just send 'em a link. 
in simple it is an online storage 


box Connector Summery

• Connector Name:  box-connector-1.0.0 
• Version: 1.0.0 
• Technology:  REST 


The Box API uses OAuth 2 for authentication. An authorization header
containing a valid access_token must be included in every request. 


createFolder - Used to create a new empty folder. 
getFolderInformation - Retrieves the full metadata about a folder, including
information about when it was last updated as well as the files and folders
contained in it. 
updateFolderInformation - Used to update information about the folder. 
deleteFolder - Used to delete a folder. 
copyFolder - Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder. 
shareFolder - Used to create a shared link for this particular folder. 


getFileInformation - Used to retrieve the metadata about a file. 
updateFileInformation - Used to update individual or multiple fields in the
file object, including renaming the file, changing it’s description, and
creating a shared link for the file. 
downloadFile - Retrieves the actual data of the file. 
uploadFile - Use the Uploads API to allow users to add a new file. The user
can then upload a file by specifying the destination folder for the file. 
deleteFile - Discards a file to the trash. 
copyFile - Used to create a copy of a file in another folder. 
shareFile - Used to create a shared link for this particular file. 
listFileComments - Retrieves the comments on a particular file, if any


createComment - Used to add a comment by the user to a specific file or
comment (i.e. as a reply comment). 
updateComment - Used to update the message of the comment. 
getComment - Used to retrieve the message and metadata about a specific
deleteComment - Permanently deletes a comment. 

Shared Items

getSharedItem - Used to retrieve the metadata about a shared item when only
given a shared link. 


search - The search endpoint provides a simple way of finding items that are
accessible in a given user’s Box account. 


listUsers - Returns a list of all users for the Enterprise along with their
user_id, public_name, and login. 
moveFolder - Moves all of the owned content from within one user’s folder
into a new folder in another user’s account.

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[Architecture] Connector:github

2014-04-29 Thread krishantha

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that
use the Git revision control system. GitHub offers both paid plans for
private repositories, and free accounts for open source projects.


GitHub Connector Summery

• Connector Name:  GitHub-connector-1.0.0
• Version: 1.0.0
• Technology:  REST 


GitHub use oAuth2 based access token

Method summary

Git Data

getBlob - Retrieves a blob.
createBlob  - Uploads a blob.   
createCommit- Creates a comment.


listRepositoryIssues- Lists issues for a repository.
getIssue- Retrieves a single issue.
createIssue - Any user with pull access to a repository can create 
editIssue   - Issue owners and users with push access can edit an 
listIssueAssignees  - This call lists all the available assignees (owner +
collaborators) to which issues may be assigned.
listIssueComments   - This lists comments on an issue.
createIssueComment  - Allows to create a comment on an issue.
editIssueComment- Allows to edit a comment on an issue.
deleteIssueComment  - Allows to delete a comment on an issue.

Pull Requests

listPullRequests- Lists all the pull requests.
getPullRequest  - Retrieves a single pull request.
createPullRequest   - Creates a pull request.
updatePullRequest   - Updates a pull request.
listPullRequestCommits  - It list commits on a pull request.
listPullRequestsFiles   - This lists pull request files.
getMergeStatus  - Retrieve the status as to if a pull request has been
mergePullRequest- This merges a pull request.


searchIssues- Find issues by state and keyword. (This method 
returns up to
100 results per page.)


getUser - Retrieves a single user

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[Architecture] Connector:Con - cur

2014-04-29 Thread krishantha
*Note: Con - cur should consider by removing spaces and -*


Con - cur's easy-to-use business travel and expense management software
solution helps your business save time, money and gain control


Con - cur Connector Summary

• Connector Name:  Con - cur-connector-1.0.0
• Version: 1.0.0
• Technology:  REST


Con - cur use oAuth2 based access token

getAllAttendeeTypes - Returns all active AttendeeTypes for the company.

getExpenseEntries - Returns all expense entries owned by the user.

getExpenseEntry - Returns an expense entry by ID.

createExpenseEntry - Creates a new expense entry

deleteExpenseEntry - Deletes the specified expense entry

getExchangeRates - Retrieve exchange rate between two currencies on a given

updatePurchaseOrderReceipts - Updates purchase order line item with receipt
information and returns
status of updation.

