Majordomo results: subscribe 135049

2008-06-21 Thread Majordomo

 subscribe 135049
 The address you supplied, 135049
 is not a complete address.  When providing an address, you must give
 the full name of the machine including the domain part (like, not just your user name or your name and the short
 name of the machine (just user or [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not legal).

 subscribe: invalid address '135049'

This help message is being sent to you from the Majordomo mailing list
management system at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is version 1.94.5 of Majordomo.

If you're familiar with mail servers, an advanced user's summary of
Majordomo's commands appears at the end of this message.

Majordomo is an automated system which allows users to subscribe
and unsubscribe to mailing lists, and to retrieve files from list

You can interact with the Majordomo software by sending it commands
in the body of mail messages addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Please do not put your commands on the subject line; Majordomo does
not process commands in the subject line.

You may put multiple Majordomo commands in the same mail message.
Put each command on a line by itself.

If you use a signature block at the end of your mail, Majordomo may
mistakenly believe each line of your message is a command; you will
then receive spurious error messages.  To keep this from happening,
either put a line starting with a hyphen (-) before your signature,
or put a line with just the word


on it in the same place.  This will stop the Majordomo software from
processing your signature as bad commands.

Here are some of the things you can do using Majordomo:


To get a list of publicly-available mailing lists on this system, put the
following line in the body of your mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Each line will contain the name of a mailing list and a brief description
of the list.

To get more information about a particular list, use the info command,
supplying the name of the list.  For example, if the name of the list 
about which you wish information is demo-list, you would put the line

info demo-list

in the body of the mail message.


Once you've determined that you wish to subscribe to one or more lists on
this system, you can send commands to Majordomo to have it add you to the
list, so you can begin receiving mailings.

To receive list mail at the address from which you're sending your mail,
simply say subscribe followed by the list's name:

subscribe demo-list

If for some reason you wish to have the mailings go to a different address
(a friend's address, a specific other system on which you have an account,
or an address which is more correct than the one that automatically appears 
in the From: header on the mail you send), you would add that address to
the command.  For instance, if you're sending a request from your work
account, but wish to receive demo-list mail at your personal account
(for which we will use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an example), you'd put
the line

subscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in the mail message body.

Based on configuration decisions made by the list owners, you may be added 
to the mailing list automatically.  You may also receive notification
that an authorization key is required for subscription.  Another message
will be sent to the address to be subscribed (which may or may not be the
same as yours) containing the key, and directing the user to send a
command found in that message back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (This can be
a bit of extra hassle, but it helps keep you from being swamped in extra
email by someone who forged requests from your address.)  You may also
get a message that your subscription is being forwarded to the list owner
for approval; some lists have waiting lists, or policies about who may
subscribe.  If your request is forwarded for approval, the list owner
should contact you soon after your request.

Upon subscribing, you should receive an introductory message, containing
list policies and features.  Save this message for future reference; it
will also contain exact directions for unsubscribing.  If you lose the
intro mail and would like another copy of the policies, send this message

intro demo-list

(substituting, of course, the real name of your list for demo-list).


Your original intro message contains the exact command which should be
used to remove your address from the list.  However, in most cases, you
may simply send the command unsubscribe followed by the list name:

unsubscribe demo-list

(This command may fail if your provider has changed the way your
address is shown in your mail.)

To remove an address other than the one from which you're sending
the request, give that address in the command:

unsubscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

confirm 83e7f9ef516f2bb0452fb9ab8f0083eeeed12c0b

2008-06-21 Thread viff-patches-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be
added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 83e7f9ef516f2bb0452fb9ab8f0083d12c0b

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm c04dea8c68a69386535f29bd8ccd405da063ef58

2008-06-21 Thread viff-patches-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be
added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm c04dea8c68a69386535f29bd8ccd405da063ef58

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm db4f2d33a4795c327b41414b1d606d68046358ea

2008-06-21 Thread viff-commits-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be
added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm db4f2d33a4795c327b41414b1d606d68046358ea

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm 0fbc73d77c8c37f81633c7e08bc86712c0ba0999

2008-06-21 Thread viff-commits-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want to be
added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the
Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 0fbc73d77c8c37f81633c7e08bc86712c0ba0999

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Google Groups: Please confirm subscription to Galaxium

2008-06-21 Thread noreply

We have received a request for this email address to join the Galaxium group, 
hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, we need
confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group, either reply to this email or go to the following 
confirmation URL:

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

Google Groups: Please confirm subscription to libmv-devel

2008-06-21 Thread noreply

We have received a request for this email address to join the libmv-devel 
group, hosted by Google Groups. In order for us to process this subscription, 
we need confirmation from you.

If you did not request to join this group, you may ignore this message.

