Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Using ArchivesSpace for collection management: need trigger dates in the future

2019-12-18 Thread Natalie Adams
Dear Maureen,

Thanks so much for your response and the link the video- it is very helpful to 
see how you have used AS and also to have confirmation that there is no easy 
solution to our scenario 2.

All the best,


 On Behalf Of Maureen 
Sent: 17 December 2019 15:22
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Using ArchivesSpace for collection 
management: need trigger dates in the future

Dear Natalie,

It's great to see repositories using ArchivesSpace to kick off automated 

I was lucky enough to have worked on the team that had put together the 
specification for your scenario 1, and that was exactly the outcome we had in 
mind. (A video about that is here, although the version is very behind: )

For your scenario 2, I've been fantasizing about future ArchivesSpace 
functionality that would govern legal agreements -- a "legal agreement" record 
type that could track who signed onto the agreement, when, and what was agreed 
upon, and this information could be then linked to all of the materials that 
this agreement governs. This is to say that I don't think that this is the kind 
of thing that ASpace is currently designed to do and I tend to be nervous about 
bending enterprise systems to make them do hacks for us. But I would be very 
eager to talk more with you and others to come up with a specification for 
these kinds of collections management / collection development activities!

Best wishes,

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 4:47 AM Natalie Adams>> wrote:
Dear all,

We are relatively new to ArchivesSpace and are currently exploring using the 
collection management functions in AS with a view to producing local guidelines 
for archivists working in the Cambridge University Library and partner 
organisations. Our ideal is that AS becomes the one (and only) place for notes 
and documentation about collection management.

One of the issues we are seeking to accommodate is using AS to prompt us about 
dates for future action. Here are a couple of scenarios of the type of thing we 
would like to do:-

1)  Produce reports of future dates when archival material is due to be 
opened or reviewed

2)  Produce reports of future dates to prompt action by the repository eg 
get back in touch with a depositor to remind them to return deed of a gift

For scenario 1, we’ve been exploring adding dates to resource/resource 
component descriptions in the ‘conditions governing access’ note field and 
linking the resource/resource component to an Assessment record. Our tech team 
wrote us a report which could pull together any resource/resource with a date 
in the ‘conditions governing access’ field. This looks like it will work well.

For scenario 2, we’re a little stuck. We think it would be helpful to be able 
to include a future date to an assessment record, but I wondered whether any 
other AS users out there have come up with different solutions to this. I am 
sorry if I have missed anything obvious but would be very grateful for any help 
or advice. It would also be interesting to know whether other repositories 
would be interested in amending the assessment record in this way.

Best wishes,


Natalie Adams
Systems Archivist
Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge, CB3 9DR
Tel 01223 766377
Normal working days are Monday to Thursday.

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

Maureen Callahan
Sophia Smith Collection Archivist
Smith College Special Collections
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063
413 585 2981

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Smith College Special Collections is now housed at Young 
Learn more about renovations to Neilson Library 
here. Visit us in our 
reading room in Young Library 202. Classes are taught in Young Library 201.

More information about our current collecting goals is available in our 
collection development 
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Seeking feedback on tickets by Feb. 1

2019-12-18 Thread Rachel Donahue
Hi Lydia,

I think Atlassian is just feeling buggy this week. Viewing issues, search,
etc were all occasionally giving me something went wrong pages. When I
tried to login, it would either give me that page or bring me back to the
ArchivesSpace workspace without actually logging me in (or giving me an
error about wrong password or no account). I've used Jira before and never
experienced something like this!



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On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 4:56 PM Tang, Lydia  wrote:

> Hi Natalie, Rachel, and Lara,
> Thanks for your feedback!  I’ve copied your responses into Jira, so they
> can be reviewed there.  Sorry you’ve been having issues with Jira.  It
> sounds like perhaps we should create a tutorial or documentation to help
> people orient with the program.  To comment on a ticket, you’d need to
> create an account and log into the system.  I’m attaching a slide from a
> presentation Maggie and I did this summer.  It’s a really teeny tiny “door”
> in the bottom left corner of the screen.
> Thanks for your responses, all!
> Lydia
> *From: * on
> behalf of Natalie Adams 
> *Reply-To: *Archivesspace Users Group <
> *Date: *Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 9:17 AM
> *To: *Archivesspace Users Group <
> *Subject: *Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Seeking feedback on tickets by
> Feb. 1
> Dear Lydia,
> I don’t seem to be able to add a comment directly on the ticket, but I
> would like to comment on:
>- Downloading PDF from any view of the collection:
> We are implementing one instance of AS for the University Library and 29
> partner organisations in Cambridge. Some of the resources will be huge,
> multi-level descriptions (eg the University archives – see skeleton record
> here
> )
> and what would be really helpful to us would be the ability to download a
> pdf of sections of the resource (ie at levels below the resource). I
> understand that the PDF generator works using EAD and this is why it is
> only possible to generate a PDF of a complete finding aid but thought it
> would be worth adding a note about this.
> Best wishes,
> Natalie
> *Natalie Adams*
> Systems Archivist
> Cambridge University Library
> West Road
> Cambridge
> Cambridge, CB3 9DR
> Tel 01223 766377
> *Normal working days are Monday to Thursday.*
> *From:* <
>> *On Behalf Of *Tang,
> Lydia
> *Sent:* 16 December 2019 21:41
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Seeking feedback on tickets by
> Feb. 1
> Hello all!
> The Development Prioritization and Usability sub-teams have prepared a
> brief list of tickets that we are seeking community feedback on!
> Please feel free to comment on these tickets and/or discuss them on the
> list.  These tickets may be complex and/or have a high impact on the
> program, so we definitely would appreciate your thoughts on these!
>- Geolocation:
>- Moving sidebar tree to the left:
>- Downloading PDF from any view of the collection:
> Thank you for your feedback and consideration!  We’ll send a reminder
> after the new year, with the hope of finalizing feedback by the beginning
> of February.
> Lydia Tang and Maggie Hughes
> ~ on b

