[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 48492

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 70120

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 38220

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 78741

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 96105

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 84588

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 95535

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 57061

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 20803

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 24389

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 47662

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 24276

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 73654

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 69982

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 83737

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 50518

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 77655

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 25802

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 83181

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 84008

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 12026

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- confirmation of unsubscription -- request 85226

2008-06-11 Thread MDaemon at smtp.weatherserver.net
We received a request to unsubscribe archive@mail-archive.com from the mailing 

To confirm this request simply reply to this message without altering the 
subject line (the reply's additional "Re:" is ok).

If you do not wish to unsubscribe from this list please simply disregard this 

auth fdcd6d36 subscribe shibboleth-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-11 Thread SYMPA
Someone (hopefully you) asked for your e-mail address
to be added to list 'shibboleth-users'.
If you want this action to be taken, please

- reply to this mail
- send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
 auth fdcd6d36 subscribe shibboleth-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- hit the following mailto mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@m.gmane.org

If you do not want this action to be taken, you can safely ignore
this message.

auth 9109ab9a subscribe shibboleth-announce [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-11 Thread SYMPA
Someone (hopefully you) asked for your e-mail address
to be added to list 'shibboleth-announce'.
If you want this action to be taken, please

- reply to this mail
- send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
 auth 9109ab9a subscribe shibboleth-announce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- hit the following mailto mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@m.gmane.org

If you do not want this action to be taken, you can safely ignore
this message.

auth c6b7051c subscribe shibboleth-dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-11 Thread SYMPA
Someone (hopefully you) asked for your e-mail address
to be added to list 'shibboleth-dev'.
If you want this action to be taken, please

- reply to this mail
- send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
 auth c6b7051c subscribe shibboleth-dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- hit the following mailto mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@m.gmane.org

If you do not want this action to be taken, you can safely ignore
this message.

La teva subscripció ha estat cancel·lada a la llista de correu Internauta

2008-06-11 Thread internauta-bounces
d'acord amb les teves instruccions t'hem donat de baixa de la llista
de l'internauta

confirm 8e04c35775e00f1e1bc2f2bbcb65930b7b4d0474

2008-06-11 Thread internauta-request
Notificació de baixa de la llista de correu per a la llista
InternautaHem rebut una petició  per retirar la vostra adreça de
correu electrònic,"archive@mail-archive.com" de la llista de correu

Per confirmar que voleu ser retirat de la llista de correu,
senzillament respongueu aquest missatge mantenint el mateix títol.
Tambépodeu visitar aquesta pàgina web:
bé podeu enviar un missatge a  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
només amb aquest contingut:confirm
8e04c35775e00f1e1bc2f2bbcb65930b7b4d0474El simple fet d'enviar una
resposta hauria de funcionar amb la majoria de programes de correu, ja
que normalment mantenen el títol (afegint-li "Re:", però ja està bé
així).Si no voleu ser retirat de la llista de correu, senzillament
ignoreuaquest missatge. Si creieu que esteuj sent retirat de forma
incorrectao teniu qualsevol altra pregunta, envieu-la a

confirm be0fcdd447002657cb62ee14dab29eaa85f916dd

2008-06-11 Thread berlin-request
Abonnenmentsbestätigung für die Mailing-Liste Berlin

Wir haben einen Auftrag  von archive@mail-archive.com zur Aufnahme
Ihrer e-Mail-Adresse "archive@mail-archive.com" in die Mailing-Liste

Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren
wollen, antworten Sie bitte einfach auf diese e-Mail und achten Sie
bitte darauf, dass der Betreff intakt bleibt.

Alternativ können Sie auch die folgende Webseite besuchen:


Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, die folgende Zeile -- und NUR die
folgende Zeile! -- in einer Email an
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zu schicken:

confirm be0fcdd447002657cb62ee14dab29eaa85f916dd

Normalerweise reicht eine einfache Antwort auf diese e-Mail voellig
aus, da das Generieren einer Antwort das "Subject:" bzw. "Betreff:"
intakt laesst (das zusaetzliche "Re:" im "Subject:" bzw. "Betreff:"
ist kein Problem).

Wenn Sie diese Liste nicht abonnieren wollen, ignorieren Sie diese
Nachricht einfach. Wenn Sie meinen, ungefragterweise auf diese Liste
geraten zu sein oder andere Fragen haben, schicken Sie diese bitte an

confirm fad4ba60773d1c7d7dbfed7111a0859f5f9d0d5f

2008-06-11 Thread berlin-request
Abonnenmentsbestätigung für die Mailing-Liste Berlin

Wir haben einen Auftrag  von archive@mail-archive.com zur Aufnahme
Ihrer e-Mail-Adresse "archive@mail-archive.com" in die Mailing-Liste

Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren
wollen, antworten Sie bitte einfach auf diese e-Mail und achten Sie
bitte darauf, dass der Betreff intakt bleibt.

Alternativ können Sie auch die folgende Webseite besuchen:


Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, die folgende Zeile -- und NUR die
folgende Zeile! -- in einer Email an
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zu schicken:

confirm fad4ba60773d1c7d7dbfed7111a0859f5f9d0d5f

Normalerweise reicht eine einfache Antwort auf diese e-Mail voellig
aus, da das Generieren einer Antwort das "Subject:" bzw. "Betreff:"
intakt laesst (das zusaetzliche "Re:" im "Subject:" bzw. "Betreff:"
ist kein Problem).

Wenn Sie diese Liste nicht abonnieren wollen, ignorieren Sie diese
Nachricht einfach. Wenn Sie meinen, ungefragterweise auf diese Liste
geraten zu sein oder andere Fragen haben, schicken Sie diese bitte an

confirm fa3744aab4d8e41d50abf0c955055243d78e2459

2008-06-11 Thread brutus-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list brutus

We have received a request from archive@mail-archive.com for
subscription of your email address, "archive@mail-archive.com", to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be added
to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:


Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm fa3744aab4d8e41d50abf0c955055243d78e2459

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm bb15dc3e8481b5ab8a0e37945655afea78a9c120

2008-06-11 Thread brutus-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list brutus

We have received a request from archive@mail-archive.com for
subscription of your email address, "archive@mail-archive.com", to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be added
to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:


Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm bb15dc3e8481b5ab8a0e37945655afea78a9c120

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Your confirmation is required to join the debian-med-commit mailing list

2008-06-11 Thread debian-med-commit-confirm+7d2f4ff03ae6bdf96f48ec5d713a825977eb4fbf
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from archive@mail-archive.com for
subscription of your email address, "archive@mail-archive.com", to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm
that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this
message, keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:


Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 7d2f4ff03ae6bdf96f48ec5d713a825977eb4fbf

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Your confirmation is required to join the debian-med-commit mailing list

2008-06-11 Thread debian-med-commit-confirm+78c0d7bc48cae9c0baa742c5af6cdf26b909b288
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from archive@mail-archive.com for
subscription of your email address, "archive@mail-archive.com", to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm
that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this
message, keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:


Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 78c0d7bc48cae9c0baa742c5af6cdf26b909b288

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Google Groups: Please confirm subscription to Kuali Rice

2008-06-11 Thread noreply
 Hello archive@mail-archive.com,

We have received a request for this email address to join the Kuali Rice group,
 hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, we 
need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group, either reply to this email or go to the following 
confirmation URL:


If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at http://groups.google.com/support?hl=en.


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service. 