createPurchaseOrder - Creates a purchase order and returns the status of

updatePurchaseOrder - Updates an existing purchase order and returns the
status of the request.

getPurchaseOrder - Gets an existing purchase order.

getAllQuickExpenses - Returns all QuickExpenses owned by the user.

getQuickExpense - Returns a QuickExpense by ID.

createQuickExpense - Creates a new QuickExpense

updateQuickExpense - Updates the QuickExpense specified in the URL.

deleteQuickExpense - Deletes the specified QuickExpense

getReceiptIdsForUser - Get a list of all receipt IDs owned by the user
associated with the OAuth token

getReceiptImageURL - Get a receipt image URL by image ID.

createReceiptImage - Creates a new image in the receipt store.

deleteReceiptImage - Deletes the specified receipt image

getAllVendors - Gets an existing vendor. 

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Re: [Architecture] Connector:box

2014-04-28 Thread krishantha
#following method name will change as follows
createFileSharedLink -- shareFile
createFolderShareLink -- shareFolder

#Share heading should corrected as Search

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Re: [Architecture] Connector:dropbox

2014-04-24 Thread krishantha
agreed. i have changed the names. so as a conclusion final list will be as


Dropbox is a storage for all photos, docs, videos, and files. Anything you
add to Dropbox will automatically show up on all your computers, phones and
even the Dropbox website — so you can access your stuff from anywhere


dropbox Connector Summery

• Connector Name:  dropbox-connector-1.0.0
• Version: 1.0.0
• Technology:  REST

The dropbox REST API requires access token as authentication mechanism

Files and metadata

getFile - Downloads a file.

uploadFile - Uploads a file using PUT semantics.

getMetadata - Retrieves file and folder metadata

getRevisionMetadata - Obtains metadata for the previous revisions of a file.

restoreFile - Restores a file path to a previous revision.

*search- Returns metadata for all files and folders whose filename contains
the given search string as a substring*

*share - Returns a link directly to a file*

chunkUpload - Uploads large files to Dropbox in multiple chunks

commitChunk - Completes an upload initiated by the [chunkUpload] method

File operations

copy - Copies a file or folder to a new location

createFolder - Creates a folder.

delete - Deletes a file or folder.

move - Moves a file or folder to a new location. 

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[Architecture] Connector:box

2014-04-24 Thread krishantha

With Box, you can store all kinds of files online – then arrange them into
folders just like on your desktop. Access them anytime, anywhere; share with
friends and collaborate with teammates, too. Just send 'em a link.
in simple it is an online storage


box Connector Summery

• Connector Name:  box-connector-1.0.0
• Version: 1.0.0
• Technology:  REST 


The Box API uses OAuth 2 for authentication. An authorization header
containing a valid access_token must be included in every request.


createFolder - Used to create a new empty folder.
getFolderInformation - Retrieves the full metadata about a folder, including
information about when it was last updated as well as the files and folders
contained in it.
updateFolderInformation - Used to update information about the folder.
deleteFolder - Used to delete a folder.
copyFolder - Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder. 
createFolderSharedLink - Used to create a shared link for this particular


getFileInformation - Used to retrieve the metadata about a file.
updateFileInformation - Used to update individual or multiple fields in the
file object, including renaming the file, changing it’s description, and
creating a shared link for the file.
downloadFile - Retrieves the actual data of the file. 
uploadFile - Use the Uploads API to allow users to add a new file. The user
can then upload a file by specifying the destination folder for the file.
deleteFile - Discards a file to the trash. 
copyFile - Used to create a copy of a file in another folder. 
createFileSharedLink - Used to create a shared link for this particular
listFileComments - Retrieves the comments on a particular file, if any


createComment - Used to add a comment by the user to a specific file or
comment (i.e. as a reply comment).
updateComment - Used to update the message of the comment.
getComment - Used to retrieve the message and metadata about a specific
deleteComment - Permanently deletes a comment.

Shared Items

getSharedItem - Used to retrieve the metadata about a shared item when only
given a shared link.


search - The search endpoint provides a simple way of finding items that are
accessible in a given user’s Box account.


listUsers - Returns a list of all users for the Enterprise along with their
user_id, public_name, and login.
moveFolder - Moves all of the owned content from within one user’s folder
into a new folder in another user’s account.