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Revised Proposal for Container Management Enhancements - Call for Community Input

2019-12-18 Thread Christine Di Bella
Hi Robin,

Thanks so much to you and your colleagues at Harvard for distributing this 
specification for community comment. We really appreciate your interest in 
making this development work as relevant to the overall community as possible 
and contributing the results for consideration for the core code. To that end, 
I wanted to make a few comments based on past experience or current development 
that you or others may find helpful.

On changing the columns that appear for browses or searches of Location records 
- we often have requests for columnar displays of browse or search results to 
be configurable, including in the Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group's 
recommendations. Our developers are currently working on more configuration 
options for Accession, Resource, and Digital Objects browse displays and the 
search results display in the staff interface, located in the preferences area 
of the application and summarized in this JIRA: A test server with this 
work is at (standard admin/admin login). We 
expect the final version of this work to be in the next release of 
ArchivesSpace. I'd encourage adding Locations to the type of record that can be 
configured in this area. With the established pattern I think this may be 
fairly easy to do.

I have a similar comment about the proposed changes to the linked records 
displays, though I've heard this mentioned much less frequently. Given that 
different fields may be of interest to different people, I think it's likely to 
be desirable in many situations. I don't think this would fit the other 
pattern, though. It may be one of those things where if it's relatively simple 
to do, it would be worth it in extending the relevance across many different 

Lastly, you are able to delete barcodes in bulk at this time. When using the 
Rapid Barcode Entry feature in Manage Top Containers, leaving a barcode field 
blank removes the barcode without replacing it with a new barcode. This was 
actually always the case, but we fixed a bug with the indexing in this area 
( recently that didn't make 
it clear this was happening. This will be in the next release of ArchivesSpace.

Those were the things that stood out to me. I look forward to talking more as 
your development work progresses. Thank you for getting the community involved 


Christine Di Bella
ArchivesSpace Program Manager
800.999.8558 x2905
cdibella13 (Skype)


 On Behalf Of Wendler, 
Robin King
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 1:19 PM
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Revised Proposal for Container Management 
Enhancements - Call for Community Input

Dear ArchivesSpace Community,

The Harvard Library has been reviewing container and location management 
functionality in ArchivesSpace and we are proposing to make enhancements to 
this functionality that we would like to contribute to the core code. With 
these enhancements, we hope to make finding, viewing, and updating information 
related to containers and locations in the staff interface more efficient and 

Some of you may remember a proposal we distributed this time last year. A 
variety of factors delayed the work, so we have significantly revised the 
proposal based on the valuable feedback provided by the ArchivesSpace community 
and informed by Harvard archivists' increasing experience with container 
management in ArchivesSpace. Some proposals have been removed, while others 
have been added or altered.

Additions include

  *   Return to Top Container search results from viewing an individual Top 
Container record
  *   Bulk or batch function to create new Top Containers, associate existing 
Locations with them, and link them to multiple existing archival objects.
  *   Bulk operation to delete barcodes from Top Containers
  *   File-upload function to add Locations to Top Containers
  *   Ability to merge Location records

The most significant changes to previous proposals include the following:

  *   The proposed additional indicator fields and ILS Bibliographic Record ID 
field in Top Containers have been removed.
  *   The proposed Note field and Inactive checkbox for Locations, along with 
all functionality associated with inactive status, have been removed.
  *   Automatic scoping of Container Profiles, Locations, and Location Profiles 
by repository appears to be too complex, given the community request to make 
repositories repeatable and the desire for it to be an installation 
configuration option. In lieu of that, the revised proposal adds a repeatable, 
optional repository field to container profiles and adds

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Revised Proposal for Container Management Enhancements - Call for Community Input

2019-12-18 Thread Wendler, Robin King
Hi, Rachel,
 Thank you very much for your feedback. I’ve added your comments to the 
tickets for these issues and we’ll be sure to account for them.

