confirm a58fc9e45312318fd20bce288a8244a30435f72f

2009-07-13 Thread libssh2-devel-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for
subscription of your email address,, to the mailing list.  To confirm that you want to
be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping
the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to

confirm a58fc9e45312318fd20bce288a8244a30435f72f

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Sunteti invitati pe (noua) lista TIC_Lobby

2009-07-13 Thread Dan Matei
Iertare de dubluri !

Deoarece Google ne-a închis lista a veche (dintr-o greșeală, desigur), s-a 
inventat o succesoare. Acum am primit o veche listă de abonați, așa c-o 

Moderator: (tot) Mircea Sârbu. Preocupări: aceleași.


... și acolo, dreapta, join.

Haideți, că avem chestiuni importante la ordinea zilei !

Dan Matei

Dan Matei, director
CIMEC - Institutul de Memorie Culturală [Institute for Cultural Memory]
Piața Presei Libere nr. 1, CP 33-90
013701 București [Bucharest], Romania
Tel. (+4)21 317 90 72, Fax (+4)21 317 90 64

Sunteți invitați pe (noua) listă TIC_Lobby

2009-07-13 Thread Dan Matei
Iertare de dubluri !

Deoarece Google ne-a închis lista a veche (dintr-o greșeală, desigur), s-a 
inventat o succesoare. Acum am primit o veche listă de abonați, așa c-o 

Moderator: (tot) Mircea Sârbu. Preocupări: aceleași.


... și acolo, dreapta, join.

Haideți, că avem chestiuni importante la ordinea zilei !

Dan Matei

Dan Matei, director
CIMEC - Institutul de Memorie Culturală [Institute for Cultural Memory]
Piața Presei Libere nr. 1, CP 33-90
013701 București [Bucharest], Romania
Tel. (+4)21 317 90 72, Fax (+4)21 317 90 64

Subscription probe for IBM-MAIN - please ignore

2009-07-13 Thread The University of Alabama LISTSERV Server (15.0)
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 06:00:11

This message is a probe for your subscription to the IBM-MAIN list. You
do not need to  take any action to remain subscribed to  the list, and in
particular you should  not reply to this message. Simply  discard it now,
or  read on  if  you would  like  to  know more  about  how this  probing
mechanism works.

A  probe  is a  message  like  the one  you  are  reading, sent  to  an
individual subscriber  and tagged  with a  special signature  to uniquely
identify  this  particular subscriber  (you  may  not see  the  signature
because it is in the mail headers). If the subscriber's e-mail address is
no longer  valid, then the message  will be returned to  LISTSERV and the
faulty address will be removed from the list. If the subscriber's address
is still valid, then the message will not bounce and the user will not be

The main advantage  of this technique is that it  can be fully automated;
the list owner does not need to read a single delivery error. For a large
or active  list, the manpower  savings can  be tremendous. In  fact, some
lists are  so large that it  is virtually impossible to  process delivery
errors manually. Another advantage is that the special, unique signatures
make it possible to accurately process delivery errors that are otherwise
unintelligible, even to an experienced technical person.

The  drawback,  however,  is  that  this  method  lacks  flexibility  and
forgiveness. Since the Internet does not provide a reliable mechanism for
probing an  e-mail address without  actually delivering a message  to the
human  recipient, the  subscribers  need to  be  inconvenienced with  yet
another junk message. And, unlike  a human list owner, LISTSERV follows
a number of  simple rules in determining when and  whether to terminate a
subscription. In  particular, a common  problem with automatic  probes is
mail gateways  that return a delivery  error, but do deliver  the message
anyway.  LISTSERV  has no  way  to  know that  the  message  was in  fact
delivered, and in most cases the subscriber is not aware of the existence
of these  false error reports.  If this  happens to you,  LISTSERV will
send you  another message with a  copy of the delivery  error returned by
your mail system, so that you can show it to your technical people.

salma halim invites you to join gibLink

2009-07-13 Thread Salma Halim
I would like to invite you to my network.

- salma halim 

Leena invites you to join gibLink

2009-07-13 Thread Leena
I would like to invite you to my network.

- Leena