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Re: [Architecture] Connector:box

2014-04-24 Thread Krishantha Dinesh
Yes Malaka,
I have considered to cover all core functionalities. so we can add others
later on-demand

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Malaka Silva wrote:


 I guess this pretty much covers most of the methods?

 Best Regards,

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 1:01 PM, krishantha wrote:


 With Box, you can store all kinds of files online – then arrange them into
 folders just like on your desktop. Access them anytime, anywhere; share
 friends and collaborate with teammates, too. Just send 'em a link.
 in simple it is an online storage


 box Connector Summery

 • Connector Name:  box-connector-1.0.0
 • Version: 1.0.0
 • Technology:  REST


 The Box API uses OAuth 2 for authentication. An authorization header
 containing a valid access_token must be included in every request.


 createFolder - Used to create a new empty folder.
 getFolderInformation - Retrieves the full metadata about a folder,
 information about when it was last updated as well as the files and
 contained in it.
 updateFolderInformation - Used to update information about the folder.
 deleteFolder - Used to delete a folder.
 copyFolder - Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder.
 createFolderSharedLink - Used to create a shared link for this particular


 getFileInformation - Used to retrieve the metadata about a file.
 updateFileInformation - Used to update individual or multiple fields in
 file object, including renaming the file, changing it’s description, and
 creating a shared link for the file.
 downloadFile - Retrieves the actual data of the file.
 uploadFile - Use the Uploads API to allow users to add a new file. The
 can then upload a file by specifying the destination folder for the file.
 deleteFile - Discards a file to the trash.
 copyFile - Used to create a copy of a file in another folder.
 createFileSharedLink - Used to create a shared link for this particular
 listFileComments - Retrieves the comments on a particular file, if any


 createComment - Used to add a comment by the user to a specific file or
 comment (i.e. as a reply comment).
 updateComment - Used to update the message of the comment.
 getComment - Used to retrieve the message and metadata about a specific
 deleteComment - Permanently deletes a comment.

 Shared Items

 getSharedItem - Used to retrieve the metadata about a shared item when
 given a shared link.


 search - The search endpoint provides a simple way of finding items that
 accessible in a given user’s Box account.


 listUsers - Returns a list of all users for the Enterprise along with
 user_id, public_name, and login.
 moveFolder - Moves all of the owned content from within one user’s folder
 into a new folder in another user’s account.

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 Architecture mailing list


 Best Regards,

 Malaka Silva
 Senior Tech Lead
 M: +94 777 219 791
 Tel : 94 11 214 5345
 Fax :94 11 2145300
 Skype : malaka.sampath.silva
 LinkedIn :
 Blog :

 WSO2, Inc.
 lean . enterprise . middleware

 Save a tree -Conserve nature  Save the world for your future. Print this
 email only if it is absolutely necessary.

 Architecture mailing list

Architecture mailing list

[Architecture] Connector:dropbox

2014-04-22 Thread krishantha

Dropbox is a storage for all photos, docs, videos, and files. Anything you
add to Dropbox will automatically show up on all your computers, phones and
even the Dropbox website — so you can access your stuff from anywhere


*dropbox Connector Summery*

•   Connector Name:  dropbox-connector-1.0.0 
•   Version: 1.0.0 
•   Technology:  REST 


The dropbox REST API requires access token as authentication mechanism

*Files and metadata*

getFile - Downloads a file.

uploadFile - Uploads a file using PUT semantics.

getMetadata - Retrieves file and folder metadata 

getRevisionMetadata - Obtains metadata for the previous revisions of a file.

restoreFile - Restores a file path to a previous revision.

listFileMetadata - Returns metadata for all files and folders whose filename
contains the given search string as a substring

shareWithDirectLink - Returns a link directly to a file

chunkUpload - Uploads large files to Dropbox in multiple chunks

commitChunk - Completes an upload initiated by the [chunkUpload] method

*File operations*

copy - Copies a file or folder to a new location

createFolder - Creates a folder.

delete - Deletes a file or folder.

move - Moves a file or folder to a new location.