One person expressed concern adding a Notes field to Top Container records when 
the proposal went out last year. The Notes field is a candidate for adding as a 
plug-in, so we’ll take a look at that.

I’m curious whether there were others of these proposals that would 
particularly help you, or if there are minor changes to any that would make 
them more valuable.  I’d welcome any further thoughts.

Thanks again,

 On Behalf Of Rachel 
Aileen Searcy
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 12:21 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Revised Proposal for Container 
Management Enhancements - Call for Community Input

Hi Robin,

We wanted to provide some comments to this proposal for enhancements to 
ArchivesSpace’s container management functionality. We’d like to thank Harvard 
for their efforts to put this together to make ArchivesSpace a more useful 
system for the broader community. We are also a large, multi-repository 
institution with a single ArchivesSpace instance, and have encountered many of 
the challenges outlined in this document, although we do operate slightly 
differently (for example, our locations are shared across our repositories to 
make the best use of the space we have).

We too have found it difficult to browse, filter, and sort through our large 
number of location records, especially when linking top containers to 
locations, and support the improvements specified in this document to more 
efficiently perform these tasks. We would appreciate the ability to return to 
an existing top container search, but would not want to sacrifice overall 
system performance for this feature. While the ability to merge locations would 
be useful in cleaning up obsolete or duplicate locations, we wonder if the 
logic required to create this functionality might be more complicated than 
other merging in the system, as there are currently measures in place to ensure 
that locations cannot be deleted while holdings are linked to them. We think 
this logic should remain in place to prevent deleting important data.

We might not use many of the proposed enhancements (e.g., barcodes for 
container children, repositories for container profiles) but as long as they 
are optional and unobtrusive to users who do not employ them, we do not have 
strong feelings. We do have concerns about the proposal to add a Note field to 
the Top Container record, especially without a compelling use case to justify 
its inclusion, as there is such a high likelihood of this field being misused 
to record information about the contents of a box (as opposed to the container 
itself) more appropriate for specific EAD fields. It reminds us of boxes that 
have labels with crucial information about the materials inside that is not 
documented anywhere else, and we wouldn’t want to encourage that type of 
practice. If there are compelling use cases for this field, we’d prefer values 
to be controlled so that they can be structured, queried, and used somewhat 

Again, thank you for developing this proposal and continuing the conversation. 
We’re eager to see how this work continues.

Best wishes,


On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 1:19 PM Wendler, Robin King>> wrote:

Dear ArchivesSpace Community,

The Harvard Library has been reviewing container and location management 
functionality in ArchivesSpace and we are proposing to make enhancements to 
this functionality that we would like to contribute to the core code. With 
these enhancements, we hope to make finding, viewing, and updating information 
related to containers and locations in the staff interface more efficient and 

Some of you may remember a proposal we distributed this time last year. A 
variety of factors delayed the work, so we have significantly revised the 
proposal based on the valuable feedback provided by the ArchivesSpace community 
and informed by Harvard archivists’ increasing experience with container 
management in ArchivesSpace. Some proposals have been removed, while others 
have been added or altered.

Additions include

  *   Return to Top Container search results from viewing an individual Top 
Container record
  *   Bulk or batch function to create new Top Containers, associate existing 
Locations with them, and link them to multiple existing archival objects.
  *   Bulk operation to delete barcodes from Top Containers
  *   File-upload function to add Locations to Top Containers
  *   Ability to merge Location records

The most significant changes to previous proposals include the following:

  *   The proposed additional indicator fields and ILS Bibliographic Record ID 
field in Top Containers have been removed.
  *   The proposed Not

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Working with Ruby

2019-12-18 Thread James Bullen

Hi Alan,

If you run in development mode you don’t need to restart for most changes - 
they will hot reload.

To do this, download the source and then from the archivesspace directory run 
the components separately like this:
build/run backend:devserver
build/run indexer
build/run frontend:devserver
build/run public:devserver

You’ll need to put your config.rb in common/config/, and the mysql connector in 
common/lib/, and your plugins in plugins/.

Hope that helps.


> On Dec 17, 2019, at 4:53 PM, Alan Manifold  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to Ruby, and have been adding some functionality to our PUI through 
> a local plugin. I’m finding the testing a bit slow.
> Whenever I make a change to the code or configuration files, I have to 
> restart the application before I see them in effect. This generally takes 4-5 
> minutes on our server. That’s not terrible, but I wondered if there’s a way 
> to speed up the process. Is there any way to avoid restarting the application 
> each time I make a change, such as just recompiling a single file or 
> something like that? It would save me a lot of time in my testing.
> Thanks for any tips you can share.
> Regards,
> Alan
> Alan Manifold | Library Systems & Digital Preservation Manager | Collection 
> Development & Description 
> State Library Victoria | 328 Swanston Street | Melbourne VIC 3000 
> T +61 3 8664 7122 | 
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