To join this group, either reply to this email or go to the following 
confirmation URL:

If you have questions related to this or any other Google group, please visit 
the Help Center at


The Google Groups Team

-- Information About This Message 
If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future unrequested 
subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

confirm 5b8b51685376bcf3ca4e197e71a27dcf4d38f45b

2008-06-21 Thread revisor-devel-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want
to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message,
keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 5b8b51685376bcf3ca4e197e71a27dcf4d38f45b

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm 1fb5ca611b6a551d486e30e117c1d5ca59904048

2008-06-21 Thread revisor-devel-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you want
to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message,
keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 1fb5ca611b6a551d486e30e117c1d5ca59904048

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

You have been unsubscribed from the Pingwinek-haiku mailing list

2008-06-21 Thread pingwinek-haiku-bounces

Re: subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-21 Thread JISCMAIL LISTSERV Server (14.5)
 subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is no LISTSERV server at M.GMANE.ORG. The syntax of LISTSERV commands
does not usually require you to give the name of the site where the list is
located.  You  may want  to  try  again with  just  the  name of  the  list

Summary of resource utilization
 CPU time:0.000 secDevice I/O:6
 Overhead CPU:0.000 secPaging I/O:  231
 CPU model: 4-CPU 3.2GHz Xeon HT (2048M)
 Job origin:  archive@MAIL-ARCHIVE.COM

Confirmation for subscribe sflow

2008-06-21 Thread Majordomo

Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added
to or deleted from the mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED].

If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following
commands (exactly as shown) back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

auth 79f69056 subscribe sflow

If you do not want this action to be taken, simply ignore this message
and the request will be disregarded.

If your mailer will not allow you to send the entire command as a single
line, you may split it using backslashes, like so:

auth 79f69056 subscribe sflow \

If you have any questions about the policy of the list owner, please



Majordomo results: subscribe sflow

2008-06-21 Thread Majordomo

 subscribe sflow
 Your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
subscribe sflow
 must be authenticated.  To accomplish this, another request must be
 sent in with an authorization key, which has been sent to:
 If the message is not received, there is generally a problem with
 the address.  Before reporting this as a problem, please note the

 You only need to give an address to the subscribe command if you want
 to receive list mail at a different address from where you sent the
 command.  Otherwise you can simply omit it.

 If you do give an address to the subscribe command, it must be a legal
 address.  It should not consist solely of your name.  The address must
 point to a machine that is reachable from the list server.

 If you have any questions about the policy of the list owner, please

confirm e8454e643bd0a54d1e78407b4654664d44c260e7

2008-06-21 Thread smartbody-svn-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you
want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message,
keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm e8454e643bd0a54d1e78407b4654664d44c260e7

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm a2574db2ef4833086b8c36380fbf0fa2ae9af5be

2008-06-21 Thread smartbody-svn-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm that you
want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message,
keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm a2574db2ef4833086b8c36380fbf0fa2ae9af5be

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

You have been unsubscribed from the Pingwinek-users mailing list

2008-06-21 Thread pingwinek-users-bounces

Please confirm your request to join marioteguh-antara

2008-06-21 Thread Yahoo! Groups


We have received your request to join the marioteguh-antara 
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

  (If clicking doesn't work, Cut and Paste the line above into your 
   Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking Reply and then Send
   in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
marioteguh-antara group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 



2008-06-21 Thread Juan Carlos bamaca
hello my name es bamaca I need suscription

¡Disponible Ya! Utiliza el Outlook y Outlook Express para bajar tus correos por 
solo US$24.95 al año

Now available! Download your mail into your computer with Outlook and Outlook 
Express US$24.95/yr

[ Internet Marketing Media] confirm aeebaed476ffe6fe374dc7a6093c9e...

2008-06-21 Thread Yogi Triana
Your membership in the mailing list Ad-Archive has been disabled due
to excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
07-Jun-2008. You will not get any more messages from this list until
you re-enable your membership. You will receive 1 more reminders like
this before your membership in the list is deleted.
To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
(leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at

You can also visit your membership page at

On your membership page, you can change various delivery options such
as your email address and whether you get digests or not. As a
reminder, your membership password is
If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the list owner

Posted By Yogi Triana to Internet Marketing Media at
6/21/2008 11:00:00 AM

List server report: User [200806211453394936] has been added for the confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-21 Thread listserv
User [200806211453394936] has been added for the 
confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please, reply to this message so the user can be subscribed/unsubscribed 
to/from the mailing list.

List server report: User [200806211456145491] has been added for the confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-21 Thread listserv
User [200806211456145491] has been added for the 
confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please, reply to this message so the user can be subscribed/unsubscribed 
to/from the mailing list.

List server report: User [200806211502296808] has been added for the confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-21 Thread listserv
User [200806211502296808] has been added for the 
confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please, reply to this message so the user can be subscribed/unsubscribed 
to/from the mailing list.

List server report: User [200806211520079098] has been added for the confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-06-21 Thread listserv
User [200806211520079098] has been added for the 
confirmation to the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please, reply to this message so the user can be subscribed/unsubscribed 
to/from the mailing list.

confirm 1e2264009d1ab1dedeb58571f9cd9ac8f74bb869

2008-06-21 Thread smartbody-developer-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm
that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this
message, keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm 1e2264009d1ab1dedeb58571f9cd9ac8f74bb869

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

confirm be7f7ff7d2c0977df3b1df84a794ecb7fef6bc8e

2008-06-21 Thread smartbody-developer-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To confirm
that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this
message, keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

confirm be7f7ff7d2c0977df3b1df84a794ecb7fef6bc8e

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Majordomo results: Re: Confirmation for subscribe sflow

2008-06-21 Thread Majordomo

auth 79f69056 subscribe sflow

Majordomo results: Re: Confirmation for subscribe sflow

2008-06-21 Thread Majordomo

auth 79f69056 subscribe sflow
 Address already subscribed to sflow