View this message in context:
Sent from the WSO2 Architecture mailing list archive at
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] WSO2 Data Services Server 3.2.0-M2 Released

2014-03-31 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Chanika,

Any chance for your to run all integration tests. Can you publish the
result with coverage stats


On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Chanika Geeganage chan...@wso2.comwrote:

 *WSO2 Data Services Server 3.2.0-M2 Released!*

 The Milestone-2 pack is available at:

 To run the samples please follow the read-me, $DSS_HOME/samples/README.txt

 Following are the bug fixes, improvements and the new features.


- [DS-860]
- Eventing Broker Not Available Error on Startup
- [DS-853] - When finish the
Edit Wizard, it removes configuration of a custom datasource
- [DS-805] - Cant add a property
when creating a data source
- [DS-797] - Two warning
messages can be observed when start the server with samples


- [DS-863] - Making Task
Location Resolver Class as a configurable field

 New Features

- [DS-848] - Returning a
structured error message to the user when a SOAP fault occurred
- [DS-864] - MongoDB datasource

 We welcome your feedback on this release of DSS.

 - WSO2 DSS Team

 Best Regards..

 Chanika Geeganage
 Software Engineer
 WSO2, Inc.;

 Architecture mailing list

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.;
lean . enterprise . middlewear.
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 is ready to be used.

2014-02-16 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Senaka,

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Senaka Fernando wrote:

 Hi Dharshana,

 First of all, congratulations on the 4.3.0 release.

 I got a few questions on TAF.

 1. Can we link the documentation of TAF to this release note?

We are doing final touch to the documentation. Will link it once done. Even
though we announced the framework readiness, all product integration tests
should get migrated to this new version because test framework was all most
rewritten and contain API changes. So this is more like a release focusing
on WSO2 developer community rather product users.

 2. Why is this pack (or some part of it) hosted in some location private
 to a developer (i.e.
 Note: I found this location through the docs, if that's wrong, please fix

We decided not to release platform automated test suite until all
integration tests and build problems get fixed. Will remove this link from
old and new documents.



 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Dharshana Warusavitharana wrote:

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 is ready to be used.
 February 2014

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework team is pleased to announce the internal
 release of version 4.3.0 of the framework. WSO2 Test Automation Framework 
  provides platform wide test automation facility. WSO2 Test Automation
 Framework is a Framework which enables to perform as a framework
 addressing the absence of a single framework which can perform equally in
 all stages of the development to deployment cycles of WSO2 products.

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 will give you the flexibility of
 extending the framework capabilities through extensible support. And manage
 and execute test suite over the platform with different combinations and
 reuse existing test suites in different environments.  This includes all
 of the extra integration and management functionality as well.

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework is an open source product available under
 the Apache Software License 
 Enhancements in WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0


Introduction of lightweight automation engine.

Introduction of enhanced Automation Context API.

Ability to integrate third party products and platforms.

Native xpath based xml parsing implementation.

Introduction of single configuration file to manage all

Framework extensibility capability through pluggable modules.

Enhanced server management facility.

Enhanced User management capability.

Configuration file validator.

Introduction of enhanced code coverage through EMMA.

Enhanced support for cluster based platform wide test automation.

 Key Features


Platform wide Test execution support.

Simple Automation Context API.

TestNG listener based test execution.

REST backend support with JAX-RS services.

Embedded server support (FTP, Proxy server, JMS, ActiveMQ, HTTP
Servers Axis2 Server).

Annotation based test execution management support.

Ability to execute same test on multiple environments.

Third party test tooling integration support (Jmeter)

Selenium webdriver integration and ability to run UI tests to cross
browser environments.

Set of common test utilities to facilitate better test writing

 Bugs Fixed and Feature implementation in This Release

 This release of WSO2 TAF comes with a number of bug fixes and feature
 implementation. All the issues which have been fixed in Test Framework
 4.3.0 are recorded at following locations:


Fixed Test Framework specific 

 Reporting Problems


Issues can be reported using the Test Automation public JIRA
available at

 SVN Repository


Test Framework 

 Contact us

 WSO2 developers can be contacted via the mailing list:

 For details on subscriptions see
 Discussion Forums

 Alternatively, questions could be raised on 

 We are committed to ensuring that your enterprise middleware deployment
 is completely supported from evaluation to production. Our unique
 approach ensures that all support leverages our open development
 methodology and is provided by the very same engineers who build the

 For more details and to take advantage of this unique opportunity

Re: [Architecture] WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 is ready to be used.

