Subscription probe for IBM-MAIN - please ignore

2008-06-05 Thread The University of Alabama LISTSERV Server (15.0)
Thu, 5 Jun 2008 06:00:04

This message is a probe for your subscription to the IBM-MAIN list. You
do not need to  take any action to remain subscribed to  the list, and in
particular you should  not reply to this message. Simply  discard it now,
or  read on  if  you would  like  to  know more  about  how this  probing
mechanism works.

A  probe  is a  message  like  the one  you  are  reading, sent  to  an
individual subscriber  and tagged  with a  special signature  to uniquely
identify  this  particular subscriber  (you  may  not see  the  signature
because it is in the mail headers). If the subscriber's e-mail address is
no longer  valid, then the message  will be returned to  LISTSERV and the
faulty address will be removed from the list. If the subscriber's address
is still valid, then the message will not bounce and the user will not be

The main advantage  of this technique is that it  can be fully automated;
the list owner does not need to read a single delivery error. For a large
or active  list, the manpower  savings can  be tremendous. In  fact, some
lists are  so large that it  is virtually impossible to  process delivery
errors manually. Another advantage is that the special, unique signatures
make it possible to accurately process delivery errors that are otherwise
unintelligible, even to an experienced technical person.

The  drawback,  however,  is  that  this  method  lacks  flexibility  and
forgiveness. Since the Internet does not provide a reliable mechanism for
probing an  e-mail address without  actually delivering a message  to the
human  recipient, the  subscribers  need to  be  inconvenienced with  yet
another junk message. And, unlike  a human list owner, LISTSERV follows
a number of  simple rules in determining when and  whether to terminate a
subscription. In  particular, a common  problem with automatic  probes is
mail gateways  that return a delivery  error, but do deliver  the message
anyway.  LISTSERV  has no  way  to  know that  the  message  was in  fact
delivered, and in most cases the subscriber is not aware of the existence
of these  false error reports.  If this  happens to you,  LISTSERV will
send you  another message with a  copy of the delivery  error returned by
your mail system, so that you can show it to your technical people.

Sun confirms plan to use solid-state drives in its servers

2008-06-05 Thread Computerworld Storage
 Computerworld Storage
June 05, 2008

The New Foundation of Storage: Xiotech’s Intelligent Storage Element

Computerworld and Xiotech invite you to access a new resource on storage.

The underlying elements of data storage remain more or less the same and have 
been unable to keep pace with changing business requirements. Xiotech offers a 
fresh approach with its Intelligent Storage Element: A storage foundation that 
sets new standards for reliability, performance, and scalability.

In this issue:

1) Sun confirms plan to ship solid-state drives in 2008
2) Opinion: Solid-state disk revolution looms
3) Update: Lost backup tapes prompt IT changes at NY bank
4) Nexsan paints SAS green
5) Intel bets on emerging market with new Atom chip
6) SSDs give overclocked Nehalem extra oomph
7) SanDisk launches solid-state drives for ultra-low-cost PCs


The SAS Zone - marking a new era in storage scalability.

White Paper: Creating Tiered Storage Architecture.

Computerworld presents a 100% online virtual conference on storage. Learn more 
and register now at:

Webcast - Learn about Oracle's unique ability to deliver the benefits of grid 
computing with more self-management and automation.

Sun confirms plan to ship solid-state drives in 2008

Sun officials today said that the company plans to ship solid-state storage 
technology this year, but disclosed few details of its plan.

Opinion: Solid-state disk revolution looms

With a claimed performance advantage of up to 30:1 for enterprise-class SSDs, 
it's easy to envision in the near future a tiered storage architecture 
consisting of SSDs at the high end and various combinations of Fibre Channel, 
SAS or SATA storage at the middle and low tiers.

Update: Lost backup tapes prompt IT changes at NY bank

Bank of New York Mellon late last week implemented new policies to protect data 
stored on backup tapes that are transported off-site after drives were lost 
twice by couriers this year.


Computerworld Report:  Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of storage 
virtualization in this Computerworld report, a $49.95 value, available free for 
a limited time, compliments of HP.

Nexsan paints SAS green

Nexsan claims to be the first supplier with an energy-efficient SAS storage 
system by using its MAID technology, which throttles back the power usage of 
hard drives that are not currently being accessed, and applying it to an SAS 

Intel bets on emerging market with new Atom chip

Intel introduced two new low-end Atom chips and a lightweight solid-state drive 
at the Computex show in Taiwan today.

SSDs give overclocked Nehalem extra oomph

Intel showed off an overclocked Nehalem system equipped with two solid-state 
disk drives.

SanDisk launches solid-state drives for ultra-low-cost PCs

SanDisk has introduced a line of flash memory-based solid-state drives that are 
designed for portable consumer electronics, called Ultra Low-Cost PCs (ULCPC) 
or netbooks.


White Paper - Learn about the cost of over-provisioning servers and storage in 
an IT infrastructure, and how this unnecessary cost can be reduced and even 
eliminated through combining server virtualization technology 

Your confirmation is needed (ok 3000288)

2008-06-05 Thread Lyris ListManager
Your email address '' has been submitted to be
unsubscribed from the 'ldap' mailing list.

This unsubscribe command requires your confirmation that you want to be

To confirm that you do want to unsubscribe, reply to this message so that
the words ok 3000288 appear somewhere on the subject line.

Make sure that your reply message is addressed to

You will receive notification that your confirmation has been received, and
that you have been unsubscribed.

If you do not want to unsubscribe, do nothing.  You will be kept on the
mailing list.


Received: from ([]) by with SMTP (Lyris ListManager LINUX version 7.0f); 
Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:42:58 -0400
to: ldap-request

# Mail sent to leave-ldap-3000288l was converted to these commands: 
unsubscribe ldap confirm

# This is the text of the message that triggered the action:

Received: from ([]) by with SMTP (Lyris ListManager LINUX version 7.0f); 
Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:42:58 -0400


2008-06-05 Thread Fernanda Mazza

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2008-06-05 Thread Yahoo! Groups


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Please confirm your request to join secret-shemale-group

2008-06-05 Thread Yahoo! Groups


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