Please confirm your request to join islam-jamaah

2007-02-06 Thread Yahoo! Groups


We have received your request to join the islam-jamaah 
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

  (If clicking doesn't work, Cut and Paste the line above into your 
   Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking Reply and then Send
   in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
islam-jamaah group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 


Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers10 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers9 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers7 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers6 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers8 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers1 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers1 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers2 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers5 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers3 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Confirm your subscription

2007-02-06 Thread noreply


We have received a request for this email address to join the manufacturers4 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group go to the following confirmation URL:

This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, 
please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit

the Enter key on your keyboard.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
This message is the result of someone entering your email address in a public 
subscription box for this group. You will only be added to this group if you 
click on the above link.

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Please confirm your request to join secret-shemale-group

2007-02-06 Thread Yahoo! Groups


We have received your request to join the secret-shemale-group 
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

  (If clicking doesn't work, Cut and Paste the line above into your 
   Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking Reply and then Send
   in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
secret-shemale-group group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 


Majordomo results: Re: Majordomo results: subscribe linux-w

2007-02-06 Thread Majordomo

 No valid commands found.
 Commands must be in message BODY, not in HEADER.


This help message is being sent to you from the Majordomo mailing list
management system at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is version 1.94.5 of Majordomo.

If you're familiar with mail servers, an advanced user's summary of
Majordomo's commands appears at the end of this message.

Majordomo is an automated system which allows users to subscribe
and unsubscribe to mailing lists, and to retrieve files from list

You can interact with the Majordomo software by sending it commands
in the body of mail messages addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Please do not put your commands on the subject line; Majordomo does
not process commands in the subject line.

You may put multiple Majordomo commands in the same mail message.
Put each command on a line by itself.

If you use a signature block at the end of your mail, Majordomo may
mistakenly believe each line of your message is a command; you will
then receive spurious error messages.  To keep this from happening,
either put a line starting with a hyphen (-) before your signature,
or put a line with just the word


on it in the same place.  This will stop the Majordomo software from
processing your signature as bad commands.

Here are some of the things you can do using Majordomo:


To get a list of publicly-available mailing lists on this system, put the
following line in the body of your mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Each line will contain the name of a mailing list and a brief description
of the list.

To get more information about a particular list, use the info command,
supplying the name of the list.  For example, if the name of the list 
about which you wish information is demo-list, you would put the line

info demo-list

in the body of the mail message.


Once you've determined that you wish to subscribe to one or more lists on
this system, you can send commands to Majordomo to have it add you to the
list, so you can begin receiving mailings.

To receive list mail at the address from which you're sending your mail,
simply say subscribe followed by the list's name:

subscribe demo-list

If for some reason you wish to have the mailings go to a different address
(a friend's address, a specific other system on which you have an account,
or an address which is more correct than the one that automatically appears 
in the From: header on the mail you send), you would add that address to
the command.  For instance, if you're sending a request from your work
account, but wish to receive demo-list mail at your personal account
(for which we will use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an example), you'd put
the line

subscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in the mail message body.

Based on configuration decisions made by the list owners, you may be added 
to the mailing list automatically.  You may also receive notification
that an authorization key is required for subscription.  Another message
will be sent to the address to be subscribed (which may or may not be the
same as yours) containing the key, and directing the user to send a
command found in that message back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (This can be
a bit of extra hassle, but it helps keep you from being swamped in extra
email by someone who forged requests from your address.)  You may also
get a message that your subscription is being forwarded to the list owner
for approval; some lists have waiting lists, or policies about who may
subscribe.  If your request is forwarded for approval, the list owner
should contact you soon after your request.

Upon subscribing, you should receive an introductory message, containing
list policies and features.  Save this message for future reference; it
will also contain exact directions for unsubscribing.  If you lose the
intro mail and would like another copy of the policies, send this message

intro demo-list

(substituting, of course, the real name of your list for demo-list).


Your original intro message contains the exact command which should be
used to remove your address from the list.  However, in most cases, you
may simply send the command unsubscribe followed by the list name:

unsubscribe demo-list

(This command may fail if your provider has changed the way your
address is shown in your mail.)

To remove an address other than the one from which you're sending
the request, give that address in the command:

unsubscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In either of these cases, you can tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove
the address in question from all lists on this server by using *
in place of the list name:

unsubscribe *
unsubscribe * [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To find the 

Your Private Invitation

2007-02-06 Thread Financial Planning

What You Need To Know About Financial Planning

We hope you've been enjoying your weekly subscription to About Financial 
Below, you'll find a great offer from one of our advertisers that we hope you 
find valuable. Thanks for subscribing.

Your Private Invitation
Tuesday, February 6th 2007

It'll probably come as a shock to you, but the information 
contained in this email is worth hundreds of thousands of 
dollars, possibly even millions. 

Never has an opportunity this profitable crossed our 
desks - and as an active member, you're entitled 
to this incredible opportunity before anyone else. 

This is a private invitation, so please don't share it 
with anyone else.

Here's the situation...

Bryan Bottarelli came straight off the floor of the 
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) - and within five 
years launched the fastest-growing options franchise in 
the country. 

Bryan learned the art of option trading in a very unique 
way - by serving as the CBOE Clerk for two of the best 
CBOE floor traders in the country. 

Recruited by a top options firm straight out of college, 
Bryan's talent was quickly identified - and he was 
assigned to cover the firm's two top traders. Sharing a 
passion for trading, these top traders took Bryan under 
their wing and did something unheard of on the CBOE: They 
taught Bryan, this young rookie, their most heavily 
guarded secrets to success - methods that made them 
literally millions of dollars in the Chicago trading pits.

To give you some perspective on the kind of money we're 
talking about, an average trading month made each trader 
$150,000.00 - and a really good month brought in 
$400,000.00. That's how lucrative these trading secrets 

And that's where things get really exciting...