2014-02-16 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Isuru,

New framework has been added to chunk-08 poms. So anybody can build it and
use as a dependency to their project.

We are planning to do another more enhance user friendly release before Q1,
which will have maven archetype to create test automation project, test
framework distribution etc..


On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Isuru Wimalasundera isu...@wso2.comwrote:

 Hi Krishantha/Dharshana

 When are we planning to make this released as a public release , for
 customers ?


 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Krishantha Samaraweera wrote:

 Hi Senaka,

 On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Senaka Fernando wrote:

 Hi Dharshana,

 First of all, congratulations on the 4.3.0 release.

 I got a few questions on TAF.

 1. Can we link the documentation of TAF to this release note?

 We are doing final touch to the documentation. Will link it once done.
 Even though we announced the framework readiness, all product integration
 tests should get migrated to this new version because test framework was
 all most rewritten and contain API changes. So this is more like a release
 focusing on WSO2 developer community rather product users.

 2. Why is this pack (or some part of it) hosted in some location private
 to a developer (i.e.
 Note: I found this location through the docs, if that's wrong, please fix

 We decided not to release platform automated test suite until all
 integration tests and build problems get fixed. Will remove this link from
 old and new documents.



 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Dharshana Warusavitharana wrote:

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 is ready to be used.
 February 2014

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework team is pleased to announce the internal
 release of version 4.3.0 of the framework. WSO2 Test Automation Framework 
  provides platform wide test automation facility. WSO2 Test Automation
 Framework is a Framework which enables to perform as a framework
 addressing the absence of a single framework which can perform equally in
 all stages of the development to deployment cycles of WSO2 products.

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0 will give you the flexibility of
 extending the framework capabilities through extensible support. And manage
 and execute test suite over the platform with different combinations
 and reuse existing test suites in different environments.  This
 includes all of the extra integration and management functionality as well.

 WSO2 Test Automation Framework is an open source product available
 under the Apache Software License 
 Enhancements in WSO2 Test Automation Framework 4.3.0


Introduction of lightweight automation engine.

Introduction of enhanced Automation Context API.

Ability to integrate third party products and platforms.

Native xpath based xml parsing implementation.

Introduction of single configuration file to manage all

Framework extensibility capability through pluggable modules.

Enhanced server management facility.

Enhanced User management capability.

Configuration file validator.

Introduction of enhanced code coverage through EMMA.

Enhanced support for cluster based platform wide test automation.

 Key Features


Platform wide Test execution support.

Simple Automation Context API.

TestNG listener based test execution.

REST backend support with JAX-RS services.

Embedded server support (FTP, Proxy server, JMS, ActiveMQ, HTTP
Servers Axis2 Server).

Annotation based test execution management support.

Ability to execute same test on multiple environments.

Third party test tooling integration support (Jmeter)

Selenium webdriver integration and ability to run UI tests to cross
browser environments.

Set of common test utilities to facilitate better test writing

 Bugs Fixed and Feature implementation in This Release

 This release of WSO2 TAF comes with a number of bug fixes and feature
 implementation. All the issues which have been fixed in Test Framework
 4.3.0 are recorded at following locations:


Fixed Test Framework specific 

 Reporting Problems


Issues can be reported using the Test Automation public JIRA
available at

 SVN Repository


Test Framework 

 Contact us

 WSO2 developers can be contacted via the mailing list: d...@wso2

Re: [Architecture] Proposed code repository restructuring move to GitHub

2014-01-28 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
As per the offline chat had with Azeez, We decided to migrate move service
clients resided in Test Framework API to relevant service-stub modules.
This will allow us to detect and fix the build breaks due to admin service
api changes easily and eliminate test framework build breaks.

And external users can directly use admin service clients resides in
service-stub jars to invoke our backend admin services.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Afkham Azeez wrote:

 [Sorry for the very long mail. I want to document all that I had in mind 
 the stuff we discussed. I would recommend all devs to take some time to
 read this]

 I would like to summarize he discussion we had a couple of days back.