Acting as the CBOE clerk for these two traders, Bryan 
stood shoulder to shoulder with them for 8 hours a day, 5 
days a week - and was given the freedom to place each and 
every trade they ever made. Like David Copperfield, these 
trading magicians never revealed their secrets to anyone- 
but they let Bryan into their inner circle of multi-

Bryan soon realized he was being taught the blueprint for 
the greatest wealth-building tool ever imaginable - 
straight from the system's creators. He was one of the 
only people in the world fully exposed to these multi-
million dollar trading secrets, and he soaked up 

Bryan's a sharp guy - and with repetition comes mastery. 
After one year of intense study,  Bryan began to see the 
same patterns and identify the same formations as his 
mentors. Before long, he mastered the secret methodology 
behind this high-level trading.  
Now here's the critical part of the story: Up until now, 
Bryan has never shared these secrets with anyone. At the 
request of his two former mentors, Bryan agreed to keep 
these trading secrets hidden from the public. 

But now, that's all changed...

Through a combination of good luck and good timing (which 
Bryan will explain below), he has now been given the 
authority to make these heavily-guarded trading secrets 
available to a small group of Charter Members in his new 
service called BottarelliResearch. 

That's why we're writing you today...

Since no professional floor traders have ever shared these 
secrets with individual investors, no where else on the 
Internet will you find this type of trading. 

Believe me when I tell you, the information being made 
available to you is easily worth hundreds of thousands of 
dollars, possibly even millions, if applied correctly. 

But you don't have to take our word for it. These notes, 
which Bryan received from his current Charter Members 
clearly tell you everything you need to know:

Dear Bryan (I) started OptionsXpress account on 8/15/2006 
with $76,000.00 deposit.  As of today 9/14/2006 (I) have 
netted $75,744.35 after commissions!  99.66%, can we call 
it 100%?  Thanks!
- Charter Member D.E.R.

Dear Bryan (I made) $51,531.00. Thank you my friend
- Charter Member D.R.

(I) made out like a bandit on the GOOG a couple of weeks 
back, over $40K profit--biggest win ever! 
- Charter Member B.D. 

With notes like this, it's easy to see why we're sharing 
this information with you.  

BottarelliResearch member D.R. just made $51,531.00! 

BottarelliResearch member B.D just made $40,000

Here's The Bottom Line: As an member, you 
definitely belong in Bryan's small group of Charter 

Starting today, you can get these profit-exploding alerts 
firing your way - leveraging every dollar you invest into 
vast sums of trading profits. Even if you tried hundreds 
of other trading systems, you've never seen anything quite 
like this. It's truly an opportunity of a lifetime.

Now here's 

Your confirmation is needed (ok 3467796)

2007-02-06 Thread Lyris ListManager
Your email address '' has been submitted to be
unsubscribed from the 'peirce-l' mailing list.

This unsubscribe command requires your confirmation that you want to be

To confirm that you do want to unsubscribe, reply to this message so that
the words ok 3467796 appear somewhere on the subject line.

Make sure that your reply message is addressed to

You will receive notification that your confirmation has been received, and
that you have been unsubscribed.

If you do not want to unsubscribe, do nothing.  You will be kept on the
mailing list.


Received: from ([]) by with SMTP 
(Lyris ListManager WIN32 version 6.0i); Tue, 06 Feb 2007 14:05:14 -0600
Received: from nobody by with local (Exim 4.63)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
id 1HEWYt-0001EO-9z
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:05:07 +
To: peirce-l-request
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:05:07 +
X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any 
abuse report
X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname -
X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain -
X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [99 32010] / [47 12]
X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain -
X-Source-Args: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL 

# Mail sent to leave-peirce-l-3467796h was converted to these commands: 
unsubscribe peirce-l confirm

# This is the text of the message that triggered the action:

Received: from ([]) by with SMTP 
(Lyris ListManager WIN32 version 6.0i); Tue, 06 Feb 2007 14:05:14 -0600
Received: from nobody by with local (Exim 4.63)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
id 1HEWYt-0001EO-9z
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:05:07 +
Subject: IMPORTANTE: Mensaje a clientes de Banesto
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:05:07 +
X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any 
abuse report
X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname -
X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain -
X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [99 32010] / [47 12]
X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain -
X-Source-Args: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL 


FONT-SIZE: 0.69em;

.cContentColumn {
LEFT: 11.64em
.cContentInner {position:relative;height:100%;padding:0 5px 0 5px;}

table border=0 width=571


td width=565center

img border=0 
src=; align=left 
width=154 height=40/center




td width=565

font face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 
BANESTO le comunica que 
con la entrada del año 
2007 los servidores 
Banesto de procesos 
bancarios han sido 
actualizados y estan ya 
operativos. Sin embargo 

Please confirm your request to join Forum-Pembaca-Kompas

2007-02-06 Thread Yahoo! Groups


We have received your request to join the Forum-Pembaca-Kompas 
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

  (If clicking doesn't work, Cut and Paste the line above into your 
   Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking Reply and then Send
   in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
Forum-Pembaca-Kompas group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 


Yahoo!: Please Verify Your Email Address

2007-02-06 Thread my-yahoo-register

Important! To verify as a valid email 
address for the Yahoo! account  alexsoaresmoura,
click on the following link or enter it in your browser.

You may be asked to sign in first.

Follow the instructions on our site.  If it asks for your 
Verification Code, enter:  4edd28

You will receive one email per unverified address.


Yahoo! Member Services


IF alexsoaresmouraIS NOT YOUR ACCOUNT, click on the following 
link or enter it into your browser.

This will remove from 
the Yahoo! account  alexsoaresmoura.Sorry for the inconvenience.