 *The Problems*
 The problems we are trying to solve are as follows:

 1. Trunk  branches structures being completely different
 2. Branches containing directories with version numbers
 3. It is impossible to move to GitHub with the current structure because
 of #2
 4. It is very easy to break the build by changing already released code.
 The room for human error is high.
 5. Bamboo builds are eternally broken because the build fails at some
 point  Bamboo cannot continue any further
 6. When we branch, the trunk quickly becomes obsolete, and remains in that
 broken state until the next major platform release.
 7. Everybody has to build all components/features, even if those are not
 related to their products
 8. Fixed versions in branches instead of using SNAPSHOT versions. This
 makes it impossible to upload build artifacts to Maven/Nexus repos. This
 leads to #7.
 9. Impossible to integrate code quality tools such as EraInsight because
 of #5

 *Proposed solution*
 We have come up with the following solution after much deliberation 

 We started looking at other open source projects out there. We took Axis2
 as an example. Axis2 had many dependencies including Axiom, XmlSchema,
 Woden, WSS4J etc. Those 3rd party dependencies were also developed by some
 Axis2 contributors, but we never branched all of those together and brought
 them into the same code branch. We used to start what we used to call a
 release train, where the upstream code would have to be released first
 before the downstream code such as Axis2  Synapse could be released. This
 way, we never had any of the problems outlined above.

 If you look at the WSO2 product releases, again, the scenario is not that
 much different from the Axis2/Synapse releases. Components  features are
 simply dependencies of the products. In order to get product releases out,
 we first need releases of those dependencies (components/features). So the
 proposal is to identify the top level components/features, and first
 release that code before doing product releases. Each of those components
 will have a GitHub repo. All active development will be done on the main
 branch of those components, and will be branched when they are close to the
 release. Instead of granting commit rights to all, we could only allow the
 primary developers of those components to commit, and others can send pull
 requests, which will be merged in by the primary owners after reviewing.
 These component teams could even have an internal Git repo or clone, and
 commit to that, run all tests, and when they are satisfied that the code is
 in a good state to be merged into the main branch, they can send a pull
 request  merge the changes. We would run Bamboo which would build the
 components several times a day  deploy them to the Nexus repo. That way,
 you would not have to build code that is not directly related to what you
 are working on, which would save 100s of valuable dev hours.

 In the majority of the cases, the P2 features correspond to one or more
 related components. So we would keep the feature close to the component.
 There are some cases where these components  features belong in the
 product itself. AppFactory components are a good example.

 Products will also have their own GitHub repos. We will have separate
 GitHub repos for platform integration tests. Products such as API Manager
 may opt to have the API Management feature in the product itself. We would
 have a separate P2-repo GitHub repo which would build  deploy the
 compatible set of P2 features.

 We will have Bamboo plans at multiple levels; components, products,
 platform, p2-repo and so on.

 We will not change any package structures at this time. We would defer
 that to Carbon 5 (if necessary). We will get rid of the chunk based release
 model. Continuous delivery is our ultimate aim  for that to happen, we
 have to release a compatible set of features. We are going to rely heavily
 on automation, automated builds  deploys to Maven. The developers will do
 the majority of the QA (just like the Apache Stratos team is doing now).

 We will use the Maven release plugin to create releases  upload them to
 the Maven repo.

 *Implications to WSO2 code developers*

Re: [Architecture] [Dev] Developer Studio 3.3.0 Alpha 3 Released!

2013-12-10 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Hi Harshana,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Harshana Martin wrote:

 Hi Samisa,

 On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Samisa Abeysinghe sam...@wso2.comwrote:

 Given there is no auto test help, to guard against slips, lets at least
 use a checklist of all mediators to be tested.

 Yes.. That's a good idea.. we did such cross check when we did DevS 3.0.0
 release. So we will reuse the same set to make sure no slip ups.

 I was looking for auto tests, becuase, it is hard to test them all

 Alternatively, we can see if we can use ESB auto tests in here, where we
 develop the artifacts for all mediators using DevS and test those artifacts
 with ESB auto test framework. That could work.

 Yes.. +1

 We can produce CAR files with all mediator scenarios and provide them to
 ESB Testing Framework which could show us the error in configurations. Also
 once we are done with it, the same CAR files can be used for future ESB
 testing as well.

When can we get CAR files to cover all mediators?  we can add some base
tests to cover deploy, undeploy and re-deployment of CAR files and allow
ESB team to complete the rest.


 We will execute that plan for the release. Thanks for the valuable input

 Best Regards,


 Samisa Abeysinghe

 Vice President Training

 WSO2 Inc.

 On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Harshana Martin harsh...@wso2.comwrote:

 Hi Samisa,

 On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:50 AM, Samisa Abeysinghe sam...@wso2.comwrote:

 What is the plan to test all mediators for basic functionality for

 At the moment we are planning to test the mediators using the samples
 mainly and some known use cases.

 I understand that some mediators were badly broken in 3.2.0 release
 e.g. XACML.

 Although Entitlement mediator was a specific mediator only, we fixed but
 there could be some other mediators like that. So we are going to cover all
 most all mediators during the testing.

 Can we make use of the auto test framework to ensure that there are no
 absolute blockers in any mediator out of the full mediator lot.

 Test framework is still not developed to support that level of
 requirements. We will try to improve it while testing the 3.3.0. But most
 of the testing will happen manually for this release. We are planning to
 assign someone full-time basis to improve the test framework to support
 complete automated testing.

 Thanks and Regards,


 Samisa Abeysinghe

 Vice President Training

 WSO2 Inc.

 On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Asanka Sanjeewa asan...@wso2.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 We have WSO2 Developer Studio 3.3.0 Alpha 3 version  ready to be
 downloaded at [1]. Installed eclipse distributions available at [2].

 This release includes following new feature, improvements and bug

 New Feature

- [TOOLS-1855] - Cloud
connector support


- [TOOLS-1870] -
Enabling Jaggery Editor Auto-Complete even without typing a character
- [TOOLS-2085] - There
is no way to rename a GReg artifact.
- [TOOLS-2106] - Adding
perspective login change icon into toolbar
- [TOOLS-2107] - Login
window should not pop-up when resetting the perspective and should 
for new perspective Only

 Bug Fixes

- [TOOLS-1337] - There
is no way to add include block inside Script Mediator
- [TOOLS-1694] - AF
perspective detais view not filling all the feilds
- [TOOLS-1719] - [Dev
Studio-3.2] - Logging not consistent with WSO2 Standards
- [TOOLS-1722] - Dev
Studio fails to create Registry resource without file extension
- [TOOLS-1731] - Dev
Studio fails to rename a resource correctly.
- [TOOLS-1737] - [Dev
Studio 3.2] End Point Connection Issues
- [TOOLS-1738] - [Dev
Studio 3.2] - Null Argument error for Clone Mediator
- [TOOLS-1743] - [Dev
Studio 3.2] - Exceptions Creating EndPoint (JMS)
- [TOOLS-1746] - [Dev
Studio-3.2] - Argument not valid Exception in Opening with Registry 
- [TOOLS-1747] - [Dev
Studio-3.2] -Edit and saving resources to registy not possible
- [TOOLS-1757] - Create
new Axis2 Service Project - wrong directory
- [TOOLS-1945

Re: [Architecture] [Dev] [Jaggery] [Test] Test framework for jaggery

2013-11-14 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
Functinalities like Server startup/shutdown, coverage generation and result
generation already implemented in WSO2 Test Automation framework. So we
need to reuse those functionalities in here. Having a Rest API to call
tests scripts embedded in each jaggery app would be nice addition. In that
way we could easily integrate it with our existing framework and use though
out the platform.

And this framework should support for continuous integration. So everything
have to be executed without human interactions. So avoiding command line
test runners etc.. is required.


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Madhuka Udantha wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Udara Rathnayake wrote:

 Hi all,

 While designing the test framework, its good if we can keep in mind that
 jaggery2 product also underway.
 Any thoughts?

 Sure, will think.
 Mainly test framework will coming for javascript(jag/js) testing so it
 will be written where can be extended.


 On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Madhuka Udantha madh...@wso2.comwrote:

 Hi Krishantha and test automation team,

 I would like to get your opinion on this task regard to

 is there standard methodology on current testing framework where we can
 added such testing framework or better to go on fully independent model?

 My thinking is,

-  As it is application level testing frame work, better to work
with much independent of the current system
- Where application writer (developer) can run test for specific
   application rather running all test for platform or product
   - It will help to maintain both test framework with low cost
   - Each test frame have it's own scope (such as
   platform/product/appilcation). if not, complexity of the code and 
   will be increase but there will be API interface for interaction 
 among the
   test framework.
-  And I thought to have interface (simple REST interface) in
jaggery test frame work where current test framework also can interact 
it into some extend.


 On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Madhuka Udantha madh...@wso2.comwrote:


 Still we do not have jaggery test framework even though there are
 considerable jaggery applications were developed. It is not easy maintain
 those jaggery applications/APIs steady without testing frame work.

 Now onward we will starting $subject as it is important for jaggery as
 well as there is no JS testing framework under WSO2 Platform. Testing
 framework will be under application level such as mocha, jasmine.  Test
 frame will be apply to (basically)test.

- jaggery API (js functions and arguments )
- REST APIs that are expose under jaggery application
- With test coverage reporting

 We will be evaluating existing JavaScript test frame works  regard
 mocha[1], jasmine[2], Qunit[3], Vows[4],  expresso[5], nodeunit[6] and
 jsunit[7]  to $subject.

 All suggestions are welcome.








 *Madhuka* Udantha
 Senior Software Engineer
 Development Technologies
 WSO2 Inc. :

 *Mobile*: +94774066336

 *Madhuka* Udantha
 Senior Software Engineer
 Development Technologies
 WSO2 Inc. :

 *Mobile*: +94774066336

 Dev mailing list

 *Udara Rathnayake*
 Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc. :

 Mobile : +94 772207239
 Twitter :

 *Madhuka* Udantha
 Senior Software Engineer
 Development Technologies
 WSO2 Inc. :

 *Mobile*: +94774066336

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.;
lean . enterprise . middlewear.
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] [Test Automation] Feature installation via automation feamework

2013-09-09 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
I think our feature management story isn't smooth yet. We need to sort out
some of the problems before proceeding.

1. Which repository we should use for test automation - Lets take RC
release, p2-repo is not released and not available online. So we have to
depend on local repo. To do that p2 repo should be available at the time of
product build. But repo is not included to build and depends on certain
product features like product samples and styles. Thus, repo will not be
available at the product build time. To solve this problem we we need to
build the repo before integration tests by excluding all product level

2. All features are not available in each release. So this trend to test
failures in future.
E.g - You cannot install XACML features on API Manager 1.4.0. IS was not
released with Carbon 4.1.0, so the relevant feature not available.

A possible solution would be to filter available features and skip tests
based on feature availability.

However you can start writing tests using  online p2-repo (4.2.0) until we
sort out above mentioned problematic areas.


On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Supun Malinga wrote:


 great! thanks,

 On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Dharshana Warusavitharana wrote:

 Hi Supun,

 Yes this feature is supported. But still you need to figure out how you
 will handle the repo location  inside your test.

 you mean giving the relevant p2-repo url right?. In that case we can
 manage that at automation-framework level, since the repo is unique to each
 platform version.


 The automation API provides a client for installing features is 
 available on [1].
 And sample test case to use it is available on [2].


 Thank You,

 On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Supun Malinga wrote:

 Hi All,

 Do we have support for this from the automation framework?.

 Since j2ee features are not shipped with AS by default, we would need to
 install j2ee features at integration tests to run j2ee tests. Can we get a
 sample test case if this is already available or we need add this as an
 improvement to the automation-framework.

 Supun Malinga,

 Senior Software Engineer,
 WSO2 Inc.
 email -
 mobile - 071 56 91 321


 Dharshana Warusavitharana
 Senior Software Engineer , Test Automation
 WSO2 Inc.
 email :
 Tel  : +94 11 214 5345 94112145345
 Fax :+94 11 2145300
  cell : +94772202595
 blog :

 lean . enterprise . middleware

 Supun Malinga,

 Senior Software Engineer,
 WSO2 Inc.
 email -
 mobile - 071 56 91 321

Architecture mailing list